The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 3105: Ye Kong wakes up

Three one zero five leaves wake up

"here is……"

When Ye Kong opened his eyes, he rushed into his eyes with a large white wall, and the combination of white and light blue with the light blue cloth curtain around him was easy to make people think of the hospital.

But deep in Ye Kong's consciousness, there was another strange feeling, as if the hospital and his life were very far away.

"Really a hospital" Ye Kong then discovered that an infusion bottle was hanging on his bed, and an inexplicable drop of liquid was entering his body.

"How can this be?" Ye Kong had another split thought in his brain. A voice told him that intravenous fluids were normal behavior; but another subconscious was saying that your skin should not be punctured, which is abnormal.

When Ye Kong's mind was in a mess, a stab, a light blue curtain opened, and a pair of full **** appeared in front of Ye Kong's eyes.

The medical officer Xiao Ran came in. She was talking to people, so Ye Kong saw her face without seeing her face for a first glance, and she saw the fullness of the pair of white medical officer uniforms, which made her sleep for ten years. Ye Ye has a perfect first look

And at the second glance, I saw two fine twist braids hanging on the sides of the chest, a girl with brown hair

The third look did not disappoint Ye Kong

This is a beautiful girl with brown hair, white skin, and big eyes and lips, especially those eyes. The black pupils are like ink dots, and the eyes are white with a touch of sky blue.

Very beautiful

"You ..." Xiao Ran walked in and looked at Ye Kong's eyes open, her beauty eyes widened, and her pink mouth opened up to the boss next second, she shouted, "Quickly, change the infusion plan, Xiaoxue Xiaoyun, he woke up and performed sixteen basic tests ... "

Immediately behind, two little nurses, one tall and one short

"Really awake" The two little nurses rushed to get the infusion items,

"No need, no need, I'm fine" Ye Kong wanted to refuse, but Xiao Ran stepped forward, pressing his shoulder lightly

He said, "Patient, you need me or not, I'm your medical officer, An Xiaoran."

If it had been before, Ye Kong would have scolded him with a grin, saying, "You and the fairy are stubborn. What right do you have to decide?"

However, the current Ye Kong has obviously changed the tone, and even smiled stupidly, fell back to sleep, and still poke a few holes in his arm.

Seeing Ye Kong like this, Xiao Ran nodded and asked, "What's your name, patient?"

"Ye Kong's air is empty" Ye Kong's thick smile

"Ye Kong," Xiao Ran nodded, picked up the patient file on the bedside, filled in the name file, and then lowered his head and asked, "Age"

"Age ..." Ye Kong froze for a while, then Fang smirked, "can't remember"

An Xiaoran almost vomited blood. This man doesn't look stupid, but how can he not remember his age? She asked again, "What about your bound light brain? With that, everything is easy to handle, and your medical history records are all there."

"Light brain?" Ye Kong froze for a moment before remembering what it was, chuckling, "I don't have light brain"

"Why not?"


"where are you from?"


"Why are you sealed in the snow mountain?"


In the face of unanswerable questions, Ye Kong responded with a smirk and looked at that smirking face. An Xiaoran shook his head helplessly and asked, "Are you forgetting?"

Ye Kong still sneers

"That's good" An Xiaoran nodded helplessly. "In a few days, I will be on the Christmas Eve, there are advanced and perfect equipment and database over there, let's talk over there"

It's still a few days since the head wolf went back to the mothership, Ye Kong is lying on the hospital bed quietly like this

In the past few days, he has met the grumpy mechanic Huang Fangliang, the gentleman who is said to have amazing combat effectiveness, and the captain of the troop carrier, the brother of the beautiful medical officer Xiao Ran ...

These people asked a lot of questions, but Ye Kong couldn't remember it himself, and didn't know how to answer it. In the face of everyone's disappointed eyes, he really wanted to remember some, but whatever he thought of the pain in his brain, what was he? Can't remember

So he only laughed at everyone

Lucy of the wine has also seen this pure human being, but it is clear that Lucy will not feel any stimulation with a fool if she likes stimulation, so she gives up

However, the same hospital injury will treat him as a leg-runner, "Ye Kong, help me wash the apples, remember to wash them clean, and do not allow them to eat."

"Ye Kong, I dated Nurse Xiaoxue and you helped me organize the sheets and folded the quilt."

After amnesia, Ye lost his character and smiled all day long. Others would do whatever they asked.

The people in the War Wolf group couldn't stand it. The emperor armor said, "It is better to help us when we are discharged from the hospital."

Ye Kong left the ward and followed Huang Fangliang, because everyone was surprised to find that this figure was not a very strong guy and turned his strength

"Ye Kong, help me move that part, that's the mask on the knee ..." Huang Fangliang's first-hand repair technology is very good, so if there is something wrong with the other group's mecha, he will ask him for help, he just happened to make some extra money

"Ye Kong, you change it. Didn't you watch me do it that day?"

A few times down, Huang Fangliang was surprised to find that this silly boy's comprehension ability is also amazing. If he saw it once, he would be much more lazy. All the repairing of the mecha was left to Ye Kong, and he only had the rest. Money for this job

"Fixed, five hundred Union Coins"

Huang Fangliang made money without doing anything, and he was in a good mood. He laughed broadly, "Ye Kong, don't think I use you as a slave. In fact, I'm teaching you the technology. Wait for you to return to the earth and open a repair. Mecha's shop, I keep you safe

The Emperor Armor scolded, "Come on, you, a vampire-like exploiter, all day knows only the value of squeezing others, and you don't invite Leaflet to consume"

Huang Fangliang stood up angrily and said, "You are my miser, go, let's go and drink together, Ye Kong will also go."

Bistro on the troop carrier

As soon as six people from the war wolf group, Jia Kong, sat down, Lucy greeted her. She wore a tight, low-cut vest, exposing large areas of wheat-colored muscles, especially the middle groove, which was tight and tight. Sandwiched a few red union coins

"Spirits, the strongest spirits" because you can return to the mother ship the next day, so everyone is going to have a spirits party

"Ye Kong, I tell you, the mother ship Earth Eve Earth Fortress is really huge and magnificent. You will know how advanced modern technology is." Huang Fangliang said with a big grin.

The emperor armor also nodded and said, "Wait there, report your account and deposit it into the database, and then you can implant the light brain. At that time, you can log in to the fully virtual global network. Earth, a galaxy outside, is also easily accessible "

The beautiful medical officer Xiao Ran is concerned about another aspect ~ ~ said, "In the Christmas Eve, I will contact the school-level medical officer over there to see if you can recover your amnesia "

Ye Kong looked forward to this, nodding

Now he is not very expressive, he likes to listen to others, then just smiles and nods.

However, their carnival did not seem to go smoothly. Everyone did not drink for a while, they were called by the head wolf, and urgent tasks

Everyone is very disappointed, the emperor armor said, "This is close to the mothership, it should not be an important task. Ye Kong, you are drinking and waiting for us, we will come back as soon as possible."

Six of the Wolf Team got up and left

However, I did not expect that it seemed that the outside of the troop carrier was not so safe. I felt that the ground shook for two times, and then all the groups, the gray wolf group, the wolf hunting group ... all received urgent tasks.

The noisy colorful men's and women's wine just now is empty, only Ye Kong, who is sitting in this dark corner, sits alone, he feels that he likes drinking very much

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