The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 3066: I still have backhand

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The sound of continuous bursts exploded in the **** of all realms! Coming here, the battle has become heated. After ten years of dormancy, Leng Yan finally used his biggest killing trick today!

Ye Kong always has a hole card in his hand, which is the blood of His Holiness! Although it is just a drop of blood, it is the blood of the true Lord! Although Ye Kong and Leng Yan have both created the world, they are both destiny, but ...

They are still a long way from His Holiness!

They are also people of the lower world, and the eagle eye lord is the true lord of the upper world! More importantly, according to His Holiness's words, he has been created eight times. He is in the Upper Realm and thinks it is not a simple strong man!

His blood has great power!

Originally, Ye Kong wanted to keep the eight drops of blood of His Holiness, and when he entered the world, he also had a little life-saving means in his hands! But under the full attack of Leng Yan, he couldn't hide too!

He can't hide at all! He not only threw the blood of His Holiness, but also took out all eight drops!

He, fight!

"Burst!" Ye Kong's yell roar accompanied his burst like a frenzy, and the entire spacetime was already shattered and broken by the power of the explosion from all walks of life! The imprisoned spaces were all blown up, and Ye Kong even released eight blood of the Lord!

"My **** body ..." Panic flashed in the eyes of the cold giant flame like a giant beast. Ye Kong's attack on him, the current three drops of His Holiness's blood exploded, has made him stunned!

Leng Yan had originally relied on but the vastness of the ancestral beast's body. If the body was large, the **** body was thick. But no matter how thick the **** body can't stand such a blow!

He already felt that his deity was also falling fast!

"What kind of weapon is this, and what is the blood of His Holiness, it is so strong!" Leng Yan saw the three exploded, and was already terrified in his heart, but before he sighed, he found that Ye Kong was five again. Drop tossed over!

"Oh my God, if he keeps throwing this kind of blood drop, then I am not going to be blown to death and hide!" Although Leng Yan has begun to dodge frantically, but his deity is too huge. The blood of the person, the harm done to him, unimaginable!

"Oh my God, is this shaking? Is this caused by the battles in the lower levels, hasn't it locked up the space?" Hell 107th, a large planet in Star Hell, is cross-legged The sitting gods of light and others all opened their eyes wide.

Because at this moment, the whole star **** is shaking!

The **** of hesitation paused, and was surprised again: "This is not the layer that is shaking, but the whole **** is shaking! Definitely the battle that spreads below them!"

The fiery cloud rage that hasn't been seen for ten years has to come back again, and he came back angrily, "You guys, these bastards. I want you to stay here, so you don't have to be famous and get the whole star **** Does that make sense? "

The apprentices of Shishen were not very good-tempered. Fa Shenmeng Yueyue jumped up and sarcastically said, "Brother, do n’t open your eyes and talk nonsense, can we have such a great ability? The culprit is below, aren't you angry and divine, you have to keep talking The two are angry! "

Although angry, he has a bad temper and likes to be angry. But he wasn't stupid. Hearing Meng Yueyue's words, he suddenly hummed angrily: "I wish they would break this ghost place and let me leave!"

After speaking, turn around and leave.

Light God sneered over there: "Bullying, afraid of being tough, and angry, I think you're almost like God."

Anger God ran halfway and turned back and cursed: "Xu Delong, you have a kind of single fight ..."

At the moment he turned back to roar, this star **** made another boom, the most trembling ever. The shaking was so shaken that even the angry **** changed his face, and all the light gods and other people sitting on the planet stood up in shock.

At the same time, a roar roared on every floor of Hell 108 at the same time.


This sound was exactly the roar from the Wraith Beast, which roared out of the Wraith Beast's mouth.

Above the deep sea, layers of huge waves have been created because of the shaking of this world. Although **** is not connected to the Nether Division and the Underworld. However, the underworld is connected with the beast. The battle between Ye Kong and Leng Yan has affected the beast. The beast naturally affects the entire underworld!

expensive! When the roar of the haunted beast came out of the huge "hide" word in the sky, the whole haunted sea swayed wildly. For the first time in history, the tsunami on the Underwater Sea appeared.

In the middle of the underworld, in the abyss of the underworld like a high-rise building in the middle of the sea, countless inland waters poured into it! These waters of the underworld are not ordinary waters, with powerful purification functions, which can wash away all ordinary soul memories! In the abyss of nine thousand floors, like the high-rise buildings, all the busy Hades are scared and panicked, all fled and fled slowly, and all died in them.

"Don't panic, open the protective cover!" With the shout of the Lord, outside the abyss, a layer of light curtain-like protective cover slowly opened.

It turned out that Master Ming spent ten years on the 105th floor. It was really impossible to stay, but felt that the whole **** was shaking. She didn't know what happened, and in panic, she only returned to Wuyue City through the space-time gate left by Ye Kong.

As soon as I arrived in Wuyue City, I heard something happened in the abyss. She hurried to the abyss to direct and open the protective cover, but this was not over yet, and there was another report from the other side saying that it was not good, the whole Ninghai was shaking, a lot of Ninghai water had been poured into Wuyue City!

Wuyuecheng opened the protection formation, but on the countless open spaces outside the city, those Hades who were not protected by the formation, did not know how many Hades died this time!

But at this moment, I heard the roar of the Wraith Beast again!

This is the second time the Lord heard the roar of the Nether Beast. For the first time, Roar was so thrilling that Ye Kong said it was to say hello to him. And this time, there was a hissing in the roar, and the Master heard the heart trembled ... Did n’t the Master also feel scared?

"Oh my god, what are they doing underneath? Are we willing to completely destroy our underworld? Are you willing?" The Lord looked up at the bright and bright "Ming" above the Ming Hai, and his eyes were worried. color!

108 floors of hell!

Ye Kong and Leng Yan both heard this tweet, and unlike others, they heard it more earnestly and understood the purpose of the roar of Hades. In fact, the roar of the beast is to tell the two people, "Your battle hurts me, I can't take it! You fight in my body. If I hang up, the world is dangerous!"

So the skeptic of the Lord is right. The cry of the Nether Beast is not a roar, but a hissing!

The Wraith Beast also felt scared, because the fighting between these two men had already surpassed the ordinary fight, far more than the battle captured by Jun Shishen! Now the battle between Ye Kong and Leng Yan is close to the battle between His Holiness.

Under the attack of each other ~ ~ Ye Kong and Leng Yan, they were not badly hurt!

Ye Kong's body is still ten percent! Leng Yan's trick is too powerful. If Ye Kong had not used the trick to explode, I am afraid that 10% would be gone!

Similarly, Leng Yan is not optimistic! The blood of the Eight Drops is too strong. His huge body is much smaller now! All were blown up and collapsed, and the world was full of flesh from his body! His size is only one-third the size of the original!

And his divine body is even less optimistic, and his remaining divine body is even less than 10%!

But even at this point where everyone is running out of water, Leng Yan laughs with blood all over her. "Ye Kong, you have eight drops in total. I can't take two more drops!"

Ye Kong also had blood all over his body, and coldly hummed, "You are not the only one who has run out of mountains and rivers, **** of all realms, all the realms here are broken, what else can I do to you?"

Leng Yan sneered, and said, "Ye Kong, I still have a second hand. You will lose today!"


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