The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2666: Exterminator 1

Two six six six destroyer

Ye Kong looked at the strange flowers with magnificent blooms in his hands, and his eyes were full of excitement. _But when he looked at the old man at the moment from the water mirror, he could not help frowning.

"Thirteen, do you think I look like this when I get old? It's really ugly. I used to think that the white witch with long white hair and white hair is cool. Now that I have become gray with white hair, why do I feel so ugly?"

Fate Thirteen: "Master, it doesn't matter, in fact, at your age, this white hair is also normal. Speaking of which, your image is what you should be. Just like me, all black, I also No complaints ... "

Ye Kong heard him say that they almost fainted, and said angrily, "What do you mean by life thirteen, have you fixed your white hair like this? Oh my god, I have to go out to see Leer and go back Heaven sees my wives, and I have to find the fairy of Xiling, how can I look like this? "

Fate Thirteen: "The green tiger's doom is a kind of prestige. In other words, it is an old law attached to your body. I don't think you can recover in the short term."

Ye Kong fainted again. "How long will it take for a long time? I don't want to look like this, I'm so embarrassed to go out and meet people."

Ming Xing thought about it: "In fact, I don't know, but I think there are three possibilities. The first one is time, the law gradually fades, and you can control your own age and appearance. Secondly, You go to the **** realm and find the **** who manages the old or the years, or the time, I think they solve this is a piece of cake; the third is to kill the green tiger, kill the person who casts it, and add the rules of your body Nothing exists! "

Ye Kong smiled bitterly. "Looks like these three, I am either unwilling or I can't do it."

Fate Thirteen: "Master, I think you should consider more important things, not small things like appearance!"

"Okay, okay." Ye Kong can only shoot the water lens. Since he can't change it, don't look at it.

The so-called major event of Ming XIII, the first is the flower of faith, and the second is the good memory!

Only then did Ye Kong have a chance to watch the flower of faith carefully. It turned out that the flower had seven petals, namely red orange yellow green blue blue purple and seven-color flowers! Every petal has a powerful force of faith!

But with some regret, the flower of faith has not matured! It can even be said that it is far from mature! After all, this fairyland is a small place. Even if the fairyland king let the people of all planets run wild, they can't compare with the realm.

Fate XIII said, it would be far worse without a mature flower of faith. If a mature flower of faith can permanently improve the user's divine power, without a mature flower of faith can only improve their own divine power in the short term, and at the same time, it can also improve the divinity!

The so-called divinity, in fact, is God's most basic perception of certain things!

In other words, the flower of faith in Ye Kong's hands does not help Ye Kong ascend, but only when Ye Kong fights against a powerful enemy, he rises briefly! The other is that when Ye Kong is about to reach immortality, he takes one tablet, sharply enhances his strength, increases his divinity, and makes his experience of the most basic rules of the world deeper!

Ye Kong knew this and sighed, "Dare to love this thing is not very helpful to me now, I am thinking about making a white-haired devil for this flower. Is it worth or not!"

Ming Xizhan sighed: "Master, appearance is really so important. You are really a layman. You know how many of these people in the world are about to enter immortality, but they are difficult to enter at the door. How much they need this petal."

"These are not good people. If I dare to take them out, they dare to grab them!" Ye Kong said here, and his thoughts suddenly moved, and he said, "Since you can improve your strength and divinity, then it will be effective after you take it Well? If it really works, would it be very helpful for him to win the body of the sword demon god? "

Fate Thirteen: "Master, help must be very helpful, even a decisive role ... But, do you really want to use this method of killing chickens with a sledgehammer? And you have won a partiality for the soul. Deity, just use a petal, do you think it's worth it? "

Ye Kong thought for a while, and said, "I think it's worth it. Anyway, Soulmaster is my friend. At this moment, it's too difficult for him to integrate the sword demon god. Should I watch him fail? It's not worth it, I still want him to use it! Not to mention, I also need help now. "

"Okay." Ming Xizhan took a petal and went to Pipazhu to look for the soul urn.

Ye Kong began to study the memory of good swallowing. Ye Kong had never had the opportunity to study before. Now this research has a deeper understanding of many aspects of the ancient god. Ye Kong and the ancient gods have some origins, and they have some research on the history and writing of ancient gods.

But unfortunately, what Ye Kong has been able to find is all soldier-level materials. However, he really lacks understanding of some things and methods of the ancient **** king level, and his good memory just supplements his lack of this aspect.

In fact, these are all secondary. What Ye Kong needs most is the godly talent of swallowing, devouring!

However, after Ye Fanfan looked at all the memories of Shan swallows, he found that the devouring of the might of God was not learned, nor learned, but inherited! That is to say, the talented God of Swallow has now passed on to the Green Tiger, and Ye Kong can only pass on the killing of the Green Tiger!

On the other hand, the inheritance of ancient gods has many limitations. It's not that you killed the ancient god, and you can get his talent and power, not so. Whether it is the ancient gods, ancient demon, ancient demon, or ancient fairy, or other ancient people, they all have certain protection measures for their own skills!

You do n’t go through a certain method and want to learn the talents of other races ... How can there be such a simple thing?

In other words, even if the Green Tiger is killed, the talented **** (5) comes out. Not everyone can get it! First of all, this ancient god's talent must be matched to the ancient gods of the same family and blood. If you can't find it, you will reduce the conditions step by step. The last possibility is to pass on to the ethnic individuals who have a relationship with the ancient gods!

As for other races, humans or anything that has no relationship with the ancient god, even if the power of the ancient **** explodes, they will not be passed on to them.

Therefore, many of those rich second generations have had their luck ~ ~ Of course, there are also some ancient families who have mastered some special methods to integrate ancient gods and powers, which Ye Kong could not know .

Through watching the memory of Shan Tun, Ye Kong learned a lot of secrets. For example, in the most distant ancient times, the **** of extermination was born! The people of this group are very powerful, and the purpose and purpose of this group's existence is to destroy the gods in the world, let the rules run by themselves, and return freedom to everyone!

Of course, such ethnic groups are definitely difficult to survive. No one, and no **** will be willing to surrender the power of their own rules of control, even the gods and Buddhas can not tolerate them.

Therefore, the time when the God of Destruction appeared in the history is very short, but the items left are very arrogant. What extermination bow, extinction spear, extinction sword, every piece has a powerful killing effect on all levels of deities! So it is a forbidden thing in the divine realm! However, many gods often collect a few in order to strengthen themselves, so there are also some that are spread around the world ...

Ye Kong couldn't help but think, were these ancient gods of the God of Extinction shooting the Langlang blood arrows?

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