The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2658: Collective turn

Huo Lishen, a partial **** of the Dongjiao gods' fire home.

At that time, when Huo Lishen joined the team, she saw Ye Kong and Yang Qishen and other people had a good relationship, so she pretended not to know Ye Kong and could not bear it. However, the conflict between the Huojia and Ye Kong is here. Huolis sees Ye Kong has become the upper **** man and has such strength. He is also a brother and brother with the descendants of the ancient families of the solar system and sky system. He is worried and waiting. The opportunity.

And at this moment, the opportunity has finally arrived!

Fire God immediately jumped out of duty Ye Kong, and even assigned Ye Kong a hat.

Just after Huo Lishen finished speaking, another person stood up. He looked at Ye Kong with a pair of green eyes and said, "Sister Huo Li makes sense! I am also doubting his identity! I am Ling Peng of Luhuang God Kingdom When I was sucked in by the Immortal King, my subordinates were all executed by the Immortal King ... Why did the Immortal King have to leave an upper **** man, isn't it suspicious? "

佘 Ling Peng said, taking another step forward, saying, "And after Ye Kong just saw Brother Hún, he did n’t even say hello, so he attacked and tried to kill Brother Hún. He made it clear that he would avenge his disciples. Are you secretly hiding something? "

"He is concealing the fact that he can lead us away. He doesn't want the arrow hún God to tell us the truth!" Another swordsman jumped out, looking familiar, as if he were under the sword devil.

Ye hollow said, okay, he usually offends people too much, this time, all jumped out! Niu Ghost Zombies are here!

Even the sea demon **** who called Ye Kong a brother and brother a while ago also came out and said, "Brother Ye, everyone now doubts you. Although some of us don't doubt you, you have to settle everyone's suspicions! Then you put that **** Lend the bow to the arrow hún God to make it! "

Ye Kong looked at the crowd in front of him and hummed coldly, "Okay! I have killed Huo Mingkun at the fire house; I have snatched the extermination magic from you; Ling Jian and I hate the sea; I am kicking you in public Butt kick ... OK, you all jumped out! I Ye Kong remembers you! "

The blood demon **** over there looked at the situation and said, "Ye Kong, don't make excuses everywhere! Are you inside? What are your goals? It's easy to prove if you want ... Take out the bow of God and let us shoot an arrow. Isn't all suspicion gone? "

Ye Kong ’s death will not take out shooting Tianlang, and he said at the moment, “Ye is the first person to enter here, is it Nei? I believe everyone can see it! Since he wants this space, Ye has no opinion, just In order to shoot, Ye must shoot! "

The arrow hún over there shouted, "I'm afraid you took the blood arrow of God and shot it to all of us, and then asked your master for praise!"

They are arguing, but more partial gods don't speak, these people are looking at Yang Qishen them. At this time, the rich second generation of these ancient families still had some prestige and some say.

Yang Qishen and others also hesitate in their hearts. If Ye Kong is inward, they must not believe it. But now it ’s definitely offending one. They looked at the two of them back and forth, and finally Yang Qishen came out and said, "Brother Ye, it ’s not that we don't help you! If there is only one arrow hún, God will testify to you, but so many now Man ... I think you should take out the bow of God. "

When Ye Kong heard this, he felt extremely cold.

In fact, the meaning of Yang Qishen is very obvious, that is to say, if for you Ye Kong, we offend the arrow hún **** and blood demon god. But now, the Huojia, Luhuang Kingdom, Sword Demon, and Haijia have all come out, and we must not offend everyone. So it offends you!

Although the Yang Seven Gods and others seem to be young, they are also very old-fashioned guys. They are decisive in decisiveness and offending people is nothing. The first second can be called a brother or a brother with you, and the next second will immediately play ruthlessly.

After Yang Qishen finished speaking, he immediately waved his hand, "Protect Brother Ye first!"

When he gave this order, all those who were partial to God suddenly acted and besieged.

Ye Kong's eyes glanced at the people in front of him, with the proudness of the Fire God, the pleasurableness of Ling Peng, the sneer of the sea demon god, the excitement of the arrow hún god, the contempt of the blood demon god, and the ruthlessness of the seven gods ...

"Okay!" Ye Konghan was at the extreme, gritted his teeth and said, "Give me up, you will see how stupid this decision is now!"

Yang Qishenxin said to kill you, I just got the mysterious storage device to go back and make a mess! Of course I choose to give up on you! After thinking about it, there was no room for mercy, and he shouted, "Catch this inside!"

"All of you **** it!" Ye Kong roared, his thoughts moved, and the last golden spirit cloud was released, and he fled when he turned back!

When he talked with the arrow hún god, Ye Kong had already quietly retreated in the direction of an ice cave. At this moment, everyone tore his face, and Ye Kong directly turned into a light and flew into the ice cave.

Ye Kong chose a good entrance, and the huge God-level spirit cloud blocked the intersection as soon as possible!

Yang Qishen and others did not expect Ye Kong to have this thing, so Ye Kong fled. He suddenly became furious and roared, "Jin Sè's sea of ​​clouds Lingyun, even if the main **** level, what is the use of fart, everyone shot together, boom Kill it! "

There are thousands of partial gods on the field, all have some combat effectiveness. What's more, there are strong men such as the Seven Gods of God. Everyone is doing their best.

Kill Jin Sè Lingyun, everyone plunged into the ice cave, Ye Kong has long since disappeared!

"So fast!" Yang Qishen's brows frowned, but he did not expect Ye Kong to escape! He thought for a moment, and immediately commanded, "divide into five groups and chase from the five holes! If you find anyone, you must grab the bow!"

Suddenly, five groups of men and horses split into the ice cave, chasing Ye Kong away!

Ye Kong, who was just one of the leaders in the team just now, has become the target of everyone's killing in an instant!

Just when all these people escaped, on the ground covered with ice, an inconspicuous tile was pressed by a green finger with sharp nails, and a voice sounded, "Noble artifacts of the ancient Qiang people, no wonder I can fool those people, Ye Kong, come out. "

Ye Kong had no choice but to come out. Standing outside is the King of Immortals. Ye Kong noticed that the fingers of this fairy king had grown like green tigers.

This fairy king said, "Ye Kong, I am optimistic about you ~ ~ I felt that you were a personal talent when I first saw you, so I did not kill you! I have not killed you until now! But my patience It's over! You believe it or not, as long as I think of it, Yang Qishen and others will find you next second! "

Ye Kong smiled bitterly, "Senior Tiger, we worked together to deal with the immortal king of this road, and the juniors did not have any credit or hard work. Do you really want to kill me? Actually, this time I promised my friends to save money and benevolent. Against you, you let me go, we will go all the way, the feng shui will take turns, maybe one day you will ask for me. "

After hearing this, the immortal king was shocked, and then a pair of giant eyes gave a thumbs up, saying, "You can guess that my green tiger has occupied the good body, you are really smart, don't give me a high look at you! I was right Your murderousness has weakened a bit, and it seems that I still want to give you another chance ... "

After saying the fairy king, he raised a brow, and said to himself, "No, there is an immortal!"

It seemed that there was trouble outside. The fairy king wanted to leave, but he still raised his hand and grabbed Ye Kong, and threw it suddenly. He said, "Boy, stay honest, wait for me to solve the problem outside, Talk to you again! "

ps: Taoist friends guarantee monthly passes, huh, huh, huh, at night ...! .

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