The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2652: Take you on your way home

2626 takes you on your way home

"Say, you say, how do you get to the center of formation?"

"Ye Kong, look at it, haha, what **** is yours, now it has been ruined! These are all your disciples, do you just watch them die like this?"

Laughter, roar, sounded on the battle star! Raging! The arrow hún the **** Zhang asks the sky demon xìng to make a big hair, vandalism, indiscriminate killing ...

But at this moment, a black cyclone suddenly appeared in the sky, and then, the cyclone became bigger and bigger! Suddenly, it has reached the size of a hundred acres.

"God, that's a cyclone! Don't kill us!" In the voice of lament, the immortals fighting for the stars cried out loud.

Zhang Wentian looked at the sky with the red slave **** bow in hand. He had been looking for the transmission channel, and now the cyclone of the transmission channel finally appeared, but he doubted in his heart and was afraid to enter.

Ye Kong gave a scornful smile in the control center and sneered coldly, "God arrow hún, what's wrong, dare not come in? Coward, I dare not come in, then I'll shut it down."

Ye Kong's words were so loud that they passed into Battle Star, and everyone could hear them clearly. Zhang Wentian looked up again and found that the cyclone actually started to shrink!

"Ye Kong, this is just the Nether Teleportation Array, hum, I don't believe what dangerous place you can pass your **** to!" Zhang Wentian is also a daring artist, and he said that this is the immortal world. No matter how dangerous it is, how is it? Could it have cost me a powerful partial life? It's so funny.

When the arrow hún moved his mind, it turned into a light and shadow, and plunged into the narrowed cyclone.

At the center of the teleportation, Ye Kong saw the arrow hún enter, and suddenly smiled in his eyes, coldly: "God arrow hún, it is stupid to talk to a person like you about a fair duel! Go and try the divine bombardment!"

In the voice of Ye Kong, a movement of his hand immediately changed the direction of the transmission channel. The teleportation location has also become the meeting place of the 360 ​​pillars of divine light!

Ye Kong did all of this and immediately roared, "Stars come, quickly teleport me near him! Then teleport me back!"


The arrow hún God was teleported out in an instant, and immediately felt a blank space in front of him. At the same time, hundreds of gods from all directions bombarded him, all on his body!

He clearly felt the crazy decline of his own body!

"Abominable! I knew that the surnamed Ye had a plan!" Zhang Wentian had rich experience in combat. When he felt the danger, he calmed down immediately, his heart moved suddenly, and he shouted, "Transposition!"

This is his third treasure, dedicated to escape!

When Zhang Wentian escaped in surprise, immediately sensed the **** body, and found that his **** body was bombarded by the **** light just now, but he was directly bombarded by forty percent of the **** body. If he did not transpose the gods, or the action was slow One point, this time is really dangerous!

But what kind of attack is this so powerful?

When the arrow hún **** Zhang Wentian hadn't had time to study what the beams of light from all directions were, he found that there was a huge gold thing around him, watching him staring at him ...

"Jin Sè's sea of ​​clouds and spirit clouds, Lord God level! God!" The arrow hún **** is going to faint. Why would there be such a thing in the fairy world. However, thinking of the green sè cloud ghost that Ye Kong had used before, he immediately guessed it.

Jin Sè's spirit cloud was released by Ye Kong. Because of time, Ye Kong never had time to collect Jin Sè's spirit cloud into a cloud ghost, so after Ye Kong appeared, he released the spirit cloud, and then returned to the center of formation!

The Jin Sè's spirit cloud originally hated all the aliens around him. It found itself in a strange starry sky. Just looking around, it found that a wicked demon appeared in front of it.

"Roar!" Jin Sè Lingyun immediately saw the demon in front of him as an intruder. The thick Jin Sè clouds unfolded, and a huge and sloppy face appeared in the middle. In the spirit of the Lord God, an illusion The giant palm that appeared appeared in front of Zhang Wentian!

"Abominable fellow, Ye Kong's minions! Give me to die!" God hún was also polite, just shoot the arrow!

Besides, in the center of the teleportation array, Ye Kong looked at the arrow hún **** and the spirit cloud of Jin Sè, and he was not idle. He has more important things to do.

"Star mark, speed sends me to the planet where Qian Youren is now!" Ye Kong didn't know what planet it was, he only needed to catch Qian Youren in the past. Now that the array of divine light beams has opened, Qian Youren's trouble-making effect has disappeared, of course, Ye Kong has to seize the time to catch him, because Ye Kong has seen countless Shenzhous flying to that side.

"Yes!" Starsprint received the order and immediately transmitted Ye Kong.

Overcrowded on a planet, this is the full breeding policy of the immortal king, letting mankind reproduce wildly and believe in him. And through the flower of faith, they crazy absorbed the beliefs of these people, as a fundamental force to make the fairy king powerful.

At this moment, billions of humans on the planet are kneeling and praying, they are still continuously providing strength to the flowers of faith in the high temples!

In the tall and exquisite temple constructed by white jade, the huge statue of good swallow holds a flower of seven sè in his hand, with compassion in his face, and is sitting in the central hall. And the roof of the hall has been opened, and a straight, bright beam of light bursts into the sky, shooting out of the sky, shooting out the planet, and shooting into the dark universe all the time.

Below the huge statue, a rich man in red looks up at the sky, with contempt in his eyes, and says, "The most powerful in this world is the fairy king. Sooner or later, those clown jumping clowns will become one of the fairy king's feet. Lump mud, or eaten by the fairy king, become nutrients, making our fairy king stronger! "

His voice didn't fall, a figure with a sword behind his back came out of the darkness and said, "Brother Qian, I haven't seen you in a long time as an officer, do you remember me?"

Qian Youren turned back violently, looking at the figure of Tsing Yi walking out of the darkness, and there was an incredible surprise in his eyes. Although his generation has been completely planted into his body and will for his slaves, his memory still exists and he still knows Ye Kong.

"It turned out to be your rebellion! I'm not your elder brother. I was let off by you before I let you go. This time, I won't!" Qian Youren said angrily, obviously the influence of the slave seal on him was still very strong. big.

Ye Kong smiled faintly: "Brother Qian, you are really too happy to be a slave. Do you see it, do you see my deity? Brother, I have already completed the **** of heaven, and also the upper man of God, even your daughter You ’ve already realized the rules and are about to soar. Do n’t you long for it? ”

Even if it is planted with a slave seal ~ ~ an immortal's expectation for becoming a **** is still eager. However, Qian Youren only raised a brow and said, "Of course I yearn for it, but you can rest assured that my master, the powerful King of Immortals, will help me become a god. At that time, we will occupy the divine realm, and all the gods will We're stepping on our feet! "

"It seems that you are really not ill!" Ye Kong just shook his head and smiled.

At the time, Qian Youren was a strong enemy to him, very powerful. Ye Kong's ability to deal with Qian Youren depended on half of his strength and the other half of his mind. At that time, Qian Youren's ten-pin fairy sword was eternal, the speed was extraordinary, and several times almost made Ye Kong suffer a lot!

Now, Qian Youren is just like a child without a chicken in front of him.

"Well, Brother Qian, I promised you that I have done it, and promised your daughter that I have done it, and I will take you on the way home!" Ye Kong had already said one in his hand. A small porcelain bottle, with a picture of Qian Youren, and regardless of whether he wants it or not, he puts it in and throws it in the portable space ...

To the reader:

Three chapters today, thanks for watching ~! .

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