The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2643: Tenjin joins forces against ancient gods

What surprised the blood **** face was the arrow hún god. I saw that the arrow hún was embarrassed at the moment, and was surrounded by several huge black cyclones.

It turned out that the arrow hún chased into the hall of the immortal king, and when he took a look, he did not see Ye Kong.

I didn't see Ye Kong, but the two whips that attacked the cyclone and the King of the Fairy, as if they knew him, launched a crazy attack on him!

The arrow hún suddenly understood in his heart. The explosion of his divine star-struck arrow just now must have been blown on the long wand of the fairy king, so he has now become the living target of the fairy king!

Zhang Wentian was extremely depressed at the moment, and he couldn't even bother looking for Ye Kong, but only managed to cope with those cyclones. But those cyclones are very powerful, and they will gather more and more, and the greater the confluence!

When Zhang Wentian was depressed, he saw the blood **** rushing in with his 800 men.

"Hurry up, give me an arrow!" To say Zhang Wentian was embarrassed at the moment, the main thing was that his divine arrow was gone. The arrow exploded just now, he has all exploded! An archer, if there is no arrow, it is as if a soldier is fighting without a weapon.

"Come here!" With the huge worm-shaped body, the blood **** fluttered his tail, scattered a cyclone, rushed into the circle, and sent a large number of arrows. These are arrows made by Zhang Wentian using special means. Ya, huge and powerful, so it can't fit into the storage device!

"Well, huh, a little trick also wants to threaten my arrow hún god!" Zhang asked Tianshen with an arrow in his hand, a cold hum and a bow and an arrow!


Several arrows shot, and the cyclone around him had been scattered a lot! Sudden stress!

At this time, the rich second generations of all ethnic groups also held their ground and merged with their men to occupy a place in the hall of fairy kings.

And in the back door gap, Shenzhou continued to enter, joining the battle against cyclones!

One of the Shenzhou is the Canglu.

"Ye Kong, where are you exactly?" Le Er looked nervously at the chaotic world. She and the other members of the He Family Brothers have beheaded the team once into the Palace of the Immortal King.

Looking at the world, I saw here is also a vast starry sky! There are countless planets in the starry sky, but in the deepest part of the starry sky there is a large-scale nebula, and all the cyclones in front of you, all the attacks, and two long whips that can pierce the space, these are from that nebula!

When he saw that nebula, the brothers of the Ho family were happy in their eyes and quickly said, "Yes, that nebula! That nebula is the ancient **** who swallowed the heart of a nebula! Now it has become an ancient god, not an ancient god. Not a huge thing! Kill him and you will get a lot of treasures! "

However, unlike their surprise, Cao Zilong and Lin Lin exclaimed: "It is really a nebula. There are so many big nebulae in it! If we want to kill it, it will be too difficult!"

They focus on the prince of the Tao, while the fairy Ning focuses on her father. She rushed to the front cabin and went outside, looking for her father's trace!

But how can you see a person in this vast starry sky, nebula planet, and solitude?

Le Er, who is driving the Canglu, is also looking into the distance, trying to find Ye Kong's figure. The violent explosion just made her startled, but she saw a lot of gods in front of her, but there was no Ye Kong!

At this moment, she suddenly felt something, raised her hand to take out the jade of communication, and saw a sentence above, "Just now I directed the arrow hún God's arrow on a tentacle of this fairy king. Reaction. I'm safe, you guys be careful. "

This piece of information was sent by Ye Kong. It turned out that Ye Kong caused the chaos here. It may be that the fairy king of the Tao felt the fierce battle outside and mistakenly thought that someone was going to attack the fairy king's palace, so he opened the gate of the fairy king's palace. Originally, the immortal king wanted to take a look, but he did not expect, but a huge arrow was shot on one of his tentacles, and that tentacle was blown up.

Therefore, this fairy king was furious and launched a crazy attack.

After seeing Le'er watching the Jade of Communication, the brothers of the He family and others came up to inquire. When they heard that Ye Kong was okay, they were also at ease in their hearts.

Although Yang Duanming was a **** of food, it was obviously not like eating all day long like the hungry in Liu Ding Liu Jia. Yang Duanming is still a militant, he said, "Well, now that we are here, let us join the melee ring!"

But at this moment, Le'er received a rumor from Ye Kong, "Don't be in a crowded place, beware of the immortal king's devouring power!"

Le Er quickly reminded everyone that the brothers and sisters of the Ice Palace Cold Country were still a little unbelievable, but everyone finally followed Ye Kong's reminder and stayed away from the crowds, while fighting the outer cyclones, while detouring to the depths of the starry sky .

Over there, the arrow hún **** is quite powerful, coupled with the cooperation of the blood god, and the assistance of his eight hundred god-man archers, within a while, the large star sky in front of him has been cleaned up. Although Ben Dao has already hated him, there is nothing he can do for the time being.

God hún breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had time to find Ye Kong.

It is really difficult to say that others want to find Ye Kong. But the arrow hún **** wants to find Ye Kong, which is much more convenient. As long as he relies on the induction of God's Blood Arrow, he can clearly sense the direction of Ye Kong.

"This boy is not dead yet, but he is the first to approach the depths of the starry sky!" The arrow hún divine eagle swept his eyes and saw that there was a little spot in the starry sky, The little dot, like a cloud, was detouring towards the depths of the starry sky.

"Blood, we have changed our plans this time." The arrow hún had originally made an appointment with the blood **** to kill the immortal king of the Tao and take advantage of the big head. But halfway I encountered Ye Kong where there is treasure! Obviously for the arrow hún god, Ye Kong's treasures surpassed those of the ancient gods.

"Well, brother, I fully support you, you go. I have your eight hundred magic shots here, and then recruit some small families of partial gods, can also form a powerful team!" Blood God and The arrow hún **** is closely related and has no opinion at all.

"Then I'll go." The arrow hún nodded, turning into a light and shadow, bypassing the crowds of the crowd, also learning Ye Kong, and detoured to the depths of the starry sky.

To say that the rich second generations of those ancient families, each of whom is a fool, are paying attention to the arrow hún god. Seeing the arrows hún move, they also moved one by one, leaving the team, and followed the arrows hún to fly deep into the sky.

This confusion has its own intentions, which makes this treasure hunt more interesting.

As soon as the arrow hún departed, the blood **** was a bit weak and alone ~ ~ He felt that with his and his 800-person shooters, he would definitely not kill the ancient god. So his huge voice immediately sounded in the starry sky, "So the small family and the single gods who listen to the singles listen, I now organize a God Killing Alliance, everyone who wants to come to us, form an organization and slaughter Sha together This mutant ancient **** will get treasures at that time, everyone will be distributed fairly! "

He said that suddenly a lot of small families and single gods of the sky flew in to join this alliance. They knew that they couldn't kill the ancient gods by themselves, so they had to gather together.

Like them, they shouted again, "We are an ancient family alliance, and now we are also starting to take in people. Everyone is organized to kill together. Unity is strength. I believe we will win!"

The crowd gathered more and more, divided into several places, the starry sky, these places have also become clean, the people of God all work together to attack the cyclone and long whip issued by the fairy king!

However, when the situation began to become orderly from chaos, suddenly a huge red figure suddenly appeared in the starry sky. It was a light and shadow, wearing a red cloak, fat and fat, like a rich man. !!

Seeing this light and shadow appear in the void, Xun Ning fairy exclaimed silently! !! .

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