The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2636: Promised Kingdom

Two, six, three, six, and then the kingdom of immortality

After about ten days of Ye Kong's conquest in the heavenly court, the heavenly side has gathered thousands of gods and men of such a huge scale. For billions of years, it has never been seen before.

It turned out that with the spread of the news, the rumors of the divine world became more and more legendary. At the end, it was said that the immortal world lived in a large group of ancient gods.

Everyone in the Divine Realm is moving now, and even those small families who were not interested in it have quickly sent out the Divine Realm disciples to share a cup in the war.

Thousands of gods gathered in the heavenly courts. It was estimated that there were a lot of them in the early days and more importantly, there are still many gods still gathering in the Nether.

Now some people ca n’t sit still, for fear of being late and not getting a chance, so some gods begin to drive Shenzhou towards the Taoist fairyland. _ && This kind of thing is like dominoes. , Someone immediately followed suit and walked away a lot of gods

The Brothers of the Ho family were also a bit unable to sit still. They came to Ye Kong this day and said, "Brother Ye, I think we can set off. There are already hundreds of gods who have left. We wanted to take the lead. Don't come. Finally late, no hope of drinking soup "

Although Ye Kong has stayed in the harem but hasn't come out, he has been paying attention to this matter, and he said, "You noticed that the first group to leave were scattered squads without a background, or gods and men of the small family. The sword is the sky, the solar system, and even the sea demon who was thrown out by me and returned, they are all watching. "

The Ho brothers are not stupid. They also noticed this and nodded: "I always feel that these guys with backgrounds seem to be staring at us. I always feel this way."

In fact, not only did the brothers He said that Ye Kong had felt this feeling from the first time he saw these guys. Ye Kong was still very sensitive to danger, so this is why Ye Kong has never left Heaven. The descendants of the family were not mainly swallowed by the good, but came to him from the sky, then he was in trouble

After two more days like this, Ye Kong finally couldn't sit still, because the fairy Ning Ning was worried about his father. If you went late and Qian Youren was killed by those gods who went first, then everything would be in vain. Up

"Good departure" Ye Kong finally made up his mind

When Ye Kong and others left Tiantian to assemble, they could clearly see that the children of those big families had all moved.

"It really follows us" Ye Kong stood in the void, glanced over there, secretly in his heart, if you just want to follow me to kill the ancient gods, then it's fine, but if you want to hit me Ye someone's mind, I control you Sun **** earth god, I want you all to die

Ye Kong thought about it and raised his hand to release Canglu Shenzhou

Ye Kong's possession of Canglu Shenzhou was also unexpected. They did not expect that Ye Kong had such a powerful and fast Shenzhou. Of course, some of the old and powerful families also had Shenzhou as much as Canglu. But if you keep up that, it's too obvious, isn't it?

So when I saw Ye Kong's Canglu Shenzhou disappearing at the end of Cangming, those old family disciples all snorted. "Let's go too, don't follow him, go directly to this country, and don't believe he does not Go to the Fairy Kingdom "

Those families who left first are those who are not strong, so Shenzhou ’s degree is not fast. So do n’t look at these guys who left a few days early, but when it comes to arrival, it ca n’t be ahead of several big families.

This fairyland, a magnificent world in the southernmost part of the fairyland

Because here is the most edge of the fairyland, full of the newly born universe and the planet, so when you look at it, the starry sky here is colorful and gorgeous, like a curtain full of bright oil paint.

Just in the quiet and gorgeous scenery, there was a flash of black streamer, stopped in front of this bright and colorful because the speed of flight was too fast, the sight of the moving track of Canglu Shenzhou could not be seen at all, but it could be seen from the still and then For a moment, moving pictures appearing one after the other in the starry sky, as if they were teleporting.

"Into the Taoist immortal kingdom, you must merge the Taoist species, otherwise the immortal will get lost and enter the Taoist species, which is actually the diluted blood of the ancient **** of this Taoist immortal king" Ye Kong introduced

Everyone is a god, and they do n’t care about the enhancement of the original heart ’s power. But do n’t forget that there is also a fairy who is condensed. Although she has realized the law, but she has not entered the Ascension Pool, it will still be affected.

But it doesn't matter. Ye Kong had already prepared to take out a drop of ancient god's blood and merge it into the eyebrows of the fairy fairy. The fairy fairy was not affected by the power of the Tao.

Shenzhou continues to fly deep into the starry sky

The last time Ye Kong entered the core of the immortal kingdom, he entered from the transmission cyclone in Chen Tangxing's immortal palace, but this time it is not used. With Canglu Shenzhou, he should be able to arrive soon.

When Canglu Shenzhou brushed over Chen Tangxing, Ye Kong ’s thoughts were released, covering hundreds of millions of miles, but this look, Ye Kong was shocked, not only was Chen Tangxing ’s imperial palace destroyed, but even Chen Tangxing, Also a lonely survivor, less than one tenth of the original

Such a huge destruction, and apparently not long ago, Ye Kong thought with his heels that he could know that some of the Nether Gods who came first did it.

In fact, not only are the gods of the demons and demons, but even the gods of the human race, they also have a kind of attitude toward the immortals of the immortal world as if they were treating ants. Although these immortals are humans, they are themselves Not the same human, but an object that can be killed at will

Seeing this scene, Ye Kong's eyes appeared unpleasant

To say, none of the people on Chen Tangxing is a good person. At the beginning, the Tang family was a few joint attacks to kill the destroyer. It can be said that this family of Chen Tangxing who is not bad (5) is one of the killers.

But even these people ... At the moment, when seeing the dead bodies on Chen Tangxing, Dekong was still in a deep mood.

Shenzhou flew for more than half a day, passing several star fields, and finally at the end of the line of sight, you can see a huge house, the house is so huge that the light of a door slit can accommodate the planet to enter

Such a huge and brilliant handwriting, even the brothers and sisters of Hejia who came down from the realm of the ice, and the sisters and sisters of the Ice Palace and the Cold Country, they felt a little incredible because even in the realm of God, they have never seen such a huge house.

Unlike their sight, while Ye Kong was manipulating Canglu Shenzhou, his sight was looking for

Finally ~ ~ Ye Kong's attention was attracted by a black flat Shenzhou in front of a parked fairy king's palace

"It is very likely that they have come this way. Many of the planets they have passed through have suffered great calamities. The slaughtered immortals do not know how many killers are among the first to arrive, and the last possible one is this. A strangely shaped Shenzhou, because one of my planets passed by, saw the same ground indentation on it. "

When Ye Kong said this, he anchored the Shenzhou behind the flat Shenzhou, and then prepared to go to Shenzhou to talk to the other party.

In fact, Ye Kong ’s expression all the way, all the Brothers of the family saw in his eyes and quickly stopped: "Brother Ye, that's a person from the southern demon kingdom. Everyone just came here, it ’s better to have one more thing, but to work together to deal with the ancient God is better "

Cao Zilong of the Ice Palace Cold Kingdom also said: "Yeah, yeah, those guys in the southern demon kingdom are not easy to mess with, all the gods are terribly fatal, or they have to endure, then those are the loyal people of the fairy kingdom. Damn it! "

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