The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2631: Pursuit of Ling Peng

Two Six Three One Pursuit

When Zheng Haoming sang and let the speaker out, all those fairy spectators were all separated and gave way.

But this humanity gave up. At the end of humanity, a young man in Tsing Yi was standing, and he could see that he was the one who just spoke!

"This ..." After seeing this Tsing Yi man, the expression on Zheng Haoming's face changed, which can be described as wonderful! From the original arrogance, he was so proud that he suddenly saw a ghost-like expression.

The man in Tsing Yi who appeared at the end of the crowd was calm and calm, watching Zheng Haoming asking again, "Is there really only two possibilities for Ye Kong?"

At that moment, Zheng Haoming was anxious to die, cursing in his heart, today is really unlucky! It's rare to say bad things behind people, but they were even heard! This, this, how is it good!

At this moment, Tao Bo reminded him in a timely manner, "Hurry to apologize to Ye Tianshen!"

"Yes, yes!" Zheng Haoming said heartily that he had kneeled Ye Kong long ago, and it doesn't matter today, he rushed to the knees and rushed down! "Ye Tianshen, I was wrong. I am nonsense. The power of seniors like you can slaughter gods at the fairy level or fairy level. It is even more terrible to enter the **** world! How can I go to mine?" More unlikely to be killed! Actually, I was just kidding ... "

Ye Kong Leng hummed, "Just a joke? Well, I think it makes sense, xìng-like temper like me, must go offensive to the gods, and there is no place for burial if you are not careful."

Zheng Haoming was sweating profusely and scratching his head, begging for mercy.

Those god-goers and adventurers who watched, even if they didn't know Ye Kong, now they knew who was coming.

"He is Ye Kong!"

"Hundred years after the ascension of the divine realm, you have the godhead of the central god-man.

"What man in the middle, you are old and dim, do you not see the thick mist in front of the godhead? That is the upper man!"

"Well, the upper god-man! He's the upper god-man so soon! Is the ascension of the **** realm so fast?"

"Nonsense, you don't see who it is, it's Ye Kong who slaughtered God in the immortal world!"

In the argument, Brother He came out and reminded him, "Brother Ye, it's not your son who orchestrated you. The low-level god-man talks about the high-level god-man. As a swordsman, you have the right to challenge the low-rank to the high-level, and he Can't refuse! "

When Zheng Haoming heard this, he was scared to death. He said to the two of you that you are partial, are you lacking in virtue? He's already the upper **** man, and challenged me to a lower **** man, so am I not dead?

"Senior Ye, forgive me, my mouth is cheap, I owe it!" Zheng Haoming gritted his teeth and yanked his mouth, and said in the mouth, "I have a stinky mouth, I will punish myself, and I will deprive myself of a word when I discredit Senior Ye. Thousands of mouths apologize! "

The big man, Yang Duanming, walked out of the road. "What's the use of mouth? If we are in the realm of God of Food, like this, we will make dishes for you!"

Zheng Haoming was shocked, and said in his heart that this was even harder, and he didn't even leave the whole body. These gods are simply people who don't spit their bones.

However, Le'er was a bit unbearable. After all, people said that they would be killed, which is a bit unreasonable. Opening, "Ye Kong, otherwise, he didn't do anything."

When Leer talked about this, the people present discovered that the beauty was secretly amazed. The goddess also had beauty and ugliness. Compared with this goddess, all other goddesses were short.

And Zhang Haitao is a secret road, Ye Kong has a beauty fate, where there are beautiful women to accompany. But it was also when he saw the beauty that he thought of the business.

"Ye Tianshen don't care about him, I have an obituary in an emergency."

Ye Kong was very polite to Tao Bo who had helped him, and quickly saluted, "Tao Bo, I haven't seen you for 100 years. Let's find a place to drink."

Tao Bo said, "How can there be time to drink, the fairy Ning Ning was arrested!"

When Ye Kong came to the mother star, one of the most important things was to pick up the money, and when he heard Tao Bo said, he was shocked and asked, "What's the situation!"

Tao Bo knows the name of Xun Lingpeng and puts it simply before and after!

After Ye Kong heard it, his eyes flashed sharply, and he bit his teeth, "Poison yīn, the last time I repaired it was too low to do to you. This time, I will count it with your new account and old account!"

Ye Kong originally wanted to find half a piece of fairy jade in Taichu City, but at this moment, he can no longer take care of those, and waved his hand, "Chasing!"

Zheng Haoming said heartily, fortunately, this time finally escaped again.

However, Ye Kong's voice came from the entrance of the passage.

Zheng Haoming was bitter in his heart, but he didn't dare not do it. He continued to kneel and applaud, saying that Ye Kong's bad word was 10,000 mouths, which was enough for him to fight.

Everyone's plan was to enter the parent star to take a break, but now they plan to disrupt, Cao Zilong and Lin Lin, both in the ice country and the cold country, are a little upset.

But because it was to save people, and they wanted to go to the fairyland early, they hummed a few times and followed the path of the mother star.

When they came out, they were taken aback.

Because the situation was urgent, Ye Kong directly released his most powerful Canglu Shenzhou.

This time surprised everyone except Le Er.

The He family brothers walked in the sea of ​​clouds all the year round, and they knew the Shenzhou of the sea of ​​clouds best. They were surprised at first glance. good stuff!"

As an offspring of the godless hermit, Yang Duanming ’s knowledge is also amazing. He said, “This is really a good thing. The cloud map inside is presumably extraordinary, too. Brother Ye, what is the way for everyone to explore the treasure in the future, Please help me at that time. "

Ye Kong wouldn't have thought to tell them this and waved his hand, "Everyone, go to Shenzhou first!"

Cao Zilong and Lin Lin both looked down on Ye Kong, but now when they see this Shenzhou, they are still very surprised.

The brothers and sisters looked at each other and went to Shenzhou. Cao Zilong said, "Lvhuang God Kingdom is close to our ice palace and cold country. Everyone has some exchanges. I also know Lu Lingpeng and I will come back to help make peace."

In their opinion, Ye Kong must not have done anything with Ling Peng. Cao Zilong said helping Ye Kong to come forward and make peace, that's the help.

But Ye Kong didn't appreciate it at all, and hummed coldly, "If the kingdom of Luhuang, the **** Poison, and the fairy Ning Ning are less sweaty, I will make you pay a heavy price!"

Ye Kong's sentence, Cao Zilong was immediately unhappy, and he said that I wanted to help you, but you have to say hard words, do you have the ability to make people pay the price? Just an upper man! Others Ling Peng is the young master of the Kingdom of Luhuang! Xiuwei and equipment are far better than you ~ ~ Did you not want us to help in the end?

Cao Zilong and Lin Lin thought it through. Lin Lin immediately understood his brother's thoughts and immediately said, "We have some contacts between the Ice Palace Cold Country and the Luhuang Divine Kingdom. We cannot help."

According to Ye Kong ’s old xìng grid, they kicked them off the boat early, but now Ye Kong ca n’t care about holding their breath, staring at the cloud map in Shenzhou, saying in the mouth, “It ’s okay, you just help Ling Peng, I It doesn't matter. "

These two are a bit embarrassing, after all, they are a squad. Cao Zilong laughed and said, "How can we help Ling Peng, but it is better for the enemies to solve it than to end it. We mean that it is better to get along peacefully."

The Brothers of the He family were unwilling to take root, and said, "Yes, in fact ... Xu Lingpeng is the news we passed to him, and we are counting on him to give us a head start. It's better not to fall out."

Ye Kong sneered coldly. "When it does, it's up to Xi Ning fairy!"

To the reader:

And at night ...! .

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