The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2621: Chaos Rift

Two Six Two One Chaotic Secret

Time is in the hands of the sword god, and it turns into a river from countless huge pictures. When the sword **** stood in front of the long river, with a big wave of his hand, the river flowed back and the picture rolled.

In the distant sky, Ye Kong was standing in the mid-air. Looking at the picture, you can clearly see what happened before. The sword demon secretly broke through the main city formation, but came in to save the children, pretending to be a good person ...

Scene after scene, scene after scene, extremely reappearing.

But what embarrassed Ye Kong more is that there are some pictures in front of Changhe River, that is really ... it is the scene where Ye Kong and Le'er Dongfang are happy.

In fact, the sword **** didn't think about it either. He and his wife were both stunned. But they are all immortal, and watching them all are shaking their heads and smirking.

The sword **** had to pull a long time forward again, and pulled out the image of Leer yesterday evening. To say why pull so far, isn't the labor saving of the recent resurrection? Because Leer fights with the demon gods behind, the **** body is naturally damaged, and the resurrection is far more healthy, don't you need to rest?

The sword **** immediately locked that time and pulled Le'er out of it ...

Seeing Leer's resurrection, Ye Kong had a surprise on his face, and wanted to rush over. But was stopped by the sword god's wife, "Ye Xiaoyou, be careful."

At this moment, Ye Kong's surprised eyes saw a large parallel crack cracking above the long river, and a huge figure of gold sère stood up from the crack, and the sound of vicissitudes that passed through hundreds of millions of years sounded. , You should abide by the law of maintenance, but you go against the sky, undermine the law, let go quickly, otherwise I will not tolerate you! "

The sword **** is gentle and elegant, pulling Le Er in the light and shadow and laughing, "The eternal **** has worked hard, but this person and I must be resurrected."

"Look to death!" The eternal **** was furious, and yelled in the mouth, "Stop!" He punched his head against the sword god. The sword **** didn't resist either. The eternal **** even hit three punches, but the sword **** didn't take it seriously. He pulled the light and shadow of Le'er from the picture into reality.

"It turned out that this is the eternal **** ..." Ye Kong said that he accidentally became the eternal **** by accident, but Ye Kong asked again, "Are you resurrecting a person, do the eternal gods hit three punches?"

Li Youhua laughed, "No, the time is usually close. Within twelve hours, it's the same, it's all three punches. But if you move forward, there will be more, usually twelve hours forward. Add one punch. If it is more than ten days and one hundred days, there will be a substantial increase ... "

Speaking of this, Ye Kong understands that it is no wonder that the craftsman is too late. If the craftsman comes, let's say it will take fifteen days. At that time, I am afraid that it will suffer dozens of punches from the eternal god! His ancestor Banban, let alone the artisan god, even the sword **** will be hit to vomit blood!

"Can't you fight back?" Ye Kong asked again.

Li Youhua laughed, "No, this is God's condemnation, it's a divine punishment. The three punches are not at all from a time and space. You can only be beaten. All resistance is futile!"

Ye Kong nodded, but fortunately, there was a sword god, otherwise the day-old **** came, the day lily was cold. The old bone of the craftsman, who suffered dozens of punches from the eternal god, is estimated to be dead.

After Le'er came out, she was in a daze for a while, because after resurrection, the laws of time and space would immediately synchronize the memory into her brain.

When she completed the synchronization, she remembered what happened in this paragraph. The thought of having experienced a life and death, the two hugged each other tightly, don't have a feeling, just felt that each other's love was deeper.

The sword godfather over there looked at each other with a smile.

However, Li Youhua was still very worried about her husband. He whispered, "How about the three punches? How can you still eat it? There are still two hundred years before the chaos is opened, and every time a chaos will occur in the chaos. I think of the The fighting is still uneasy. "

The sword **** Zhang Yongwei laughed, "Two hundred years of recovery is enough. Besides, I just went there because I found the super-artifact breaking heavenly sword, which led to siege by all parties. As long as I go to see this time, I do n’t want to People fight, so rest assured. "

Li Youhua shouted, "You say less of those words. If you find a super artifact in this time, or even an ancient overlord ancient artifact! Can you not fight? Cut!"

Zhang Yongwei laughed. "This is also true. It is said that they are angry and confident this time. They want to go in and find the ancient artifact of the hegemon class! If they can find it, it will be a great honor for my people!"

"I don't think so. Many people in the Divine Realm are very self-sufficient now. They only care about their own homes, and internal fighting consumes us. Our human race is the least united!" Li Youhua snorted coldly.

"Similarly, the Demon Clan is also very powerful, and the Demon Clan is like a loose sand." Zhang Yongwei was very optimistic, saying, "What big incidents really happened, the people can still let go of their prejudices and agree."

Between them, Ye Kong had briefly reunited with Le'er, Ye Kong also talked about what happened to Le'er after his death, and now both of them came over and thanked the sword priest fù.

The sword **** lifted them up and said, "Don't thank me, I just returned the favor of Wanjia. Ye Kong, you just remember to bring the half piece of fairy jade up, and I completely settle the cause and effect of the Nether."

Ye Kong said again, "God dear, you have three punches. I have something to heal here." Immediately, Ye Kong took the compression capsule out, and the sword **** saved him Ye Kong, and he saved Le Er, Ye Kong. Of course you can't cherish it.

Hearing the effectiveness of the compression chamber, the sword **** smiled bitterly, "Little friend, do you go to the Ascension Pool when we are immortal gods? I tell you, that thing is not useful to us, it is like a panacea for healing, to a certain level , The lower elixir is effective! The heaven and earth divine fluid in the ascension pool, the water formed by the power of faith, is useless, what we need is true faith! "

"It turned out to be true faith." Ye Kong didn't expect that, and smiled bitterly. "I don't know what true faith is, is there a lot of servants?"

Li Youhua laughed, "The way to get true faith is to create a realm, create more realms, and let the people in the realm believe in themselves, which is much more effective than receiving servants!"

When Ye Kong heard about the creation of the world, his heart moved. However, he would not say that he wants to create a realm. An upper god-man wants to create a realm. It is estimated that he will be laughed at. He just inquired, "I heard that the most difficult thing to find in the world of creation is the cosmic magpie, Yu dark light, and yuyuan maggot, but the world has disappeared."

Li Youhua didn't think about this little upper god-man and wanted to practice the world, and he laughed, "Those things in the world of God are very few, especially the dark light, as long as that thing encounters the true light ~ ~ Will disappear, so only in the chaos, the mystery of chaos! "

Ye Kong suddenly thought of the teleportation array of each city going to the sky sword city, and there was Yu dark light in it. Could the sword **** get the dark light in the chaos? Ye Kong has a cosmic maggot, and it is said that Yuyuan maggot is in Zhouzhou. If there is dark light in the universe, the material will be all!

"Senior, where is that chaos?" Ye Kong couldn't help asking.

The sword **** did not want to talk to Ye Kong, saying, "You are still low, do n’t think about it, and think about delaying time. It is my taboo! To go to the chaos, you must have a black jail tower and a door brick. With a strong cultivation, the most important thing is to have strength, real strength! Although there are many treasures in it, they must be used! "

Speaking of Sword God's practice path is not the same as Ye Kong's. Sword God is the kind of penance, who knows the sword system and keeps going on this road. Therefore, the sword **** also hopes that Ye Kong will not sink foreign objects, and do not rush to find treasures, and practice with all his heart!

However, Ye is not the same. He likes to run up and down and jump up and down to get the chance. Therefore, Ye Kong certainly won't listen to the sword god. What kind of chaos, he still yearns for it!

Yu dim light! !! .

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