The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2416: Make you my servant

Two four one six make you my priest

Ye Kong has already exploded. The sword demon **** still has 0.5% of the **** body!

Fortunately, when the divine body is below one percent, it will enter the dormant state of protection. The sword demon **** is faint!

When Ye Kong ’s body appeared, he hurriedly picked up his own king Wang Wanbao and so on, and then he was relieved. Today is really a hard fight! At present, Ye Kong ’s body is still less than 20%, that is, 19%. If the sword demon **** is more powerful, perhaps Ye Kong will be completely lost today!

Seeing the sword demon **** lying on the ground, occupying a large area of ​​the ground, Ye Kong originally raised the Guanghua Sword, but thought of dropping the sword.

It is easy to kill the sword demon **** now, but obviously it is a big loss! Regardless of the strength of the sword demon god, say that he must be very rich in the portable space! If you kill, you will have nothing!

Ye Kongkong read aloud and put the sword demon **** into Wanbaohe, as well as his several swords, and then took another breath. However, the sword demon god's recovery ability is amazing, Ye Kong dare not let him stay for a long time, if the wind blows grass, still have to kill him quickly.

Ye Kong finished packing up the sword demon god, raised his head, and saw that the funeral sword city was already in the sky.

"Not good!" Ye Konggang's relaxed mind suddenly tangled, his mind moved, and God's consciousness was released ... Ye Kong's eyes suddenly burst into tears!


Ye cavitated out of shape, a light and shadow of Tsing Yi slammed into the city's main palace of the funeral sword city!

The city-lord's mansion at this moment is like flame hell! There are broken tiles everywhere, blood everywhere, and corpses everywhere.

On the broken bricks and rubble, a woman in the city's main government was torn off her collar, and a large area of ​​white sèlulu was in the air. You can see that her face has been intentionally coated with mud, but this has not stopped those crazy Demon god. A weird-looking demon, despite her crying, is suppressing her hard work ...

Seeing this scene, Ye Kong was shocked when he thought of Leer!

"Give me to death!" Ye Kong cut the demon **** into several pieces with a large cutting divine magic, and then he rushed into the backyard in a stride!

Along the way, all the demon gods he saw were executed by him! Kill kill, kill all!

However, Ye Kong walked all the way, and he was also stunned. The cultivation of these demon gods is not high, and he should not break the formation of the main city of the city so quickly!

What I saw along the way was shocking. The male swordsmen guards of the main city hall were killed, the gods were dug out, and some limbs were devoured and bitten by the demon gods. And those dead female swordsmen and women are even miserable, all of them are naked and have been insulted before death, which makes Ye Kong worry about Le'er's fate!

According to the truth, Ye Kong ’s consciousness deliberately covered the entire city, but he found the city ’s main mansion. There was a small piece in his bedroom that he could n’t understand.

"It was Le'er's last line of defense there, or someone deliberately led me there ..." Ye Kongzhong suspected that he had a problem in a place he couldn't detect.

Even he felt great danger!

Just had a battle with the sword demon god, Ye Kong's hole cards were exhausted! There is still 19% of his body! He can no longer face powerful opponents!

But even if it is dangerous, he will go! Because Leer was there, a girl who had just been entrusted to him for life! Even if he knew he would die, Ye Kong would go!

If you do n’t go, it ’s not Ye Kong!

"Le'er, don't be in trouble!" Ye Kong drew the bodies of the female swordsmen in front of his eyes. He drew his heart to his throat and killed several demon gods. He had already come outside the hall where the bedroom was located. !!

"Boom!" Ye Kong didn't pause, kicking open the palace's red door to Hualien.

I saw a tall figure standing in the middle of the hall with his hand in his hands, watching a painting on the wall, and he didn't move in the sound of a huge kick! At that stop, the momentum is enough to win the world!

This momentum can be compared with the anger of the **** of the kingdom of Dongsheng God that Ye Kong saw!

"Sword Demon!" This is the second time Ye Kong saw the sword demon. For the first time in the demon world, Ye Kong used the crown of the Daming King to not be his opponent, and even threatened the sword demon to establish the alliance under the city with the broken kingdom Thunder Fruit!

It may be that Ye Kong's cultivation was low at the time, and he could not feel the power of the sword demon god. Ye Kong really felt his power now! The strength of the sword demon god, the sword demon **** is completely out of reach!

The next time I saw the sword demon god, I saw the tied Leer and the old man who was also tied to the mist god. Both of them were sitting on the ground, and the collar of Leer was a little cracked.

"Leer!" Ye Kong saw it, and suddenly his eyes cracked! A roar, "Sword Demon, you are shameless!"

He said it, but there were two voices over there, "No, this is not the case with the city master!"

"Ye Kong, I'm fine, the sword devil saved me!"

The Sword Demon wanted to speak. When he saw Leer talking to the old swordsman, he didn't say it, shrugged, and signaled the old man sent by the mist **** to continue to say.

The old man said, "Citylord, this is the case. After you leave, there are countless demon swordsmen to attack the large array. Although the citylord's large array of defense is good, but it can not withstand such an attack, it was quickly broken Those demon gods are really not human. When they come in, they kill men when they see them, ān when they see women, and they kill them all the way to the backyard. I and the little princess are besieged. princess……"

"Ah!" Ye Kong heard the anger in his heart, thinking that Leer was almost insulted, he was going crazy!

The old man paused and said, "But fortunately, this time, the Lord Sword Demon arrived in time, killed those demon gods, and saved me and the little princess. The Lord Sword Devil is a good man!"

The sword devil saved them. This is something that Ye Kong couldn't believe. Ye Kong never believed that the sword devil would be so kind! However, looking at Leer and the old man being tied, Ye Kong couldn't bother to investigate those, but hugged his fist. "Thank you Lord God for ignoring the previous suspicion and shooting in danger, Ye Kong remembered this kind of affection ... just, two Why should people be tied up, and also asked the sword demon **** deity to put it back! "

After all, the sword demon saves people, Ye Kong is still very polite, still use the title of honor, call him god.

However, the sword devil did not give any face, and laughed, "Ye Kong, you are an understatement to speak! Is my sword devil worth only one word? My sword devil, do you need to remember my kindness? ? "

Ye Kong heard his tone, and the visitor was not good, and he also said coldly, "Master God, how are you doing?"

The sword devil said lightly, "I saved him and I can kill them! I will not let him be insulted, or I will let him be insulted! Everything is between your thoughts!"

Ye Kongkong said, Sure enough, the sword demon **** has no good intentions, this is to threaten himself!

The old man and Leer thought that the sword devil was a good man ~ ~ I only know now, not so!

The old man advised: "God, I am the steward of the mist god, this is the little princess of the artisan **** domain ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the large hand of the sword demon god, "Fog God Craftsman, my sword demon neither asks them nor fears them! In front of me, their names are not worth mentioning!"

Although these words of the sword devil may sound a bit exaggerated, they are really true! The sword **** Shen Jianshu of the northern sword **** kingdom, the sword demon **** is the actual controller of the northern sword **** kingdom! Compared with his power and strength, there is really nothing to be afraid of!

Ye Kong gritted his teeth and asked, "God has saved my people, and now he hasn't shot me in time. There are some requirements on me, but it's OK!"

The sword devil finally laughed. "Destiny, really smart people! I like smart people! What I think, naturally makes you my servant!"

To the reader:

There is still at night, please ask for **** at the same time, with your support, let Xiaoman become more powerful! !! .

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