The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2613: God of War


Among the huge bangs, a mushroom cloud with a width of a thousand meters rose sharply in the distance from the burial sword city. This strike was the nine-strike strike of the sword god.

Ye Kong was standing in the mushroom cloud, and the feeling of the **** body violently damaging most of it was something he had never experienced before!

From ninety-seven percent of the divine body, sixty percent of it was destroyed! Thirty-seven percent left!

Ye Kong's eyes hidden behind the red wafer were also startled! From Ye Kong to the Divine Realm, although I have experienced crazy blood loss under the fire spirit divine power, but that feeling is not the same as now! The power of the Fire Spirit is to feel the damage entering quickly, as if the bloodline is falling rapidly!

The sword god's striking power is that the bloodline has dropped sharply!

Very scary!

In fact, let's not say Ye Kong was taken aback. The sword **** himself was taken aback. When this blow was released, he himself had a little regret!

Why regret it? Because the sword **** doesn't want to kill Ye Kong! The purpose of the sword **** is to grasp Ye Kong and force him to ask where the bleeding sword is! This is the key! If Ye Kong puts the blood sword in the portable space and kills Ye Kong, it means that he will never get the blood sword!

Seeing Ye Kong die, the sword **** sighed with relief, and said, "Boy, your deity is really rich, but according to your height of 100 feet, you hit me, and at least 50% of it was damaged. The above gods! "

If we say that the sword **** is indeed experienced, with Ye Kong's incarnation of the ancient **** laughing at this moment, we can estimate the thickness of Ye Kong's body. Then, based on his one-strike divine power, calculate the **** body lost by Ye Kong!

This trick estimation is very important, and it can be done! Knowing how many gods the opponent has, how much has been consumed, and how much can be consumed. These are all experiences in battle.

Of course Ye Kong would not admit it. Haha laughed and said, "You do n’t blow the air, you just lost 10% of Grandpa ’s **** body, and you will come again!" Ye Kong is not afraid of him coming, because this kind of power is not to say Release it.

The release of Shenwei also consumes a lot of divine power! If it ’s a normal divine cast, you ca n’t see it. If you release several in a row, there is no problem. But the **** of swords releases nine magical powers at the same time. Although he has nine arms, I believe he only has one magic lake! With such a cast, Shenlihu is temporarily unable to keep up with the divine supply!

The sword **** also laughed and said, "How much was lost, you have a count in your heart!" After that, the sword **** said: "You know, you know that you just used ancient divinity and the main artifact again, you know How much power have you lost me? "

To be honest, Ye Kong really doesn't know.

The sword **** said again: "Don't tell you, you just lost 10% of my **** body ..."

Ye Kong certainly would not believe it, because this sentence is a complete restatement of Ye Kong's previous sentence! Obviously, this sword **** is not good at lying! Ye Kong could see his bragging at a glance!

Ye Kong estimates that the three major magical techniques released by himself, and the deforestation of the main artifact and the Buddha sword, lost at least 30% of the gods!

In this way, Ye Kong still has 37% of the deities, but the sword **** has 60% to 70% of the deities. This battle is completely difficult to continue.

The sword **** is still talking, "The surnamed Ye, I know you may not believe the numbers I said, but there is one thing, I don't think you will deny, that is to continue fighting, it is you who lose ... In this battle, I will consume some gods, but I will recover in a short time, but you have to pay the price of life! Of course, I still have another way for you to choose, that is, blood Give it back to me, how can I let you go? "

Ye Kong sneered, "I will return the blood sword to you. How can you guarantee my life?"

The sword **** laughed: "I guarantee with my credit!"

"Are you credible?" Ye Kong sneered, and said, "If I return the Blood Sword to you, you will kill me even more! But I have a way to return the Blood Sword to you, but also Guarantee you won't kill me! "

Sword God said, of course I can't wait to kill you! But if it doesn't work, you have to get the blood sword first!

"You said!" The sword **** yīn like the sea said coldly.

"The best way is to swear to be my servant. In this case, of course, I will give you the blood sword, and at the same time, I will not be willing to kill you." Ye Kong said his suggestions very shamelessly.

But the sword god's face was angry, "boy, I'm talking to you seriously, and you're entertaining me! Are you really not afraid of death?"

"Of course I ..." Ye Konghua said here, and he suddenly picked his eyes. It turned out that he was talking nonsense with the sword god, waiting for this moment!

A golden cloud, I do not know when it is flying above the sword god's head!

Feeling that Ye Kong is different, the sword **** is not stupid, he looked up suddenly, and his eyes were full of fear! The sword **** refined in the sea of ​​clouds all the year round. He knew more about the spirit clouds in the sea of ​​clouds than ordinary people, so he saw the golden cloud at a glance, and he already understood, "The spirit cloud of the level of the Lord God!"

The sword **** was so angry that I realized that Ye Kong was dragging his **** just now to cover the cloud ghost! The level of this cloud ghost is also very high, so he even concealed his consciousness and only found it when he reached the top of his head!

Roar! That cloud ghost has long waited for this moment, how could it let the sword **** escape? I saw that the cloud of Jin Sè stretched out suddenly, lù came out with a face like Ye Kong!

Roar! The cloud ghost of the main **** level is another crazy roar. In the roar, the power of the main **** is released, and a powerful Tianwei descends from the night sky! And under this force, a golden palm was pressed from the sky violently!

Speaking of which, if this cloud-level ghost and sword **** confront each other, that's no chance of winning! Because the main **** and partial **** are both strong and weak! For example, a **** like Bai Shen cannot beat Ye Kong!

The sword **** is a very powerful partial god, but Jin Sè Yungui is the main **** of medium or so, so Jin Sè Yungui is not an opponent of the sword god.

But at this moment is different, the sword **** Shenwei can not be released for the time being, and was attacked by Jin Sè Yun ghost! Therefore, the sword **** had no resistance at all, and was pressed by Jin Sè Yungui's palm!

Just listen to the loud noise, and the huge palm slammed on the same huge sword god. At that moment, the ground was shaking for it! King Sè Yungui's full blow is also very powerful! This blow actually knocked out 20% of the sword god's body!

However, the sword **** g supported this attack and changed the time of confrontation!

I saw him yelling ~ ~ Shuzi hurt me, you die! "In the roar, all nine arms were waving, and all nine magic swords with different shapes were cut out suddenly!

"Nine swords in the cloud!" The nine swords in the cloud were exhibited, which is very powerful in principle, but the ruan rib is the blood sword which is replaced by an ordinary sword! In this way, the power of Cloud Nine Swords is greatly weakened! It is not as powerful as his divine power, at best it is Ye Kong's ancient divine power.

However, a powerful **** like the sword **** is displayed, and the power is also very powerful! For a while, there were countless various sword lights on the ground slamming into the sky, and the sharp sword lights cut the surface of Yunguijin into a gap!

Although these breaches will be restored later, these attacks, however, are reducing the ghost's body crazy! This Jin Sè's ghost was already seriously injured under the attack of Ye Kong and Yu Fengqi. But Ye Kong compressed it into the ascension pond in the pipa beads, so that he could recover quickly!

It is exactly this way that Ye Kong ’s flying liquid in the ascension pool consumes most of it!

So when seeing Jin Sè's cloud ghost under attack, Ye Kong's meat hurts a lot! !! .

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