The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2599: News about Fairyland

"Okay! Let's raise another glass for our Tianjian City for another expert!" The fog **** Ouyang Peng suggested toasting. Ye Kong quickly waved his hand, "What am I good at?"

Everyone laughed, "Why not be a good master? In front of Jian Fanshen Kù belt, the maiden pulled down the veil to you, are you not strong enough?"

Everyone laughed.

While everyone was drinking, the Demon Sword Demon felt a little depressed. Because he always wanted to worship Lord Sword God as a teacher, but now it seems a bit troublesome. Sword God's best friend attaches great importance to the issue of race. It seems that Sword God also has this idea, and it is unlikely that a demon would like to worship Sword God as a teacher.

In fact, when Ye Kong and Wushen talked and laughed, the ghost sword demon still had some small ideas. For example, please ask Ye Kong to introduce him, let him see the sword god, and learn from the teacher ... but I listened to Ouyang Peng He was a little depressed.

The sword **** knows that this can't blame the sword god. The issue of race cannot be avoided! Divine people like them who have a relatively low position still don't feel anything. In the Sky Temple, those immortal gods have an elder position for their race, and they can start a war in the whole **** world!

Non-my family, its heart must be different! Who wants to cultivate an enemy? Even if it is training, it has a purpose or a reason!

However, as a strong-willed swordsman, Mengjian Demon quickly got rid of his messy thoughts and said with a smile, "Ye Daoyou, it is wise for you to stay! Don't forget, after six months, it will be one of the swordsman once a year. Let ’s fight! You wo n’t even think about that kind of victory. Many people came from thousands of miles away. If you come here, you will regret it too late! ”

The Demon Sword said this because his mind had been determined, and he must make a new head in the battle of swordsmen! At that time, it may be favored by Lord Sword God, or maybe there will be a turn!

With the words of the Sword Demon God, everyone present turned to the battle of swordsmen. Except for Ye Kong and Liuding Liujia, all others were swordsmen, so it was very warm to talk about!

Ye Kong didn't understand what the swordsman fight was at first. When I heard them say, Ye Kong thought that the battle between swordsmen was the martial arts convention. Later, when I heard it, it was not so! It's not that the juniors of the swordsman have a contest. Everyone decides the top three and gets a little reward from the organizing committee. Then they are all happy ... No, not so.

The battle between swordsmen is very important! That is the control of the cities!

As we all know, the Kingdom of the North Sword is a country with a loose alliance. The basic unit is the city, and the area is formed by the city! Each strong ruled an area, called the Swordsman Realm. The first partial **** of the sword system, the Sword Demon, ruled a huge area with an area of ​​53 cities!

I don't know when it started, this kind of swordsman battle appeared! Because the battle of swordsmen often has life fighting, some regional strongmen are killed in the battle of swordsmen, and his swordsman domain is divided up.

Over time, the battle of swordsmen has also become a place for the strong to compete for the city and expand the site!

However, this battle is also good for ordinary swordsmen and immortals in those cities. Because in the past, wars were fought! That casualty would be great. However, after the battle of swordsmen, there is no need to start a battle, and all the injuries will be gathered in the battle of swordsman!

The battle of swordsmen is more bloody.

Listening to their talk, Ye Kong couldn't keep his mouth open, and he had no concept of the sword warrior. So between the words, Ye Kong has come to the Liuding Liujia Devil.

In fact, Ye Kong means that the six devil and six demon gods are now safe. So Xìng returns to the artisan **** realm and continues to escape. Although he picks up trash, he is also very happy, isn't he?

But Ye Kong forgot that everyone has a dream! The six devil and six demon gods pick up garbage life, they also have a dream, that is to come to the swordsman realm to become a swordsman, make themselves strong, and return to the sky temple! Now I'm in Tianjian City, of course I don't want to go back!

Speaking of which, Ye Kong feels that the six devil and six demon gods are relatively thick and unsuitable to survive in this cruelly competitive place. But Fang Qian said, "I think we will be strong!"

Maybe everyone has a dream. Living in such a world, strength is an eternal pursuit! No matter if you are weak, or mean, or mediocre, you cannot change your thirst for power!

In this case, Ye Kong will not say anything anymore. Anyway, Ye Kong is here, and the six deities and six demon gods should not suffer.

The following time, Ye Kong talked to the two partial gods, He Dong and He Xixi.

He Brothers ’honorary name is also easy to remember. His elder brother is called Feng Xiaoshen, and his younger brother is called Feng Yaoshen. Although their cultivation is ordinary, treasure hunting has been for a long time, but they have a lot of experience in treasure hunting, and they have a lot of life-saving means.

Therefore, above the banquet, with their great experience of exploring treasures, it is a matter that will not be cold!

I do n’t know why, when I was talking about exploring treasures in another world, my brother He Xixi wine was a bit high and whispered to Ye Kong, "Brother Ye, tell you a secret! It is said that there is an ancient **** in the fairy world! Now we explore The treasure world has spread all over, and some people have sensed that some people in the fairy world have arranged the ancient **** array method ... "

Hearing Ye Jingzhong's shock here, you know, there is still five years left between the agreement between him and Xun Ning Fairy! Unexpectedly at this time, people from the divine realm already sensed it!

When He Dong saw his brother talking, he quickly grabbed the brother and refused to let him speak. Because of such things as the ancient gods, it was a feast of carnival, but if there were too many people, the partial gods like them could not eat the feast, and they could only eat the leftovers!

He Xixi also found himself saying something wrong, and he smiled, "Actually, those guys in the treasure hunting world talked a lot, and last time I said that there is a place where the Shenlong family live, nonsense, unbelievable."

If Ye Kong didn't hear these words, maybe it would be fine. But Ye Kong heard it, how could he ignore it, and whispered at the moment: "Two people, don't hide the matter, I'm the fairy lord in the fairy world, the situation in the fairy world is well known! Yes, I have a lot in my heart!"

Seeing Ye Kong's eyes, the brothers of the Ho family suddenly lighted up.

But at the moment above the banquet, there is still talking about the battle of swordsmen. He Dong whispered to Ye Kong: "We live in the unloading sword tower in the outer city. If we are interested, let's go back and talk again!"

Ye Kong nodded his head ~ ~ Good! "

Obviously, the Brothers of the Ho family moved. Originally, they only knew the weaker God in the news, and even if they followed everyone at that time, it would be difficult to say what benefits they would get. But with Ye Kong, the former fairy lord of the fairyland, things are different!

Ye Kong also needs their help. First of all, Ye Kong wanted to rescue Qian Youren, and he was a better helper. On the other hand, Ye Kong still doesn't know how to go down from the **** world! Therefore, we all have to rely on the Brothers of the He family.

After Ye Kong's banquet, the fog **** was really arranged. Immediately someone sent a jade card. Ye Kong looked at it, it turned out to be a good house in Tianjian City, among which countless Dongfu can be built! Not only did Ye Kong have a place to live, but even the six deities and six demon gods had a place to live.

Wushen sent them out and said to Ye Kong: "I see Ye Xiaoyou's promising future. He shouldn't be stuck with the swordsman, but he doesn't overpower himself, so he still has to test the swordsman's level."

Ye Kong nodded and said, "Thank you, I will go immediately!"

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