The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2594: Thrush Excalibur

When the sword multiplied by the sword, the sky was filled with the magic sword huā, hundreds of thousands of swords huā, opened on the sky, and each sè's sword made of huā, cloth The sky is full of the beauty of Hongdae.

This complex sword-like sword style not only looks good at Hongdae, but also has amazing power! You know, Jian Fanshen, the fourth partial **** of the sword, is not a stigma, this fan is like her sword!

"Send it to me!" Jian Fanshen's long sleeves made a move, as if the flagpole in the gale waved and made a bang, suddenly, I saw that the hundreds of thousands of magic swords in the sky were all scattered, no longer forming the sword huā.

Jian Fanshen this is a fairly fair way, she scattered, the powerful attack attached to the sword, all dispersed. Then, her lake green sleeves shook again.

In the crackling hunting sound, life's crisp jā scolded "Next!"

Suddenly hundreds of thousands of magic swords fell from the sky, like hundreds of thousands of eagles, doves, and seagulls. They fell from the sky and hit the test sword stone in the lake.

For a while, the sound of Dangdang's crisp and smashed sound returned to dn in this side of time, ringing into one, enduring.

Dangdang Dangdang's voice finally sounded, Jian Fanshen had done a trick, and behind his back, put on a refreshing and chic movement. Although her looks were not beautiful, but this posture was graceful.

After Jian Fanshen made this move, there were no swords to send, so he took all the swords generously, and looked at Ye Kong with a pair of eyes proudly, and said, "My God has this strength. If you can If you exceed, you win! "

Everyone at the scene looked at her test sword stone and took a breath of air!

Prior to the sword's blow, the two test sword stones were about the same brightness, as if they were two full moons, emitting hazy white light. However, with the sword's blow, the form completely changed!

I saw Jian Fanshen's test sword stone as bright as Can Chan Jin Yang, like a round of sun!

Moreover, it is still a round sun!

The strongest sun at noon! This kind of strength, this high degree of sword power, dare to ask the gods present, how many people can do it?

"Finished!" In the eighth pavilion, Yu Feng's seven eyes were darkened, his friends and the demon sword angels all bowed their heads and shook, and the six deities and six demon gods closed their mouths decisively.

In all other kiosks, it can be said that everyone knows that Ye Kong has lost. In the No. 1 kiosk, the sword Buddha did not feel happy because he guessed, but just smiled, "I Buddha is compassionate. This is related to the Buddha. He can reach the current level, although he is defeated!"

Hearing this, and seeing the brightness of the test sword outside, én face no longer insisted on her own opinion, and said to herself, muttering, "I have heard so many names in these years, but so ..."

But as soon as she sighed, she had heard the light "咦" of the sword Buddha.

She also looked out, and suddenly her beautiful phoenix eyes lit up!

Outsiders waited, one by one's bleak faces also became excited, and their disappointed eyes lit up ...

And under the gaze of countless eyes, I saw that the speed of shaking the kù belt in the little hand of Tsing Yi was obviously accelerated! Faster and faster, and the number of excaliburs shaking out is increasing!

The blockbuster Excalibur appears, although the sky that can't keep up with the sword's gods is a sword, but it is clear that Ye Kong is more enduring! Endless, never ending!

Over time, the Ye Jian's test sword stone also brightened, getting closer to the sun!

The change in the face of the sword and the gods is really wonderful, from ridicule to ridicule, to impatience, to worry, to shock, to fear! Jian Fanshen feared that her test sword stone was about to be overtaken by Ye Kong!

"Abominable! Exactly how many divine swords are contained in that broken kù belt!" Jian Fanshen is going crazy, she thought she was the person with the most swords in the Northern Sword God Kingdom. I tried to figure it out, but I did not expect Ye Kong There is such a kü belt!

Finally, Ye Kong ’s test sword stone is stronger than Jian Fanshen. Although the distance is not obvious, everyone can see that Ye Kong has won!

Until this moment, everyone's eyes were still staring, unbelievable.

However, someone on the lotus leaf received the Excalibur, and tied the kù belt very shamelessly in public. I did n’t know if it was intentional. When finishing the kù waist, he looked very indecently at the sword fan's side. Tǐn a few times in the lower abdomen ... Tidied down, this one put down the front of Tsing Yi, and said the non-existent dust, and said to himself, "No, it's nothing like a sword, what is this, what is it!"

Jian Fanshen looked at his arrogance, angrily dying, and cursed in his heart. You use a belt so heavy, and you are not afraid of straining your waist muscles.

In all the other kiosks, everyone came back to God. Yu Fengqi, who was unbelievable, said with a smile, "This, this, is this a win?"

Many people in the front of the pavilion slammed a big tutu and said, "Okay! Win, good, that stinking woman!"

In the No. 1 kiosk, the sword and Buddha who had been cold all the time couldn't help laughing. "The sacred girl is from the Kingdom of the West Gods and Buddha. Sure enough, the Dharma is far better than me, and I can see that Ye Xiaoyou is more powerful!"

én smiled a little at the maiden, not reconciling, but looked away from the pavilion again.

Deep in the lotus pond, Ouyang Peng's figure emerged and he laughed and said, "I heard Ye Xiaoyou's name several times recently, and today it is extraordinary at first sight!" After that, he asked Jian Fanshen "Sister, look ..."

Jian Fanshen naturally can't play rogue, he had to bite his teeth and cut his teeth, "Lose lost! Huh! Let us compare the next one, and then win!"

Losing this game puts a lot of pressure on Jian Fanshen. The first draw, the second lose! Now the most important thing is the third game! Even with a draw in the third game, she lost the sword.

So she must win the third game, and have a match against Ye Kong, and then she can ask to increase the fourth game, and then win Ye Kong in the fourth game.

So what is the crucial third game? This time Swordsman has to speak again, but Ouyang Peng said, "This time, give Ye Xiaoyou the power to set up a topic. The first two games are determined by your sister."

Jian Fan was angry and angry, but there was no way but to yell at Ye Kong, "What are you talking about, but if it is a daily sword fighting project!"

Ye Kong felt embarrassed and smiled bitterly. "I don't really know what a daily sword is."

Jian Fan said with a divine heart, you do n’t know how good you are, you mallet! She quickly said, "Then it's simple! Everyone is better than the Excalibur!"

Ye Kong didn't know what to do ~ ~ After listening to Jian Fanshen's words, he also nodded "Okay, it's better than worse, how can it be compared?"

Ouyang Peng said, isn't your heart small? You do n’t even know how to promise it in one go?

But since Ye Kong had already promised, he said, "The simple thing is that each of you takes out your own best sword, and then sees who has the highest sword quality, that is the victory!"

"How are you, dare you?" Jian Fanshen asked provocatively.

In fact, she played a trick here, because in the second game, Ye Kong released all the Excalibur, she could see clearly! Nothing good sword! The most powerful one is the ancient magic sword in the beginning. Although the ancient magic sword is good, but in the end, it is just a partial artifact, or a middle-class artifact.

However, her sword is full of reservations, but a sword has never been taken out!

"The surname Ye, since you have promised, don't regret it, look at me first! Famous artifact, thrush sword!"! .

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