The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2591: Ba Lei Jian Jue

Two five nine one dominate the thunder sword

There is no need for fighting swords and competition challenges. In short, it is to set the theme of the battle, and then the two sides will compete on this theme.

This is a peculiar way of civilization that does not harm the spirit, but also can be compared to a short-term civilization-_)

This place is not a fighting area. The goddess Jian Fan said such a test method, but Yu Fengqi could not refuse.

However, when Feng Qi wanted to speak and promised, a man in Tsing Yi walked out of the eighth pavilion, saying in the mouth, "Feng Qi, you are unhealed, let me fight with her."

This sound immediately caught the eyes of all the swordsmen present, especially the sword god

She saw that the only person from the upper part was the cultivation of the gods. She naturally disdained, and said, "I do n’t know who this **** is. The cultivation is not high, but the tone is not small."

All the pavilions in the hall were full of discussions and did not know the godhead in his early days. However, some people began to doubt, "Is this the God Lord who subdued in Fengqi? But I heard that it is a godman in the middle. The upper man? "

When Ye Kong came forward, Yu Fengqi was not good at concealing anything, only loudly, "This is my God Lord Yu Fengqi, Ye Kong."

"The seventh part of the sword is the strangest servant of others. The most bizarre thing is that the **** master is the cultivation of an upper man." There were some people from the field, or they did n’t know it, or did n’t believe it. It ’s ... At this moment, Yu Fengqi exited in person, but it made the scene noisy again.

The eyes and powerful consciousness from each pavilion all focused on Ye Kong, and looked again

The strongest one is from Pavilion No. 1, a pure and overbearing buddha. Ye Kong knows that it is the sword and Buddha's consciousness.

Sword and Buddha's cultivation can completely sweep the sense of God. Ye Kong knows nothing but the predecessors like Sword and Buddha will not do sneaky things and do not bother to do it.

Ye Kongkong said that he was interested in the buddies, so he thought about it, and quietly let go of the buddha's force that was felt in the demon world.

The sword Buddha probably felt the breath of Yemen on Ye Kong and swept Ye Kong carefully before leaving.

The sword fan **** over there also re-examined Ye Kong, and did not feel anything special about this person, and said, "Since you are the Lord of Yu Fengqi, you are naturally qualified to fight with me but you can cultivate it. Belonging to my junior, so I lowered Xiu to fight with you "

Swordsman swordsmanship also have agreed rules. For example, if the strengths are far apart, the other party will actively lower down the practice and win the other side in the future. That is a natural victory and respect.

Ye Kong waved his hand, "You don't have to deliberately give way to cultivation, as long as Ye can let go and fight with his predecessors, everyone can fight with all their strength."

In fact, Ye Kong's meaning is that I am not cold to you except for the mighty power that I do not have.

"The arrogant generation who doesn't know how to live and die" Jian Fanshen snorted and said, "Ye Xiaoyou, you come from the outside, maybe you don't know that the sword is also a bet. You know, if you lose, I will propose What are the requirements? "

Ye Kong raised his hand, "Please speak"

Jian Fan's head was so tall and tall that he said cruelly, "You are helping Feng Qi Dou Jian. If you lose, hum, let him go home and tell his mother, every time When I see me, I kneel down and scratch my head. "

Ye Kong heard it funny, this request, Nima, I was too scared that his old lady did n’t scratch your head, and it has a half dime relationship with me. I did n’t have a cold to the widow, so it ’s okay to let her scratch your head.

However, Yu Fengqi knew Ye Kong's thoughts and was so anxious that he begged, "God Lord, just stop"

Ye Kong angrily said, "This kind of insult to your own mother, how do you back? Rest assured, I have the Lord as the master of you"

Yu Fengqi lamented in her heart and said, "I'm sorry for you, my mother."

Ye Kong ignored him, and shouted at Jian Fanshen, "Your conditions can be promised, but if the seniors lose?"

"Will I lose?" Jian Fanshen sneered scornfully, "If I lose, I will give her a **** to salute after seeing Bai Shen"

Ye Kong was shaking his hand, "This is not appropriate, change another ... if you lose, you will not be allowed to say a word as long as I'm here."

Ye Kong's request was almost satisfactory to everyone present because the woman's mouth was so bad that no one would listen to her.

Only Yu Fengqi cursed in the heart, Lord, you are too despicable and despicable. If you win, the benefits are yours. If you lose, it will be my old lady who is unlucky ... Oh, your shame is hundreds of times more than me, and you lose me Still want to fight with you

It was at the moment of chaos in Feng Qi ’s heart that Ye Kong and Jian Fanshen flew over the vast lotus pond.

At the end of the smoke wave, the boss Ouyang Peng here saw that they were just fighting swords, and they did not stop them. He raised his hand and pointed, and the huge lotus leaf platform in the center turned into two pieces, facing each other across the water.

On one side, Ye Kong attacked Tsing Yi, the back of the sword, and the negative hand stood on the smoke, calm and calm. On the other side, a woman with a sword and a goddess, was also in a good shape, tall and moving, with green skirts and pink shoes standing in the water, It ’s a good look.

They ’re here. Of course, the owner, Ouyang Peng, is the best host.

His voice came from the smoke, "The so-called swords, in fact, they are fighting, they are nothing more than swordsmanship, sword swordsmanship, sword swordsmanship, watching sword light, teaching swordsmanship, etc., generally three games, you See the first theme? "

Jian Fanshen impatiently said, "Of course it is better than sword tactics. I wait for the swordsman. The most important thing is to practice a good sword tactic that suits you. So this is the key. The first game must be more than this."

This first game is what Ye Kong is not good at. You must know that Ye Kong learned half-volume of cut-off sword tactics when he was in the Nether, and then he did n’t learn sword tactics in the immortal world, nor did he learn it. How does it compare with sword fan?

But there is no way to ㊣ (5), just watch Jian Fanshen demo first

Just stopped her raising her hand and grabbed it, a slightly ordinary excalibur appeared in the hand, just listening to her say, "I have recently cultivated my own homemade Thunderbolt Sword. This is the addition of Thunder's magic to me Sword, everyone please look "

I saw her graceful posture dancing, after all, she was the fourth partial **** of swords, after all, her strength and sword power were both long swords dancing, like a butterfly dance, falling flowers and fluttering, reciprocating

But what surprised Ye Kong is that her dance did not bring out a little murderousness, nor did she have a little sword spirit.

Everyone was weird, her posture stopped abruptly, her eyes sharpened, her sword held high in her hand, and she yelled, "Ba Lei, Shuang"

Suddenly, a loud noise rang. Around her, on the water, in the air ~ ~ There were countless thunder blasts immediately. Those thunders seemed to have been ambush in the air or water at the same time. The power is amazing

It turned out that in her innocent dance of humans and animals, Ba Lei had been released, and then when she needed it, she burst out with amazing power.

Imagine that if you did n’t know the truth and wanted to bully her into fighting her, at this time she would trigger a thunderbolt. The other party would be caught by surprise and suffer a big loss.

Although this thunder sword tactic is not the most skilled sword sword, but it is also a very practical sword tactic

In the moment, in each pavilion, there was a lot of applause for Jian Fanshen.

"Well, it's your turn ..."

But when Jian Fanshen and everyone turned to look at another lotus leaf, they all frowned.

I saw that Ye Kong, who had just stood, had sat cross-legged. At this moment, he was thinking with his eyes closed.

Could it be that he saw Jian Fanshen's sword tactics, and what did he realize? Everyone present was secretly thinking

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