The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2584: Divine Bow Shooting Sirius

This small devouring beast released by this giant devouring beast also has amazing devouring ability, and soon catches up with Qing Sè's cloud ghosts, slamming up and eating around them. Dozens of devouring beasts surround Qing Sè's cloud ghosts and devour vigorously. eat.

Don't look at the huge cloud ghost, but its size is rapidly shrinking after being eaten by dozens of devouring beasts.

Ye Kong was frightened, even if there was a blue ghost, there was nothing wrong with it. The key is that the cloud ghost carried the strap!

As the tape was pulled out and approached Ye Kong, Ye Kong had clearly felt the excitement and movement of his hands interrupting Xianlu.

"It is completely certain that the strap is part of the Broken Immortal Road! Therefore, it must not be lost for a short time!" Thinking of this, Ye Kong's eyes were absolutely sure!

"Fight it! Even if it is a big loss, you have to get back that strap, and Yun Gui can lose it no matter how much he loses, but if that strap is swallowed, he will never find it again!" Ye Kong anxiously Below, my mind is moving again.

A golden light shed light into the sea of ​​clouds. Ye Kong would rather sacrifice the cloud ghost of Jin Sè, but also retrieve the strap!

However, the cloud ghosts at the level of the Lord God are not comparable to ordinary cloud ghosts. I saw the golden ghost flying over, turning into a giant palm, making a loud noise, shaking the mountain, and a large cloud was pushed away. The ground shook as a whole, and the Lord God level was truly extraordinary!

Under this blow, dozens of devouring beasts were suddenly scattered and disappeared.

Not only those devouring beasts, but even the blue sè cloud ghosts in the middle could not stand the blow, and they were photographed into countless thin strips of clouds, and could no longer condense!

A two-finger-wide strap fell down.

Hundreds of devouring beasts followed, and they whistled again.

Roar! The main god-level cloud ghost suddenly issued a deafening roar, and the courage of the main **** was released instantly!

The roar of the Lord God, plus the power of a beat just now.

Even frightened all those devouring beasts, and did not dare to move forward and stopped in the air! It seems that these devouring beasts also know to be afraid!

At this moment, Jin Sè's cloud ghost has a face similar to Ye Kong, but the face looks a little embarrassed. It has a pair of hawk-like sharp eyes sweeping over those devouring beasts and calming the other side. Passed the strap, and then looked at the devouring beast, and then left leisurely.

Not long after, a silver belt had fallen into Ye Kong's hands.

Looking at the strap, Ye Kong's eyes were surprised. The string was wide with two fingers, giving off a faint silver glow like moonlight, and the front and back of the string were engraved with silvery runes, showing an extraordinary sense of honor!

Not to mention Ye Kong, like a poor boy, even if he has seen all kinds of high-level artifacts all year round, he can't help but grab the tape to watch, his mouth is amazed, "It's so beautiful, it's absolutely exquisite, I really didn't expect to fall in our temple Such a treasure is buried in the dirt of the garbage! "

However, the most moving thing is not Ye Kong or Le Er, but the broken fairy road in Ye Kong's hands!

I saw that Broken Immortal Road was constantly excited and shaking, jī kept moving, as if I saw a loved one!

Ye Kong watched it, and already guessed the role of the strap, "Can it be used as a bowstring?"

Ye Kong tied the two ends of the silver belt to the two ends of Duanxian Road. When he tied this line, the scene that surprised him and Le'er occurred.

I saw that the green fairy's Broken Fairy Road brightened up, emitting thousands of golden lights. The golden light seemed to have an extremely powerful power, cutting all the white clouds around Ye Kong's body!

This power is overbearing and overbearing, and people cannot look straight! In the light, Ye Kong's surprised and swollen eyes clearly saw that the surface of the Broken Fairy Road in Green turned out to be like a snake's molting. The surface of Green's skin turned into powder in the light, and it faded away. Into a piece of fly ash.

Under the skin, lù shines out!

"This is ..." Ye Kong was surprised.

Le Er also exclaimed, "This is a layer of restraint laid on the surface, used for camouflage! And only under certain conditions, it will lù! Good power, I can't see it Its level! What level of Divine Bow is this, and why is it so hidden? "

What Le Er wants to ask is exactly what Ye Kongxiang asked for!

When the light of Broken Immortal Road fades away, a golden bow of God sè, with all kinds of strange attachments, it is not as large as Broken Immortal Road, simple and noble, and people will love it at first sight. And its bowstring is a streamer of silver, as if embellished with a splendid gold, complement each other.

"Good bow!" Ye Kong held the bow, stretched out his hand to pull the bow string empty, and tried to see if he could imagine the fairy arrows as before.

But he failed. "No, this silver belt has no elasticity at all. It is hard like an iron bar and cannot be pulled at all! How can this bow shoot arrows?"

Ye Kong suspects huò, and Leer also suspects huò. Although she is the granddaughter of the artisan god, she has seen a lot of bows, but she has never seen such a strange bowstring! You know, almost all bowstrings have elasticity. No matter what material they are, they should be elastic. Otherwise, if they suddenly pull, wouldn't they break?

But at this moment, a piece of information came out from Broken Immortal Road, through Ye Kong's holding hand, into his consciousness and will.

Le Er did not know that Ye Kong had received this will. She thought about it and said, "Otherwise, I will send a message to my grandpa to let him see what kind of bow it is. He should be very knowledgeable and should know ... ... "

Before she finished, Ye Kong exclaimed, "No!"

Le Erqi said, "Why?"

"Because ..." Ye Kong paused and smiled. "Because this bow tells me that she is a new born girl and she is very afraid of seeing people, so don't let more people except you and me. understood."

Yue Er shouted, "Broom is precious, my grandpa doesn't know how many bizarre treasures he has seen. Forget it, I won't ask him, and I won't tell anyone, is this going down?"

Ye Kong laughed, "This is good, then I reward you with a wěn."

In exchange, Le Er's white eyes and a gritted tooth, "Shameless!"

In fact, the bow passed to Ye Kong not much information, but its name! It turned out that it wasn't called Duanxian Road. The name of Duanxian Road was when Li Xianxian went to the lower bound of the immortals and told Ye Kong that the Five Elements scattered people might have concealed it!

And this time, the bow passed to Ye Kong is its real name!

At the same time, how many light years away.

In a huge palace, ~ ~, a roar came out, "Rat God! Rat God! Come in quickly, please! Come on, immediately!"

Hearing this earth-shattering voice, the rat **** rushed into the palace in horror, ran into the palace, kneeled in front of the man who meditated on his knees, and bust his head.

It was the **** king Zhu Wenyu, who was always calm and calm. At this moment, his eyes were full of fear, and he said, "I feel it, that bow, shoot Sirius! Shoot Sirius again! Anti-thief, Everyone who got this bow is an anti-thief! Evil bow, that evil bow is here again! "

"Shoot Sirius!" Rat God heard suspicion, "The bow has not been discarded into chaos after it has been dismantled. How can it appear again?"

Zhu Wenyu said angrily, "How can't it be reproduced, don't forget that it is an evil bow, evil bow! Five generations of masters, all of them are anti-thieves, the last owner wrote down the main points, and Zi Cang shot Tianlang This anti-poem! "

The Rat God nodded and said, "So how do we do that?"

Zhu Wenyu's eyes were resentful, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Let the ugly **** find it!" .

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