The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2575: Waves again

Two five seven five

Since learning about Ye Kong's true strength, Zhang Chunfeng, who could not afford to look at him, has also changed a lot and has never looked down on his respect. Cultivation of the immortal world, the upper and lower nine realms, the winner is the king, the strong is the respect, the strength will be respected by others!

Thinking of Ye Kong ’s energy when he used the big cutting divinity, Zhang Chunfeng is also in his heart. He must work hard in the secret way, and he can have this style in the future!

Ye Kong did not expect his behavior to become a role model for Hu Yunfeng and Zhang Chunfeng. In the past five years, these two people have been even more enthusiastic and even more digging and refining the blood in the blood!

Once every five years, I went to the artisan **** realm to sell blood gold. Because I worked hard, I got a lot of blood gold, and it just happened to catch up with a good price. Hu Yunfeng and Zhang Chunfeng were very happy.

It was also because they made more money this time that they stayed in the artisan **** realm for two more days. But these two days, they happened to hear the name Ye Kong!

Although it has been seven years since the old man's birthday, the fart people in the artisan god's field still tell the story of the seven sounds of the Fengming and the eight sounds of the chicken at the artisan birthday feast.

Hu Yunfeng and Zhang Chunfeng suddenly realized that the original Daoyou was not an ordinary person! People are old and famous in the artisan **** realm! Zhang Chunfeng even smiled bitterly. Ye Kong did not even take Jianyingshen seriously. He didn't even look down on others.

But as they pretended to inquire about Ye Kong accidentally, they accidentally inquired about something surprising! It turned out that after Ye Kong left the domain of Carpenter God, there was a legend that Ye Kong was a fake messenger of Vulcan. Now he is wanted by both the kingdom of Dongsheng and the kingdom of north sword!

Moreover, because they were inquiring in the slums, there was just a passing **** man sighing, "That Ye Kong ran away by himself, but his friends were unlucky. The six deities and six demon gods were all caught by the swordsmen of White Sword City. go with!"

After getting the news, Hu Yunfeng and Zhang Chunfeng rushed back and wanted to tell Ye Kong the news.

Blood Lake collar, Shenzhou has stopped steadily.

Standing on the high Shenzhou, Zhang Chunfeng could already see the cave opened by Ye Kong in the distance. Just as Hu Yunfeng wanted to disembark, Zhang Chunfeng held him.

"Brother! I have another idea ..." Zhang Chunfeng hesitated, looking at the direction of Yekongdongfu, and then said, "Brother, that surnamed Ye is a person counted by both Dongsheng God Kingdom and Beijian God Kingdom! Dong The kingdom of victory over God is too far away, but the kingdom of Northern Sword God is not far away! I have already inquired that the North Sword God's Kingdom wanted him are Baijian City and fifty-eight cities belonging to the sword demons ... "

Before Zhang Chunfeng finished, Hu Yunfeng had already faced him, and said for the first time in a cold tone, "Brothers don't forget our ideal, be a real swordsman! A true swordsman, will never To gain benefits by betraying friends behind, a swordsman gets what he wants, except for his own hand, which is the sword in his own hand! "

Zhang Chunfeng still insisted, "But he is not our friend at all!"

"Neither friends nor brothers! Do n’t forget, brothers, why can we work here with peace of mind and why no cloud thieves come to disturb us, all because of the help that Ye Kongdaoyou gave us, because he This is why we are safe! People have given us so much help, not just friends, but also half benefactors, how can we betray him! "

Hu Yunfeng said again, "And the white sword city is worth mentioning except for one Yu Fengqi! As for the sword demon god, although it is powerful in the northern sword **** country, it is not what I think! My Hu Yunfeng either You have to worship under the name of the deity of the sword god, even if you are an outside disciple! Or you can worship under the gate of the sword and Buddha **** and become a disciple of chivalrous sword and Buddha! "

Hearing this, Zhang Chunfeng suddenly felt clear in his eyes, saying, "Yes. Although the sword demon is powerful, he controls the swordsman field with 58 cities, but his men are different, and the internal fighting is constant. Even more, I heard that he is biased towards the Demon God, and for human beings, unless you are qualified like Feng Qi, he will not take care of you at all! "

Speaking of which, Zhang Chunfeng also gave up his intention to report.

But just when they got off the Shenzhou and wanted to go to Yekong's Dongfu to call the door, the white clouds rolled in the sea of ​​clouds, and someone came to the Blood Lake collar again!

Not long after, a dark Shenzhou entered the Blood Lake collar, and above the Shenzhou, a familiar tall man's face was filled with inferior sè!

"It's six tigers and bears first Qi!" Zhang Chunfeng was startled, and secretly said, I haven't seen these cloud thieves in recent years. Why did I come here today, what should I do to grab my own star rock crystal?

Hu Yunfeng was also worried in his heart, but he did not dare to do anything, so he had to wait for Xiong Xianqi to come.

"Two, dare to ask if Ye Kongdao friends are still in Dongfu?"

Hearing Xiong Xianqi's questioning, Hu Zhang's heart was loose, not to come to them, so good!

Hu Yunfeng said, "When we return to the Six Masters, we have just returned from the outside and we are not sure whether Ye Daoyou is here or not. However, he has not been closed for more than six years, so he should still be."

Xiong Xianqi nodded and waved, "Lead the way, call the door!"

Hu Zhang said in their hearts that this guy was big, but they were just going to see Ye Kong, so they led the way in front of them and called to the door.

To say that five years later, Ye Kong's personality has been greatly improved!

Five hundred gods, that's not blowing! After swallowing 500 of them, the basic godhead is very satisfied and has reached the point of being full! Of course, it is a short-term full, and when it breaks through, it will become a hungry wolf eating crazy!

In other words, the five hundred gods have not yet broken through!

Ye Kong estimated that one hundred and ten would be enough! But where are these hundred and ten?

Xiong Xianqi came when Ye was thinking about it. Ye Kongkong said it well. I wish you could come and tear your face with me. The more people you come, the better, buddy. I have hope in the upper god!

Ye Kong was waiting for Xiong Xianqi to turn his face, but the thing is not to do what everyone wants, Xiong Xianqi is not here to ask for trouble, but to show his good!

Actually speaking, Xiong Xianqi and Hu Zhang come from the same place!

Hu Yunfeng and Zhang Chunfeng came to tell Ye Kong that they heard about it in a certain firm over the civilian burial ground, and the Liuding Liujia Demon was captured! The purpose of Xiong Xianqi's coming is also to confess to Ye Kong. It is said that all the swordsman domains controlled by the sword demon have issued wanted orders. Those who report Ye Kong's traces will reward Shenjing million!

Hearing the news ~ ~ Ye Kong frowned, and asked, "Just the sword demon wanted me? Bai Jiancheng must have given a reward, right?"

"That's not it." Xiong Xianqi said after opening, "Bai Jiancheng did not announce that he wanted to arrest you, but issued a public notice to you, saying that as long as you put it back in Feng Qi, everything will never be blame! As for Ye Daoyou, your friends are enjoying blessings in Bai Jiancheng . "

"It turned out like this ..." Ye Kongzhong understood that Bai Jiancheng had sensed that Yu Fengqi wasn't dead, so they didn't dare to arrest Ye Kong, but wanted to exchange their Fengqi genius. After all, Bai Jiancheng Without Yu Fengqi, there would be nothing in Beijian God Kingdom!

Even if Yu Fengqi keeps him alive, Ye Kong will not let him have a future! Therefore, Yu Fengqi is not the key. The key is the six devil and six demon gods. Ye Kong didn't expect these friends to suffer because of him.

Thinking of Ye Kong already having some ideas here, he looked up at Xiong Xianqi and said, "So six masters, you know the news, why not report it to the sword demon god, and use ten star rock crystals instead?"

To the reader:

I went to the hospital to get my teeth this morning. This chapter was late, sorry, my friends ...! .

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