The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2572: Invite to join

Two five seven two invited to join

The clear blue sky, the green pastures, as far as you can see, the sky and the earth are connected. This kind of vast primitive beauty, not to mention that it is not on the earth, even if there are few gods and immortals, it can only be seen in the pipa beads in the primary state. Bubble * book * (

Right next to the Ascension Pool in the middle of the grass field, there are two beach lounge chairs side by side. Ye Kong and Le Er are lying on top of each other, chatting and watching the scenery and basking in the sun. That is simply enjoyment and joy. The only regret is that Le Er lives and die. Do not want to wear some swimsuit

Sunbathing in a robe and gown is really weird and weird

"Ye Kong, what are your plans for the next?" The little loli, Le'er, is obviously still in the season of love fantasy

However, Ye Lao Mo is not so romantic, he said, "Of course, the next step is to start retreat and promote cultivation, and then, just take one step and count one step. Anyway, living in this world, constantly planning to improve my cultivation. for"

Someone's answer was obviously not what Little Rory wanted to ask, and Le Er asked again, "So what is your ideal?"

This is not the first time someone has asked, Ye Laomo thinks, "Money and beauty"

Lying down, Le Er suddenly turned her head, watching someone despise, "shameless"

Obviously Ye Laomo also felt too straightforward, and changed his word, "career and love"

"It's almost the same", Le'er was very satisfied, so he regained his gritted teeth and looked up at the sky without the strong sunlight

"Cut, isn't it the same?" Ye hollowed out, holding up half of his body, and stuttered stupidly, "Le Er, last time I said to continue that thing, and then, you said when our injuries recovered ... ... "Even the shameless generation of Ye Lao Mo, when making such a request, it was difficult to open his teeth. In the end, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said," Now that our injuries are recovered, that, we will do that ... Finish"

Of course, Lao Ye knows what the old lady said, and her little face turned red. She gritted her teeth and gave two words. "Shameless" Think about sending two more, "indecent."

Ye Lao Mo Xin said that women are animals with unreasonable words, and you ca n’t listen to her. If you listen to her, you lose. Hey, he smiled and climbed to the deck chair of Le Er. He smiled shamelessly, “It ’s been so long. We are all younger generations in the world of God. How can we end things halfway? Or if we do n’t do it, we have to do it down to earth. ”

儿 When I heard someone say such outrageous things so shamelessly, Le Er giggled endlessly, although there was a little rejection, but it was not intense.

This entanglement between the two people, Ye Lao Mo came immediately, and can't wait now

"Master, Yun Pito came, that Xiong Xianqi and the brigade surrounded the cave, and one of the leaders claimed to be Li Gaoqi, the three tigers among the six tigers in the cloud, and the gods were ..."

When Lin Shuai just reported halfway, he saw the scenery on the grass field, and he was so scared that he shrank his words back.

"Let them wait" Ye Kong was furious. He secretly said that every time something happened, you cloud thieves would come to stir up? Is it easy for me to get a girl?

Lin Shuai didn't dare to say more, but after a while, he shouted again, "Master, no more, the chestnut lifted up and called the door again. This time, he even used the sound of attack to include the sound of the door, outside the cave. All the formation methods can't stop shaking, I'm afraid to postpone for a moment, if he really shot, the Dongfu formation method can't support it. "

叶 After Ye Kong opened the Dongfu, the formation at the door was just a simple cloth. If the six tigers in the cloud really want to attack, I ’m afraid they wo n’t persist for a while.

"Your ancestors are stupid, the six tigers in the clouds, we have a big revenge" Ye Qiqiang scolded, adjusted his clothes, the figure moved out of the pipa beads, and a loud laughter sounded in his ears

Outside Yundong Mansion, Hu Yunfeng and Zhang Chunfeng became more and more confused.

"Brother, if those cloud thieves really came to pay off their debts, Li Li just raised the voice and why he took the God Voice to attack, this is obviously unfriendly behavior."

"Yeah, I can't figure it out, but if they are enemies, then Li is holding up and attacking directly, why are you so polite?"

Although Zhang Chunfeng was puzzled in his heart, he hoped to see Ye Kong unlucky, and said coldly, "I see that the last name of Ye is going to be unlucky this time, huh, only a man in the middle, what is it?"

At this moment, light and shadow flashed outside the cave house, and a man in Tsing Yi was standing at the door of the cave house.

This is Ye Kong who was disturbed by the good things. When he came out and swept his eyes, he completely let go of his heart. When Ye Kong ’s deity was only 10%, he did n’t care about these cloud thieves.

"Is Ye Kong Xiaoyou?" The old man in the lead said politely, sorry, "Below is the youngest of the six tigers in the cloud, Li Gao, the rod is a partial cultivation, since the number of dragons and gods this day is special Come and visit friends "

He Ye hollow said, the **** world is really a strange god, there is actually a rod **** system, is the Lord God the crutch who controls the world? In fact, Ye Kong didn't know. To say that this stick department is still a combat department, although it is not as good as a sword department, it is much more effective than those garbage **** systems.

"Zhanglongshen, sticks, accidentally thought that the dragons are the gods" Ye Kong muttered

Li Gaoquan was upset at the moment, although his staff was slightly stronger than the general garbage gods, but compared to the Shenlong and noble dragon gods, he did n’t even count a scum.

"Boy, you are a garbage **** in the middle of the world. With a few cloud ghosts, you dare to look down on our third grandfather, can't you find death?" Xiong Xianqi, the defeated man, felt that his three elder brothers were here, and he suddenly arrogant

"Lao Liu" Li held up his brother and drank his mouth, and then said, "Ye Xiaoyou, open the door and say, we are here for your Yungui refining method. You can print a copy for us and ask for a price."

Ye Yekong knows that they came for this purpose, but everyone is not a relative (5) for no reason, and these are robbers in the sea of ​​clouds, how can Ye Kong transfer technology to them?

"This is a masterpiece in my family, I will not pass it on"

"Bastard, do you want to die ..." Yun Pirates have bad tempers, and the fourth and fifth of the six tigers in the cloud all jumped out.

"Go down" Li Gaoqi once again drunk the brothers, and looked at Ye Kong badly, and said, "Then we take a step back, my six tiger cottages in the cloud, and now officially invite the little brothers, please join us to make you the seventh How good is it? "

Hu Yunfeng and Zhang Chunfeng over there are both silly ~ ~ He said that this boy, He Dehe Neng, and three, four, five, and six of the six tigers in the cloud came together, invited him to join, and promised a seventh Although the top chair is a bandit leader in the sea of ​​clouds, this is not easy. What is the beauty of money?

In fact, Li Gao did not tell other people about this decision, so this exit, the other three tigers, and those of the middle and low-level thieves, all talked up to know that in the middle of the gods like Ye Kong, How can a cottage, a Captain Miluo, sit in the seventh spot?

But this world is not something you are jealous of.

After listening to Li Gao's invitation, Ye Lao Mo shouted, "The seventh best chair, aren't you six dogs in the cloud? Are you going to change to seven dogs in the cloud? Even if you want to change to seven dogs in the cloud, Yemou I do n’t want to be one of the Seven Dogs.

"Wow!" The six tigers in the cloud were all mad, Xiong Xianqi jumped out and shouted, "Central god, we three masters give me such a face, you do n’t know what to do, you are really trying to die, you are not relying on yourself What about a hundred white cloud ghosts and a cyan cloud ghost? Do you think we are afraid? "

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