The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2567: Armor Break to Save the Beauty

Two five six seven broken armor to save the United States

In the pipa beads, Ye Kong just came out of the retreat, and the four-month retreat allowed him to practice the great cutting divinity to the first level. At this moment, he is happy, and he is going to go to Weizhou to ask the Lin family to ask them Anyway, I feel the movement outside. * /// *

"Here have been here for more than four months, and they haven't come to me. Is there something wrong with it?" Ye Kong raised a brow, or first came out of the pipa beads to open the array.

Hu Yunfeng was not anxious outside, but the "Spring" front was a little impatient. He was about to release the "Jade" card again, and saw the flash of light and shadow in front of him. Come out.

"Ye Daoyou, you have come out, but you haven't seen it in four months. It must be a great progress." Although Hu Yunfeng is a god, he is also polite. One piece of Zhang "Spring" front looked down at Ye Kong and muttered, "Dajin is just a bottom-level man in the middle."

If in the lower realm, Ye Kong might be furious because of a word from others, but after going through so many realms, Ye Kong is much better.

"Oh, how can there be any great progress, in fact, it is just a man in the middle of the next." Ye Kong smiled slightly and nodded and asked: "I don't know if there is anything I can do next?"

"Ye Daoyou is really quick." Hu Yunfeng was also very polite and said, "We will soon go to Craftsman Realm to sell some items. The return time is about two months. Because the blood lake collar is not flat recently, there are often clouds in the sea. The cloud thief harassed, and we still have hundreds of fairy-level slaves here, so I also asked my friends to take care of it. "

Ye Kong heard the incident and nodded with a smile, and said, "This kind of trivial matter is not enough. If a cloud thief comes, it will be shot in the next ..."

Ye Kong was telling the truth, but he hadn't finished, but the Zhang Chun, who was standing aside, uttered a smirk, and snorted, not knowing what it meant.

"This is Zhang Daoyou?" Although Ye Kong's temper has changed, but you always do so, he is a little upset, so he looked directly at Zhang "Spring".

"My brother is like this, don't care about him." Hu Yunfeng said quickly: "These cloud thieves are all fierce bands in the sea of ​​clouds, and they are also very advanced! Especially the clouds in the kingdom of our northern sword gods. The thief is the most powerful of the cloud thieves in the entire world of God! So we are not trying to get Daoyou to shoot, but we want to ask Daoyou to put our hundreds of slaves into the hole if there is one day. In your house, just keep them safe! "

Only then did Ye Kong understand why Zhang "chun" sneered. It turned out that in their eyes those cloud thieves are amazing in strength, and you, a man in central China, want to shoot? no! As long as you let the fairy slaves hide in the "dong" house.

"That was the case." Ye Kong nodded and said, "Here is a piece of" jade "card. Smashing the" jade "card I will immediately know in the" dong "house, and I will immediately open the" door "to let those fairies When in danger, crush the "Jade" Cambodian card, and run to my side at the same time. "

"Then there are friends of the Tao." Hu Yunfeng took the "Jade" Cambodia, and he was kind, and finally he did not forget to say, "Ye Daoyou, the setting of the **** array outside the" Dong "house is really rude, if you have time In that case, it is better to add some restrictions and spread a few more layers to avoid those cloud thieves attacking. "

Ye Kong said, I'm waiting for them to attack. You and your ancestors are slabbing. At that time, you can try out the big cut that you just made, hey!

Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't say anything, just nodded and went into the "Dong" house.

Zhang "chun" Feng saw Ye Kong did not strengthen the formation at all, and was upset in his heart, and muttered, "I don't listen to the old man's hardship in front of me. Really, the little junior middle man is probably just out of the door. "The world, have your bitterness."

Hu Yunfeng and others handed Ye Kong ’s "Jade" invitation to his slaves, and then they both went to their own Shenzhou and went to the artisan **** realm!

Besides Ye Kong, he returned to the "Dong" House, opened the **** array again, and then moved to the world of Weizhou with a single thought.

In the Weizhou world, Lin Yuanheng and others have been waiting for a long time. Although the treasure of Le'er has become the size of a particle, the basic appearance has not changed! The people present were all Xiu Jun's repairs. Scanning with fairy knowledge, you can also check the shape and texture of that treasure!

Seeing Ye Kong coming, Lin Yuanheng immediately took out a piece of "Jade" card.

Ye Kongnian put it inward and immediately saw a very detailed pattern. The pattern outlined the shape of the treasure in detail, and after a lot of analysis, they finally determined three lines. As long as Ye Kong can cut the gap with the large cutting divine magic, he can release the joy in it!

Ye Kong, of course, was overjoyed. He raised his hand and rolled up the "Jade" bead and particles. As soon as his figure moved, he appeared on the grassland next to Pipazhu's Ascension Pond.

"This treasure is not mine, and I do n’t recognize the Lord, so I ca n’t make it bigger. But I can make myself smaller and match this particle! In this way, it is more suitable for cutting the armor!" Mind is another move, the body size shrinks quickly, and after a while it is already about the same size as the particle, this can be convenient to use!

After Ye Kong shrank, the particles looked a bit humanoid. He flipped back and forth and easily found Lin Yuanheng's position in their "Jade" invitation. With a sense of consciousness on Ye Kong's fingertips, he simply drew in those three positions and left a mark. These things can't be wrong at all!

After doing all of this, Ye Kong's eyes were condensed, watching the marks left by his consciousness on the **** armor, and he paused for a moment. Then, he lifted his fingertips through the air and spit out five words in his mouth. "Divinity, big cut!"

I saw that his fingertips that cut through the air brought bright light, and in that light, Ye Kong's fingers swept quickly! Speed, strength, depth, all are controlled in the smallest. This kind of thing must not have the slightest error, and it must not let Leer be hurt a little bit!

Huh! Ye Kong's finger draws three times in succession!

The bright light of the fingertips cuts across the surface of the armor that has become gray and black, leaving a short and dazzling white ㊣5 "color" brilliance ...

When the three flashes of light flashed away from the afterimage of Ye Kong's pupil, a gray-black "color" device exactly the same as the original appeared in front of Ye Kong. Compared with before cutting, there is no change at all!

"There is a record in the Great Cut, it is best to use a sharp artifact to use the Great Cut Divine ... and the only thing I have sharp is the Guanghua Sword, but that thing does n’t recognize the Lord. If I do n’t use it to the least extent ... … I finally considered it, and then decided that no device was used. Am I wrong? "

While various thoughts in Ye Laomo's heart were on and off, suddenly, I saw that gray-black "color" armor-like thing, suddenly in three directions ... pop ~ ~ overturned!

Looking at the gray and black "color" thing cracking, Ye Kong suddenly exulted with "exposed" on his face, high-fiving, "Lin Yuanheng, they really have some skills!"

Indeed, this armor is made by the artisan god, and its defense is amazing. How can the first layer of such a large cutting divination as Ye Kong be broken? The most important thing is that Lin Yuanheng and their technical people have determined the three lines, which are really important!

But when the black "color" of the outer armor cracked open, Ye Lao Mo almost fainted. What appeared in front of Ye Kong was a moving and incomparable picture, so white ...

The black "color" outer armor is transformed by the thin underwear on the other side. When Ye Kong cuts that layer, it is as if he cut off the underwear of Le Er and showed it in front of him. Wearing moving body.

After Le'er's body appeared in the air, it immediately became large to its normal size, and Ye Kong quickly became larger.

Four more, please get a guaranteed monthly pass, tomorrow is still four, Oh, my friends! Hehe, another Xiaoman's Weibo has been opened. Those who play that can follow me. Search for 3g Wang Xiaoman on the new "Wang" side. Tencent's side is just looking for Wang Xiaoman!

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