The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2565: Yun Shen is ignorant

There are mainly two types of flying artifacts. One is to fly, shuttle the clouds, and avoid dangers. The sword boat Canglu, which Ye Kong has been using, and the broken Shenzhou that everyone uses are all this.

This kind of Shenzhou focuses on flight, speed and detection ability, enlarged size, and the cloud picture already contained in it, all are the goals pursued by this type of flying palace.

The second flying artifact is the flying palace for defense! Although this type of artifact can also fly, it focuses on defense and against various dangers! It is generally very heavy and slow in flight, but it is just like a turtle shell. No matter how you are, it does not harm the people in it!

The white sword tower used by Yu Fengqi is such a treasure!

After he hid in the tower, Jin Yun couldn't help it, because the thing was really solid, no matter how hard he tried to beat it, it had no effect!

But Jin Sè Lingyun did not have a brain, it just hung up. Because it can't be seen in Fengqi, the white pyramid is more like a dead thing to it. So since it was a dead thing, Jin Yun stopped.

But then, someone outside Ye is dissatisfied. How can you be safe? Does it really have to wait until Feng Qi xu Lian is strong and breaks through and kills me?

Ye Kong called the sword beast and asked, the sword beast said, there is my space **** furnace and immortal fire, do you have to worry about it! Put that stuff in and practice! Although that thing is firm, it is also a matter of time! Ten years is enough to make ten years, and ten years is not enough to make one hundred years. The White Sword Tower is not the top defensive flying palace. It should be able to be refined!

Although Ye Kong agreed, he still had some regrets. This flying palace like a turtle shell is really good! Such a refining must be broken!

However, I can only die of Feng Qi. If it breaks, it will break. There will always be a chance to get better.

In order to avoid the sudden escape of Feng Qi, Ye Kong simply took the space **** furnace to Wanbao River, and then put the white sword tower into the furnace for refining!

What makes Ye Kong strange is that when he sent the space **** furnace into the Wanbao River and was included in the series of acts of the White Sword Tower, Jin Yun had been watching from a distance and did not shoot Ye Kong.

"This is not Jin Yun's style!" Ye Kong was somewhat suspicious. You must know that as long as he or his mind entered the field of Wanbao River, Jin Yun would immediately treat Ye Kong as an intruder. Palm shot broken!

But Jin Yun was a lot honest this time!

Ye Kong is certainly not stupid enough to think that Jin Yun is friendly to him, not to mention that Jin Yun is afraid of him ... Ye Kong pondered for a moment, it is very simple, Jin Yun was not injured in the j-day battle with Yu Fengqi for several days. light!

So Jin Yun opened one eye and closed one eye, otherwise it would have jumped up to engage Ye Kong! If you think about it, although Yu Fengqi is just a partial god, it is undoubtedly the more powerful partial god, the swordman! Although Jin Yun is the main **** level, he has no weapons, no magic skills, and lacks attack and defense methods. However, the strength of the two is almost the same!

And in the battle, Yu Fengqi can let go of his hands and feet, but Jin Yun has to hold his hands and feet, and he must also release some power to protect the space in this area from being destroyed by Yu Fengqi. So in comparison, Jin Yun is more strenuous and suffers losses. Now it seems that injuries are not trivial.

Of course, Ye will never feel sorry for Jin Yun because he defeated Yu Fengqi for Jin Yun. Even if Ye Kong treats him as a friend, he won't treat Ye Kong as a friend? Therefore, now is the best time to refine Jinyun.

Kill it while it's sick! Make Jin Yun into a cloud ghost! At that time, Ye Kong will have a master-level helper! Even if you meet the demon deity, you can escape easily!

But the spirit cloud of refined gold is not simple. After all, that's the level of the Lord God! The jade and Cambodia written in the Huang family clearly stated that the upper part of the gods can control the blue cloud ghosts, but above the gods, they can control the top gold cloud ghosts.

In other words, only when you reach the upper part of the god-man can you play the blue ghost. When it comes to partiality, I can play gold!

But Ye Kong's strength is superb. When he was in the middle of the gods and men, d refining once made the blue cloud. From this point of view, this Yu can also challenge Yungui together!

However, even if it is a higher level, it cannot be too much. A higher level is still possible. If it is higher, it will be difficult. Therefore, the best way is for Ye Kong to quickly break through to the upper **** and man, and then subdue the alchemy gold ghost, it will be much easier.

As for the recovery of Jin Sè Lingyun, there is no need to worry. There is no divine power in the Wanbao River, there is no Ascension Pool, there is no d-level Lingyun for its devour, Jin Sè Lingyun wants to restore strength, it is extremely difficult!

"It seems that as soon as I have time, I have to swallow the godhead." Ye Kong nodded secretly, narrowing the calmed Wanbao River to his waist.

But for now, what Ye Kong is anxious to do is not to promote cultivation, but to quickly get Leer out.

The sea of ​​clouds is deep and few people travel.

In this sea of ​​clouds, there is a clean land with a radius of about ten thousand miles. Generally speaking, such a piece of ground in the sea of ​​clouds will be developed into a place for rest and trading.

You know, there are treasures in the sea of ​​clouds, and the treasures in the sea of ​​clouds far exceed the treasures on land! In the sea of ​​clouds, there are all kinds of beasts, there are all kinds of rare plants, there are relics left by predecessors, and the Shenzhou that comes and goes can be robbed ...

So many people will develop a small piece of land in the sea of ​​clouds into a trading place, or a place for people to rest and supplement.

But this land is not the case.

Because this land is actually an inland blood lake! Wanli Blood Lake! In fact, the blood lake is not blood, but a red sè which is a kind of natural treasure in the lake! And this red celestial treasure is the necessary material for refining a d-class elixir that enhances the character!

Therefore, along this very narrow land around the Blood Lake, there are many gods staying here, extracting the blood gold from the Blood Lake, and then trafficking it to the nearby kingdom of God to make money.

A vast blood lake, standing on the narrow land, the left is the sea of ​​clouds, and the right is the layered red sea water. The deeper, the more red the face, there is indeed a strange beauty.

But the two divine men ~ ~ who came face to face were inadvertently admiring the scene, but sighed sadly, as if they had encountered some discomfort.

"Brother Chunfeng, I heard that the Xu family brothers had been patronized by the cloud the other day. They took away all the blood and left them alone. They also beat Xu family brother d to death. Now they have no money for treatment and can only be placed at home. "Asked a slightly older upper god.

The younger man of the middle age is also worried, and nodded, "Who said no, alas, the blood content of this blood lake is scarce, and it is difficult to refine it. And it has been priced down recently, and it has been shipped to a nearer craftsman. For God's Land, change one or two **** crystals for ten pounds! Even if you transport to the far north sword **** kingdom, you can only exchange three or two **** crystals for ten pounds! Now we have a cloud thief to see us, this business is not long! "

The older man of the upper age also shook his head and sighed, "But I have ordinary qualifications and no back-office. If I want to continue to practice, I have to make my own money. When I have enough **** crystals, I will go to the kingdom of the North Sword God to worship one A good swordsman is a teacher. If he learns a few powerful swordsmanship magic skills, then he can be Guangzong Yaozu. "

While they were talking, a young man with a sword in Tsing Yi walked out of the sea of ​​clouds, saw the lake of blood stunned in front of him, and then fisted at the two of them. "The two Taoist friends invited, I wonder where it is?" !! .

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