The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2492: Vulcan Tower goes out

Two Four Nine Two Vulcan Tower goes out

The reason why the fire flames in this tower of fire gods are inexhaustible is so precious that the **** of fire gods are reluctant to make it again after the fire is destroyed, because this fire is hard to come by!

Not to mention how scarce the precious cosmic maggot is, let's say that a world full of fire demon, how much effort, energy, and time it takes ... so even a powerful and wealthy fire **** is in Tinder After losing, choose not to continue the refining.

Therefore, in how many epochs are used, there are only three of the thirteen tinders in the end!

"Okay, let's hurry." The river demon urged again in the Wanbao River: "I don't have much time to come out, let's hurry up. Although there are three kinds of tinders here, there is only one kind of tinder artifact in my Wanbao River. And it's not that easy to subdue the tinder! So, I suggest you destroy two of them and accept one of them. Now, let me start teaching you how to charge ... "

But what surprised the Daemon of the River Demon was that Ye Kong didn't take care of him at all, but said, "Fate thirteen, three fires, can you accept them all?"

Ye Kong's words were spoken, so the river demon could hear them. His face changed greatly, and he quickly said: "Brother Ye, don't come here! According to my method, your **** body and strength, to charge one, has been very laborious, it will consume at least 50 percent of your **** body! If you Forcibly collected three, I'm afraid of you ... "

Before the river demon said it, he heard Ye Kong ha laugh and said, "That's your method, I Ye Kong, I have my own method!"

In the original pipa beads, Ming thirteen had responded with great joy: "The river demon said that the thing is difficult to collect, because a tinder is a realm, so it is impossible for a general storage device to take the next realm. Any storage device will Exploded! But the pipa bead is not the same. The pipa bead is a top plane, just like the divine realm you are in now! And in the divine realm, let alone one or two or three interfaces, it is 33 million. The world can also be accommodated! "

Ye Kong is also overjoyed, although he still does not use it for the time being, but it is used for refining the alchemy, and it will be of great use in the future! What's more, after closing these three circles, his pipa bead world finally has a new interface!

Although that river demon is just a ray of Dao thoughts, Ye Kong couldn't guarantee whether he had any connection with the river demon step down the mountain road, and the deity of river deities. So before Ye Kong took out the pipa beads for collection, he still collected Wanbaohe and tied it around his waist!

Make sure there are no outsiders present, then Ye Kong thought about it, and released the pipa beads from under the eyebrow. "It takes the gods to collect the tinder? I'm not happy!"

Besides Huo Mingkun outside.

Although Huo Mingkun is the master of the Vulcan Tower, this Vulcan Tower is not the main artifact of that kind of domain, not to do whatever you want. Huo Mingkun's thoughts are in the Vulcan Tower, and he cannot attack.

Therefore, Huo Mingkun had to use his deity to enter the Vulcan Tower!

After all, Huo Mingkun is the master of the tower. He enters the tower, and the flames will not cause him any harm at all! He just passed through the other layers of red flame, blue flame, purple flame, and so on with a single thought, and reached the top of the seven-story tower with golden flames in one step!

Following Ye Kong's disappearing direction, he was also moving forward. He was not attacked, so he moved much faster, but just momentarily, he was already standing under the pillar of flame!

"The seventh floor of this tower is like a maze. If I hadn't followed the path of the devil Li Hei, I wouldn't know there was a pillar of heavenly fire here! But how did the demon Li Hei know the route ... When Huo Mingkun thought of this, he suddenly felt a very bad feeling!

Huo Mingkun also wanted to rush into the pillar of flame to see what happened. But he didn't dare!

Because this Vulcan Tower did not completely recognize the Lord, because Huo Mingkun is a flame system, so when he came here, he also felt the firepower of the pillar of flame, amazingly powerful!

Other flames in the Vulcan Tower will not attack Huo Mingkun, but this flame pillar will!

Before that, even Ye Kong, who was lawless and fearless, stopped in front of this pillar of flame and was afraid to move forward. Not to mention Huo Mingkun?

No one told Huo Mingkun at the moment, "It's okay, that's fake."

Huo Mingkun thought to himself: The flame turned out to be so powerful, did the Li Heiren burn it to death? Should I go in too? If I was burned to death by my own artifact, wouldn't it have become the laughingstock of the entire gods?

So Huo Mingkun had to stay outside the pillar of flames and wait for the situation. However, waiting and waiting, Huo Mingkun found something wrong!

Because, the flames in the Vulcan Tower obviously contracted and weakened! Huo Mingkun is his master. He can even clearly feel that the power of the fire element in the Vulcan Tower has been reduced to two thirds!

"What's the situation?" Just when Huo Mingkun was surprised, the power of the fire element lost another half! Only one-third of the original!

"No! That devil must be doing something famous inside!" Huo Mingkun is about to vomit blood. Now the firepower, the Vulcan Tower has become a second-class artifact!

However, this is clearly not the end. Just when Huo Mingkun hadn't decided to go to the pillar of fire ...

Vulcan Tower, no more fire!

Outside the battlefield world, the auditorium.

When Ye Kong was taken into the Vulcan Tower, it was basically quiet here. No one knows what everyone is thinking. Maybe someone is worried, some are nervous, some are happy, some are looking forward to ...

However, the audience didn't speak until there was an eyebrow on the matter. Because at this time, it's not easy to say, the wrong joke was told, but just waiting in peace.

Li Hei went in, Huo Mingkun also went in! This one went in for a long time without news.

It can be said that almost everyone present was guessing in their hearts, guessing who was dead, guessing what was happening inside, guessing why 5 Huo Mingkun was going in ... but everyone was watching closely!

of course there are exceptions.

Huo Ruiqi saw Ye Kong not coming out for a long time. The little girl's house was concerned, but her heart was tense ... so in the end, she was a little afraid to watch. For fear that the door of the tower opened, Huo Mingkun stepped out. I was burned to death. "

So Huo Ruiqi was a little afraid to watch this cruel result. But at this moment, in the quiet hall, there was a sudden uproar!

Huo Ruiqi's heart tightened suddenly, as if her heart was choked. But she didn't dare to see it, she pushed the fat man next to her, "how? Huo Mingkun lost?"

"No." The fat man looked blank.

"That's ... Li Hei lost?" Huo Ruiqi sank sharply in her heart.


Huo Ruiqi is anxious ~ ~ angrily: "What's wrong?"

"Vulcan Tower is out!"

"Ah!" Almost immediately, Huo Ruiqi picked up the jade card and sank her mind!

I saw the tall Vulcan tower still standing majestic in a barren plain, but there was no flame in every window of the seven-story huge Vulcan tower! Only, after the furnace goes out, there is a ray of smoke!

"This ... How could the Vulcan Tower go out?" The pot stood up abruptly. You must know that the Vulcan Tower was an artifact used by the Vulcan deity, and it would not easily go out!

"Is Huo Mingkun ... hung up? Or is the devil Li Hei hung up, Huo Mingkun stopped the Vulcan Tower?" There was partial guessing around.

However, some people shook their heads and said, "No matter who hangs up, even if the Vulcan Tower is stopped, it will not emit blue smoke. How do I think this Vulcan Tower has no flame power?"

To the reader:

Three chapters today ...

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