The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2490: Immortal fire

Two Four Nine Zero Unextinguishable Divine Fire

"Vulcan Tower! Vulcan Tower turned out to be Vulcan Tower!"

"Yes, domain artifacts are rare and powerful!"

"More than that! This Vulcan tower is not only a domain-like treasure, but also the Vulcan deity did not become the main god, or a partial artifact used in partial deities! It is the same weapon that the vulcan deity was proud of!

"It turned out that I did not expect that Vulcan passed all the weapons he used to Huo Mingkun, and he really loved him!"

Talk outside the battlefield world.

People who had been looking forward to him because Ye Kong took Huang Jinghui half-dead with a whip, and saw Ye Kong take out five mirrors of God ’s light, after seeing Huo Mingkun took out the Vulcan Tower, they were not optimistic. Ye Kong!

"Vulcan Tower is all out! This Li Hei ..." Above the VIP stands, all of you are partial, all shaking their heads! Obviously, it is completely optimistic!

But beside them, two women's eyes widened. Take out five light mirrors from Ye Kong, and the Aqua God has completely identified this guy! And Huo Ruiqi thought of something, her eyes widened!

Five sè divine light mirror, Huo Ruiqi deeply remembered! The master of the Quartet City called Xu Xiao! And that auction! And the guy with the tree on him! Is it ...

Huo Ruiqi turned her head to see the Aqua God, and got a smiling nod!

"Great, if it's that guy, then defeat Huo Mingkun ... I'm really sure!" Huo Ruiqi was secretly glad!

At this time, Zhou Xiangwan, a pot-worn god, just relaxed and laughed, "Ming Kun sacrificed this treasure, the victory has been set, the devil Li Hei ..." Speaking here, a sharp sè appeared in his eyes, "xìng life is hard to protect!"

Looking at the so-definitive tone of Guo Bishen, and the approvals of the surrounding gods, Huo Ruiqi was furious and turned her head, "I can't protect you! I think Huo Mingkun will definitely lose!"

Pot partial God was scolded in public, and his heart was upset, but he had a good temper and did not dare to offend Huo Ruiqi, and laughed, "Whoever said that the winner is the winner, then whoever wins."

However, some of the nearby gods are not the people of the God Kingdom Training Center, or even the people of Weizhou City. They do n’t buy the account, and laugh at the interface. “Unfortunately, it ’s a pity that the game uses military duels. How can Li Heixiu be inferior to human beings and treasures inferior to others? "

"How do you know that his treasures are inferior to others?" Huo Ruiqi started angrily, but the water blue **** around him quickly held her, Huo Ruiqi was not stupid, and snorted, "It's useless to tell you."

At this time, there were changes in the battlefield world.

Huo Mingkun thought, and saw that the flame **** tower burst out flames from all the towers, and the whole tower was burning!

"Give me in!" Huo Mingkun jumped the flames in his eyes, raised his hand and leaped Ye Kong, and saw the Vulcan Tower in his hand suddenly flew up, turning into a giant flame tower, the town towards Ye Kong!

"Realm artifact!" Ye Kong stepped out of the bō pattern, trying to avoid the Vulcan Tower. However, the giant tower was really powerful, and it became huge instantly. How could Ren Yekong escape?

boom! In the battlefield world, a giant tower towered to the ground! The windows of the giant tower, and the raging flames burning!

Outside of the battlefield, Guo Pianshen and others laughed and laughed, "Sure enough! The town of Vulcan Tower is one of the most popular ones, but let alone a central god?"

Seeing Ye Kong's quilt, Shui Lanshen and Huo Ruiqi were nervous, and the fat man Guo Binbin asked unsteadily, "The boss has been taken in, I'm afraid he will become a roast pig. I think Huo Mingkun It might really win. "

Huo Ruiqi angered, "Li Hei becomes a roast pig, and I will make you a pig head!"

At this moment, Ye Kong entered the Vulcan Tower. The domain artifacts earn people as if they have entered another world. I saw flames all around the body, and even the consciousness was not too far away. As soon as it was released, it would be burned by the fire and suffering!

At this moment, in the flame, a figure of Huo Mingkun appeared, he laughed, "Li Hei, you fight with me, you are too stupid! Today, I will burn you to death here, do you feel the **** body? What about crazy damage? "

In the raging sea of ​​fire, Ye Kong haha ​​laughed, "Yeah yeah, it's crazy! It's crazy! My **** body is damaged in a crazy one to ten thousandth, I just take a tonic goddange, Enough for you to burn for ten or eight days! "

"One tenth!" Huo Mingkun knew how Ye Kong's body was so powerful. He was furious and shouted, "Don't brag! I know you are bragging!"

Ye Kong actually sat down and said, "In this kind of place, I want to go out at any time, but I do n’t want to go out. I took the basic exercises of the fire system a few days ago. This is really a good place to cultivate ! "

Huo Mingkun was furious and shouted, "Then let you die faster!"

In his voice, the scene in front of Ye Kong changed dramatically.

Under his feet, it was not the original red flame, but a sea of ​​fire, a flame of gold! This golden flame is even more mad, seven hundred times more violent than the previous sea of ​​fire! Even the powerful **** body of Ye Kong can't bear it!

At this moment, Ye Kong's ears exclaimed an exclaimed thirteen, "This golden flame is the inexhaustible fire! It is the highest fire in the world, the most powerful fire, whether it is an alchemy or an alchemist. It ’s great to practice the fire department! Get some pipa beads! "

Ye Kong smiled bitterly, this thirteen is really seeing the money open, he can't afford to burn himself, but he is busy picking cheap! However, since Fate XIII said yes, he still received a lot of thoughts.

But unfortunately, that immortal fire is not indestructible! Take in the pipa beads, and it's gone!

Ming Xizhai cursed, "What **** doesn't destroy the **** of fire, the stingy **** of fire, it seems that you need to get a tinder!"

Ye Kong used the pipa beads to collect the fire. Huo Mingkun did not find it. He appeared in the flame of Jin Sè again. Haha laughed, "You really think you are not fast enough. My Vulcan Tower has seven floors, and each layer kills. Power is one hundred times stronger, and the seventh floor is seven hundred times stronger! You are a demon **** with a long body, and I can refine it for you! "

"Vulcan's immortal fire is really powerful!" Ye Kong couldn't take it anymore, and suddenly pulled off his belt.

There are two ways to break the domain artifact, one is to defeat it, and the other is to surround it with a more powerful domain artifact! Ye Kong wanted to use Wanbao River to deal with the Vulcan Tower.

When Ye Kong drew the Wanbao River, he suddenly thought. I saw the water demon figure slowly emerged from the Wanbao River. When the river demon appeared, Ye Kong's control of Wanbao River was completely shielded!

Ye Kong couldn't control Wanbaohe against Vulcan Tower!

"He demons! What do you mean? You didn't lend Wanbaohe to me! I left you the essence of blood! I didn't expect that you wouldn't let me use Wanbaohe when it was crucial ~ ~ You are too mean! "Ye Hollow was furious.

In the Wanbao River, the river demon Shinto, "Brother, there is nothing, don't doubt your brother."

Ye Kong said, "Then you lend me something, and quietly leave the word in it! You are a despicable act!"

The river demon's face was red, and he said, "Brother, brother can't help it. The deity of Vulcan is devious and tricky. If someone is sent to cheat my Wanbaohe! So I'm afraid you are sent by Vulcan That's why this quietly left Taoism inside. If you don't fight Vulcan within ten thousand years, this Taoism will make Wanbao River out of your control, even disintegrate and destroy! And if you and Vulcan Fight, then I will come out and help you! "

"It turned out that you, the river demon, are loyal on the surface, sinister on the inside, hún pale! Huh, in fact, the essence of blood and jade I left to you is fake," Ye said shamelessly.

"You sly human!" The river demon groaned and yelled, "I felt the breath of the Vulcan Tower, and this came out! Vulcan had used it to fight me once before becoming the main god, but I was defeated! I have experience dealing with this thing, and I can help you get the immortal fire seeds in the tower! "! .

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