The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2488: Can't wait

Can't wait

Under the sudden explosion of Huang Jinghui's artifact, the average **** and man cannot afford it! Besides, Ye Kong is a central god-man?

So when that scene happened, everyone was shocked. Even the partial gods on the VIP table are constantly shaking their heads and secretly saying that the depth of Huang Jinghui's deliberateness and shamelessness is simply outrageous! Oh, first sham with others, and then suddenly hit at a critical moment ... You know, this is not an enemy, but a competition! What's more important is that you are an upper-god, and others are a middle-god!

After seeing Huang Jinghui's shamelessness, it was almost instantaneous. Huo Ruiqi was just stunned for a moment, and immediately stood up and shouted, "This Huang Jinghui is too much, too yīn poison, too indecent! Open me to the formation immediately, and Li He Send it out! "

Pan, who is in charge of the formation method, shook his head, "The rule is that only one party shouts words that I can admit, I can transmit!"

Huo Ruiqi rescued the leaves and cut in anger, "I now order you to teleport!"

She was so anxious in public that she was really anxious. The pot was partial and said, "I can't blame you Miss Fireman, the devil must have already hung up, just teleport."

But just when he said, "Okay," the Aqua God shouted, "Slow!"

Almost at that moment, millions of people present quickly lost their minds ...

I saw the sky above the forest, among the exploding fog of light, there was a light of five gods rising!

Obviously, that is different from the glorious sword burst!

The five gods of light belong to another god-man!

"That's ... he's not dead?"

"This guy is also tough enough! The five magic lights, powerful, seem to be a good defense artifact!"

Suddenly, there was another noisy discussion in the stadium auditorium.

Ye Kong's body protection is also a good treasure. That is the “Five Light Gods Mirror” that Sifang City originally wanted to exchange for the extinction magic! This is a partial artifact to defend xìng, and the defense is amazing, but Ye Kong has always been the king of the king, so it is useless!

But this time, the king of the king was inconvenient to display lù, which used five light mirrors.

However, this thing will also make some people associate, so the five gods light just flashes, dissipating in the mist, Ye Kong has already stowed the five gods mirror.

After five seconds of divine light, the tall devil's body appeared in the mist that had begun to dissipate ...

Seeing Ye Kong not dead, Huang Jinghui snorted coldly, "Even if he didn't die, the **** body must have been seriously damaged! Huh, I promised that Huo Mingkun had already been done, no need to continue ..."

Thinking of this in my heart, Huang Jinghui sneered at Ye Kong in the mist of fog, ignored Ye Kong's questioning, looked up and said, "Look at the elders, Huang has fought for several consecutive battles, the **** body is seriously damaged, his strength is poor, and he admits he lost! "

"Did he give up?"

"Nonsense, haven't you seen it yet? This guy just helped Huo Mingkun to conceal Li Hei first, then confessed first, and let Li Hei drag his wreckage, but he had to face the battle with Huo Mingkun!"

"That's it! This is too despicable!"

"Yeah, Huo Mingkun is a partial **** and duel with a central god-man, and it is even disappointing to use such a shameless trick!"

Among the audience, all the millions of gods and men heard Huang Jinghui's concealment, all in an uproar. At this time, even fools know their purpose!

Although Guo Bishen also felt that Huo Mingkun and Huang Jinghui were too shameless, according to the rules, he immediately ordered, "The victory and defeat have been divided, and Huang Jinghui came!"

In the competition field, Huang Jinghui sneered at Ye Kong. As long as he had another breath, he would teleport.

But at this moment, this last moment!

Ye Kong is trembling!

I saw a tall demon, walking in the void, stepping on the bō pattern. Just taking a step, he already stood in front of Huang Jinghui who was about to leave ...

"I said, you have to pay the price!" Ye Kong's eyes appeared murderous!

"This is ... with the words, he has reached this state! He came to me in one step!" In Huang Jinghui's eyes, he was surprised for the first time.

"Retreat!" Huang Jinghui then retreated sharply, retreating quickly, shouting again in his mouth, "I confess! Fast!"

All this happened in an instant, the teleportation was already up, Huang Jinghui flew back, and the figure was also faded!

"Break me!"

Ye Kong's angry roar, his right hand waved violently!

A turquoise lash, drawn like lightning!


"Hurry up!" Huang Jinghui's eyes finally turned from surprise to panic! He already felt the mighty power of that whip! He suddenly remembered that his power was really low!

After many hard battles, competing for the first place of the upper **** man, so that his **** body has been damaged more than half!

But at the moment when his figure was about to disappear, Ye Kong's struggling lotus seedlings had arrived!


An extremely crisp and sweet sound sounded in this world!

The whip sound is also in the ears of all the audience, back to dàng! At this moment, almost everyone has two words in their hearts!


Just hearing a bang, Huang Jinghui was pumped into a blood mist by Ye Kong at the last moment he was teleported!

call! The blood mist flashed, and Huang Jinghui's figure appeared outside the formation in the next second. His strength is not bad, but this whip did not even suffocate him!

I saw him stunned, and said to himself, "Three percent ..." Then he slammed on the stage and passed out!

"Jinghui!" Huang Jia, who was watching at the scene, turned into a light and shadow, rushed to the stage, hugged Huang Jinghui's body, and turned back and roared, "The demon Li Hei is too much! My Jinghui has already conceded, and he has to attack. He is too despicable and shameless! "

But apparently, his words did not receive any approval.

Although the people present were not good people, they were popular. Everyone said that Huang Jinghui was shameless before him, and they even said they were shameless? Really shameless! Why didn't Li He stab him with a whip?

Even the pot partial **** couldn't help him speak, only the words, "No more gossip, hurry up to Feishengchi. This guy can't recover in ten or eight years ..."

In the battlefield, Ye Kong did not go out.

In fact, Ye Kong has every chance to kill Huang Jinghui! He has at least four more ways to leave Huang Jinghui and kill him!

But then, Ye Kong will violently use some means. Ye Kong didn't want to blunt some of his means because of this dregs like Huang Jinghui!

At this moment, both prerequisite battles have ended.

The sound of the pan partial sounded, "Li Hei! You have won two games in a row. According to the method we set in advance, you have already qualified for a duel with Huo Mingkun! Then there are two options. One is that you have already finished two battles today. First, go back to rest ~ ~ fight tomorrow with Huo Mingkun; second, fight again on the spot! The decision is yours! "

This is off the court, Huo Ruiqi and Guo Binbin both shouted, "Fight again tomorrow! Take a day off!"

Even the other gods present were also shouting.

But Ye Kong couldn't hear it in the battlefield world. Of course, even if he heard it, he wouldn't change his decision!

I saw him looking up into the sky and yelling, "It ’s been 10,000 years for revenge! Just fight the night and night! Huo Mingkun, I ca n’t wait! Did you wash your neck, did you clean your chrysanthemum? Can't wait! "

Above the stands, among the crowd, a young man with red hair and a torch like a torch suddenly stood up and yelled, "You can't wait! I can't wait! Since you are so anxious to die, I am Humingkun, and I will complete you ! "

Subsequently, Huo Mingkun was also teleported into the formation. The two were in the battlefield and wanted to see again, jealous!

To the reader:

And at night ...! .

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