The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2479: Divine World

Two four seven nine divine world

"Not enough! Not enough! Still not enough!"

The basic gods are cultivated from the initial state, and the number of gods that need to be swallowed is also getting larger and more crazy! The purple, blue, green, yellow, and orange red, the first-order upgrade, the number of gods required, is getting larger and larger, so that Ye Kong has a bit of tongue-in-cheek!

The godhead of the upper man, the godhead of the middle man ... Ye Kong had twelve godheads this time, and finally he swallowed up to ten godheads. Only his basic godheads finally reacted!

"Changed!" Ye Kongzhong, who meditated with closed eyes, gave a sudden surprise.

I saw the slowly rotating red goddess in the center of Yekong Zifu, already spinning, spraying a dim light! And the goddess enveloping in this hazy light, from red sè, began to deepen and darken, and slowly transitioned to purple sè!

"It turned out that after it reached the highest level of a grade, it broke through and became the lowest level of the previous grade!"

"Originally it was the lower goddess of the red god, but now it has become the **** of the central **** and man of the purple god! But, why isn't the Shenli Lake in my sea of ​​anger yet?"

But Ye Kong was just worried.

After waiting for a long time, when the basic goddess completes its transformation and has completely become the central god-human goddess of purple sè, it emits a bright light at the bottom of that godhead, penetrates straight, and heads for Qihai!

At the moment of communication between heaven and earth, Ye Kong only felt that his entire body was refreshing, and there was a feeling, as if he had lightened a lot, and that feeling was very good!

On the lake of Shenli, it was like a flat mirror, but under the light of the godhead, Xinlian glowed brilliantly. On the flat lake, there was a moving ripple! The sight is amazing!

Ye Kong opened his eyes slowly, his face calmed, his eyes full of joy, and his mouth spit out two words, "It's done!"

It's done! Breakthrough of godhead, promotion of realm, enhancement of divine power, great increase of strength! All of this!

Originally in Ye Kong's brows, there was only a red star. At this moment, it seems that before the star point, there is a faint haze, as if there is a force, it seems to spray out! This is the sign of the central gods!

"I thought it was difficult to cultivate this devouring godhead, but now it seems that it is not the case! I came to the **** world, and just four and a half years ago, I have already broken through to the central god-man! This speed is already very fast! "

Ye Kongzhong couldn't help but feel relieved. But he thought, "Even if it's fast, you can't relax! You know, the more you go up, the more gods you need to devour! Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, I am now in the purple step of the central god-man It took ten godheads! It ’s all the godheads of the central godhead and upper godhead ... In the future, it will have a larger appetite. Oh my god, do you want me to get a bunch of master godheads to feed it? "

Thinking of this, Ye Kong only had a bitter smile. Although this basic godhead is very good, it is not so easy to feed and cultivate it!

But just as Ye Kong was thinking, a cry of thirteen surprises came from his mind, "Master, master, Pipazhu, there is also movement!"

"Oh, is that right?" Ye Kong was surprised again. With a single thought, his figure had disappeared.

The world in pipa beads.

When Ye Kong entered the realm of God, the world in the pipa beads also began to evolve. The original planet and the large starry sky have been wrapped in a chaos! Even if Ye Kong is the master of Pipazhu, he doesn't know what kind of changes are going on in the chaos.

But this time is different. When Ye Kong's figure stood in the starry sky, I saw that piece of chaos had faded a lot, and in the haze, I could see the planet inside through the faint haze of chaos!

From a distance, the planet is not much different from the original, basically the same.

With Ye Kong's advancement as a **** in the middle, the evolution of Pipazhu has become faster! I saw that piece of chaos also faded quickly! It's like a thin mist covering the beautiful planet.

After a short while, Ye Kong was surprised to find that the chaos began to shrink! From the original occupation of the world, to the current wrapped planet, and then, it has shrunk to no larger planet. At this moment, many scenes on the planet can be completely and clearly seen.

"It's no different!" Ye Kong watched from a distance, and he could see the house, mountains and rivers he had built on the planet, and even the strange flowers and plants weirdly bored and planted.

"I don't know." Ming Shishi also shook his head blankly.

The chaotic mist shrank quickly, and slowly, only half the planet was bigger.

"Go, look over!" Ye Kong's figure moved, with Ming Xizhan and hún 魑 to the side of the planet without chaos.

When they landed on the planet, Fate XIII and Hún 魑 suddenly exclaimed, "Different, different, and absolutely different from the original! It turned out to be the mountains, the rivers, the heavens and the earth, the world of the immortals, and the world of immortals. Qi! But now, it is exactly the same as the **** world. You see that these are the gods, mountains and rivers, this world, all things, this golden wood, water and fire, are exactly the same as the **** world! "

Ye Kong also noticed this, and nodded, "Yes! The top plane space is just as my cultivation progresses, it is also ascending. I have the appearance of the fairy world in the fairy realm, and when I go to the **** realm, it also becomes a god. The world is just. But, when is the top plane ... when is it the top? Is it already the top of the **** world? "

Subsequently, Ye Kong's figure moved, and then kept up with the faded chaos. The chaos has turned into a cloud of gas, getting smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a circle, stopping in the sky on the most remote and empty side of the planet.

"What is it doing?" Ye Kong asked, doubting Huò, standing in the distance.

Ming Xizhai who followed later smiled bitterly, "I don't know."

At this moment, the situation suddenly changed, and the vast chaotic mist began to spin. For a time, the heavens and the earth became darker, the sky was dark, and the chaotic air mass rotating rapidly was a bit like Ye Kongdu's robbery cloud.

"Is this going to rob?" Ye Kong stood in the distance, unaffected at all, but curious in his heart.

Fate XIII is also suspicious. This is completely beyond the scope of his knowledge, and he cannot explain it. But at this time, hún 魑 said, "How do I feel it is spinning like crazy, what do you want to absorb?"

"Absorb what?" Ye Kong frowned, "The reason is that if space evolves successfully, chaos will disappear. It is still here, but the space is not completely good, what is missing!"

Fate thirteen or so to watch, lù in doubt. However, his eyes suddenly flashed and he was startled, "What is missing is divine power! What is missing in this world is divine power!"

Ye Kong immediately thought of this ~ ~ But he thought for a while, "No, divine power should be the power of faith. There are no people in this world, there are few animals, and there are not many plants. Where is the faith?" "

But just as he spoke, he felt clearly that a breath of divine power had been attracted by the rapidly rotating cloud of gas!

"I really sucked my divine power!" Ming Xizhan shouted in surprise.

However, Ye Kong was a big huò, and where did this guy draw the divine power? He didn't know. Beyond Pipazhu, the management elders of the Godland Training Institute had all opened their eyes in suspicion!

Ye Kong's surprise at this moment was another thing. It turned out that the chaotic gas cloud that was spinning fast had formed a funnel. I saw the tip of that funnel, and a drop of liquid of divine power appeared!

Subsequently, more and more of these liquids dropped on the ground, forming puddles, ponds, water ponds ...

To the reader:

And at night ...! .

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