The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2477: Cloud ghost becomes

"What? A lower god-man wants to challenge a partial god, or our genius who wins the kingdom of God, Huo Mingkun! Isn't Li Hei looking for death?"

"Too arrogant! Ignorance!"

"Hum, I really hope that day will come soon! Let us see Huo Mingkun painfully flatter that arrogant guy!"

When the news that Ye Kong accepted Huo Mingkun's challenge came out, the whole God Kingdom Training Center was ignited! Everyone is scrambling to chant this amazing news, but almost all the people in the kingdom training institute are not optimistic about Li Hei!

In their eyes, Huo Mingkun is invincible! Moreover, even if Li Hei showed some performance in the debate with Zhuowu Kingdom, it was only an oral article. To fight, Li Hei is definitely not Huo Mingkun's opponent!

Of course, many people are worried about Ye Kong. Among them are Huo Ruiqi and Aqua Blue God.

However, unlike the anxious Huo Ruiqi, the Shui Lan God has another thought in his heart: Is it really the black armor man? If that black armor man is really his, then he is indeed a bit more likely to be on fire with Ming Kun!

However, the Aqua God was still worried when he thought of it. Because the black armor **** man was only fighting poison yīn **** Ling Peng, but now is the genius of Dongsheng **** kingdom, the descendant master of the fire family, Huo Mingkun! Obviously, Huo Mingkun's strength is even higher than that of Ling Peng!

Shui Lan God and Huo Ruiqi certainly want to stop Ye Kong, but when Ye Kong accepted Huo Mingkun's challenge, they buried themselves in retreat!

Indeed, Ye Kong wants to win in the battle with Huo Mingkun, I am afraid that with his current strength, it is not enough! Of course, if Ye Kong's strength is full, that should be enough, but the key is that Ye Kong still wants to hide a little strength!

However, Ye Kong is also ready for both hands. He will not lose to Huo Mingkun because he wants to hide his identity!

"Even if the identity is violent, I will kill Huo Mingkun this time!" Ye Kong was sitting in Dongfu, and lù was cold in his eyes. The reason Ye Kong did this time is because Huo Mingkun has touched his bottom line! To be honest, he didn't have any hatred with Huo Mingkun, but Huo Mingkun has hurt him several times! He even wanted to take his life with the most fierce means ...

This is absolutely not allowed by Ye Kong!

Of course, Ye Kong is so high-profile this time for another reason. Even after he came to the kingdom of God, he has always been more humiliated. Like him, xìng, he can't stand this kind of humiliation, so it just happened to be unlucky, Ye Kong planned to erupt once!

"It does n’t matter if you are violent, you do n’t expect to stay here anymore when you kill Huo Mingkun! But at that time, how to leave is a difficult problem, so I want to improve my strength as much as possible!"

Ye Kong said, and began to make Yungui.

Before the cloud ghost was already in the last step of the refining period, there are only a few materials. Now that the materials are ready, he has begun to refine. A green cloud ghost that is second only to gold cloud ghosts is definitely very good to use!

In fact, the best use of cloud ghosts is in the sea of ​​clouds. If Ye Kong has cloud ghosts in the sea of ​​clouds today, presumably it will be easier to kill those killers!

Just when Ye Kong was refining Yungui.

Dongsheng is the capital of the kingdom of gods, the capital of the gods, and a palace in a garden with a high lobby.

A man with red hair and naked hair was watching the jade card in the hand. A message in front of him surprised him. "The demon Li Hei in the training institute accepted Huo Mingkun's challenge. The two will have a duel during the ranking competition. Endlessly? Nonsense, is that demon man crazy? Originally, I heard that he helped the Aqua God to defeat Ruby. I still have a good impression on him. Now it seems, but ... it's a idiot, madman! ! "

This man is the fire spirit **** who came to the capital. He took a fragment of the memory of a god-man and got a back view from it! And God has a powerful deity, you can find the person you want to find according to any back or shadow! This is the Lord God, the Shadow God!

The shadow **** is also considered a **** by Dongsheng God Kingdom, and was once a close helper and friend of the Lord of the Fury God. However, because of something later, the two broke down, and the angry **** was furious and imprisoned the shadow god!

So the fire spirit **** came to the **** city, just to get the permission of the fire god, please ask the shadow **** to help find the black armor **** man who has the main artifact, of course, he already knows that it is a kid who has just arrived in the Nether, name Called Ye Kong. He also knew that the main artifact was a treasure obtained by God Sima Ze in searching for a miracle ...

After knowing this, the Fire Spirit God even wanted the sword of the main artifact!

But when I came to God, I found that with some regret, the angry God was closed. Fortunately, the time from exit is not very long, about one month, so the Fire Spirit God lives in the residence of the God City, and waits for the time when the Fury God exits the market one month later.

In these days, the Fire Spirit God kept receiving rumors from Huo Ruiqi and the Aqua Blue God, and he wanted to ask the Fire Spirit God to come forward and let the two men give up the duel.

However, the fire spirit God was even more upset when he saw these messages!

"Huh, a demon who doesn't know how to live or die, and I don't know why you care about him so much! It's hateful. Does he worry you more than Huo Mingkun and me? An ugly demon wants to touch Hua Cao Cao, die early, good morning! "The fire spirit **** finally asked xìng to turn off the jade of communication, and no longer accept any communication!

At night, it was quiet, even if it was the night of Divine Realm, it also had a hazy moon. In fact, there was no moon and no stars in the divine realm, but then the moon **** and the star **** said that there is no monotony without the moon and stars. The divine realm is not good-looking in the lower world, so this is the moon.

The moonlight shines on the brightly colored Weizhou City, as does the quiet and peaceful God Kingdom Training Center.

However, at this moment in a sudden cave house in a corner of Shenshan in the God Kingdom Training Center, it was not very peaceful.

In the mist, a cloud of blue clouds is rolling and twisting violently! From the outside, it seems that it is no longer a cloud, but a mass of green cotton wool, or rolling smoke, rolling and rolling!

In front of this blue cloud, a Tsing Yi demon is meditating with eyes closed. From the outside, Ye Kong is quite peaceful at the moment, but at this moment he is in the most critical stage to control the cloud beast!

Divine knowledge, divine power, divine mind, these invisible forces, all released at this moment, acting on the cloud beast. And that cloud beast's will has not been rubbed down to a ray, if there is no, it depends on whether Ye Kong's **** can communicate with him!

It was a while later, Ye Kong was still sitting quietly in Tutu, but the blue clouds in front of him turned more and more intense!

At this moment, without any warning, Ye Kong, who was sitting by Pan Tu, just opened his eyes suddenly!

Raise your hand!

Shen Sheng yelled, "Don't take my orders yet? Stop me!"

He made a sudden ~ ~ Strangely, the tumbling clouds in front of him seemed as if they were frozen, and it was a stop! Although the edge of the large cloud is still rolling, but you can see that the main cloud stopped suddenly!

It's done! A joy appeared in Ye Kong's eyes!

But he didn't dare to be completely happy, because it was not a complete success, and then he yelled, "Clone, come out!"

A more bizarre scene appeared, and I saw that the blue cloud layer started to change. After a while, the central part of the cloud layer appeared a Ye Kong's face!

And after that face appeared, there was a smile of Ye Kong's habits, and then the clouds rolled again, and a Ye Kong's hand appeared from the clouds! The other hand raised his hand, and the wide and wide gold swords placed on the side of the table accepted the induction, humming a sword, and flew into Qingyun's hands!

At this moment, Ye Kong's face formed by that blue cloud was laughing with the face of the demon who was facing across the line, laughing, "It's done!"

To the reader :! .

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