The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2469: It's hard to go to Huashen Building

"What, Li Hei went out?" When he heard the news, Huo Mingkun's heart was ecstatic.

His men are all happy: "Good opportunity! He had been crouched in Dongfu, we have no chance to start, now this time, it is a good opportunity to kill him!"

And Jiang Wenzhe, under Huo Mingkun, volunteered and volunteered: "Let me go! Huh, he didn't know where he took my beast from the cloud. This time, I had to catch him and ask for a clear one!"

Huo Mingkun looked at Jiang Wenzhe and thought: Jiang Wenzhe is already the upper **** man, and Li Hei is only a lower **** man. Even if he is a strong swordman, the huge gap between the upper **** man and the lower **** man should be enough. Get Li Hei!

Seeing Huo Mingkun hesitant to decide, another man next to him asked, "Mingkun, are you still not assured? It is better that you take the shot yourself! Kill him and prestige! See who else in the training center dares to grab you a woman!"

Ming Kun hesitated and said, "None of us are convenient to go! Then Li Hei is already a celebrity in the training center, and a hero who has defeated Zhuowu Kingdom. If we do, we will be troublesome afterwards!"

He said this, Jiang Wenzhe and others immediately said: "Ming Kun, a rare opportunity! Don't be indecisive. If this opportunity is let go, I am afraid that there will be no chance in the future!"

Huo Mingkun's eyes provoked a flame and laughed: "We don't kill him, but we can borrow other people's hands!" Speaking here, Huo Mingkun faced a cold face, "Hurry up and contact the members of the Taoist Temple in Weizhou! No matter how much it costs, let the boy die on the way back, so that he can never return to the Kingdom Training Institute! "

"Oh, let 弑 神堂 take a shot, good, good idea!"

The Temple of the Gods is the most mysterious and dark organization in the **** world, and it is said to have been established by the Dark God. Like the darkness admired by the dark gods, this puppet temple is also hidden in the darkness. If the **** king is the master of the bright side of the light world, then the puppet temple is the absolute master of the dark world.

This organization is actually a killer organization. It is said that as long as you can afford the price, even the powerful Lord God, even the immortal deities, can kill! The most important thing is that as long as this organization accepts the business, it will endlessly kill the person you designated!

Of course, if the other party is too strong and the appointee cannot continue to pay the follow-up fees, it will stop!

At this moment, Yezhou City, Ye Kong didn't know he had been followed by the killer organization.

This is the second time Ye Kong has entered Weizhou City, watching the bustling people in the city in front of him. He wants to go and see everywhere, especially what Hua Xiaolou said last week. He wants to see those A woman has become a god, but why should she lean on the door and laugh.

Even so, he still knows that the business is important. Buying some refining things and quickly refining Yungui is the most important thing now! To say why Ye Kong is so anxious to refining Yungui, it still has something to do with Guangpi.

Ever since Guangpi realized the two rules in the cave that went down the mountain in one step, Ye Kong wanted him to soar. And Ye Kong just happened to have a poisonous partial godhead, which was originally obtained by Ling Peng's men.

Ye Kong's godhead can just be used by Guangpi to become a god, but Guangpi has not been in a hurry to fuse the godhead. Because Guangpi thinks that Ye Kong is still very dangerous, if he helps, it would be better.

But when the cloud ghosts come out, it can make Guangpi feel relieved, right?

"Treasurer, I want this golden thorn fruit. If there are still, I want more."

"Treasurer, I want this twisted **** bead. How many **** crystals, can the price be cheaper?"

Ye Kong purchased it in Weizhou City. You must know that the cloud ghost of Qing Sè is already the second-class high-end product of Cloud ghost. Therefore, the materials used are all high-end and the prices are expensive. Fortunately, Ye Kong got so many storage rings at the beginning and got so much respect on the Shenjing mine, so it was not difficult to buy those things.

When Ye Kong stepped out of a certain store, he heard a noise coming from the restaurant next door, and saw a drunk man kicked out, and someone scolded behind him: "Get out, you want to drink without money, you still Do you think you are the guardian **** man of the **** crystal mine? You are now a garbage **** man with severely damaged **** body! "

The drunk man turned his head and yelled, "Your shop is really shameless. At the time, I was in power and how many **** crystals were consumed with you! Now I'm out of luck. I won't give you a drink at all, I will make you eighteenth generation ancestor!

Ye Kong heard the sound so familiar, and looked suddenly, his eyes suddenly became angry!

It turned out that the drunk man turned out to be Pei Chunguang, the guardian of Shenjing Mine! Speaking of which, Ye Kong was sent out to mine out of Divine Realm, thanks to Pei Chunguang! But now Pei Chunguang was seriously injured, and he was so poor that he had no money to heal his body, not even a little money to drink!

Ye Kong does n’t even think about it, he knows that Pei Chunguang must be dragged by himself!

"Bastard Huang Jingzhao, **** fire spirit god, Yemou must want you better than Brother Pei in the future!" Ye Kong snorted, but did not dare to recognize Pei Chunguang.

Thinking about the master artifact, Huang Jingzhao, Fire Spirit God and others will never relax, maybe someone will observe in the dark, Ye Kong dare not care.

"Brother, please give this storage bag to the drunk man. This is a little reward for you." Ye Kong came to the distance, facing a small second person on the side of the road, and took out A small Qiankun bag.

The second child saw that he was making money, and of course he ran happily and passed the humble bag to Pei Chunguang. Drunk Pei Chunguang took the Qiankun bag and put the consciousness in it. Suddenly his eyes brightened suddenly, turned his head to see ...

The corner of the street was empty and there were no shadows.

But just after Pei Chunguang took the Qiankun bag, there were two black shadows immediately, like a peng bird flying out of a restaurant not far away, one black shadow ran to the direction where Ye Kong disappeared, and the other The shadow ran to Pei Chunguang.

The black shadow that ran towards Pei Chunguang already appeared on the street. As soon as he lifted his hand, he had taken the bag from Pei Chunguang ...

But when he put God into the air, he suddenly felt a look of disappointment! Subsequently, he threw the Qiankun bag to Pei Chunguang, took out the messaging jade card, and sent out: "It's just a bag of wine, it must be some kind person, come on in a false alarm."

Indeed, Ye Kong's bag to Pei Chunguang did not contain the **** crystals and jade Cambodia, just a table of wine and vegetables!

Others can't see any problems in it, but Pei Chunguang knows it.

Because this table of wine and dishes was originally on the Shenjing mine, Pei Chunguang used to entertain Ye Kong's wine and dishes every day!

"This year ~ ~ there are still people with good intentions, Lao Tzu went back to eat." Pei Chunguang said, limping towards the unmanned alley.

Although only a small table of wine and dishes, the confidence to Pei Chunguang is strong! Because he knows that person is still alive, that person will one day return, and one day he will have a hope of turning over!

Maybe Pei Chunguang has already given up on himself. After getting this table, he knows to cherish life! Because he knew that one day he would repair the **** body and live a life that was better than it was!

It's all because of that person! The one who can defeat him only after soaring! He believes in that person, not ordinary!

It is also because of Pei Chunguang's incident that Ye Kong cannot stay in the city for a long time, for fear of being discovered. At this moment, he had bought all the items he needed, once again gave up the Huashen Tower, and left Weizhou City early.

"Well, it's so difficult to think of a whack!" Ye sighed and ran to the training center.

Message to readers: Three chapters today ...! .

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