The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2463: I'm stuffed

Two four six three I'm full

"Since ancient times, no matter whether the demon becomes the water **** or the human demon becomes the water god, its strength determines that they will never have an overbearing attack and no powerful strength. They will always only be able to assume auxiliary functions such as detoxification and rescue ... "

"The water system is originally an auxiliary small system, and the water and fire combination of your kingdom of God fully illustrates this! It is precisely because the water system does not have a strong attack output that it depends on the overbearing fire system! Therefore, by You can see ... "

"The water system is a weak pronoun, let alone those strong laws and gods, it is said that the ice system and the frost system will be stronger than the water system! Our liquid system is completely different! Time can be liquefied, including you Water, so our fluid system is powerful ... "

To say that the people of Zhuowu Divine Kingdom are really carefully selected. One can speak the word, quote the scriptures, and solicit the quotes, and say that the sisters of several water systems here are dumb and speechless!

The people who watched the battle, etc., supported the kingdom of God verbally, but everyone knew that it wouldn't work. There were even many gods and men, and my heart began to think: Yes, people from the Zhuowu Kingdom of God said yes, the liquid system seems to be stronger and more powerful than the water system!

At the forefront of the crowd, Huo Ruiqi was the most angry. &&

After the conflict between Huo Ruiqi and Ye Kong, Huo Ruiqi even felt good about Ye Kong, and felt that this person had a responsibility and a sense of responsibility, so when she saw Ye Kong also walked off the stage, she was still in the haze to the demon. A lot of hope.

But I did not expect that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, which is really true. This black devil, after the stage, not only did not play any role, but sat in a corner, eating and drinking ...

Huo Ruiqi really wanted to give him a big mouth, and then stuffed his mouth with food, cursing: Nima, eat your death!

However, it is clear that Huo Ruiqi is not good at running at this time, only gritted teeth underneath. The fat man next sighed, "Oh, boss, you are so disappointed. You said that I am not as fat as a fat man, can't you break out."

Huo Ruiqi is Huo Mingkun on the other side, and he laughed and said, "Eruption, I think he is a diner! Such a guy, really ... I knew he was such a rubbish, and I would never embarrass him. , Not worthy of me as an opponent! "

Don't mention them, it's Taiwan, Guo Bishen and others squinted at Ye Kong who was eating in front of him. The expression on his face couldn't be said, and everyone couldn't wait to pump him. But at this time, if you really go, you will only lose face.

But Ruby is secretly in her heart. Could this black-skinned demon have deliberately arranged here and deliberately lost the other person's face? Oops, this arrangement is really great!

But the only sober one is the Aqua God.

The breeze swayed slightly and the aqua blue hair fluttered. The Shui Lan God quietly saw Ye Kong with the corner of her eyes, and she was a little puzzled. She knew that Ye Kong had some understanding of the laws of the water system. However, she also knows that Ye Kong doesn't know much about water system skills!

So the Aqua God knew that Ye Kong wanted to help her, but the Aqua God knew that Ye Kong was unlikely to help her! However, after Ye Kong played, he did not take any action. Instead, he unexpectedly ate and drank, which left Shui Lan God scratching his head!

Is he going to take the last shot and give them a fatal blow to Ruby! I don't know why, the thought of Shuilan Shen even had this kind of thought. It can be said that if she tells anyone else on the scene that this kind of thought, anyone else will laugh at big teeth: expecting this kind of food to launch the final blow, you are too naive!

Time passed in this way, a few hours passed, and the voices of those shouting crowds were gradually muted. Because everyone is already annoyed, why annoyed, because there are no highlights and no arguments! Dongsheng Kingdom is almost crushed, but Zhuowu Kingdom is opposite. They are fast and fast. A few people here don't even talk.

Abuse is simply being abused!

"In summary, water is a kind of liquid, and the water system is also a branch of the liquid system. Strictly speaking, the gods of your water system must become our servants of the liquid system! The gods of the same level as the water system, your water system You must all be inferior, because you are our branch! "A ministry man who looks like a white-faced man is quite combative. Some words are ridiculous, but he is saying powerful!

The teachers and sisters in the water system here can't admit defeat, no matter what, they arrogantly argued: "Waffle! You bullshit! You you, you're wrong!"

The white-faced student of the kingdom of Zhuowu laughed and laughed: "You can't make sense anymore, you only have to curse people, such arguments are no longer necessary!"

Another sister of the water system stood up and shouted, "We can't make sense, I don't think you're right! You have been talking for a long time, and you have the ability to show that the water system is a branch of the liquid system!"

The white-faced man didn't talk, raised his hand and pointed away, and saw a water dragon rising from the distant statue stream. He opened his hands, and the water dragon broke down sharply and turned into billions of water particles. Subsequently, he folded his hands, and the billions of water drops formed another water dragon.

Then he spread his hands, and the water dragon clashed and disappeared into the stream.

At this time, he was carrying his right hand, looking far away, and said lightly in his mouth, "I did this not to show off my ability to control water, but to tell you that the liquid system can control water, but the water system cannot control liquid ... It is evidence that the water system is a branch of the liquid system! "

As soon as this statement was made, the number of people at the scene was extremely quiet! A few sisters in the water system across the mouth were completely open-mouthed. Do n’t say a word, it ’s a word, and you ca n’t answer it!

Almost everyone at the scene lamented in their hearts, lost, Dongsheng God Kingdom lost! But I ca n’t say anything, they really make sense! The water system is really a branch of the liquid system!

Sitting in the middle of the ruby, she was so happy that she finally pressed the Aqua Blue God to the head! She is a very jealous woman. She is jealous of others, looks better than her, is stronger than her, and luckier than her. In short, she is very jealous, especially jealous of the Aqua God who looks better than her!

"Sister Shui Lan, rest assured, although the water system is a branch of the liquid system, but I will not discriminate against you, and I will not think that I am one level higher than you. Rest assured, what is the relationship between our sisters, giggle ..." Hongyu this The voice is very exaggerated, almost the whole God Kingdom Training Center can hear it, and how many years have finally stepped on the head of Shuilan, how could she not be happy?

But at this moment, a corner was heard and a sigh came out.

"唉 ~ ~ You have the ability to pretend to be B, but you still have learned from home ... I'm full, so I'll give you pointers." In the voice, a demon stood up and threw away his food. A sip of a cyan fruit, holding hands, walked across.

All under the stage is quiet, do not understand why this guy who has been eating has suddenly come out to talk?

Ye Kong ignored the others, and walked to the opposite Bai Miansheng and said, "Pretend B, you ca n’t do this. You have to look up at forty-five degrees to look at the sky. correct!"

After speaking, I walked to Hongyu again and said, "There is you, next time you install B, remember that you will come out after the other party completely fails. Otherwise, if the other party comes out as a killer last time, you will defeat and win, then you pretend B pretends to be a silly X!

After hearing this swear word, Ruby was going to spit blood and died. There was a venomous light in his eyes, his face flushed, and he jumped and yelled, "The lower man, you have a kind of killer, or I will Not spare you! "

To the reader:

Today is a bit late, thank you all ...

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