The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2447: Marlboro

Two four four seven

"Go to your toad god!" Guangpi was furious. He hated people calling him toad most, but now his whole body is dark green again, and it really looks more like a toad. -

"Forget it, talking to you guys who have no culture is really strenuous. I'll eat first, and then help the host!" During the conversation, Guangpi turned back and ate all the green giant cocoons into his stomach. Then shouted, "Master, I'll help you!"

Outside, the river demon is breaking Ye Kong's fixed character and helping He Luo to be free. He is preparing to launch a new round of attack on Ye Kong.

Ye Kong heard Guangpi's voice, knowing that the boy was okay, and he was very happy. He laughed, "This role is too bad. Since you are out of customs, let you try it!"

Between the words, Ye Kong released Guangpi.

The river devil looked over there and shouted, "You also have pets, or toads ..."

Guangpi hates most people to say that his toad, and suddenly angered, "You are the toad, and your family are all toads! Have you ever seen a toad like me?" Guangpi finished, snorted, and drilled The river released by the river devil disappeared afterwards.

But it didn't take long before I saw the river water released by the river demon, all turned green.

The river demon was startled, "Poisonous, highly toxic! Not good, He Luo, fast retreat!"

The River Devil is not too worried about these poisons. However, He Luo is different. He Luo is an aquatic creature that absorbs and discharges river water at all times. At this moment, Guangpi has poisoned the river, and He Luo has drank all the venom into his body!

When the river demon found this, it was too late, and the huge river Luo uttered a roar, and then he curled up his body and clamped two shells into a ball.

When the river demon saw the pet's pain, he roared immediately, "You guy quickly detoxify my river Luo! Otherwise I will definitely kill you!"

"Come out to me!" The river demon roared again, and saw a transparent light and shadow that was green and trembling in the green river water. It is the light skin that is poisoned in the river!

"You die for me!" The angry river demon roared, raising his strength to the highest level at the same time, and released his most powerful artifact, Wanbaohe!

I saw a river shining brightly with white light, violently extending towards the light skin and leaf space. That is not a river of water, but a river of light.

In fact, it is not the river that shines, but the dense treasures scattered in the river!

This is what the river devil is proud of, Wanbaohe!

Although it is called Wanbaohe, but there are more than 10,000 treasures, I am afraid that there are hundreds of thousands! The river devil originally liked to collect treasures, but later there were more treasures and it was not easy to manage, so he spent a lot of time and made hundreds of thousands of treasures into one, Wanbaohe!

In fact, Ye Kong felt that this river demon was extremely stupid, with hundreds of thousands of treasures, and finally he made a partial artifact. Moreover, the most important thing is that hundreds of thousands of treasures can no longer be used separately, that is, they cannot be disassembled.

This is too bad!

However, the river demon was also directed at the main artifact at that time, but his refining technique was still lacking, and in the end it was only made into a partial artifact.

But even so, Wanbaohe is already an absolutely powerful partial artifact!

I saw that white light river, in which the rays of light, all kinds of treasures, emit bright and dazzling light! And in that dazzling light, it gathered all kinds of divine power attacks, sword lights and shadows, there is nothing to hide!

From the moment the Wanbao River appeared, it struck the invisible light skin! Under the reflection of Wanbao, Guangpi's stealth couldn't work, and he ran to Ye Kong in shock, exclaiming, "Master, I can't handle this thing!"

At the other end of the river, the river devil laughed and laughed, "Of course you can't deal with it! This thing is an old man who spent hundreds of thousands of artifacts and it took 100,000 years to make! If it wasn't for my old man, I was out of luck and lacked a little technology. This thing will definitely enter the ranks of the main artifact! "

Ye Kong knew that this wasn't what Guangpi could handle, so he took a step forward and blocked it in front of Guangpi.

"Marlboro! I want to see how powerful this thing is! I've seen Marlboro, Marlboro, hum, give it all!"

"Marlboro, I don't know what treasure it is." He Mo stared and drank, "!"

With his wrath, the long white river rounded a bend and flowed to Ye Kong. The river surface was shining with light and wide, covering Yekong in one fell swoop.

Standing in it, Ye Kong seemed to come to another world at once. It was really a wide river. At its feet, the river was gushing and rolling, and neither the head nor the tail could be seen. Even the banks on both sides of the river seemed out of reach. and!

Ye Kong was suddenly shocked, "This Wanbao River is indeed a good treasure! Entering it, it enters another world, another field! It is a domain-type treasure!"

The second moment he exclaimed, the figure of the river demon appeared in front of him instantly, "boy, you're right, this partial artifact has been refined into a realm treasure by me! You are in it, just As if born in my world, I am the master here. I can not even die here, and I do n’t even need to spend the **** body in battle. I want to appear wherever I want! This is the benefit of domain treasures! "

"Sure enough, treasure!" Ye Kong blinked, solemnly for the first time. The treasures in this field are a bit like Ye Kong's pipa beads, but they lack functions. If compared, it would be more like the enchantment of the gods in the world!

This is the enchantment of the river demon god. Although he cannot decide the life and death of Ye Kong, he can do anything in it!

Although this treasure is only a partial artifact, it has not lost to the main artifact in many ways!

"Then you can taste the power of this treasure!" In the voice, the figure of the river demon moved and disappeared on the spot.

The moment he disappeared, the miles of Changhe suddenly changed. I saw the surface of the water, and shot hundreds of exquisite swords into a series of five swords. Those exquisite swords rushed out of the water like a fish in the river and chopped into Yekong!

Suddenly, the calm river surface waves, the sky on the river side, hundreds of Jianguang crisscross, it looks like Yenet covering the sky!

"This attack is not enough to watch!" Ye Kong's whole body suddenly appeared in black armor. His feet were rippled, and his body fluttered out of the sword net.

Standing on the side of the sword net, he let out his cold eyes, raised one hand, and drank in his mouth, "Wanbaohe, there are hundreds of thousands of treasures in it, I will destroy you hundreds of them first! Giant!"

In his roar, a giant peak suddenly appeared in the river, the sword net! Once the Jufeng Peak appeared, it immediately became larger, turned into a huge mountain, and pressed hundreds of excalibur swords forming a sword net downwards, wanting to crush it!

"Boy ~ ~ You feel bad! You want to destroy my treasures! Huh, you won't succeed, don't underestimate my Wanbao River!" In the sky, the voice of the river demon came.

When I saw the monstrous Wanbao River tumbling, I thought of a giant wave, like a giant fountain, surged up! That spring covered hundreds of Divine Swords at the same time, while holding Jufeng Peak.

After the hundreds of Divine Swords escaped smoothly, the giant spring flow turned into a river dragon, circled around, tightening the whole giant peak, and dragged sharply into the river.

Lin Shuai in Jufeng Peak was panicked, "No, I don't want to be his person!"

"This treasure is really powerful, good treasure!" Ye Kong couldn't help but sigh and flew up, meanwhile, the chaotic lotus seedlings in his sleeves were drilled out with a long whip, and pumped towards the river dragon!

Snapped! In the crisp whip, the dragon cracked.

To the reader:

Thanks to Chen Xi for the reward, Chen Jia, Fei Yang, Xiao Yu, Ye Leshui and other monthly tickets.

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