The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2438: Huang Jiashu

The Huang Family Peerless School

"The gentleman is not guilty and cherishes his guilt! I didn't expect that I was really stared at. I am still a powerful master ... But fortunately, it is only the Lord Huang's God, but he dare not go to the **** crystal mine himself." Ye Send away the fire and mercy gods, take away a number of mine guards, and return to the mountain through the teleportation array.

However, after returning to the top of the mountain, Ye Kong suddenly felt wrong.

"What, when a large area of ​​Xingyan Mine is found, Pei Zhenshou took most of the guards to detect it. It takes a month ... This Xingyan Mine was not discovered long before it was discovered, but it was just because the fire God was gone. Pei Chunguang left ... Well, there must be someone moving hands and feet! "

Ye Kong mingled with several circles, and did not know how much he had seen. So he found out that Pei Chunguang was not there, and he already felt a hint of yīn plot.

But what worried Ye Kong more was that he didn't expect Huang Jingzhao to start so fast! As soon as Huozi Shen walked away, he shot on his hind foot ... This Huang Jingzhao could not wait! But he dared to be so anxious and desperate, presumably he must rely on it!

The mine guarding the hall went to the building, leaving only Zhou Xiaozhong's team and his seven or eight men. They didn't notice anything, Zhou Xiaozhong instructed his men, "We will have to be alert when the brigade leaves, and everyone is scattered outside the hall to patrol."

However, Ye Kong suddenly said, "Tonight is not very safe! Don't go out to patrol, otherwise there will be danger."

Zhou Xiaozhong and others cruising is just a guise. Shenjing Mine has not been out of the basket for thousands of years. At this moment I heard Ye Kongyi say that they are all changing faces, Zhou Xiaozhong fearfully said, "I don't know what Senior Ye said was not very safe. If the fairy miners rebelled, that's fine. But if you are a strong man ... we want to report Keep the Lord God? "

Ye Konghong said, "If you are scared, if you are told that you have a **** to send someone to kill, you are probably going to be scared to death." Ye Kong also didn't want these people to make cannon fodder, and waved his hand. "You bring me the wine table into the compound, put down the food and drinks, and then go back to the house separately, and don't go out when you hear anything."

Zhou Xiaozhong and others acted according to the plan, set the wine table, the dishes under the cloth, and the wine vat. Then they left, leaving only Ye Kong alone, drinking and drinking in the mist of the moon shadow, indescribably refreshing and freehand.

The shadow of the moon is thin and sandy, the mining area is lonely, and there are scattered stones and skewed trees. There is a yīn forest and weirdness beyond the gods mine.

However, in the compound, there was a young man in Tsing Yi, raised his head to raise a toast to the moon, and groaned in his mouth, "To raise a glass to invite Mingyue, the three became three!"

He had been drinking to the pleasure, singing poetry, not really inviting Mingyue. But at this time, an old voice sounded in the air, Haha laughed, "Knowing that tonight is dangerous, but you can't hide, but you sing wine under the moon, okay! Sure enough, proud and mad! It's worthy of being in the Nether Come up with the title of crazy fairy! "

As for the voice in the air, the man in Tsing Yi was not surprised, he drank, "I wonder if there is a mad **** in the **** world?"

"I don't know." The old voice laughed, "If you can survive tonight, this deity is optimistic that you can become a mad god!"

The man in Tsing Yi took a moment to sit down and drunk. "It seems difficult to spend tonight?"

"No! Good time!" In the sky, the mist covering the moon was divided. It turned out that there was a hint of mist in the sky, which was transformed by clouds and ghosts!

The cloud ghost turned into a ghostly white figure and floated down. At this moment his face twisted, lù a man's face with a trolley mark on his eyebrow.

Although Ye Kong saw him for the first time, he also knew that this was the Huangjia Auction House, the Huangjia Trading Company, and the trading **** of the rich kingdom Dongsheng Godland, Huang Jingzhao!

Ye Kong glanced at him obliquely and asked, "I'm going to hear how I can spend it?"

Although it was Yun Gui, it was the same as Huang Jingzhao's concubine. Huang Jingzhao could speak his words through Yun Gui's mouth. Huang Jingzhao floated down, stood opposite Ye Kong's table, and said, "Young people, there will always be opportunities in the future. Sometimes, you have to know how to see fame and fortune! You have to give up some to get more ..."

Ye Kong said, "How do you say that?"

Huang Jingzhao said, "My junior, the offspring, there is one named Huang Yiming, do you know?"

Ye Kong then knew why the Huang family found him so easily. It turned out that everyone had dealt with long ago! Earlier, the Huang family who said Huang Yiming was also a big family in Divine Realm, turned out to be the Huang Jingzhao family who did business!

Ye Kong nodded and said, "Huang Yiming died of my hand, but he colluded with the aliens and wanted to dig into the corner of my wall. He even wanted to kill me! He died well enough to die!"

"But he is my offspring after all! Or the talent that my Huang family is preparing to focus on!" Roared Huang Jingzhao. "No matter what the reason, you owe my Huang family a life!"

Ye Kong raised his eyelid in disdain. "What's the matter?"

Huang Jingzhao, who was full of anger a moment ago, smiled again, "It should have been life-saving, but today I saw tǐng optimistic about you." Speaking of this, Huang Jingzhao sighed and said, "This way, as long as you surrender The grievance between us that you have behind you, the grievance between us, is cancelled, what do you think? "

"If I can't say no?" Ye Kong, who was sitting there, asked without looking up.

Huang Jingzhao suddenly appeared on his face, but at this moment, he heard Ye Kong laughing again, "Just a joke." Then, he was pleased to see Ye Kong take off the sword behind him and put it on the table, and then he heard Ye Kong asking , "The Lord God can see that this is a good sword?"

Huang Jingzhao couldn't see it, and I didn't know what restraint was hit on the sword. He could not see the main god. However, he has analyzed it carefully: Ye Kong's cultivation is definitely not to let the master artifact recognize the master, nor can he take it into the carry-on space, so he is behind him all day!

Huang Jingzhao's speculation was not bad at all.

When Ye Kong asked, he wouldn't say that I didn't see that I guessed it, but hummed coldly, "Yes, I can see that this is a good sword!"

Ye Kong nodded and said, "I knew that the sword would follow me, and I would get into trouble. The so-called sword donator who knows the sword, you will give it to you, but it is not enough to offset Huang Yiming's death!"

Huang Jingzhao was overjoyed and secretly said, when did this kid speak so well? According to legend, this son belongs to the kind of oil and salt that do not enter, do not leave, pulling the donkey temper backwards, he is so good today!

However, he was only a little bit suspicious, and he was relieved in an instant.

Because he is a master god! Opposite Ye Kong is a lower god! The gap is too big! So Ye Kong succumbed to him. He took it for granted. In this world, I don't know how many people want to endorse a master **** like him!

"What else do you have, let me mention it!" Huang Jingzhao couldn't help shaking in his words when he thought that the main artifact would be available! He has already investigated clearly that this master artifact is called the Tianhua Sword, which was accidentally obtained by God. It is one of the famous swords in ancient times.

This sword and the swordless god's worldless sword, and the demon god's sword of the demon **** are all a series of products of the age, not only precious, but also noble!

So no matter how much it pays ~ ~ Huang Jingzhao feels worth it! Of course, after the transaction, hum ...

Ye Kong put the Xiapin Divine Sword on the table, and said, "I need the cultivation method of divine magic! You don't fool me with garbage divine magic. I want one of the sixteen divine magics of ancient gods! ! "

"That kind of ..." Huang Jingzhao frowned! Because he really didn't!

The sixteen types of divine magic left by the ancient gods, although that thing can't catch up with the main artifact, it is also of great value! The owners are all blessed by themselves and will never be passed on! Although the Huang family did business, it did not own the divine magic.

But the Huang family has a unique skill!

Huang Jingzhao said, "My family does not have the ancient **** sixteen techniques, but there is one that is very easy to use. It is also of extraordinary value. It is not a trump card that can be passed on. It must be said that the value is nothing less than the ancient **** sixteen techniques!"

Ye Kong curiously, "Tell me about it!"

To the reader:

Will Ye Kong surrender the Excalibur? Guess what, quack ...! .

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