The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2426: Shelter for the bad

Two four two six bad guys refuge

"Dad, you must find this person who has a long tree on it. If it weren't for him, my aunt Shui Lan and I would be really miserable this time!" Find this person and repay.

"Don't worry, Dad will find it for you." The Fire God laughed, patted his daughter, and said to the Aqua God, "I will send someone to **** you back to the Kingdom of God Training Center, I will help Ruiqi Looking for benefactors. "

Ruiqi can't see Dad's intentions, but the Aqua God is well aware. She saw that the fire spirit **** couldn't wait to hit the benefactor who saved his daughter, and her heart was more inspired by the fire spirit god!

Aquamarine opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but at the end he said nothing. Because she knew that it was useless, completely useless! For these deities, what a life-saving grace is not fart, a master artifact, enough for them to do anything crazy!

So the water blue **** said nothing, took Miss Ruiqi into the car and drove out of the city. She was also very impressed by the man in the black armor. If it weren't for this man, her end would be miserable!

"The man appeared like a savior, wearing a black armor, so heroic, broke into the house, kicked the ugly devil with one foot, stepped on the devil's body with his feet, and said with great pride, your grandpa is here ! "

Thinking of this in my heart, the Aqua Blue God did not know why Qiaolian was blushing. Against the background of the light shot into the car, the blue hair was blushing and his eyes were affectionate ... even the next fire Ruiqi could not help but look a little blank.

With the goddess of water blue and fire Ruiqi slowly out of Weizhou Cheng, in fact, the water blue **** is a little looking forward to meet the man with the black armor, and then help him out of the city.

But her wish was not fulfilled. Of course, the check-up at the gate of the city also worried Shui Lan Shen's heart for the unknown god-man.

In the city, the Fire God is talking to a man with a vehicle mark on his brows, "Brother Huang, you are one step behind. If you come early and catch the man who has the master artifact, then it will be sent!"

The visitor is the owner of the Huang Family, Huang Jingzhao.

Although Huang Jingzhao thought to himself, if I get it, you will turn your face with me at this moment. However, he said very politely, "The Fire Spirit is right, but my flight speed is far from the Fire Spirit, so I have to get it, man."

Although Huang Jingzhao is the main god, the godhead and rules he possesses are just a department of business transportation. How does it compare with the powerful fire department? Therefore, even if it is a partial fire god, he can only be called a big brother, brother!

The Fire Spirit is very happy with Huang Jingzhao's knowledge of current affairs. Haha laughed, "When the treasure is available, Brother Huang will definitely be indispensable!"

Huang Jingzhao also laughed, "Huang is waiting for good news!"

In fact, both of them believe that this person can be found out! Because this Weizhou City has been taken before! It's almost like an iron plate!

"If that person is not with Ling Lingpeng, then this person must have no treasure to move! Presumably he is still in the city at this moment!" Saying this sentence, a redhead full of hair, a fire spirit wrapped around his shoulders God's eyes are already murderous!

The main artifact is in front of him, no matter what kind of affection he has!

The fire spirit snorted and shouted, "Give me an inch-by-inch search, you must find this person! Brother Huang, please bring me the list of people participating in the auction today!"


"No, the city gates and the teleportation array are all! The sky is forbidden, and the ground is forbidden! I really have no door to heaven, and no magic!"

Ye Kong hid on a street corner far from the city gate and looked anxiously at the defensive gate.

At this moment, he has restored the appearance of the man in Tsing Yi, which is completely different from the previous man in black armor. But Ye Kong didn't dare to take risks! That fire spirit **** is a powerful partial god!

The fire system is originally one of the five major elements, the law of fire is rooted in the law of chaos, and the fire is originally a fierce thing to burst ... It can be seen that the fire **** is powerful!

So Ye Kong didn't dare to take risks. If he stayed in the city, he might be swept by the fire spirit **** at a glance, it might be stuffed!

In addition, things like the main artifact are so shocked that I am afraid that the Vulcan deity may appear later! At that time, Ye Kong will not be able to escape at all, nor will he hide his identity!

"I just took out the main artifact to threaten Ling Peng. This is too risky. I can't do it in the future!" Ye Kong secretly thought.

At this moment, the residents in the city also feel different. They are rushing to their homes quickly, and the streets are flashing with light and chaos!

"The more chaotic the better!" Ye Kong also quickly hurried through the streets and lanes, trying to find a hiding place.

"It's over there ..." Ye Kong ran quickly, and suddenly he saw a familiar little figure!

"It's the servant of the stealing **** named Leer!" Ye Kongkong read it and rushed to the past!

A very ordinary house, a very ordinary man in the middle of the door, was greeting each figure to hide in the house.

Ye Kong followed, and saw the beggar named Leer handing over something to the central god-man, and then the small figure disappeared into the door.

"This is ..." Ye Kong urgently went to the hospital for medical treatment without thinking about it. He flew over and saw the **** in the middle grabbed the **** crystal. He asked quickly, "How much?"

"Twelve!" The god-man looked at Ye Kong, didn't know it, and wanted to say no.

However, Ye Kong has already inserted the twelve **** crystals into his hands.

"Come in, get in, the teleportation team will open for another ten breaths and it will close!" The central **** said that the money in his hand was not profitable, so he put Ye Kong in.

Ye Kong heard that the three characters of the teleportation array were a joy, one headed into the room, and saw that in a certain side room, a teleportation array was lit, emitting a mist of gray méngméng.

"Brother, where is this going?" Ye Kong turned to ask.

But was pushed forward by the central god-man, "Hurry up! Old place!"

"Old place?" Ye Kongyu entered the battlefield with a flash of light and shadow, and the prospects had changed greatly.


Ye Kong's first reaction was to smell an odor. To be more precise, it was a scent, not the leftovers of leftovers, but the sweaty odor of the human body for many years without bathing.

Ye Kong immediately shielded his sense of taste, and then looked at the world in front of him.

This is a platform of several hundred square meters, with white clouds all around it! And on this platform, there are thousands of people!

Hundreds of squares are standing with thousands of people, the kind of congestion can be imagined!

But even so, the eight teleportation arrays around the platform continued to move inside.

This space can not help but be conscious, Ye Kong has swept through, and the ears are suddenly filled with various voices and dialogues.

"How about, how much have you stolen recently?"

"Where and where ~ ~ It's better to lie to the so-called stealing, you priests who deceive God, that is the effort to make money without effort!"

"Actually, those who make money fast need to count our robbers, we are robbers, robbers! Come here!"

Ye Kong heard this large group of people all have such a conversation, and suddenly realized that "this place is full of priests who steal the gods and deceive them. This is a place to avoid the bad guys. I can't think of this small Weizhou city. How many bad people! "

Those thieves, scammers and robbers, who usually make trouble in Weizhou City, encounter the tense atmosphere in the city and the city gate. They have nowhere to run, they hide in this place!

However, Ye Kong's blurted words were heard by a thin, thin voice in front of him, and he turned back and said angrily, "All are bad people, then you are good people, what are you doing?"

Ye Kong looked down and realized why his nose was full of smell.

To the reader:

Thanks to Mi Fuxun Cat, He Tianye, Hongfeng Photo Frame and others for their rewards, and bd and others, thank you! !! .

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