The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2406: Lao Tzu and Grandpa

Two four zero six laozi and grandpa

"Where's the splashing talent, dare to sprinkle on the land of Lao Tzu! Quickly report on the name!" There were hundreds of lower gods and men from the house, and those gods and men were one point, and there was a figure in the middle Thin, but bearded man.

However, on his godhead, there is a mist of méngméng, which turned out to be an upper man.

Seeing this man coming out, the master who was locked in Ye Kong's throat immediately shouted, "This newcomer who is soaring in the Nether is dissatisfied with management! Pei Chunguang guards and saves life!"

"Is this the newcomer from the lower world? Is that ok?" The big man named Pei Chunguang was furious, raised his hand and grabbed the void in front of him, and suddenly a small space appeared, and all kinds of things were inside. Weapons, swords and halberds, weird shapes! A lot!

"The newcomer in the lower world, wait for Laozi to pack you up!" Pei Chunguang's space is full of top-quality artifacts, but he only takes a black iron fork, which looks like a top-grade artifact.

"Hum, pack you up, you're good enough!" Pei Chunguang shook the iron fork in his hand and turned into a thorn of light and shadow! For a while, in front of Ye Kong, it was covered with black iron forks, and it felt like there was nothing to hide!

In the end, it ’s the upper **** man, with some strength. This hand that came up lü won the spectators and the guards immediately applauded, “Pei Zhenshou really has good strength! Or how to say the upper **** man? If it is not limited by the gods, Pei Zhenshou is probably a little Little partial god! "

In applause, Ye Kong's figure was shaking back and forth, like a green haze, shaking in the black fork in the sky!

Dangdang Dangdang! The crowd had completely lost sight of Ye Kong and the shadow of the black fork, but they could not stop hearing the sound of the impact of gold and iron! And riding on them, the master has escaped and stood aside, afraid in his heart.

As for the two two-hundred and fifty thousand, they were scared to hide out of the door.

"Clang!" It was a crisp sound again. I saw a black fork flying towards the sky in the light and shadow! At the same time, light and shadow must be, a Tsing Yi man with a long whip in his sleeve shrunk, Shi Shiran stood on the spot, calm and restless!

"This ..." Everyone who was still applauding Pei Chunguang just shut up all at once, and his eyes were full of wonder.

You know, although the master is a **** in the middle, but he is not good at fighting, so Ye Kong locks the master, everyone is not surprised. But Pei Chunguang is different. He is a master of fighting! Again the upper **** man! It turned out that Ye Kong hit the flying weapon ... this is incredible!

"Come back to Laozi!" Pei Chunguang himself was not surprised. He raised his hand to retrieve the iron fork in the air, and grabbed and opened the carry-on space again. "This boy has some doorways.

Pei Chunguang took a pair of horse-cutting knives, medium-quality artifacts, blades and handles from the space again! Hold in your hand majestic!

"Boy, I don't deceive you! Look at what kind of weapon in your space I can use, I can use you to make use of it!" Although Pei Chunguang was full of laozi, it was somewhat interesting, not only let Ye Kong choose the weapon, He also said, "Boy, if you lose, give Lao Tzu peace of mind to mine! If you win, Lao Tzu will let you be the captain of my guard! Save you the pain of mining!"

Ye Kong sneered, "Relax, you are attacking! Grandpa does not need to use junior weapons!"

That Pei Chunguang likes to call himself Lao Tzu, and Ye Kong simply calls himself Grandpa. This immediately made Pei Chunguang's anger angry, his hands beating the sword, and for a moment, the sky was dark!

The pair of horse-cutting knives turned out to have divine attacks, and the entire courtyard was suddenly filled with black wind. Master Shi and others are scared to hide under the wall, looking at the sand and stones in front of them, and secretly that Ye Kong will be defeated this time!

Indeed, Ye Kong was a little nervous at the moment.

In fact, weapons are also important in a fight. In the face of Pei Chunguang's pair of good slashers, Ye Kong was a bit difficult to deal with. He has no weapons to deal with! If you take out the red and black swords, you must be able to draw a tie with Pei Chunguang! If you take Huang Yiming's Chang Ge, you can also fight! If you take out the Regal Sword, you can easily win!

The key is not coming out! Because Ye Kong clearly felt that there were several powerful gods swept the spot!

Obviously, this mountain of digging Shenjing will never be guarded only by Pei Chunguang. Shenjing is the banknote of this world. The place where the banknote is made must be very defensive. The mountain may be sitting on the main god!

Ye Kong didn't want others to discover the secret of his pipa beads, so he couldn't get anything from the pipa beads even when he died. Ye Kongzhong is also depressed. If it were not for Chaos Lotus, he could wear the storage ring himself, wouldn't he be so passive?

Feeling Ye Kong's resentment, a little girl's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, "Isn't Qi Qi Bala a storage ring? Huh, how can I deal with such upper gods?"

Ye Kong was surrounded by the black wind at this moment, his body was shaking, like the light and shadow of the same blue, flickering in the black wind. He snorted coldly, "Depending on you, you're okay with Master, you know, the black wind around me is all the shadow of a knife! I'm afraid you will be cut into countless sections!"

"How can it be?"

Later, Ye Kong heard a terrifying roar in his sleeve, "Hou!" Then, a black dragon-like giant rattan emerged from Ye Kong's sleeve, not to mention Pei Chunguang, Ye Kong was frightened Big jump.

"He Fang demon!" Pai Chunguang paused for a second, then said, "Submit to Laozi!" I saw his attack more fierce! Black wind, stronger!

This small courtyard is not small, and it is covered by matrix methods. But now, it has been filled with the black wind. Pei Chunguang tried his best to slash the sword, and the strength turned out to be horrifying. Those guards, masters, and so on were all trembling. They just felt the black wind in front of them. In each wind, more Hundreds of thousands of knife lights!

The sword air is vertical and horizontal, covering the sky! And the black wind is also getting thicker as it goes to the center, like black ink, a huge black rattan that is transformed into a lotus, completely wrapped!

Seeing this scene, Master and others felt relieved, and secretly said that Pei Zhenshou was really good. If he was himself, he would definitely not be able to shake the black dragon.

But at this moment, I heard another thrilling voice coming out of the black wind, "Roar!"

Then there was a bang!

Black wind, shattered! In the small courtyard, the light is as bright as the sky after an instant, calm and calm!

The black wind in front of them faded, and Master and others were all slightly relaxed, but looking up, they looked at the prospect, which made them even more shocked!

I saw Pei Chunguang falling out of the black wind, trembling, dragging a pair of sabers, and backed up one after another! Pedaling, he couldn't stop going backwards, and in front of him, a black sè ancient rattan that was as thick as a human head, like a black dragon, roared and roared, and the two leaves of the vine tip were like two mouths chún, making a huge roar ~ ~ The breath sprayed directly on Pei Chunguang's face, scaring him without a face, and he kept saying, "Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu ..."

Pei Chunguang was so incoherent!

"Well, stop chasing." Ye Kong shook his wrist and pulled Chaos Lotus back. In fact, Ye Kongzhong was overjoyed. I did not expect that I had picked a treasure. This chaotic lotus is a seedling, which has such power! Waiting for it to grow in the future, I am afraid that it will have a cow fork!

As for Pei Chunguang, Ye Kongtang did not want his life. Let's say that they let Ye Kong choose weapons, and they didn't kill him. From this point, Ye Kong can let him go. What's more, when Pei Chunguang was in distress, Ye Kong obviously felt those powerful gods and strengthened!

If you kill Pei Chunguang, it will lead to a larger b! That is not the current Ye Kong dealt with, so Ye Kong only temporarily passed on Pei Chunguang.

But Pei Chunguang, who had slowed down from God, was not afraid, but exhaled, saying, "Nima, I can't think of you so strong, your treasure is so strong! I almost burned the gods!" Again, "Boy, you are good enough to be my captain, but I still want to challenge you! I still have a treasure, wait for me to bring it, if you can still win me, in this **** crystal mine, you It's my grandpa! " .

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