The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2143: This is Qin Beast

The sky is vast and boundless.

On the edge of this realm of fairyland, the background is even more colorful and chaotic, like a lot of Yans overturned and mixed into one, but the chaotic Yans is so deep and mysterious.

On that day, there was suddenly a light and shadow passing through the sky in the quiet starry sky, faster than lightning. But if the immortal powers above the immortal are still here, it is a very rare colorful cloud, and there are three people and a cow standing on the cloud.

Three people, two men and one woman, the man in the center is wearing a blue shirt that is not obvious, but the clothes are simple, but the momentum is extraordinary, at first glance, it is not ordinary. To say the least, it wouldn't be as simple as it looks, with a big sword on his back.

Standing beside this man was a young man with a flat head. At first glance, this person is truly young, and seeing the color of the chaotic starry sky behind him, his eyes flicker.

This is Ye Kong and Xiao Zilin who left Gen Saturn, and beside them was talking to a green green cow with a whole body.

"Zi Lin, why? Remember revenge? Or should we go back and help you revenge your family before leaving the fairyland?" Ye Kong smiled back and asked. This Xiao Zilin is just like him at the beginning. He has great grudges. No matter whether it is kindness or hatred, he ca n’t wait to report it on the same day. Now, let Xiao Zilin leave this fairyland. I do n’t know when he will come back. Of course, he is unwilling.

"No, Master! Although I hate revenge now, but the enemy is powerful and very far away. If I ask Master to shoot, I feel unhappy! So I decided to follow the Master first to practice and wait for With strength, go to revenge! "Xiao Zilin said solemnly, turning back.

Xiao Zilin's hometown is relatively far away, of course Ye Kong doesn't mind delaying some time to help Xiao Zilin take revenge. But when I heard Xiao Zilin was going to avenge himself, Ye Kongzhong was still very satisfied. He laughed, "You have the vengeance, you have the grace to return. This is the male style. Your choice is right! But next, we have to leave this fairyland. After that, you still let the hatred in your heart, see the outside world, focus on cultivation and promotion, so that your future will be broad! "

Speaking of time outside, Xiao Zilin was also yearning for it, curiously said, "Master, I heard that the immortals in the immortal world are all yīn dangerous and cunning, and extremely dangerous. The human heart is even cooler and cooler. Horror. Is that true, Master? "

Ye Kong is also an outsider, so he was a little embarrassed and said with a smile, "In fact, it's not necessarily true. Look at you, Madam Meng Ni, as a teacher. Is this such a person?"

When Ye Kong said this, Xiao Zilin continued: "No, no, I guess most of them were spoken by the imperial palace."

Ye Kong also said, "In fact, it is not a random talk. The world outside is very large and complicated. Unlike your own immortal kingdom, which lives on a family basis and is surrounded by your own family, the situation in the orthodox fairyland outside is complicated. Not only do they have no tender feelings for each other, but they also have demons and even demons, so of course other people will not have anything to do with you. After going out, do n’t believe too much in others, it ’s important to have one more heart! ”

"That's the way it is." Xiao Zilin nodded, remembering something again, and said, "Oh, Master, there is ... the heart of the Tao that expands in order to suppress the influence of this constellation on us. Taoism. But if we leave our country of Taoism, it is said that Taoism will bring us counteraction, suppress our cultivation, suppress our consciousness, reduce our cultivation, decrease our strength, and even cause people to be dull and half-fainted. Half-silly ... then, that, how is that good? "

Ye Kong laughed, "You don't have to say that I have forgotten. You don't have to worry about this. When you leave the area of ​​the Taoist fairyland, I will give you the Tao."

After chatting with Xiao Zilin for a while, Xiao Zilin was going back to practice, and Ye Kong sent him back to the thick Saturn in Pipazhu.

At this time, only Ye Kong and Hong Mengni were left on the colorful clouds. Ye Kong said: "Meng Ni, this Cangming road is painful and tired. It's better to send you to thick Saturn and play with children fruit, time has passed."

Hong Mengni said, "No, I'm going to be here. It's hard and tiring, so I want to accompany you, otherwise how boring it would be for you to fly alone in Cangming."

Touched by Ye Kongzhong, she couldn't help but feel compassion, so she wanted to thank him, and said with a smile, "Meng Ni, this ... you haven't done that in the midst of the sky ... the vast starry sky, endless, shuttle Among them, people don't know how small ... in this context, how touching it is to do that, it will never be forgotten! "

Hong Mengni said excitedly: "Brother Ye, you are right, it is very creative! It happens that this starry sky is extremely wide, and you will not meet anyone for three or five days!"

Ye Kongzhong was overjoyed, and just wanted to let Hong Mengni put away the awesome beast, and then do something big. Unexpectedly, Hong Mengni patted Niutou and said, "Xiao Cui, become a piano."

After that, the wonderful animal like the green cow turned into a glistening turquoise, and then Hong Mengni áo a tutu tutu to sit down and prepare to play the piano.

Ye Kong fainted, "I said to do that ..."

Hong Mengni curiously said, "Yeah, that's playing the piano. Isn't Brother Ye saying playing the piano? This vast sky is so vast, and I have walked many times in it, but I didn't even think of touching the piano once! Thanks to Brother Ye Remind me, you are so talented! "

Ye Kong was going to vomit blood when he heard it ~ ~ He said that you are so talented, I said that I understand so well, you even told me to play the piano ...

However, Ye Kong couldn't say clearly. I nodded and said: "Yeah, I just thought that I had never seen you play the piano in Cangming, so this is the solemn suggestion."

Hong Mengni sneered: "Brother Ye, don't you think that Meng Ni is also very smart? As soon as you say that, I guess it is playing the piano."

Ye Kong smiled bitterly: "Smart, too smart!"

Later, Hong Mengni played the piano, and Ye Kong was depressed next to the station, but this depression, Ye Kong thought about it again, "It will change for a while, it will become a beast.

Hong Mengni suddenly said: "Brother Ye, what are you thinking about? Listen carefully to the piano, otherwise, I will teach you to play the piano."

"Ah? Don't!" Ye Kong had no love for playing the piano, and he shook his hands quickly. The two laughed and went straight to Chen Tangxing, the outermost edge of the fairyland, but when they rushed to Chen Tangxing after flying for a month, they found that the situation had changed greatly! @。

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