The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2141: You do the trick

As soon as Hong Mengni explained, Ye Kong didn't know. It turns out that this wonderful animal is really related to the yak.

It is said that in the most distant deserted ancient times, the immortals did not appear at that time, and the dàng in the fairyland tour were basically full-fledged ancient gods who had nothing to do and small and timid ancient gods. Of course, there are also a large number of ancient and paleontological creatures that appear in the fairyland at the same time, of which yaks and wonderful birds are two of them.

According to legend, the yak's belly will make a drum sound like a drum, and the wonderful bird can be transformed into a guqin, making a pleasant sound! In other words, they are all music lovers!

Of course, at that time, there was no idiom for playing cows. On the contrary, it is still very popular for the wonderful bird to play the yak against the yak. But then one day, the legend said that a monster with a yak body and a wonderful bird's head appeared! Everyone speculates that it is the offspring of the yak and the wonderful bird.

Speaking of which, Ye Kong was also a bit nasty, curious: "I heard that the yak is huge, there are only three tuǐ, and the wonderful bird is a bird, and it must not be so big, so what are they like? "

Hong Mengni flushed with this question, pushed Ye Kong hard, and said in her heart: Brother Ye likes to ask such blushing shameless questions.

Hún 螭, who was hidden in the air, explained, "No, someone must have used flowers and trees."

"Oh, that's it." Ye Kong thought of the master who was in the underworld, and used the spirit hún forging platform to dismember several creatures and immortals, and then reconnected them into monsters. It seems that this wonderful animal was someone who did this. of.

Hong Mengni continued: "No matter how this kind of mysterious beast came, but after the appearance of this thing, it continued, but it is very rare and strange. Because the mysterious beast has the ability of yak and myubian bird at the same time, it can sing Singing to inspire the fairy, and it can be transformed into guqin and pop beautiful music, so many people are captured, and it is said that it died out in the ancient times. Because the era of the mythical beast was very short, so many books are not recorded, only Those who like to play the piano can see only a few words in the classics. "

Hearing here, Ye Kongzhong had an idea, and immediately gave Lin Shuai an order, "It is bound to catch that wonderful animal!"

Lin Shuai in the giant sword was so handsome that he continued to press down, so that his huge body was pressed down, as if on World Day, all the immortals of Xujiacheng below were startled. Those who came to their senses fled.

However, at this moment, Jufeng Peak was held up by the Celestial Tuotian array, and the speed of falling was affected. Therefore, the angel of the Celestial Palace and the old man with the surname of Jin still had a chance to escape!

In fact, if they fled at this moment, Ye Kong would at best catch the mysterious beast, and they would let the two go their own way. After all, Hong Mengni didn't like sha killing.

But the two men had other plans in mind!

The giant wood spirit fairy sword of the old man surnamed Jin was destroyed, and his heart was panicked. Seeing that Jufeng Peak was depressed, he had lost his fighting spirit and wanted to escape. But the voice of the angel of the imperial palace rang in my ear.

"Golden friends, don't panic!" The angel of the imperial palace released the mysterious beast and stood up to the attack of Jufeng Peak. Instead of rushing away, he looked at Ye Kong greedily and preached to the old man named Jin: "That surnamed Ye Some treasures and some skills! But no matter how powerful he is, he can't fight my destiny! As long as I get near him and release the destiny, he will have no strength to fight back! By that time, his treasure And Xianjian, that's all ours! "

"This way ..." The old man surnamed Jin flashed his eyes, and at the same time, he also shot a greedy light. His giant wood spirit fairy sword was destroyed, and of course he wanted to capture the treasure to make up for the loss. At the moment, he replied: "Master, the kind of destiny is yours. You can take it alone and kill him to win treasure. Why call me?"

The emissary of the immortal palace said: "This is also no way, the boy let the sword spirit of an immortal sword deal with us, I am afraid he has other means. And my Tao's delimiter is also in scope, if he escapes, Then we are not worth the money. So it is better to sneak attack! I think so ... "

On the millstone, Ye Kong knew that Lin Shuai dealt with the two alone, so he wasn't too worried and was watching a show. Originally wondering how the two had fled after he escaped, he saw the angel of the fairy palace and the old man with the surname of Jin fighting!

The two were not in a hurry to escape at the moment, but they fought! Ye Kong really made Ye Kong one of them.

The angel of the fairy palace angrily said: "It's all you who called me here, but now I can't guarantee it, I will kill you first!"

The old man with surname Jin took out another jade-like fairy and scolded, "You still said that I didn't do it just now, which caused my giant wooden sword to be destroyed. You pay me!"

The two battered for a while, and it was amazing that the emissaries of the fairy palace, who had a lot of means, could not beat the old man with the surname of Jin, and transformed into a glorious rush to Ye Kong.

Hong Mengni curiously said, "These two are interesting. Even if there is any great hatred, you should quickly run away, but fight yourself, is it because your head is not good?"

Ye Kong Leng hummed, "It's not that their heads don't work well, it's so good! Since you don't want to leave, don't leave!"

Sure enough, when the angel of the imperial palace fled to the front of the mill, he hurriedly raised his hand and threw a large piece of golden light amulet in the direction of Ye Kong! It is the emissary of the fairy palace that is used to control the immortals.

When several Dao-type delimiters exploded around Ye Kong's body, countless golden stars flashed like light rain, and the angel of the imperial palace and the old man with the surname of Jin stopped fighting, haha ​​laughed and said, "The surname Ye, you It's a trick! "

The old man surnamed Jin shouted out loudly, "Master, I don't need too much. I want the sword that can be turned into a mountain, and I should make up for the loss of my giant wooden sword!" The old man finished ~ ~ Shouted again: "Oh, I also want that girl, it's really watery!"

The emissary of the immortal palace sighed coldly: "That's not OK! You can take it, girl, but I have the sword with the sword spirit! I will look at the items in his bag and look for some That's it for you! "

The old man surnamed Jin was furious and was about to speak, but found that on the millstone, Ye Kong was looking at it with a sarcastic look. He suddenly felt, "Not good!"

The old man with the surname of Jin saw Ye Kong's expression before thinking of running away. But it was too late, Ye Kong yelled, "Lin Shuai, don't be crushed, crushing these people is a minor matter, squashing Xu Jiacheng is a big thing, let me come!"

Ye Kong's voice did not fall, and Dahui's sword seal in his hand made several successive cuts. Several swords were cut out, and the old man with the surname Jin suddenly lost his head!

At the sight of the angel of the imperial palace, he was stunned and startled: "You, you, you! You are not our own fairyland! Don't kill me, otherwise, I will send the news to the imperial palace, and let the immortal The core elder of the palace is here to take your life! "

Ye Kong haha ​​laughed: "You don't know the core elders of Xianwangdian, I tell you, now the elders of Xianwangdian are dead, and you go with them!" @.

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