The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2121: Jufeng Peak

Two One Two One Giant Puppet Peak


In the starry sky, a voice sounded low. -At this moment, there is only this voice in the starry sky of Xianwangdian, which sounds in everyone's ears, as if he wants to tell everyone-he, woke up!

This is a consciousness that I haven't slept for tens of thousands of years. Even against the Green Tigers, I didn't wake up. But this time, it was awakened because of internal difficulties and difficulties, and the dragons had no head!

With the sound of the sound, the whole space trembled. This is the real jitter of the starry sky! Ye Kong lived so big, the universe Cangming didn't know how many times he went back and forth, but like this moment, the whole Cangming space was shaking, but it was the first time he encountered it! That shock, that power, even Ye Kong's hair is tingling!

The sky was shaking more and more, and it felt like an earthquake. The difference is that this moment is an earthquake in the universe. With the shaking, a long vicissitudes of consciousness, revealed from the slowly rotating huge nebula, as if a ferocious who has been sleeping for thousands of years is slowly, waking up!

At this moment, even fools know that this thing is not easy to mess with. Ye Kong is not stupid, he did not expect such a series of amazing changes. He would rather face the head of this fairy god, he would not deal with this unknown horror.

Escape, only escape!

However, some things are unconscious. Although the ancient demon ancestral spirit was scared by the awakening of this object, its low IQ prompted him to launch another fatal attack on the body of the immortal king!

boom! The ancestral giant fist, and then, hit the neck without a head in the punch. It is also a coincidence that the place where Ye Kong hit just now is just an injury and an injury, and the wound is coated with salt! The headless body was hit by this, like a rag pocket being hit by a fly. In Cangming, it became smaller and smaller!

That body doesn't make a sound, but the huge pain is sympathetic to the deity of this Taoist king! It is like slamming a needle on someone who is about to wake up from his sleep.

Huh! A huge roar that could be heard throughout the country of immortal sounded suddenly, everyone was creepy, and then looked at the heart of the huge nebula, and saw that the space around it was shattered, rumbled, and collapsed!

The deity of this fairy king is completely sober!

Huh! A long whip, like the tentacles of an arthropod, was suddenly drawn from the depths of the sky! With a snap, he pulled a huge ancient demon ancestral spirit into a big heel! The rushing Ye Kong looked back, and saw the heart of the nebula stretch out two long tentacles like whip! This tentacle is much better than the next tentacle! The tentacles of this time can be broken by one punch of Zu Ling. This time, things like animal tentacles are fierce.

A slam, and another whip, headless and faceless sucked in the face of the ancient demon ancestor. The ancient demon ancestor still wanted to seize the long beard, but the other long whip was entangled with the body of the ancient demon ancestor, and then pulled him toward the nebula. The ancient demon ancestral spirit was too good, struggling for a while without hope, it even cast a strange spell, turned into an avatar, and wanted to let the avatar escape.

But something more amazing happened. The heart of the nebula even doubled in an instant! The ancient demon ancestral spirit was swallowed up, and then quickly retracted to its original size. And after retracting, it grows a little bigger and retracts rhythmically; it gets bigger again, and then retracts ...

In other words, it's as if someone suddenly opened his mouth and swallowed a big thing into his mouth. Then, sip a big mouth!

The heart of the Nebula is like a big stutter, such a humane action will not make people feel cute, but it will make people feel scalp!

"Your ancestors are stubborn. It ’s not as good as it was just now. This thing is too scary. The ancient demon ancestor was eaten by it." Ye Kong was frightened in his heart and quickly speeded up. Feeling of thorns in the back.

Obviously, the Nebula deity has stared at him.

This guy who awakened the Nebula deity from good dreams is, of course, the most important target that Nebula wants to attack!

Roar! In the loud noise, the two arthropod whip stabbed from the depth of the starry sky! This time, it chose thorns instead of pumping. The two shots with long whips are horrible! It seems like two speeding cars are coming at a fast speed, and the straight rails are filled with all kinds of goods.

I want to ask what the bomber was, it turned out to be a broken space like a mirror!

The power of the two long whip stabs is so horrible that they pierced the space all the way!

Ye Kong was so scared that the spirit was flying away. Such a terrible blow, I am afraid that the current King of the Form can't stand it! Not to mention Ye Kong, even a broken star is scared to stop it! But at this moment, there is a sense of God coming, let me go!

The signal turned out to be the extremely rough giant sword. Ye Kong was really curious. The heartfelt blow of the heart of the nebula did not even dare to pick up the shards of the planet, and it did not dare to know what the giant sword was made of!

But apparently this is not the time to search for the material of the giant sword. Ye Kong raised his hand and released the giant sword. He said in his heart, "It's up to you!"

The giant dagger sword let go, swelled suddenly and swelled! Actually, it finally became a sword-shaped super huge cyan stone mountain. It turned out that the giant sword was turned into a huge fairy mountain! The Kou Nanbo family has obtained this sword for hundreds of thousands of years, and they do not know that this sword turned out to be a fairy mountain with a radius of thousands of miles!

The front of the mountain ~ ~ Three blood-red Cangyu characters are engraved on the rock and stone, "Jufeng Peak"! It turns out that this is the origin of the giant sword!

boom! The two long whip arrived in an instant, and the space debris hitting all the way also came to an end here! In the loud noise, the giant peak was pushed backwards for thousands of miles. The large space in front of the peak was shattered and collapsed, revealing the gray and black chaotic world behind it, and there were countless turbulent streams with a shattering silver universe! Falling into the turbulence of the universe, fearing that it is an ordinary deity, all will die without worry!

Although Jufengfeng resisted the two whip with its hugeness and rigidity, the leaves behind it became empty mold. Jufeng Peak was pushed back, hitting his chest immediately, knocking Ye Kong far away, like a meteorite in the universe.

puff! Even when wearing the King of Armour, Ye Kong still spit out blood and managed to control his balance. The next second, immediately find the right direction and escape to the huge door of the fairy king palace!

Ye Xiang ’s two whip that was supposed to kill was held up, and the deity of the immortal king was even more furious. It was another low-pitched roar. In the rumbling sound like a thunder, the heart of the nebula began to collapse everywhere, and the space fell like a piece of wood. In the collapse of space, there were hundreds of thousands. Small black holes are formed, and those small black holes seem like countless flying machines, rushing towards Ye Kong!

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