The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2116: Eat me 1 punch

Eat one punch in two one six

Eat one punch in two one six

The wrath of the ancient gods destroys the world!

Previously, Ye Kong's incarnation of the ancient **** pulled the tongue of this fairy king, that scene was not seen by Qian Youren, so at this moment, Ye Kong once again incarnates the ancient **** and the king of this fairy, and makes you very surprised!

"This guy, when did he have such a powerful power and such a powerful magical power!" Qian Youren was stunned in his heart.

Thirty years ago, when the Green Tiger fought against the Fairy King, Ye Kong and Qian Youren fled together! Qian Youren knew the strength of Ye Kong at that time! However, only 30 years ago, Ye Kong has made such a huge improvement, and he can actually fight against the immortal king!

"I hate it!" Qian Youren's hate is jealousy! Ye Kong is so fortunate, but he is so unlucky. An immortal emperor, who is actually a slave in such a wild place, can hardly think of it!

To say that Qian Youren hates Ye Kong, and he has no feelings about Ye Kong!

However, Qian Youren at the moment is raising a relatively crazy idea! What's more, as soon as this idea rises, it can't be stopped!


The banging noise continued to come, the battle of the ancient gods was really thrilling! Fortunately, in the dark sky, if you go to any planet, the people on that planet will be badly moldy.

The rumbling sound is really too loud. In the empty space like Cangming, there are crazy transmissions. The endless starry sky around is almost full of this rumbling sound, and there is an angry voice in it roar.

Although Ye Kong was reduced to the size of an ancient **** at this moment, but he really fought against this fairy king, and it turned out that he was still not an opponent of this fairy king! What's more, the head and body of Bendao Xianwang attacked separately, that is equal to two powerful opponents fighting Ye Kong!

"You die for me!" Ben Tao's head has been separated from his body, so that he is more conducive to seeing needles attack Ye Kong. His cold eyes looked at Ye Kong, and most of them were white eyes, and two runes were getting bigger and bigger! Ye Kong recognizes that this is not a rune of fate, but a rune that was frozen in time last time!

The two runes like transparent ice crystals grew bigger and bigger, and finally flew out of the void, and the head of this fairy shouted, "Break me, loose! Time, stasis!"

Suddenly, I saw the characters shattered into countless ice debris, covering the entire space! Wherever you go, time is like a solidified liquid, which is difficult to flow! The line of time binds Ye Kong's body and makes him move slowly!

Although this is the second time that the fairy king has performed, Ye Kong still can't help it! Because Ye Kong doesn't understand the rules, he has to bear them in the face of such rules!

However, it is not so easy to bear! The body of this immortal king is not affected by the rules. His speed is fast, and when Ye Kong is dull, he rushes forward to punch him! Do not underestimate this punch, Ye Kong believes that this punch can be completely landslide! However, Ye Kong is controlled by the law of time, and he has no chance to escape.

boom! Ye Kong's huge body turned out. Although Ye Kong became as ancient as an ancient god, after all, his body was not an ancient god. He suddenly felt irritable and had a great pain in his body, almost coma.

However, it was good to be blown down with a punch. Once out of the scope of time stasis, Ye Kong's degree recovered a lot. He endured the feeling of severe pain and coma. With a wave of his right hand, hundreds of healing elixir appeared! Now it is the body of the ancient god. The amount of healing elixir needed is much larger!

But at this moment, Ye Kong couldn't bear to take the elixir at all, took a big mouthful, and swallowed hundreds of elixir into his mouth. Immediately I felt a strong inexpressible fairy power spreading vigorously in his body. That strong immortal power, flowing through the body, is extremely pure, and instantly repaired and filled Ye Kong's injury.

However, Ye Kong's injury has just been repaired, and the fairy king is here again. Two characters flew out of his head, and he wanted to show time again!

"Do you really think you would kill me with this trick?" Ye Kong snorted and said, "The power of faith! The power of giant spirits! The power of Zhou Tianxing! The power of heaven! The power of tyrants ... "

"He has so many power attributes of heavenly power!" The look of this fairy king looked too much, too much like an ancient great magical fairy! This is the case of the immortals. Every time they do something, they will bless a large amount of heavenly power in advance, which will increase their strength by dozens of times, some hundreds of times, and the most powerful thousands of times!

"You haven't experienced more than a few heavenly forces. I don't believe you are an ancient great magical fairy!" The immortal king of this Tao was angry, and the runes in his eyes flew out. He shouted again, "Broken, time is still!"

When the two runes broke, he didn't stop, and continued to fly the runes in his eyes. "Smash! Smash, Smash! Stagnation of time, stagnation makes it difficult for him to move!"

At the same time, his body without a head also walked on the ripples of the void, striding forward, ready to give Ye Kong a kick!

Ye Kong has now blessed more than ten kinds of heavenly power to increase his strength, and his strength has increased more than two hundred times. He roared again, "The power of unparalleled power!"

Suddenly, another strong force exploded in Ye Kong's body, and with a loud noise, Ye Kong's strength doubled again! Reached more than 500 times his own strength!

At this time, countless layers of timeline had tied him up, tied him all over his body, making him move very slowly! However, when his power reached 500 times of the original, he already felt that those time lines could no longer restrain him and had begun to break!

"Haha, I see. The power of any law is also a power! As long as your power passes it, even the law can't trap you!" Ye Kongzhong yelled, a huge body, suddenly Pull.

Papapa, those time lines that bound him, all broke! He twirled again and only heard a buzz, the space controlled by time stasis was completely broken away ~ ~ The space returned to normal!

At this moment, a giant foot of this fairy king has also come over!

"Come here!" Ye Kong's eyes showed excitement!

It is a kind of excitement when a strong meets a strong, a desire and impulse to fight!

"I took your punch, and you took my punch! The stupid headless!" Ye Kong, a giant in black armor, turned over very deftly, flashing his foot, and Ye Kong ’s huge iron fist Already holding the floor tight, facing the neck of the main body of the fairy king, is a punch!

If you want to hit, hit him where it hurts the most!

Ben Tao's Neck, that was his old injury, even if it had been long since, but it was the place where he was hurt! Ye Kong's fist continued, and he suddenly saw that huge body was cramping! A turquoise liquid burst out from the old wound!

Ye Kong was overjoyed, "Ha ha, Taoism! There are unexpected gains! This is much more pure than Taoism outside!"

[... two one hundred and sixteen eat my punch ...] a! !!

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