The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2114: Destruction matrix

Two One Four Destruction Matrix

Two One Four Destruction Matrix

Ye Kong had already guessed that there would be an ambush in the Palace of the Immortal King. Bendao Xianwang did not want to fight to destroy his battle star. Another space of the immortal king palace was huge and even cheaper for the Taoist immortal king ... These are all easily conceivable by Yekong.

If it had been earlier, Ye Kong would certainly not have been so stupid.

But now it's different. If Ye Kong is to resurrect Hong Mengni, he will have to find the 100,000 Heavenly Sutras. Qian Youren was swallowed up by the Immortal King at that time, and that scripture is probably in the Immortal King, so Ye Kong decided to count it.

The decision was made, Ye Kong accepted Xiao Zilin, took the green control token, and some little fox-like smiles appeared in the corner of his mouth. "Benxian Wang, you have become smart, play with me, then we Just see who has more brains! "

In the voice, a bright blue sky rose up into the sky, and a black spiral air flow penetrated into the dark sky. Then, the vortex shrank and disappeared, and the battle star returned to calm.

Huge expanse of immortal palace, hundreds of stars are rotating around the center point at a fixed speed and orbit, and there is a black water-like cyclone above. This cyclone seems to be huge, but compared with the huge nebula below Get up, it's very small. At this moment, from the center of the nebula, a blue silhouette flew out, and when the silhouette flickered, it stopped in the sky above the giant cyclone.

The figure in Tsing Yi is Ye Kong. He had already appeared in the Palace of the Immortals, far away, the gate of the Palace of Immortals, which was millions of miles high! Just fly over and leave, you can safely leave this dangerous place.

However, Ye Kong smiled coldly, holding the control token tightly in his hand, turning his head, and flying in the other direction.

That direction is exactly where the battlefield is controlled. As long as you hold the token, you can control the battle star formation arbitrarily, you can monitor anyone, and you can teleport anyone.

Ye Kong didn't leave the Palace of the Immortal King, but instead ran to that side, which made people very suspicious.

After a while, Ye Kong appeared in that position. In fact, when he killed Chen Chutao before, Chen Chutao actively contributed the control method of this array. Ye Kong didn't expect to use it at the time, but at the moment, Xiao Zilin gave him a token, but gave him a chance.

"Well, set up a battlefield in the battlefield, let me human beings fight and fight in it, let you absorb vitality ... How bad it is! This cruel and innocent place, destroy it!"

Ye Kong snorted and offered the token, and the token suddenly released five sèguanghua. With that glorious photo, Ye Kong's body suddenly appeared thousands of blue runes. These runes vary in size and size. It can be seen that this is the rune of the ancient deities, and the eight achievements were made by the fairy king himself.

After this time, Ye Kong already knew some special features of these runes. For example, the runes of the ancient demon tribe are blue, and the appearance is rigid, but the runes of the ancient **** tribe are blue, twisting ... Of course, this is also Ye Kong's guess, after all, he has only seen the green tiger The two of them are kind.

Ye Kong was standing in the middle. He had seen Yuhan before, and he knew how to control these runes. He directly ran a rune and raised his eyebrows. Then he drew another rune and observed it.

Somewhere in the darkness, a huge life is thinking secretly. The surname of Ye came here, not to rush out, but to run to control the formation ... Is he because he has a grudge against someone who is fighting for the stars, Want to get some revenge before you leave?

This surnamed Ye is really stupid, it's all this time, actually thinking about revenge on others ... The huge shadow of the black heart is pleased. But next second, he couldn't enjoy it. I saw that Ye Kong, even reached out and grabbed the smallest rune, and suddenly spit out a flame of purple gold.

The flame squeaked and burned the little rune, and after a while, it turned into a blue smoke and disappeared. And Ye Kong didn't stop, but raised his hand for another move, drew a small rune that did not seem to have any strangeness on the other side, and spit out flames ...

"This is ..." The huge figure in the dark was a stun, because he found that the smallest runes were so familiar!

For those angels and elders of the fairy palace, these tiny runes have no effect. They don't know what it is used for, and they never use it. But the huge figure in the dark is very clear. These runes are the key to controlling the vitality from the battlefield!

If these runes are destroyed, even as many people die in the battlefield, he will not absorb any vitality.

"Shuzi, dare!" The huge figure couldn't hide anymore. He had been lying in ambush on the road that Ye Kong had to pass, thinking of yīn Ye Kong, but at this moment, he couldn't sit still!

"Stop!" A vicissitudes and long-distance roar sounded in the vast hall of the Fairy King Hall, and from this sound, full of anger and madness!

I saw that the space was distorted along the necessary path to the gate of the Fairy King Hall, and then a huge nebula came out!

In front of the nebula, a giant standing about a hundred feet tall stood up. The head of the immortal king floated on his head, and he could not see that the head and the body were separated.

Not far behind him, hundreds of emissaries and elders of the fairy palace dressed in black and red sères also followed.

Looking at such a lineup, Ye Kong didn't have any surprises at all, and didn't even return his head, and continued his movements. Call for runes, spit fire, burn out; call for runes, spit fire ...

This fairy king saw that he had been neglected, he was even more angry, and fierce glistening flashed in his huge eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, don't you really want to live?"

Ye Kong wasn't nervous, he didn't move, it wasn't too slow to destroy, he said lightly: "Don't I ruin the control matrix method ~ ~ You will let me go?" Ye Kong With a short whisper, he said, "If you don't want to continue my work, you can give me the 100,000 Heavenly Sutras you swallowed first."

"Ten Thousand Days of Sutra?" The Taoist immortal king was a stunner, but he instantly understood something and said dumbly: "Elder Qian, he wants your scriptures." It turned out that after Qian Youren was planted with a slave seal, he had no secret It's gone, and the King of the Fairy knows his real name.

At this time, I saw a young man with a round face in red coming out, kneeling down with respect to this fairy king with respectful expression: "Qian Youren is willing to serve the fairy king. As long as the fairy king needs it, everything can be dedicated to the fairy king." After Qian Youren said, his hands were raised high, and in his hand was the hundred thousand heavenly Taoism that the orthodox fairyland was crazy!

Ye Kong saw the 100,000 Heavenly Sutras, and his heart was impulsive. Secretly: Will there be a hint of Hong Mengni here, or will Hong Mengni be?

However, seeing Qian Youren appear and become a loyal running dog of this fairy king, Ye Kong was somewhat surprised. But looking back, why did the King of Tao Fairy guess that he had gone to the battlefield, and this time yòu's enemies ... It is not surprising that Qian Youren was alive.

Ye Kong ’s operation to destroy the formation was stopped, and he raised his hand and said, “Bring it!” @.

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