The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2111: See the clouds

Two one one one cloud sees the sun

Two one one one cloud sees the sun

"There are still some ways, and in a hurry, I can think of four ways to resurrect her ..."

I don't know when a black baby is floating outside the forging hún hall. Although he is an ugly child, he has a pair of eyes that are smooth and intelligent.

"Four methods!" Not to mention, even Ye Kong admired his life in particular. Ye Laomo was at a loss, and was so anxious to jump off the building that he came up with four ways in a blink of an eye, smart and talented!

"Method one. Use the rule of time to make time go backwards. Fortunately, the incident did not take long. Now use the rule of time to change everything. It's too late to have Meng Ni." Ming Thirteen said.

Ye Kong shook his head. "You're saying it in vain. I want to have time rules. I'm still talking nonsense to you here? You can choose to say useful things, don't tell me impossible things!"

Destiny Thirteen shook his head and said, "I only say all the methods, which can be used or not. Don't rush to reject, even if none can be used, we can work hard. For example, the law of time, you do not have, do you Can't think of a way to find someone else? "

Ye Kong paused for a moment and thought of the fairy king. However, he still shook his head. He would never let the fairy king know his secret, and the fairy king would not believe Ye Kong and enter Ye Kong's space!

More importantly, he is not yet sure if there is a rule of time. If the tiger is alive, it is quite possible.

After pondering for a while, Ye Kong finally solemnly gave up this option this time, and said, "Next."

"Method two, she died because of you, and you were born because of her. She saw you at the beginning and paid for you today. This is originally a cause and effect cycle. Saying the immortal eye of the immortal is to see the cause and effect cycle. If You have the law of cause and effect, you can break this cycle, or reverse it, and she can be born again. "

"This method is more difficult than the previous one. Don't tell me the rules!" Ye Kong angered.

"Okay, don't mention the rules." Ming Shishi said, "This is the top plane space, it is your space. When one day, you truly become the master of this space, completely control and change the rules of this space, to reach As soon as you say the rule, you can use the magic of the Celestial Soul, which is more powerful than the rule-flip through time! By then, she can live! "

After Ye Kong heard it, he blinked his eyes and nodded. "This is an idea. Although the time may be very long, it can also be a solution! Is it that when I arrived in Divine Realm, this space becomes Divine Realm? ? "

Ming XIII shook his head, "I don't know, I haven't done this before, but it must not be in the realm of God. I guess that you have to ask him before you can see the God."

"Oh, this is too far away." Ye Kong said, this can only be an alternative answer, he asked again, "then you talk about the fourth method."

"Okay." Ming Thirteen said, "Method four seems to be the most feasible, but there must be a premise, that is 100,000 days Tao has avatars or avatars. The Hong Hongni girl you see is just a fantasy body. , Her body is nothing, and her spirit hún is the projection of the 100,000 Heavenly Taos! "

"That is to say, the scripture in your hand is the girl Hong Mengni! Although the scripture is still in your hand, Ke Ling hún is dead, like a corpse. But don't worry, if she had an avatar before, It's like your person's incarnation, just take it back, because her consciousness is also in the incarnation! "

When Ye Kong heard this, she immediately overjoyed and shouted, "Yes! Yes! Yes! There is an avatar. At that time, she lied to Qian Youren for méng, and conjured up an avatar, which was taken by Qian Youren ..." Ye Kong said, One hundred thousand days of Taoism have been taken out. This scripture naturally recognizes the Lord. He can already use and control it.

Ye Kong covered his hands with his hands, felt a little, but suddenly stopped, and suddenly closed his hands.

"No! No." Ye Kong paused for a moment.

Ming Xing asked, "What's wrong? No avatar? Or has it been retracted before?"

Ye Kong shook his head, "No, there are too many avatars! This book has been hundreds of millions of years old, and there are dozens of avatars released! I dare to guarantee that those avatars also have a strong life! And if the avatars are taken back, then I want to take it all back. At that time, Hong Mengni will not be able to fight other lives. I am just like the resurrection of demons. "

"If you want to take it back, let's take it together?" Ming Xizhan also felt that he had encountered a problem. He thought again, saying, "If you don't take it back, you have to find the one hundred thousand heavenly Taoist scriptures. I believe that there must be Hong Mengni's awareness ! "

Having said that, Ye Kong nodded silently, secretly, he must find the book! Qian Youren, are you dead?

Ten million miles away, the Cangming starry sky. A huge colorful nebula is slowly rotating, it is surprising that this nebula is actually moving at high speed! The heart of a nebula moving like this in Cangming is crazy, and when it approaches, the starry sky is distorted.

The little planets encountered along the way could not even hum, and were sucked into them, and there was no trace!

The heart of the nebula is extremely massive, and using it as a carrier of life is almost an eternal existence. Of course, such a huge body means inconvenience!

"There is another hour," said the immortal king anxiously. It was exactly three hours that he had to mobilize because of his huge body.

But don't move your body over ~ ~ The king of this fairy has no certainty to kill Ye Kong.

Somewhere in the nebula, in a huge black cave, a young man with a round face was holding a small silver book, and in his eyes was joy.

He is Qian Youren, and he has left the stomach of the King of the Tao. This huge cave is the room given to him by the fairy king.

"This time, I obtained the Purple Sè token, got 100,000 days of Tao Sutra, and now I am out of trouble. As long as I have the trust of the Fairy King, I will escape from the Fairy Kingdom by then, and then I will be the Fairy Master! For two or three decades, I can go to Tenjin training camp to comprehend the rules ... "Thinking of this, Qian Youren sees the joyful **** sè, and secretly says in his heart," The biggest key now is to be able to obtain the Immortal King. Trust, the only way to get a chance to escape! And the best way to gain the trust of this fairy king is to catch Ye Kong! "

Suddenly, Qian Youren raised an eyebrow and looked up. Suddenly, a black cyclone appeared in the space of the cave above his head. The cyclone became larger and larger, and a huge head emerged.

Qian Youren stood up quickly and saluted, "Subordinates have seen the King of Immortals!" @.

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