The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2095: Return to Battle Star

Return to Battle Stars in 2009

Land of battle.

In fact, this is a planet whose surface is covered with matrix formations. From the perspective of Cangming, this looks like a planet covered with black ink. The black brilliance is deep in some places and shallow in some places. In the slow flow in general, it is very magical.

But at this moment, there is a shimmer like a cone, which penetrates the surface of the planet, and breaks into the planet easily.

Close up, you can see the bright pointed cone, a young fairy holding a red sword with both hands, spinning rapidly, forming a cone-shaped force, and drilling down.

This fairy is Yekong who escaped.

Ye Kong received thick Saturn and fled, but he didn't expect that the immortal king moved fast, and even closed the hall of the immortal, Ye Kong couldn't escape!

So Ye Kong had no choice but to hide first and wait for the opportunity! Just when he encountered the planet in the battlefield, Ye Kong thought it was good, and broke into the planet.

Because of the full coverage of the formation, the planet is always dark and the wind is blowing around! A light and shadow flew down very fast. When he landed, he had become a dark-skinned man with a solid smile on his face.

"Fortunately, the godhead was awakened, and the sword was recognized by the sword. Otherwise, it is impossible for me to break through this huge formation that covers the planet!" Ye Kong thought secretly after landing, and then smiled slightly, "This time, I can't use my true colors again. Even if the immortal King is not healed, I may not escape from him. The image of Li Heizi has not been used for many years, and it just happens to be disguised.

Ye Kong disguised as Li Heizi, and took out a few low-level immortals to spare. As for the immortal immortal, he learned a few **** spells similar to the blood fairy mountain, and he also learned the mirror world.

Ye Kong was about to leave, but he heard someone calling in his head. It turned out that Hong Mengni had been bored with thick Saturn on the way. She couldn't come out, but she was worried in her heart. She was full of sorrow all day, so Ye Kong told her that she would let her out when she reached the battle.

Of course, when Fang Hongmeni came out, she also wanted her to disguise herself carefully and not be too noticeable.

Three days later, above the ice field. The icy cold wind swept through the hard ice and whistled away. The mortals in this place are simply insufferable, but it is not much to the immortals.

At this moment, a fight is taking place on the icefield. On one side are three immortals holding a fairy sword, and on the other is a giant ape with white hair and a few feet in height!

"Quick! Zhou Daxian, your trapping net is set up, and we will lead this ice ape to you later!" The two white fairys shouted and shouted.

And not far behind, the one called Zhou Daxian also had a tense face. Looking at a piece of ice and snow in front of him, he said, "Okay, it's already good! Wait for it to be my snow spider." When the fairy net was trapped, we swarmed up, remember, less damage its fur! "

"Relax, you will step on the cloud and fly over the net, let this stupid animal step into the net ..."

The three yelled as they planned.

Unexpectedly, when the giant ape was about to be introduced into the net, something went wrong!

The giant ape stood by the net and never moved forward! Instead, he stretched out his giant hand, fishing in the snow in front of him, and pulling out the giant net that had been buried in advance!

"Hello!" The white-haired great ape snarled proudly, and the giant net turned over in his hand, as if the fisherman was fishing, toward the two white-haired fairy hoods!

Suddenly, the two men in white were shocked and shouted, "No! He understands us!"

Before the words fell, the two white men were covered in a giant net! The three were originally trying to seduce the ape, but they did not expect to be captured by the ape, and they were all shocked.

The Zhou Daxian who controlled the Snow Spider Fairy Net was stunned at this moment, watching the giant ape's next step was to rush at him, he didn't even think about it and ran away!

The two brothers were trapped in the net, struggling frantically, shouting in their mouths, and wanted the surname Zhou to close the net, but they did not expect that the man escaped unjustly.

"Last week! Damn it! Come back!" A fairy in white yelled.

Another hurriedly, "I didn't expect this giant ape to be so smart that it knew how to count it! It is now chasing Zhou Daxian at the moment and will come back to pack us no matter what the result!"

"What do we do, can't we wait for death?"

At this moment, I saw a pair of men and women coming out of the snowfield. The man's skin was dark, like a rural native, while the woman was a little complexion, with dark hair and white skin.

The two men in white shouted, "Fairy, save our brother! Fairy, help us out quickly, we got a snow monkey!"

This is Ye Kong and Hong Mengni, Ye Kong disguised as Li Heizi, and Hong Mengni also changed her face, but the girls must all look good, and Ye Kong was embarrassed to make Hong Mengni too ugly. But Hong Mengni is far worse than it is now.

But even if it was far away, I did not expect to attract the attention of the two men in white.

Ye Kong was going to save them, but it turned out that the two of them were still confused at this time, and just called the fairy to help, and took the male immortal as the air, Ye Kong didn't want to ignore it, and you do n’t want to save him Thank you.

However, Hong Mengni was kind-hearted, and Lala Yekong's sleeves begged in her eyes.

Ye Kong raised his hand, a blood-colored light, shot straight from the fingertips, just shining on the most important place where the rune of the snow spider's web was carved. The rune did not support for a moment, and it burst into pieces, and the fairy net broke a large hole.

"Spells of the Blood Fairy Mountain series?" The two young men in white changed their faces, and secretly said in their hearts, that this person turned out to be the wickedness of the Blood Fairy Mountain!

Nevertheless, they were rescued by them after all, and the two hurried forward and hugged, "Thank you for this beautiful fairy. It is an honor to meet you, my brother. I do n’t know how to call the fairy? Oh, and this Taoist friend. "

The other is also personable, "The fairy came on the snow to add boundless scenery to this world, and my heart is so kind. It really makes me wait."

Seeing the two's impatient performance, someone with a black head and a black face next to Hong Meng Ni pulled behind him and sighed, "I have seen two Taoist friends under Li Heizi. But now it's not a good time to get together, and the Snow Monkey has killed that surnamed Zhou And will be back soon! "

The two were sober ~ ~ even vocally, "Okay, well, let's go and say as we go."

All four flew on the clouds, flying on the ground and flying south. During the flight, a man in white asked, "Two Taoists, you are afraid that you have been in retreat for a long time. This time you have just left the customs!"

Ye Kongqi said, "How can you see?"

He said, "Thirty years ago, a great immortal named Ye Kong came to the battlefield. This person was built for the world, and one person destroyed the Blood Fairy Mountain, and even created the Frozen Earth Alliance!"

Another man in white also said, "At the same time, there was another big evil, called Chen Yong, in the battlefield. He killed the Seven Sword Alliance alone! At this moment, the battlefield was turbulent, and Ye Kong and Chen Yong were two. It was a moment of brilliance! "

I saw Li Heizi was very interested, and "surprised", "Come on, I don't know at all!" The fairy next to her was covering her mouth and giggling.

The two people in white didn't know the news when they saw him. They didn't know what happened 30 years ago. Their skin was so dark, like a mortal farmer. The two of them were even more scornful, and could not help but secretly say, how did this woman go along with such a person, I wonder what the relationship is?


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