The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2080: I am dead

I died in 1980

"Just a little, just a little!" Qian Youren rejoiced. (_ Bubble & book & bar)

Grab the 100,000 days of Taoism, and if Ye Kong can be killed again, it will be a complete victory for him!

Change the surname Ye! Kill him and never suffer later! Qian Youren's thoughts were surging, his eyes were enthusiastic, and seven or eight electric spirits were thrown in succession towards the front!

Although Dianling is precious, it has always been the protector of Qian Youren, but if it can kill Ye Kong, it will be worth it!

Boom boom! In front, eight tentacles with a diameter higher than a human body suddenly exploded. A huge explosion exploded the top of the tentacle into fragments, and those tentacles were also painful and shrank to the black hole behind!

Eight tentacles were missing in front of him, and he was suddenly cheerful. Qian Youren was pleased and quickly got out!

At this moment, far away. Ye Kong and Hong Mengni on the colorful clouds also encountered a dangerous situation, and they were caught up by the tentacles when they fled the fastest! Looking at the height of the tentacles, one by one, with huge black tubes, Ye Kong's eyes condensed into a bit of cold stars, holding the blade of heaven, directly offering the strongest move-the sword of God of War!


A bang, a tentacle was defeated! Another tentacle was defeated!

But this tentacle is endless! When you defeat one, ten will come up! As long as you are entangled, don't even think about moving forward! Even the green tiger is difficult to move, let alone Ye Kong!

Looking at Ye Kong getting tangled, Qian Youren was overjoyed, "God help me too!"

"Brother Ye, you can run away alone! You can come here and see you for the last time, I'm very satisfied!" Hong Mengni calmed down at this moment, said softly.

Ye Kong's action also stopped, and he found that it was not very useful to use a knife to deal with these tentacles.

"Relax, Brother Ye has the ability to take you out. I still want to listen to you, listen to you sing, listen to you play the piano." At that moment, standing in the tentacles surrounded by thousands of eyes, Ye Kong stopped everything , Just reached out and touched Hong Mengni's pale face, her eyes were tender.

"At this time, there is still a lot of affection. This boy is really dead and doesn't know how to die!" Qian Youren thought to himself, but then he found another problem.

Because it seems that the situation of Ye Kong is more critical than him at this moment! Ye Kong is almost completely surrounded!

"No! Is this guy right? I want to change positions with him, so I'm deliberately in danger?" Qian Youren hesitated a bit. Ye Kong now seemed to have no other advantage than flying farther than him. !!

But just as Qian Youren hesitated, Ye Kong finally moved!

"Come out!" On the colorful cloud, Ye Kong waved his hand, and tens of millions of jade cards flew out!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Kong and Hong Mengni's bodies were almost overwhelmed by thousands of jade cards. After the jade cards appeared, they began to be attracted by the huge power in the black hole and dropped quickly!

Ye Kong waited for it to be sucked away, just a shouting shout, "Break me!"

boom! Thousands of jade cards were instantly broken and turned into lotus root powder, and a trace of mystical knowledge of the immortal king escaped from it.

Ye Kong grabbed it with a big hand again, an infinite force surged, and captured all the tens of thousands of consciousness, the movement is the same as before!

However, after Ye Kong captured these gods, he did something different from Qinghu! Green Tiger tortures these gods, causing them pain and letting them stop attacking temporarily!

But Ye Kong was not like that. I saw Ye Kong grabbing tens of millions of gods, not refining, but chanting, "San!"

That consciousness turned out to be like a light film covering Ye Kong and Hong Mengni! The tens of thousands of tentacles around them smelled the same as themselves, and felt that they had the same sense of consciousness, and they suddenly fell apart!

"Originally, the jade card can still be used like this!" At this moment, Green Tiger was still closest to the black hole, but he could still see Ye Kong's actions for tens of thousands of miles.

But even seeing it is useless, he has no jade card. Even if he is too big, he can't cover it.

It turned out that Ye Kong found that using it like a green tiger was annoying the fairy king. Although it seems to be immediate, but the next, it is a more crazy attack, so Ye Kong used a different method.

After seeing Qian Youren, he was regretful! At the beginning, he was a token discovered with Ye Kong, but just to listen to the role of the purple token, he gave up all the jade cards! Otherwise, he can escape safely now, right?

"Abominable! Wait for me to reverse Qiankun Banner!" Looking at Qian Youren, they found that Ye Kong and they flew out of use again!

chase! Qian Youren gritted his teeth to chase!

But Ye Kong was protected by the gods, flying freely, and when the gods dissipated, Ye Kong took out 10 million pieces of jade cards to do ... so Ye Kong flies faster and faster, and distance from Qian Youren .

Qian Youren watched Ye Kong disappear in sight like this ...

But Ye Kong, who just flew away, encountered a more troublesome problem!

Huh! A person's body-sized gravel smashed and ran across the front of Ye Kong's head, clinging to the colorful clouds, and quickly brushed them with Ye Kong, falling into the black hole!

This gravel was so fast that it was too late to dodge. Ye Kong and Hong Mengni looked down at the gravel under their feet as they flew farther and farther, but when they looked up, they became frightened instantly!

I saw a piece of crushed stone hundreds of thousands of miles away, attracted by the black hole and flying head-on!

"His ancestors were stingy!" Ye Kong felt numb in his tongue. Although the dangers he had experienced were countless, there were many times of life and death, but only this time, it was extremely dangerous, one by one, one by one. Even more dangerous, he just had to die!

At the critical moment, Ye Kong yelled, "I accept you, don't resist!"

At this time, Ye Kong didn't care about anything else, and directly collected Hong Mengni into Pipazhu ~ ~. At the same time when Hong Mengni disappeared, he screamed again, "Demonism, shock!"

The black magic learned from the Green Tiger came in handy. Instantly, Ye Kong turned into a ripple, and almost at the same time, the mighty rubble star field had already passed through the area where Ye Kong had just stood.

If you slow down for a second, the consequences are unthinkable!

Behind, tens of thousands of miles.

A handsome boy with a round face just relied on the flash of electricity to kill a **** path from the siege of the tentacles. When he looked up, he suddenly felt ashamed!

At that moment, he had no idea what to do! Can't escape! Dodge

The fragmentary star field was too wide and too fast, and Qian Youren had no time to respond. From his horrified pupil, you can see that piece of gravel, densely packed, getting bigger and bigger ...

"I am dead, too!" Qian Youren disappeared in an unwilling scream. In the sight, all were large and small, passing quickly, like a torrent of meteorites!


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