The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2078: Talent

2078 talent

When the green tiger saw that the fairy king was about to run away, he immediately offered a trick he had already prepared! I saw him waving his hand, and 20 million pieces of jade cards were thrown out, flying in the universe.

There was a sneer in Qinghu's huge eyes, and he yelled, "Broken!"

The sound wave formed a circle in the Cangming! Everywhere I went, the Jade brand shattered and became powder! At that moment, the sky seemed to be covered with dust and covered with dust!

And in this grey, there are 20 million Taoist gods of this Taoism! Each one is very subtle, just like a gossamer! But the green tiger grabbed it with his own hands, and even captured all the 20 million consciousnesses and gathered together!

call! The green tiger spit out an ancient demon fire, the flame envelops the 20 million gods, burned and refined!

Although the consciousness is released from the body, it is connected with the soul inside the body! If a **** of knowledge is only nine cows and a hair, then 20 million words is enough to drink a pot of fairy kings!

I saw the screaming King Bendao who was fleeing! That huge head made a terrifying roar! This shows its pain!

At the time of his pain, the ancient demon ancestors had followed, and then the huge fist was a punch against the head of this fairy king, and the green blood on that head was sprayed! Fly away like a ball!

The Green Tiger was not trying to kill the Immortal King. He drove a large amount of debris and dust, strode out, and shouted, "Grab his body first!"

A lot of the gods' knowledge of this fairy was destroyed, he was in pain, his headless body also stopped in Cangming, and the ancient demon ancestor was ordered, and immediately rushed to snatch!

However, the suffering of the immortal king was just an instant. His head was covered with green ancient **** blood, and he shouted loudly, "The ancient **** Chang Ge, blow me!"

This guy is also reluctant to just abandon an ancient artifact!

The body of the immortal king stabbed Chang Ge sharply, and the top of Chang Ge burst into a blast, turning it into a million pieces! In the end, it is an ancient artifact, and its explosive power is even more fierce than that of an immortal prince!

Qian Youren and Ye Kong, who are fighting fiercely, are too scared to fight again! Ye Kong quickly released the broken stars again, blocking those fragments! Abominable money, youren sit and enjoy it, and also hide within the range of broken stars!

However, Ye Kong's defense was useless, because the ancient artifact was magical! The burst of power and debris turned out to be in the direction of the ancient demon ancestors! The large number of ancient artifact fragments with power, even the ancient demon ancestors dare not hard-wire them!

The ancient demon ancestor turned away! The green tiger flew, and there was a word in his mouth, all incomprehensible demonic text, when he flew in front of the debris, suddenly raised his hand, and pointed with the fingers of the curved triangular blade!


The millions of fragments were all locked instantly! Hanging in the Cangming Void, motionless!

"Give me it!" With a wave of the green tiger's giant hand, all the millions of fragments were scattered away! Ye Kong ’s broken star played a role of shielding this time!

Ye Kong and Qian Youren saw the battle between the ancient demon and the ancient god, and their hearts were shocked! This battle is even more than the battle of the gods! But their level is conceivable!

Although Ye Kong finally understood the usefulness of the jade card, and also knew that the Tao is the blood of ancient gods, no wonder the gods like it! Even more puzzled, even if the Taoist fairy king is huge, there will not be so much blood?

Although Ye Kongkong has some doubts, but now is not the time to consider it! Such a battle, when viewed from the side, is no different from suicide! Escape, only escape!

When Ye Kongkong read, colorful clouds took him and Hong Mengni and fled again! Behind it is a huge star like a super cauldron! Qian Youren had to step into the eternal sword and follow Ye Kong to escape quickly!

And the battle over there continues! Although the green tiger used the ancient demon king ring to kill the **** of the gods, it seems to have taken the wind! But in the end he was short of luck! Because the head and body of the immortal king, by the time of the ancient **** Chang Ge's self-explosion, all hid in the heart of the nebula!

The heart of the nebula is just a nebula of thousands of miles! Spiral! There are colorful, various nebula colors!

When the body and head of the Immortal King fled in, the heart of the nebula sprang up! The most shocking thing is that the heart of the nebula is like all the objects around it, conveying an ancient and vicissitudes of consciousness!


"Why does the nebula have consciousness? Can it be a monster?" Green Tiger muttered, followed by a sudden shock, with a shocked and incredible expression, exclaimed immediately: "Swallow! You swallowed a Nebula heart! It turns out that that head and body are not your body. Your body is the heart of the nebula. Oh my god, how can I kill you! "

Everything in the world is not broken! As long as the size is huge, it is immortal existence!

Just thinking about this immortal king, he didn't know what secret method to use, so he swallowed a nebula! Although it is the most compact nebula, its size is also thousands of miles! The green tiger is no better than a blow to the nebula!

So he showed a hint of despair in his eyes, but in an instant, he still received the ancient demon ancestors and fled when he turned back! At this time, only escape!

But it's a bit late to escape! After the heart of the nebula came out of consciousness, it began to devour!

Nebula Heart originally did not have such a function, but it is a combination of goodness and ancient gods!

The ancient god's good-for-nothing talents swallowed up and devoured!

An extremely powerful gravitational force came from the heart of the nebula. When it spins rapidly, it becomes a super **** hole, swallowing up everything in front of it!

"Unexpectedly, this guy swallowed a nebula! I still beat his body's idea, and it really killed me!" Qinghu resisted that suction, and strode in Cangming! He is an ancient demon ~ ~ Can pull away gravity and accelerate away from the heart of the nebula!

However, Ye Kong and others in front of me were unlucky, especially the broken star, and he was sucked back with a faint sound! Ye Kong yelled, "Zoom out! Come back!" This prevented the broken star from being sucked away, but in this way, the broken star would never chase Ye Kong!

Qian Youren was also shocked in his heart, his face was horrified, he resisted suction, and fled slowly!

But this fairy king has gone crazy at this moment, and the heart of Nebula sends out another thought, "Swallow!"

Still devoured! I saw the heart of the nebula can no longer see the colorful, completely become a black hole, but also drive the surrounding space into a starry hole, like the mouth of a beast in the starry sky, devour everything, terrible!

The nearest green tiger was already overwhelmed. The glory of survival in his eyes flickered, and with a big wave of his hand, more than 20 million jade cards were released again! Don't wait for those jade cards to be sucked away, they will all be shaken into fly ash! The green tiger ran, grabbing all the consciousness, and then suddenly spit out a mist of blood! Then, I wrote a golden demon text, which was slammed into the **** of this fairy god!

Obviously, this is how the green tiger refined the **** of the Taoist **** by more venomous means!

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