The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2073: Would rather give up

Sanqi would rather give up

Sanqi would rather give up

The mortal song was sung by Ye Kong when he first painted Hong Mengni on the painting pad in the Bishui River.

So when Meng Fei in Nuan Ge said this sentence, Ye Kong was completely certain that Hong Mengni was inside!

"Unexpectedly, this girl still has such a bit of meaning to me." Ye Kongzhong was secretly pleased, and happy that Hong Mengni could speak again, and also happy that she didn't come to nothing this time and finally found ...

However, Ye Kong is now worried about another problem, that is, the ancient demon green tiger has not been sober!

This is more troublesome! If Ye Kong were to deal with the ancient gods, hope is not small, but nothing!

I haven't had time to be really happy in my heart, but I have more troubles floating on my mind.

Probably Qian Youren also guessed that Hong Mengni was inside of this sentence, so Qian Youren sang while Hong Mengni sang, and turned his head to Ye Kongnunu's mouth, meaning, you go! Do you dare?

Obviously, Qian Youren gave up! In front of the ancient god, an immortal emperor really is nothing.

The two immortal emperors are nothing, not to mention the two immortal emperors have a bad relationship!

After singing a song, time is fast. Because of the curtain, Hong Mengni didn't know who was outside. If she knew Ye Kong was out there, she would be embarrassed to say those words.

After Hung Meng-ni finished singing, she didn't want to say anything more, and said, "Your Majesty the Immortal, I'm a bit sleepy, and send me back to rest."

The mournful voice of the immortal king came, "Mengfei has worked hard, and I will send you back ..."

But at this moment, a noise came and interrupted the saying of the fairy king, "Slow!"

With a loud voice, the woman in the thick gauze in the warm court suddenly shook her body! And out of the window, the huge eyes of the immortal king also watched, slowly saying: "My king's newly selected angel palace emissary, what do you say?"

Ye Kong also shouted impulsively. He can't stop shouting. If Hong Mengni is sent back by the fairy king, next time I meet ... Ye Kong doesn't know if there is next time!

Sometimes, a person misses his life!

Even if Hong Mengni was his ordinary friend, he couldn't stand idly by, let alone, Hong Mengni also showed her heart!

Ye Kong knows he's out of reach, so he has to stand up! He is indeed impulsive, regardless of the consequences. He is such a person, it is difficult to change.

So when Ye Kong stood up, even Qian Youren was shocked, and a pair of unbelievable eyes turned to look at Ye Kong. In my eyes, I had to naturally express surprise and admiration!

Since Ye Kong stood up, he would not regret it again, and said loudly, "Your Majesty the King, you are a man of great wisdom and bravery, and you should have heard it, a strong twister, not sweet! Since this girl Hong Mengni belongs to her heart , You should follow her wishes and let it fly! Fairy King loves Meng Fei whispered, but he bound her wings heartily, locked her in a cage, and made her miserable, melancholy, embarrassing, embarrassing! Is this the fairy King do you want to see? "

Ye Kong said a step forward, his mouth was frustrated, rational and well-organized. The immortal king said was dumb, and even lost in thought!

Ye Kong again said, "If I didn't guess wrong, Hong Mengni is an old man who entrusts the fairy king to let her stay away from the limelight. The fairy king should exercise the duty of protection, not guarding the burglary! And therefore, confining the girl Hong, Forcing him to be his own concubine is simply wrong! It is shameless! If the immortal king is not sober, then he is a despicable villain who is uncompromising, unkind, and unwise and brave. The country is shameless! "

Ye Kong finished talking and was already standing in front of the warm court. What he said makes a lot of sense! No one from the Ben Dao, including his men, could answer!

Qian Youren, who was still tutu sitting underneath, said secretly, this Ye Kong was a bit capable, and his articulate was extremely sharp. The other person who said that at the beginning of his speech was dumb, and his dissertation was martial.

Taking advantage of the enchantment of the fairy king, Ye Kong raised his hand and opened the curtain. A white and vivid face appeared in front of Ye Kong.

"Meng Ni, it's you!" Ye Kong was overjoyed to see it, though it was already established!

Hong Mengni was also very happy in her heart, but when she thought of the words she said just now, her pink face suddenly turned red.

Seeing their expressions, Bendao Fairy just knew what was happening with his heels. He suddenly became furious! Dare to be in love with Mengfei because of this little white face!

"Boy! You really have a sharp tooth! You almost fooled the fairy king! It turns out that you are the one who Mengfei just said looks and talents all rank first in the fairy world ..." In the eyes of this fairy king, lù sneered, saying: "boy, although The immortal king is not very good, but I still want to test your strength! "

Hong Mengni was ashamed to mention this, her face was even more red, and she didn't know what to say. Ye Kong stood in front of her and said, "Ben Taoxian, Meng Ni just said three things, looks, strength and talent! Then how do we compare? How dare you compare?"

This fairy king haha ​​laughed: "Sè Li Nei! This fairy king is better than strength, not other than you, how dare you compare?"

At this time, the core elders and others also came to their senses, and everyone immediately surrounded Nuange. The elder in red said, "Ye Kong, I can't think of you for this purpose. Sorry, we will never let you take away the fairy. Wang Aifei! "

Qian Youren also stood up behind him and said, "Ye Kong, don't fake it! Who doesn't know, your last name Ye is here for 100,000 days of sutras! Girl Feihong has a deep love for you, but you are just like me All are ruthless! "

Qian Youren said that Hong Mengni suddenly looked up and looked at Ye Kong's back with complex eyes!

But I heard Ye Kong say a word: "Qian Youren! I know you are Qian Youren! Now what I am going to tell you is ~ ~ If you help me this time ... 100,000 days It's yours! "

After hearing this, Hong Mengni's eyes were frightened again, looking at Ye Kong's back, her eyes glowed.

At this moment, Qian Youren's heart is also a great shock! He has no interest in Hong Meng Nicole, and his trip is to be done for 100,000 days! If Ye Kong really gives up for Hong Mengni, then he can also fight for it!

Ye Kong watched him hesitate, knowing that he was intent, gritted his teeth and said, "I swear!"

Ye Kong can avoid the 100,000 days of Taoism, but he can't avoid Hong Mengni! With the help of money and benevolence, they have the hope of escaping!

Qian Youren was also hesitant. You know, even if the two immortals joined forces to escape from the ancient gods, it was not easy! Ancient gods, in ancient times, in order to kill the ancient gods, how many immortal immortals died! Those ancient immortals are by no means weaker than Ye Kong and Qian Youren.

But think of 100,000 days of Taoism, think of the Lord of the Immortals! Although Qian Youren was a businessman, he never lacked the spirit of gambling. He raised his hand and released the eternal sword, and shouted: "The deal!" @.

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