The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 2071: Fragments of ancient artifacts

Fragments of ancient artifacts

Listening to the words of the Elder Core, the huge eyes of the prince of the Tao immediately looked at Ye Kong.

In this Taoist fairy king, he can feel the thoughts of other people present in the presence, and he can feel through the Taoism, only this leaf is empty, there is nothing, as if there is no Taoism.

After the core elder hoeed, he turned around and pointed to Qian Youren, "It is him! He was an outsider, mixed with the country of the fairyland. His purpose is speculative, he is a spy. He killed hundreds of thousands of our people in the battlefield. People, as well as a large number of emissaries of the fairy palace, please call the king of the fairy! "

"Oh?" Immortal King's eyes suddenly turned to Qian Youren.

All the people present, including the imperial palace, Ye Kong, and six other passers, it can be said that none of them liked Qian Youren, and everyone was a little happy.

However, Qian Youren stood up Shi Shiran, and said loudly, "His Majesty the King, under Chen Yong, was born outside the Taoist Kingdom of Immortality, but from the beginning, he admired the King of the Immortal King and envied the life of the Immortal Kingdom! Only then did he risk entering the kingdom of immortality, planting seeds for himself, and vowing that he would finally die for the fairy king! "

Qian Youren knew that the core elder had done this, so he also prepared to speak, and when Qian Youren found that the immortal king was an ancient god, he had a new idea.

I saw him again loudly, "The immortal is here, and Chen finds some treasures from the outside world, I believe His Majesty can see them. But who knows, the core elder is so heartbroken that I won't give you the treasures, but Let me give him my treasure! I want to honor King Fairy, how can I allow it! He will send a team of men and kill me to win treasure ... "

The core elder can't really listen anymore. This guy is purely a provocative alien and shouts quickly, "Immortal King, my lord, he talks nonsense! I never heard that he would give you something!"

Qian Youren ignored it, but just said to the fairy king, "Your Majesty, please allow me to take it out!"

That Taoist king lived a long time, but he couldn't stand Qian Youren's appetite, and he was very interested, "Take it out."

Qian Youren has been in business for so many years. It can be described as a wealthy man. He has enough things to carry treasures, and all kinds of strange things are complete!

I saw Qian Youren raising his hand to release a piece of bronze metal piece the size of which was rusty and irregularly fragmented around, with strange patterns on the surface.

Ye Kong noticed that the fairy king's eyes first brightened, then disappointed, and finally he was very emotional.

The mournful voice of the immortal king came, "This thing is a fragment of an ancient artifact called the Whale Bell."

"Ancient artifact!" The core elder did not expect that Chen Yong was so rich and willing to use this object to please the fairy king! He quickly hoeed and said, "Immortal King, I have never seen this thing before!"

This fairy king said, "Although this object is a fragment of an ancient artifact, it is lacking too much, it can neither be repaired nor useful. If you refine and extract the materials in it, you are not so powerful. So this object is simply to you. You're useless, you can't kill someone for it. "

The core elder was overjoyed, and immediately hoeed, saying, "The immortal king is saying very much! Immortal king Yingming, immortal king Yingming!"

Qian Youren's face is not good at this time. Although this ancient artifact is not used, it can be very valuable! He wanted to use this thing for peace, but he didn't expect it to happen.

"His Majesty the King ..." Qian Youren spoke again.

But was interrupted by the immortal king, "Hugh more, I will ask you, hundreds of thousands of people in the battlefield, but you killed it alone?"

Qian Youren said that the matter had come to an end, and what else was to be concealed, and that he had to have a sense of dying, and raised his head, "Yes! I killed them!"

Listening to his answer, the elder core was happy and secretly said, this will do your crime, ha ha, Chen Yong, you wait for death!

But what surprised everyone was that the fairy king suddenly laughed and said, "Okay! There is courage! Chen Yong, you are loyal to me regardless of difficulties and dangers. How can I betray you because the treasure you sent is useless? You killed some people, but the battlefield was originally a battlefield, not a feng shui blessing! The king will not only appoint you as the core elder, but also give you extra treasure! "

After speaking, a rune, a blue rune, flew out of the window in one of the eyes of the immortal king, and landed on the fragment of the ancient artifact.

Just see that the pieces melt into a liquid, and then, black juice drips from it continuously, and the liquid cluster is getting smaller and smaller. At the end, there is only a white glowing liquid. When it solidifies, you can see that it is the size of a human head. White, like bone but not bone, like stone but not stone.

"These are the bone meal of the whale bones in the Shenhai Sea that was incorporated during the refining of the Whale King Bell. This material is refined in the utensils, which not only greatly increases the quality of the utensils, but also makes it possible to bring the artifacts to the source Force ... In other words, the use of fairy ware can make it infinitely close to the artifact! I will give it to you! "

"Xiexian Wang rewarded!" Qian Youren laughed loudly, this is not a pretense, but really happy. Unexpectedly, this time it was really profitable. The bone meal of Shenhai God Whale is a good thing to think about! This is the material of the Divine Realm!

Listening to this arrangement of the fairy king, the fairy king palace and others, especially the core elders, are shocked! I never thought of it. Not only did the fairy king not control them, but he rewarded Chen Yong ... It was so disappointing! Disappointed to vomit blood!

"Immortal King!" The elder core spoke, but was stopped by the immortal King. "Elder, the battlefield needs some fresh faces. It is dead all day, and we will cooperate with Elder Chen Yong in the future." , Good students serve for the king! "

"This ..." All the people at Xianwanggong couldn't figure it out.

But Ye Kong understood it very well. The immortal king wants people to fight in the battlefield! The core elders have been staying in the battlefield for a long time, and everyone has become a piece of iron. Instead, the battle is not fierce ~ ~ is not happy for the fairy king. The King of Taoism wants to leave Qian Youren together, so that Qian Youren and the elder gather together to fight each other in the place of battle. In that case, will the life of the King of Fairies continue?

This immortal king is also a man of sinister intentions. The elder core counts on him to preside over justice, which is a big joke!

When the matter subsided, I heard this fairy king said, "The other seven people who won this time, this king has sealed you as the emissary of the fairy palace and accepted the elder's dispatch. I hope you will be a good king for your future life, and this king will not be treated badly. you guys!"

Ye Kong and others nodded and said yes.

The King of the Tao said: "My King has promised before that all the winners will have the opportunity to listen to the sound of the heavenly concubine! The King will not break his word. I hope you will understand it with your heart. Ben Wang was exhausted. "

After listening to the air, Ye Kong was very nervous, and I wonder if this dream princess is Hong Mengni.

To the reader:

The reader who can't fly wants to propose to the demon painting: I love you, marry me! Everyone will practice in the future and enjoy the fairy blessing forever ...

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