The Mad Cultivator

Chapter 1509: Old people meet

"What, the human King Ming was seriously injured and came here? Asshole, why didn't you find out earlier!" When the demon king heard the news, he was so anxious.

What a chance, what a chance! Why didn't you catch it? The devil is very upset. If he can catch the seriously injured King Ming, and then force him to be his own slave, then he will not be afraid of going anywhere in the world.

After a short period of annoyance, he was replaced by fear.

"If King Daming recovers ..." The demon king thought about it, and then yelled, "Keep here, come and kill one, others will come with me!"

The breeding base is very complicated, and there are countless rooms, but fortunately, there are many demon people under the devil, and there are a lot of slaves in the devil.

The devil is getting angry, "You bastards, you can't find them all to die! When that guy recovers, everyone will die!"

"King, there's news!" Holy Lord Mozambique ran over and called. "King, I asked the guard at the gate. Two hours ago, several human women went out carrying a seriously injured unconscious human man. "

Hearing this news, the Devil could not wait to eat all the people present, and shouted, "Let all the sentries die! Others went out to search! Notify the main city of vigilance, the city began to search, and strictly inspected all injured human men ! "

Devil City.

At this moment, it was midnight, but it was a sleepless night. There were still no people running in the city, some people ran over, and got into a mess.

However, to say the weather is pretty good tonight, the moonlight is like mercury leaking out of the ground, and you can see other people's faces far from the ground.

Outside the city, a tall-headed horse came with a bald demon, and the smoke from the horse's hoof followed a middle-aged human man in sackcloth. This is a demon who came to reinforce, the owner rides a horse, and the slave eats ashes, which is normal.

When the demon's horse reached the gate of the city, the demon stopped it and shouted, "All sages register and organize, and then accept the task arrangement!"

The witch answered immediately, "Observe!"

Obviously, this witch is also a third-rate buyer among the witches, but after answering the gate guard, instead of dismounting, she turned back and called, "Horse!"

Stables are things that are used to step on and off horses. They are made of wood and carved by stones, but where are they at the moment?

Surprisingly, the middle-aged human monk who was running behind immediately ran up, crawling on the ground like a dog, and let the witch step on and off his horse.

There was a fire in the middle-aged monk's head, looking at the ground, gritting his teeth. However, he did not dare to show his eyes to the master, otherwise, the witch would die, and he would have to die!

The witch dismounts, and the lying man converges, and wants to get up. Unexpectedly, at this time, he ran out of the city and stopped beside the man.

"The horse stable is good, let me step on it too." A male demon stepped on the man's back and walked towards Malay.

The owner of the lying man is a lord at the bottom. She was anxious to please these big men who live in the city, so she shouted, "Zi Yanlong, don't get up, please lie down there for me to get on and off!

Yes, this person lying on the ground is the master of the original Yaoyao Iron Arm Demon Sect, Ziyan Dragon!

At this moment, Zi Yanlong could not wait to get up immediately, and shouted at these demons, "I am a man but not a dog!"

However, he still didn't do it because he knew that it was just a senseless struggle and a senseless sacrifice. Nothing can be changed except by being executed!

He only has tolerance. Although it was hard to bear, he had a conviction that he would one day change all this!

It's just that I don't know when this day will arrive.

Finally, the demon was marshalled, and the task was to lead the male demon who came out of that city into the city to find all the injured human men.

As a slave, Ziyan Dragon must also follow the mission. He waited for the team of demons to step on his back before he got up and followed into the city.

This is the first time that Ziyan Dragon has come to the main city in Cangbei for so many years. To his surprise, the original city of the Devil is also so large and prosperous. The jade ground and white spire houses make him see. Overwhelmed with no idea.

But what even surprised him was that he had met an acquaintance!

That was when they searched for a palace with a garden outside and knocked on the door to open it. It turned out to be a young woman wearing a long skirt. Zi Yanlong felt familiar at first sight.

Their search team is dominated by demons in the countryside, but they are not reckless. After all, there are palaces in this city. It is definitely not ordinary people, even humans, you must be careful.

The interim captain respectfully said, "Dear Miss, we are being ordered to search a wounded fugitive. I wonder if we can let us in?"

It was Li Chenwan who opened the door. She was a little annoyed. These rural demons were short-sighted. You must know that the Devil Guards did not dare to search.

She sneered, "Of course you can check it, but please show me the certificate issued by Lord Demon himself."

The demons were shocked. I did not expect that the host here had the ability to pass through the sky, and the demon king's consent was required to search.

But the leading demon was not ready to give up, and said, "Girl, we haven't proved it, but the search for the injured man in the whole city was also ordered by Lord Demon."

At the time of their stalemate, they came over several demon men with wings behind them, holding long forks in their hands, and it was the Devil Guards.

"Asshole, whoever allows you to search here, get out of me!" The Devil Guards spoke, and the demons fled away.

But then Li Chenwan's eyes were bright ~ ~ Zi Yanlong! "

Zi Yanlong did not turn back, because he felt that he was miserable, so he didn't look at anyone. At first, Iron Arm Demon and Huayin Dezong faced each other on the stage, and the relationship was not very good, so he was afraid that Li Chenwan would laugh at him.

But he missed a good opportunity to be free in advance.

As soon as their party left, Li Chenwan was about to close the door, but found that there was a young girl in the garden with a wound ...

The girl is Wang Yili. She had long carried Ye Kong into the city, but she was full of demons here. She did n’t know where she took Ye Kong, she turned around, and ended up living here, hiding in the garden. Now that she saw that Li Chenwan was a human, she decided to go out.

"Come in quickly, girl, where did you come from?" Li Chenwan was also very enthusiastic to see human women.

Coincidentally, Lu Junrou came out and said, "Girls, rest assured, here are our two women."

Then Wang Lili was relieved, and he immediately knelt down and said, "The two are doing well, save my brother!" ~!

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