The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 941 Ancient City! (triple)

Outside Ssangyong City.

On an unknown high mountain, the howling cold wind blows across the face, driving strands of short black hair.

Xia Yan, who pressed his hat, was full of emotionless coldness, and a jet-black fire-breathing dragon beside him kept snorting.

White scorching smoke was spit out along the nostrils, and it took a long time to completely disappear in the cold wind in the northern region of the Hezhong area.

The fire-breathing dragon glanced at the figure beside him who was much thinner and weaker than him.

The tail covered with pitch-black shiny scales flicked lightly, as if it was just doing unconscious and boring swings, but finally stopped beside the figure calmly.

The flame at the end of the tail gradually expanded and spread as it approached.

The rising heat dissipated the cold on the high mountain.

Feeling the rise in temperature, Xia Yan glanced at the tail staying beside him, then turned his head to look at the arrogant fire-breathing dragon, a gentle smile appeared on his resolute and cold face.


The fire-breathing dragon looked solemn, and its sharp eyes locked on the distance.

The figure galloping through layers of clouds and mist.

The hazy figure approached quickly, and the outline gradually became clear. It was like a fierce and domineering giant dragon Tyrannosaurus spreading its wings!

And on the back of the Tyrannosaurus, there is still a slender and pretty figure standing.

Not long.

Tyrannosaurus appeared on the top of the mountain.

A lot of whistling air currents were rolled up, accompanied by some sharp winds, which bent the weeds and brought green waves to the forest leaves.


Seeing this, the fire-breathing dragon restrainedly let out a low growl.

But the voice was full of dissatisfaction.

at the same time.

In the sharp eyes, there is still a suppressed hideousness.

As if feeling the threat from the fire-breathing dragon, the domineering and violent tyrannosaurus was slightly stagnant. After looking at the fire-breathing dragon with fear, it restrained its movements a little, and slowly landed on the ground.


The figure on the Typhoon's back jumped down and landed in front of Xia Yan.

Yan Xia.

A familiar voice sounded.

There was also a slight smile on Xia Yan's face.

Joanna. No, it's Hunter J now.


It was Hunter J of the Hunter Guild, the actual controller of the Hunter Guild in the Hezhong area, and one of Xia Yan's partners, Hunter J Joanna.

Hearing Xia Yan's address, the corners of Joanna's mouth twitched.

Slightly mocking himself and saying grumpily: Hunter J? I'm just a wage earner for a 'Hunter N'.

The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

Why are you still angry?

You can already apply for the highest seat, why didn't you act?

Joanna pouted.

Now, is there any difference whether the Hunter's Guild is the highest seat or not? It's just a change of title.

Xia Yan patted the fire-breathing dragon beside him, signaling it to restrain itself.

Didn't you see the tyrannosaurus, the quasi-god elf on the opposite side, because of its aura, it keeps its body tense at all times and dare not approach it?

The fire-breathing dragon spewed out white smoke again from its nostrils, and the sharp aura and the more violent aura compared to the tyrannosaurus were slightly restrained.

Joanna's Violent Dragon finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at the pitch-black fire-breathing dragon calmly, feeling extremely apprehensive in his heart.

Joanna watched Xia Yan's movements.

Not to mention.

Xia Yan, who was dressed in black, and such a domineering black fire-breathing dragon really complemented each other.

looking for me?

Xia Yan also continued to ask too much about why Joanna didn't compete for the top seat.

In a word.

Even if Joanna is not the highest seat, or even a present hunter, as long as she represents the hunter guild Hunter N, she can have the highest management right in the hunter guild in the Hezhong area.

At first.

The two people who were only working hard towards becoming a hunter in the Hunter's Guild can now be regarded as people who can, to a certain extent, influence the development direction of such a huge power as the Hunter's Guild.

That is to say, the organization of the Hunter's Guild is too loose.

Otherwise, Xia Yan's power is estimated to be ridiculously large.

Of course, it was also because of this that Hunter N did not become on the alliance's most wanted list, second only to the leader of the Rockets.

Moreover, there is also a reason why the Hunter's Guild can grow to such a large size, and it is loose with itself.

For most hunters, the Hunter's Guild is more like a convenient, fast and safe sales channel.

Only sometimes, when the hunter guild issued some missions with high rewards, these idle and profitable hunters would work together.

When it came to business, Joanna also put away her joking look.

Looking directly at Xia Yan, he said slowly: Plasma team, there is action.

Team Plasma?

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Can't help chuckling out loud.

Heh, haven't you been scared of being beaten last time? Did you move so soon?

Last time, Xia Yan rode the white dragon Reshiram and wiped out the entire base of the plasma team.

That is to say, the three caves of the cunning rabbit of the plasma team failed to completely extinguish them.

New moves so soon?

Well the scars forget the pain?

Joanna shook her head, her expression gradually becoming serious.

The most important thing is that this time the plasma team's operation broke away from Akromar.


Xia Yan was slightly taken aback.

Out of Akromar?

Yes. According to what you mean, we have always had people lurking beside Akromar. In daily life, we did find that Quecchis of the plasma team is quite dependent on this talented and crazy scientist. Almost any action If it unfolds, it will revolve around this Akromar.

After a slight pause, Joanna's words still contained a little disdain and sarcasm.

Anyone who knows knows that Quecchis is the actual controller of Team Plasma. Those who don't know think that Akromar is the one behind Team Plasma.

Tell the truth.

Xia Yan shook his head secretly in his heart.

There are so many underground forces, large and small dark organizations in various regions.

If we really want to talk about it, the most unworthy one is the leader of the plasma team, Quecchis.

At the beginning, he relied on his godson N as a spokesperson to deceive people and secretly manipulate the plasma team. When N realized his problem, he relied on Akromar's technology to try to control the black and white Ssangyong and Kyurem.

His own abilities, except for some shady schemes and tricks, really didn't show much strength.

Not to mention courage and charisma.

Not to mention compared with the leader of the Rockets, Sakagi.

Even if it is the leader of the Galaxy team, Red Sun, and the leader of the Flame team, Fradari, nothing can compare.

After Quecchis was captured and Team Plasma fell into the hands of Akromar, Team Plasma really became difficult and difficult to deal with.

Without the pressure of Quecchis on it, the technological ability of the mad scientist Akromar has indeed shown his difficult side.

But it is not so easy to deal with the scientific and technological achievement of manipulating and affecting wild elves on a large scale, or even affecting elves that have been subdued.


Xia Yan is still more afraid of Akromar than Kui Qisi.

Only then did Joanna send someone to secretly monitor Akromar's every move.


It's also because despite Kuiqisi's courage and ability, his self-protection ability and protective awareness are still in place. The Dark Triangle has always been by his side to protect his safety, and it is not easy to get close.

Since he left Akromar, is it because he knows that we have placed people by his side?

Xia Yan asked after thinking about it.

This time, Joanna showed a look of helplessness.

Shrugging his shoulders, he said, To be honest, Akromar already knew about the person we placed beside him. It's just that for some reason, he kept quiet and kept a tacit understanding with us.


Xia Yan frowned.

Xia Yan was not very surprised that Akromar knew that people from the Hunter's Guild had been placed beside him.

He was just a little surprised that Akromar would maintain a certain tacit understanding with them, tacit understanding.

What does it mean?

Joanna continued: Moreover, the information this time was actually told to us by Akromar through that person.

What did Akromar say?

Xia Yan was even more surprised.

Queches and Akromar have conflicts and disagreements?

Joanna shook her head, We don't know about this either. Although we can monitor Akromar, we can't follow him anywhere, let alone when Akromar and Quecchis meet.

Joanna didn't know the specific details.

But Akromar reported to the Hunter's Guild through the people he installed, which is somewhat intriguing.

Xia Yan pressed his chin, lost in thought.

Joanna watched Xia Yan think, and didn't disturb him, but just stood aside silently.

Now the decision maker is Xia Yan, she is the executor.

It is enough to leave it to the decision makers to use their brains and make decisions.

It took a while.

Xia Yan took a few steps slowly.

Only then did he speak again.

Does the alliance know?

Joanna paused briefly, and said with some uncertainty: Maybe. I don't know.

Tightly explained: Because even we, if there is no reminder from Akromar, we don't know that the Plasma team will move. Although the alliance's penetration ability is better than ours, they must not have as many eyeliners as us.

We haven't caught a little bit of trouble, and the league probably won't know much.

Xia Yan nodded slightly, and continued rubbing his chin.

Joanna tentatively asked: Could it be related to the incident that broke out in the Alola region a few days ago? From those online videos, I seem to have seen Akromar.

Xia Yan's footsteps paused a little.

It's not impossible.

How would Team Plasma's Akromar feel if he was from another world and demonstrated technology in the Alola region?

But this is not enough to cause differences and conflicts between Akromar and Quecchis.

What did he say? Xia Yan asked.

Joanna immediately handed over a note.

The above is very simple.

[Plasma team has action. 】

And on the back of the note.

There are still four words that are more scribbled in comparison.

It doesn't look like the information Akromar deliberately left behind, but more like it was written casually.

[Late night meteorite. 】


Akromar was originally a person with a top IQ, and no one knew whether he did this on purpose or whether it was really just unintentional.

Late night meteorite?

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

I don't know if the disappearance of United Champion Adek has something to do with Team Plasma?

Or, is it related to this late night meteorite?

Throw the note to the fire-breathing dragon next to him.

With a flick of the fire-breathing dragon's tail, the note was instantly annihilated into mist in the fiery orange-red flame.

Immediately looked at Joanna.

You can't believe all of Akromar's words, but you can't disbelieve them either.

After all, no one knows whether Akromar really had a disagreement with Quecchis, or if it was just an act of confusing sight.

It is impossible to fully trust Akromar now.

Even if he established a tacit understanding with the Hunter Guild.


If he really had a conflict with Quecchis and wanted to stop him, shouldn't contacting the alliance be the real thing to do?

Informing them of the choice of the Hunter's Guild itself has certain thought-provoking problems.


The whereabouts of the Plasma team cannot be completely determined, and it is difficult to say whether they actually took action.

If the Hezhong Alliance is informed, wouldn't it also reveal that there is a certain connection between the Hunter Guild and the Alliance?

Whether he really wants to do something or has some special arrangements is still unclear.

Joanna nodded upon hearing the words.

I'm going to do a simple investigation. You are always ready to staff, and let me know as soon as you have any news. Xia Yan said after thinking for a while.


Late Night Meteorite: A huge meteorite from the universe in the super ancient times. It was scattered when it touched the atmosphere of the elf world. many regions.

In the original book, Team Plasma and Team Rocket started chasing the late night meteorite.

I want to obtain the terrifying energy contained in it to achieve a certain purpose.

However, those two episodes were postponed indefinitely due to some special reasons. In the end, everyone could only see the preview of the two episodes. At the same time, it completely disrupted all the plot arrangements of the animation team at that time. play.

But Xia Yan still knew a little about the information about this late night meteorite that contained huge energy.

Dust and sandstorm whistling by.

Riding on Latios, Xia Yan came to the huge desert between Feiyun City and Raven City.

In ancient times, it was the most prosperous and lively area in the Hezhong area.

Two thousand and five hundred years ago, the ancients and the people established a huge ancient town and even a kingdom here.

It's just that with the changes of the times and the changes of history.

The once prosperous ancient town has now been completely submerged in the yellow sand all over the sky.

And some remnants and historic sites have become a relatively famous wilderness scenic spot in the Hezhong area.

It's just because the desert is too huge, and there are too many wild elves living in it, with different strengths, so ordinary people can only be active in the periphery of the wilderness scenic spot.

The No. 4 road in the Hezhong area goes straight through this wilderness scenic spot.

Ordinary people and general trainers are mostly active around the No. 4 road, but cannot go deep into the depths of the desert.

Because the environment there is too harsh.

But the ferocious sandstorms in the sky are not something ordinary trainers and elves can resist, let alone the wild elves that live in the desert.

But Xia Yan knew.

The ancient city shown in the so-called wilderness area is only the outer area of ​​the real ancient town.

The core area of ​​the real ancient city is still buried deep in the desert.


If nothing goes wrong, the Late Night Meteorite was also collected by the ancient royal family at that time and placed in the depths of the real ancient city.

Xia Yan, who deliberately put on a windproof jacket, crossed the edge of the desert and directly entered the most dangerous and harshest area in the center.

The palm brushed against the waist.


The burning worm appeared in front of him in the red light.

The heat in the desert makes Burning Worm feel very comfortable, like a duck to water.

And a human like Xia Yan, who appeared in the center of the desert with extremely poor supplies, must have become a fragrant bun in the eyes of many elves active in the desert immediately.

This is not.

The burning worm had just appeared, before he had time to take a deep breath and feel the dry and hot atmosphere around him.

The abnormal movement in the surrounding desert immediately attracted its attention.


Quicksand slides.

In the blink of an eye, a bunker formed by a small quicksand vortex appeared in the sight of Xia Yan and Burning Worm.

next second.


In the large expanse of flying sand that suddenly bulged, there was a sound full of menacing charm, and at the same time, a ferocious red and black beast stepped on the sand and charged straight at it.

Like an extremely good hunter, quietly waiting under the sand.

When seeing the prey appear, it will rush forward without hesitation at the first time, bite the prey to death with the most fierce and deterrent sharp teeth, and then drag it into the familiar desert.


It's the bully of the desert, Rogue Crocodile!

While tearing Sha Shuo to block his sight, the stench from his bloody mouth seemed to be in his nostrils.


Facing the ferocious rogue crocodile, Burning Worm, who already had enough combat experience, didn't show any panic.

Instead, he quickly spewed out golden flames, and at the same time quickly swept away the blowing sand that obscured his vision, he leaped forward with all his might.

In terms of viciousness alone, there is no comparison between burning worms and rogue crocodiles.

But in terms of size and strength, the Burning Worm, which has undergone Xia Yan's rigorous training and obtained many strange benefits, is not inferior to the rogue crocodile.

Flames instantly rose from the five crimson tentacles, enveloping the burning worm, and the forward speed accelerated again, like a huge cannonball shot out.

From the collision of Crush and Flash Charge.

boom! ! !

Large expanses of sand and dust exploded due to the aftermath of the collision.

Among the scattered sand and dust, a figure entwined with golden flames spit out a thread and wrapped it around the rogue crocodile. At the same time, with the help of the thread's pull, the rogue crocodile that had been bounced back was pulled back again, turned over and jumped on its body. back.

Bite down hard.

blood sucking!

for a while.

The hard scale armor on the rogue crocodile's back instantly shattered, tearing off the crimson scale fragments one by one.


The rogue crocodile who was in pain suddenly roared in pain.


Whether relying on the strength of its own limbs or the pulling of the silk thread, the burning worm lay on the rogue crocodile like a gangrene, constantly drawing strength from its body.

The original damage caused by Flashing Flame Charge was immediately made up and recovered under the action of Blood Sucking.

boom! !

Two overlapping figures hit the sand heavily.

No matter how the rogue crocodile struggles, it will not help.

What it felt from its back was not only the pain caused by the burning bug's bite, but also the burning sensation after losing the protection of its scales, and the panic of the rapid loss of energy in its body.

Only then did it realize.

It has provoked an existence that shouldn't be provoked, this is not the prey it can catch.

In a desperate situation, the rogue crocodile could only plan the sand continuously, drill into the bottom of the sand, and tried to use the sand to drive away the burning worms on its back that were constantly sucking its energy.


As the sand squirmed, the rogue crocodile and the burning worm disappeared from Xia Yan's sight.

The desert seemed to be calm again.

But Xia Yan didn't move, just stood there calmly, looking around.


The sand underfoot squirmed again.

The burning worm slowly emerged from the sand.


He even hiccupped exaggeratedly.

With clasped hands, he bowed slightly towards the calm sand.

Woo~~ (Thank you for the hospitality.)

The corners of Xia Yan's eyes twitched when he heard this.

If the rogue crocodile, which has lost its fighting ability, heard the last words of the burning worm, it would probably be able to jump up and fight for another 300 rounds.

However, with the recovery ability of the blood-sucking move, the burning bug's endurance in battle will be significantly improved.

If there is a big rhizome, the endurance will be further improved.

Therefore, it is indispensable to have a long-lasting big rhizome.



The Burning Worm stood up, its blue eyes under the white fluff, looking straight at somewhere in the desert.

It seems that the sight can pass through layers of sandstorms and see a certain corner deep in the desert.

The five red tentacles on his body swayed slightly, and strands of golden flames surrounded and intertwined them.

Xia Yan had a thought.

Burning Worm, do you feel anything?


Burning Worm nodded again and again, blinking his blue eyes.

It can't say what it is specifically, it just feels that in the depths of the desert, there seems to be something or an existence calling it faintly.

Xia Yan nodded secretly.


Burning bugs are sentient.

It is much more convenient to find the real ruins of the ancient city.

Then let's go and have a look.

Saying that, he raised his foot and walked towards the direction that the burning worm was looking at.

The Burning Worm hurriedly followed Xia Yan's footsteps, and followed him step by step to prevent another sudden attack by wild elves.

Two rows of footprints, one large and one small, appeared in this uninhabited desert.

But it was quickly overshadowed by a thick sandstorm.

The desert returned to calm again.

The danger hidden in it, if you don't really touch it, you can't feel it.

That's it. Thank you.

Xia Yan smiled and said to a group of silent wild elves around him.

A few rogue crocodiles, gangster crocodiles, and black-eyed crocodiles shook their heads again and again, and looked at the burning worm following Xia Yan in fear.

After receiving Xia Yan's signal, he fled into the desert as if fleeing.

And at this time.

What appeared in front of Xia Yan and Burning Worm was a dark and long tunnel leading to nowhere.

However, the structure of this channel is very strong.

Even if a thick layer of sand is pressed on it, its ancient but stable masonry structure can firmly bear such pressure.


It is the entrance to the real ancient city.

According to the faint call sensed by the burning worm, and with the help of the rogue crocodile group's familiarity with this desert area, Xia Yan finally found the real ancient city site before sunset.

This castle, which has existed for thousands of years, does not know whether it has been excavated or not.


Burning Worm pointed to the depths of the tunnel, feeling a little uncontrollable excitement.


The charm of its call is clearer.

As soon as he entered the passage, he could smell the ancient and simple atmosphere.

From the feeling of this breath alone, it seems that no one has come in.


The Burning Worm raised its short legs, stretched out towards a slowly falling bright flower spot, and blinked its eyes.

It seems to be curious.

Why are flower petals still visible in the underground tunnel deep in the desert?

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows involuntarily, and said with a half-smile: It seems that the once prosperous ancient city has now become the habitat of a large number of wild elves. We have entered the territory of other people.

Then, there are more and more petals.

The burning insect that touched the petal also felt a bit of sharpness on the petal, causing a slight pain in the foot and limb.

Petal Dance!

Xia Yan's expression was serious, and he commanded: Burning bug, hot wind!

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