The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 915 Use Xia Yan to make an alliance? (6k!)


The surrounding area is filled with green viscous liquid.

Although it doesn't affect breathing, it slows down movement.

Moreover, wrapped in so many unknown liquids, it gives people an extremely depressing feeling of suffocation.

It is psychological suffocation, not physical suffocation.


It's a super dream dream.

The subconscious space where consciousness and reality intertwine.

With the help of Darkley and Hu Di's abilities, Xia Yan entered Chaomeng's dreamland.

Frowning, he looked around.

Looking for traces of Mewtwo.

But here, viscous green liquid is everywhere, and nothing can be seen except for some bubbles that rise from time to time.

And looking as far as the eye can see, it seems to be boundless, and there is no end in sight.

What kind of dream is this?

Xia Yan has thought about it and guessed it.

Because Chaomeng was born not long ago, he doesn't know enough about many things, so it is likely to be an empty dream.

It is also possible that the dream will be violent and chaotic because too much incomprehensible information has been collected in a short period of time.

But I never imagined that it would be like this.

Nothing but water, just water.

Not even special water.

Xia Yan was taken aback suddenly.

He looked down at his palms.

You can see the palm of his five-fingered fingers. When he brushed it lightly, the viscous green liquid flowed across the fingers, causing faint ripples.

The pupils gradually dilate.

This is the incubator?!

Xia Yan's expression was slightly astonished.

He finally knew what the green liquid was.

That is the incubator used for special experiments. The reason why it is viscous is that it is filled with a lot of nutrients and rich in minerals.


What Chaomeng dreamed of was its days in the incubator?



Hu Di yelled softly.

Following its finger, Xia Yan finally saw a small black dot in the distance.

Approach quickly.

The black dots gradually enlarge.

The outline gradually appeared in the line of sight.

It's Chaomeng!

I saw it with its eyes closed and curled up at the moment.

From its back, especially from the neck, a large number of transparent conduits extended, leading upwards to an unknown direction.

It can even be seen clearly.

These tubes are bouncing slightly.

Like a heartbeat.

And among them, a more special liquid is flowing.

Maybe it felt Xia Yan's approach, or maybe something bad happened to him, Chaomeng slowly frowned.

after approaching.

It can be felt that Chaomeng at this time is like a sleeping and docile cat, without any danger.

It is in stark contrast to Mewtwo, who has fallen into an out-of-control frenzy in reality.

After Hu Di saw Chaomeng at this time, he couldn't help showing an unbearable look, and unconsciously felt a little guilty in his heart.

Beneath the seemingly peaceful surface, what lurks is actually helplessness and confusion.

Hollowness in the heart is not scary.

The terrible thing is that I realized the hole in my heart and wanted to fill it up as soon as possible, but I couldn't find any clue or angle of entry.


You can only stuff all the information you have obtained in one brain, which will cause Chaomeng's emotionally unstable situation in reality.

Hu Di was very happy.

It is fortunate that it has met Xia Yan since its birth.

He grew up under Xia Yan's careful care and teaching.

There are also elves such as Big Needle Bee, Pokkisi, and Shield Sword Monster.

This feeling may not be obvious at ordinary times, but after seeing Chaomeng in the dream, he unconsciously compares it with it, forming a sharp contrast.

But the more fortunate it is, the more it feels pitiful for Chaomeng.



Even if he has the top power in the entire elf world, in front of the emptiness in his heart, this power seems so pale and has no support.

What would happen if I exchanged places with Chaomeng?

Coincidentally, Hu Di, Darkley, and Xia Yan all had such thoughts in their hearts.

And with the emergence of this idea.

Several transparent tubes fell from above, restraining Xia Yan, Hu Di, and Darkley all.

They are not given time to struggle at all, nor are they given the ability to resist.

Just like Chaomeng in front of him, the tube extended into the blood vessel.

It was clearly just a dream, but I felt a piercing pain, the kind that came from the bone marrow.

Xia Yan opened his mouth to say something, but found that his body was gradually out of control, his consciousness became chaotic, his thoughts became slow, and his whole body entered a hazy state.

His vision gradually blurred, and there were fewer and fewer things he could see.

Xia Yan was shouting in his heart, but he couldn't make any sound.

Fear inevitably came to mind.

But nothing can stop the abnormally heavy eyelids from closing slowly.

The moment the light completely disappeared in the eye sockets, consciousness also stagnated.

In the vast green liquid, the four figures were suspended here like puppets.

Except for the occasional bubbles, the whole world seemed to be completely silent.

At first glance, it is like seeing a completely forbidden painting.

Red Lotus Island.

lava cave.

Sakagi frowned tightly, sending out instructions one after another.

Even his elves were very tired after a long and intense battle.

That is to say, with the Power of Tokiwa as support, and Xia Yan's elves have enough self-fighting awareness to restrain the support from the side, otherwise Sakagi wouldn't be able to hold on for long.

Super Mewtwo X seems invincible.

Falling down again and again, and standing up again and again.

Once Self Regeneration is swiped, the state can be restored to the original state.


Sakagi also has to take into account Xia Yan who fell into a deep sleep and entered the super dream dreamland.

It is also necessary to avoid and disperse the gradually collapsing Red Lotus Cave.

Fortunately, although Super Chaomeng X can splice subconsciousness and combine dream talk to fight, it is not as fast as subjectively performing moves after all.

Most importantly, Super Mewtwo X, who fell into a deep sleep, is not as irritable as before.

Boom——! !

As Honglian Island shook violently again, part of the rock that had collapsed above Honglian Cave finally couldn't hold on anymore and collapsed.

At this moment, it was as if the sky had collapsed.

Sakagi couldn't help but spit, and appeared beside Xia Yan, carrying him up.

Together with Xia Yan's spirit, protect him from collapsing rocks and lava, while fighting the sleeping Mewtwo and its constant approach to the ground.

And when the pattering moist rain air floated on his face and condensed into water droplets.

They finally returned to the ground of Red Lotus Island.

Xia Yan!


A voice of surprise, worry, and astonishment came from afar.

Xia Yan!

Accompanied by a few bursts.

Riding a fast dragon, a flashing giant golden monster, Du, Kona, Dawu, and Sirona who were biting the land shark, appeared in front of the ruins where the slightly embarrassed Sakagi stood.

When he saw Sakagi carrying Xia Yan, Du's pupils suddenly shrank.


After hearing Du's words, the people who fell one after another were also full of astonishment.

They managed to complete the task assigned by Xia Yan as quickly as possible.

The residents on Red Lotus Island were evacuated, and the surrounding wild elves were dispersed as much as possible.

There was no time to rest, so under Du's call, they were going to support Xia Yan together.

I also felt the violent shaking of Honglian Island and the boiling sea water halfway, so I had to speed up again.

But I can't think of it.

When they saw Xia Yan again, it was actually on the broad shoulders of the leader of the Rockets, Sakagi.

This moment.

Of course they didn't feel that it was Sakagi who was protecting Xia Yan.

only feel.

Xia Yan was captured by Sakamu.

All of a sudden, everyone's expressions became tense to the extreme.

Seeing Du and the others appearing, Sakagi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Immediately, he glanced at Xia Yan who was on his shoulder, and suddenly smiled.

boom--! !

Xia Yan was thrown to the ground by Sakamu.

Xia Yan!

Seeing this scene, Du and the others exclaimed.

The elf ball in his hand flew out quickly.

Dozens of elves appeared in front of them.

Even if what they are facing at this time is the notorious Rockets leader Sakagi, the rumored Dadi Sakagi.

The one who existed a generation earlier than them.

The existence that even the older generation of powerhouses such as Juzi, Genji and others are very afraid of.

But after seeing Xia Yan encountering danger, he had no time to think about who his opponent was, and just chose to attack brazenly.

just listen.

Charizard, Gyarados, Mega!

Stupid beast, Mega!

Megro, Mega!

Bite the land shark, Mega!

In an instant, the five elves were enveloped in super-evolved energy.

That is, there are no reporters and cameras now.

Otherwise, just this scene is enough to make the headlines of tomorrow's news.

Sakagi couldn't help being dumbfounded seeing the four of them super-evolved one after another, looking as if they were going to fight for their lives.

He swept away Xia Yan who was thrown into the mud by him on the ground.

'I didn't expect this kid's friends to be pretty good. '

Not everyone would dare to make a move after knowing that the opponent was Sakagi.

Not everyone is willing to bet their lives for a friend in an instant.

Although, it is impossible for Sakagi to attack Xia Yan.

But for the four people who didn't know it, when they saw the leader of the Rockets and the four heavenly kings of the alliance who were bound to be in the same situation, and also saw the four heavenly kings being carried by the leader of the Rockets, many things didn't need any explanation.

Declaring war on Sakagi is a necessary way for them to rescue Xia Yan!

The booming thunder suddenly appeared, and Reggie Eleki was suspended in the air.

The tumbling magma gushes out, and Sidolan controls the magma in the Red Lotus Mountain.

Fast dragon, tyrannosaur, Laplace, thorn shell and other elves.



Did not wait for them to make a move.

boom--! !

The ruins exploded, and the figure of Super Mewtwo X rushed straight out of the ground.

Huang Huang's superpowers surround his body, and the rain falling from the sky, the strong wind blowing, and the beating waves cannot get close.


With the appearance of Super Mewtwo X, the elves of Du and the others became highly concentrated in an instant, and their muscles tensed up, as if they had encountered some terrifying existence.

what is that?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

I just think it's such a strong super power!

Sakagi grinned.

Want to save this kid?

During the conversation.

Sakagi stepped on Xia Yan's body.

The dark leather shoes, covered with mud, left a footprint on Xia Yan's body.

Du almost couldn't hold back and rushed up, but fortunately, Dawu stopped him.

what you up to?

In Sakagi's smile, there was a little more seriousness.

If you want to save him, solve Chaomeng first. Otherwise.


Everyone followed his line of sight.

I saw that Sakagi's elves and Xia Yan's elves were already entangled with the sleeping Chaomeng.

If Xia Yan was still awake and saw this scene, he would definitely applaud.

Boss Sakagi, good acting skills.

And Du and the others finally felt the power of Super Mewtwo X.

This is the elf that Sakagi wants to deal with or subdue?

If such a powerful elf is subdued by Sakagi, then the Alliance

Little Dian! The Lightning Cage!

Sirona strode forward, the pattering rain had already soaked her golden hair, and it hung wetly on her clothes, but her expression was extremely serious, suppressing the anger in her eyes, and made a bold move.

The target, of course, is Super Mewtwo X!

Following Sirona's decisiveness, Du and the others also recovered from their brief astonishment.

Without the slightest hesitation, they shot one after another.

Charizard, fire flames!

Stupid beast, mental shock!

Megan monster, Comet Fist!

Saw them shoot.

The smile on Sakagi's face became thicker again.

He glanced at Xia Yan who was still sleeping on the ground.

The shoes twisted on his clothes, leaving more mud, making Xia Yan look even more embarrassed.

Well, it's more realistic that way.

‘Speaking of which, if I hadn’t seen the current scene and only used the Masters as a reference, I would have thought they were plastic friends. Ah--'

These little fellows in front of them, with their current talents, are enough to serve as the Four Heavenly Kings of a region.

Maybe it can go further.

But for the sake of Xia Yan, he could listen to his Sakagi's arrangements.


When they become the champions of each region in the future, won't they be able to command the four regions directly if they capture Xia Yan?

Relying on Xia Yan to order the alliance?

Interesting, interesting.

at the same time.

We can't help Sakagi achieve his goal.

Du and the others were also communicating.

But Senior Xia Yan is in his hands.

So we just need to help stop this unknown elf, don't try to defeat it, although it is very strong, even if we work together, it won't be able to defeat it.

See if you can get close to Xia Yan, or contact Xia Yan's elf, we must rescue him first!

Be sure. No matter what the result is, the first and most important goal is to rescue Xia Yan!


Several people quickly determined a simple plan.

Xia Yan's rescue plan!

I don't know how long it has been.

Maybe just for a brief moment.

It could also be an extremely long period of time.

Consciousness gradually returned, and the body gradually regained control.

With the trembling of his eyelids, Xia Yan in the dream space slowly opened his eyes.

What he saw was almost exactly the same as what he saw when Chaomeng just woke up.

'I am Chaomeng? No, I'm Xia Yan! '

Xia Yan was slightly dazed.

After a few brief slide-like screens.

The sight was restored again, and I saw Chaomeng who was also hanging in the air on the opposite side and had opened his eyes.

What does it feel like?

At this time, Chaomeng seemed very calm, and suddenly asked.

Xia Yan first glanced at Hu Di and Darkley beside him.

Can the Nightmare God be controlled by others in the dream?

But Darkley opened his eyes and looked at Xia Yan.

[I don't feel its malice. 】

Xia Yan was silent.

Nodding slightly, he looked at Chaomeng again.

I recalled a little how I felt when I was restrained.

Although, at that time, his consciousness was already chaotic, and he couldn't see anything with his eyesight, and he couldn't even perceive the passage of time.

But one can feel that there seems to be an inexplicable force constantly manipulating it.

According to the other person's idea, make yourself into what the other person wants.

The kind of fear that called every day unresponsive, that made the earth not work, continued to erode him.

Is this what Chaomeng feels like?

After a while, Xia Yan said slowly: It's very uncomfortable, very confused, very helpless, and very scared.

Chaomeng nodded slightly, didn't speak, and didn't even change his expression.

Maybe it didn't even realize that when it looked at Xia Yan again, there was a little bit of approval in the depths of its eyes.


This is the recognition brought about by sharing adversity.

Xia Yan also experienced the same experience as Chaomeng.


It also includes Hu Di.

Darkley, on the other hand, had no effect.

At this time, Hu Di also slowly opened his eyes.

Immediately, he looked towards his side, saw Xia Yan, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Then the same complex emotions flashed in Xia Yan's eyes as when Xia Yan woke up.

Seeing this scene, Chaomeng couldn't help showing a little envy.

It said again: Can I tell you about you?

Xia Yan looked at Hu Di, and Hu Di also happened to look at Xia Yan.

Seeing this, one person and one elf looked at each other and smiled.

Yes, I can not only tell you what happened between me and Hu Di, but I can also tell you what happened between me and each of my elves.

Chaomeng nodded without objecting.

Xia Yan didn't speak any more, and said casually: I remember, I met the unicorn at that time on a hazy rainy day

Afterwards, Xia Yan talked about the process of meeting, acquaintance, acquaintance, and staying together with all his elves.

When talking about the unicorn training hard for Xia Yan and it to survive, Chaomeng's expression became serious.

When it comes to Hudi's mother, Yongjila, who used superpowers to moisten its elf eggs before she died in order to protect it, Chaomeng's expression became sad.

When talking about Bokby erasing the road signs left by Xia Yan in the underground cave, Chaomeng showed a little joy.

When it comes to Du Jianshen being timid and overly cautious but has a violent side, Chaomeng is stunned.

When it comes to the little flame monkey following Xia Yan out of Gulardo's different space, and training hard to become stronger and catch up, Chaomeng showed admiration.

Talking about the first time Latios was injured and cried in the battle, Chaomeng showed his pampering.

When talking about how many years Doron Baruto has been locked up in the laboratory of Regi Chikas different space, Chaomeng showed his empathy.

When talking about the little Ibrahimovic sticking to Xia Yan and unwilling to let go and often sticking to Xia Yan's hair, Chaomeng showed envy.

Talking about Xiao Liuwei slowly walking out from the protection of his mother, and now he can be alone in Xia Yan's hands, Chaomeng showed longing.

Talking about Soroya waiting for Xia Yan in Xicui Time and Space for decades without evolving, and when he finally waited for Xia Yan, Chaomeng showed respect.

Speaking of

One by one, one by one, Xia Yan remembered everything related to the elves very clearly.

And every piece is like a treasure.

The more popular the way of telling, the more serious Chaomeng listened.

Unknowingly, a melancholy smile appeared on Xia Yan's face.

turn out to be.

He looked back and realized that he had experienced so many things with the elves.

Even Darkley, who was next to him, looked at Xia Yan with some special halos in his eyes after hearing these words.

And it was Chaomeng who was really fascinated by it.

The hole in its heart was slowly filled and gradually filled with what Xia Yan said.

Joy, anger, sorrow and joy, joys and sorrows.

It also seemed to simply walk through Xia Yan's short life.

Xia Yan uses what he and the elves have experienced to reshape Chaomeng, or to establish correct values, elves, and consciousness on Chaomeng who is like a blank sheet of paper.

Are you not ignorant?

Then I will use myself as a guide to clarify your heart.

I don't know how long it has passed.

After listening, the dream space fell into a long unbroken peace.


It wasn't until Chaomeng's seemingly calm thank you that everyone came back to their senses.

Chaomeng looked at Hu Di with uncontrollable envy in his eyes.

Brother, I really envy you.

Hudi. Hu Di said sincerely.

Chaomeng let out a long breath, his curled body stretched slowly, and the tubes on his body fell off one by one.

looked up.


Although both are thank you, it seems that the meaning of the two thank you before and after is different.

However, as Chaomeng's words fell, the entire dream space began to dissipate quietly.

Consciousness, slowly return to the body.

Xia Yan, who fell into the mud, slowly opened his sleepy eyes.

Subconsciously looked towards the sky.

Super Mewtwo X has changed back to Mewtwo again, hovering in the air with eyes closed, and stopped the output of superpowers and violent emotions.

Xia Yan propped himself up on the ground and sat up.

I don't know why I fell into the quagmire, and my back still hurts a little.

But after he sat up, he looked down.

At some point in his hand, there was a bright and crystal super evolutionary stone.

It is Mewtwo's Super Evolution Stone X!

Counting the piece that Hudi cut off before, Chaomeng's two super evolutionary stones have already fallen into his hands.

And Xia Yan also understood Chaomeng's meaning.

These two super evolutionary stones are temporarily handed over to him for safekeeping.

Before Chaomeng has not clarified the meaning and value of its own existence, it will not try to super-evolve again.


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