The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 908: The Source of the Riot (Triple in One)



After entering this space, Xia Yanhe Du's first feeling was like being in a sea of ​​fire, dripping with sweat.

This is still in the case that Hu Di's superpowers have isolated the surrounding temperature.

Hu Di strengthened the strength of his superpower, which eased the hot feeling.

look up.

All around, no matter on the ground, on the rock wall, or above the head, there are a lot of fiery red magma.

As if directly from the world under the sea, came to the magma world.


It is probably directly below Honglian Island, where Honglian Volcano holds the crust, and it is also the place where the magma is most active.

Not far from this space is the area where magma flows outward.

It is precisely because of the billowing magma flowing out that such a small but fiery space appears here.

The elf ball on Xia Yan's waist opened by itself.

Burning Worm appeared in front of Xia Yan with a face full of joy.

Woo~ woo~~

A cheerful voice followed, and it came to its favorite environment.

Xia Yan gently rubbed the little guy's head, and looked at the place where the magma flowed out along the crack.


Not only is there a large group of water elves besieging outside, but also many fire elves living in the magma are defending.

It is precisely because of the stalemate between the two sides.

Only then did the ocean currents surrounding Honglian Island be destroyed.

However, these fire elves cannot be blamed.

After all, once the water elves outside rushed in with surging sea water, the loss would not be as simple as the territory, but also their living home.

The magma is washed by the sea water, and it is really uncertain how much hot magma will be left in the end.

Can't do it well.

The entire Honglian Island's Red Lotus Volcano, an active volcano, will be extinguished and become an extinct volcano.

That would be a catastrophe for these water elves living in the magma.

At first.

In the different space of Gulardo, the homeland of Vulcan Moth, isn't it because the volcano went out that led to the extinction of the entire group, and in the end only one Vulcan Moth remained.

Even a group as powerful as the Vulcan Moth can be extinct, which shows how important a comfortable habitat is to wild elves.

This is also the reason why those elves living in the wild are constantly fighting desperately for territory and resources.


After Xia Yan and the others came in, the elves who were active in the magma also noticed the existence of Xia Yan and the others.

Immediately, they were regarded as intruders like the group of water elves outside.

The fire elves who were already red-eyed, no matter why Xia Yan and the others appeared here.

I saw an elf with red eyes, a body like viscous magma, and a shell formed by the solidification of lava on his back, with wisps of flame overflowing from the cracks in the shell.

Lava Snail!

Without further ado.

A mouthful of fiery flames spewed out, aiming at Xia Yan and the two of them.

In such a hot environment, the surroundings are filled with rich fire energy and elements, which makes this jet flame of the lava snail look extremely surging.

the most important is.

Among the elves in the magma that resisted the water elves, there were still many coal turtles.

And from the carapace of one of the quasi-king-level coal turtles, dazzling and scorching breaths are constantly erupting, making the fire energy in this small space extremely active.

Sunshine feature!

In the space at this time, there is not only hot magma, but also the blessing of sunny weather, which makes the moves of the fire elves more powerful and terrifying.

But for Xia Yan and Du, the only good thing is that they are finally not shackled by the turbulent sea here.

Du immediately threw the poke ball.

As the red light flickered, an orange-red elf flapped its wings and claws, splitting the flames from the lava snail.


It's the fire-breathing dragon that crosses!

The roar echoed in this small space.

Floating under the air current rolled up by the fire-breathing dragon, the magma became more and more hot.

Xia Yan. Du turned his head and called.

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

I'm all red-eyed. I probably won't listen to us. If you want to stop the magma from leaking out, you must defeat all the elves living in the magma and the water-type elves outside.

The two agree.

Regardless of the reason for these elves, the sea level around Red Lotus Island must be calmed down as soon as possible.

Otherwise, not only will weak elves be injured or even die, but the residents of Red Lotus Island will not be completely safe, and in the end, Red Lotus Island may completely disappear on the territory of Kanto.

So Xia Yan flipped his palm and threw it out.

The flame monkey was also summoned.

Du grinned.

It's been a long time since we cooperated.

Hey. Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

Then let's see how the tacit understanding between the two is now.

The fire-breathing dragon spread its wings, rolled up a billowing heat wave, and galloped towards the group of fire elves, its body dancing, and the Dance of the Dragon brought a rapid rise in momentum.


Charizard is fast, but there are others faster than it.

With a serious expression, the flaming monkey stomped on the ground, and the flames all over his body rose up and shot out like cannonballs.

It appeared beside the fire-breathing dragon in the blink of an eye, and passed it in the next second.


The crisp sound of Hi-five surprise attack fell.

The lava snail had a stiff expression.

Immediately afterwards.

The sharp dragon claws of the fire-breathing dragon tear the space and wipe it down.

Three eye-catching scratches were left on the hard shell of the lava snail.

Flame Monkey took advantage of the opportunity to make up the Enhanced Fist.

While knocking the lava snail into the air, it also completely lost its ability to resist.

The whole process is just a short moment.

The two elves who had completed the defeat did not stop.

The fire-breathing dragon's wings glowed white, and it rushed into the group of fire elves. Two flashes of light appeared and flickered, and a coal turtle and a duck-billed fire beast were knocked into the air.

A fiery pillar of fire shot from the side of the fire-breathing dragon, followed by three or four pillars of fire, which condensed and mixed in an instant to form a monstrous sea of ​​flames, sweeping towards the fire-breathing dragon.

But for this scene, the fire-breathing dragon didn't care. It just swung its tail again, and with its strong dragon energy, it repelled an approaching molten ant.

And before the sea of ​​flames fell, the flame monkey carrying flames appeared beside the fire-breathing dragon.

The fire in his eyes shot out, and he punched the ground hard.

Amidst the rumbling sound, hot magma surged, and a huge magma column rose from the ground.

The pillars wrapped in the magma contained extremely high temperature, coupled with the energy contained in it, it directly split the sea of ​​fire in half from the middle.

Causing the sea of ​​fire to pass.

But only the middle area was not affected.

And in this area, it is naturally where the flame monkey and the fire-breathing dragon are standing at the moment.

The two elves are back to back.

The four eyes flicked back and forth.

There was no emotional turmoil just because he blocked this move.

next second.

In the sea of ​​flames, the Fiery Beast, whose body was bathed in flames, rushed out, lying on the ground with all four limbs, and rushed towards them at a fast speed.

Run with it.

It seemed that the flames all over his body and the surrounding flames were being absorbed by its body, crazily accumulating, waiting for the moment of eruption.

Accumulated Flame Strike!

The flame monkey stomped on the ground.

The rock beneath his feet crumbled instantly.

The rich ground-based energy shot towards the fiery beast along with the ejected rocks.

Tight and the fire-breathing dragon turned around.

Dragon Claw waved again.

Slapped the fiery beast's paw, which was affected by the stomp, back into the flames.

While the fire-breathing dragon turned around, the flame monkey also made a wrong step and appeared behind the fire-breathing dragon again.

Clenched fists, carrying a dark red flame.

Blocking the fiery red whip that was trying to sneak attack with a punch, it was the Flame Penedant who cast the Flame Whip.

It was another punch from the bottom up that hit the flame pedipale's chin heavily.

Knock it away.

The fire-breathing dragon's tail, which was burning with surging flames, lashed out, sending it flying.

The cooperation of the two spirits cannot be said to be tacit understanding, but rather tacit understanding.

And the whole process from when they rushed in to being surrounded by a large number of fire elves took only three or four seconds.

But the results were exceptional.

To know.

This is the deepest part of the volcano, where the magma is most active. It cannot be said that it is inaccessible. It is almost impossible for anyone to appear in this place.

Coupled with the fact that the active volcano is filled with such rich fire energy and mineral elements, it is simply a paradise for some fire elves.

Therefore, the fire elves here are quite outstanding in strength without the intervention or interference of external forces.

Most of them have the strength of elite level and hall master level, and there are also a large number of quasi-king-level elves.

Facing the siege of so many elves, especially the siege of the fire-type elves that are very cooperative, even if the fire-breathing dragon and the flame monkey are heavenly kings, they will definitely not be easy.

can now.

The two elves flew up and down, protecting each other, and making up for each other, and they managed to gain a firm foothold among the hordes of fire elves.

This alone is enough to show that although Xia Yan and Du haven't cooperated in battle for a long time, the tacit understanding is not only not worse than before, but is getting better and better.

Of course, this is also related to the two people's ability to understand and use tactics and their command ability to become stronger, but it also has a lot to do with knowing each other well enough.

The two looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

As the fire-breathing dragon and flame monkey gained a firm footing, Xia Yan threw a few more elf balls again.

Summoned Fairy Eevee, Little Six Tails, Shelled Dragon and Nummy.

There are quite a few elite level, hall master level, and quasi-king level elves here, which can give them enough exercise.


Xia Yan and Du needed to close this gap as soon as possible, but they couldn't defeat all the elves in the magma so quickly.

This will lead to a complete imbalance in the strength of the internal and external parties, and the sea will pour back.

In just a few seconds, the elves inside the magma had already had a considerable impact, and the attacks of the water elves outside became more and more fierce.

A lot of seawater has broken through the barrier and poured in.


What Xia Yan and Du had to do was not only to defeat the elves inside, but also to weaken the elves outside as much as possible.


Even if this gap is blocked, it is uncertain whether it will be forcibly broken by the water elves outside again.

Therefore, Fairy Ibrahimovic was given enough opportunities to exercise.

Du seemed to have thought of this too, and summoned his two-axe battle dragon, red-faced dragon, Hack dragon and other elves below the king level.

Seeing the red-faced dragon, Xia Yan couldn't help but glance at him.

very good.

Dragon Traitor and Dragon Shame are all collected, and it is worthy of being the king of the dragon family.

Elves are still very resistant to temperature, especially dragon elves, who can more or less touch the flames.

The only one who feels uncomfortable may be Xiaoliuwei.

And the happiest one is naturally the burning bug.



With a loud cry, the situation changed again.

I saw a platypus beast bathed in magma, turned its arms into the muzzle, and aimed at Xia Yan and the group of elves.

This is a heavenly king-level platypus!

Although an elf like the duck-billed flame beast needs the help of the lava amplifier prop from the duck-billed fire beast to complete its evolution.

But in fact, there are still wild duckbills, but their evolution conditions are very harsh, and they have high requirements for magma.

It needs not only hot golden magma, but also a large amount of mineral elements and energy in it, and then through extreme compression, it can become a boost for its evolution.

The essence of the prop Lava Amplifier is actually to simulate this method, which strengthens the fire energy of the duck-billed fire beast and makes it evolve.

Coincidentally, with the activity and hotness of the magma in Honglian Mountain, it can barely meet the conditions for the platypus to evolve into a platypus.

And this heavenly king-level duckbill is also one of the main forces against the invasion of the water spirits outside.

Because it was influenced by Xia Yan and Du who were attacking from the rear, it chose to let go of its resistance to the water elves, and instead prepared to destroy their elves first.

And its appearance naturally greatly promoted the state of the group of fire elves in the magma.


It left the front line, causing the water elves outside to wreak havoc.

The surging sea water is like a wild horse running wild, rushing backwards crazily.

When in contact with the hot magma, there was a continuous hissing sound, and a large amount of boiling water vapor evaporated, filling the entire space in a short while.

Xia Yan's complexion changed slightly.

He shouted in a low voice: Hu Di, stop the seawater from pouring back!

The most difficult situation still appeared.

Not only do they have to face the elves in the magma, but they also need to face the water elves in the sea outside who are constantly agitating the water and launching attacks.


The backflowing seawater was temporarily blocked with the appearance of the film constructed by Hu Di's superpower silk thread.

Xia Yan's Menus, the two tyrannosaurs and the thorn dragon king who crossed also plunged into the sea water to block the attack of the water elves outside.

As the situation changed, Xia Yan and Du's main elves also began to end.

The fire elves in the inner magma are relatively easy to deal with.

Even later, because of the joining of the heavenly king-level platypus, the elves in the magma launched a violent counterattack.

But as Hu Di took advantage of the fire-igniting characteristic of the previous fiery beast and replaced it with the fire-breathing dragon and the flaming monkey, they completely lost their opponents among the group of fire elves.

It also gave the little guys in the second echelon a good training platform.

But the group of water elves outside were not so relaxed.

Part of the reason is that Xia Yan and Du's elves can't do much in the water.

The bigger reason is that there seems to be a steady stream of water spirits.

A large number of water-type elves continued to emerge from the depths of the dark trench. There were more elves to defeat, and more elves to join.

Even to a very exaggerated level.


These water elves living in the deep sea are also not disturbed by human footprints. Even though the environment is not as favorable as the fire elves in the magma, the ocean is bigger!

It can almost be said that the vast and boundless ocean, especially the depths of the seabed, is a place that cannot be conquered by human beings' current strength.

No matter which world you are in, the ocean will always be a place where human beings continue to explore and pursue.

This leads to.

Even if Xia Yan and the two can resist, it is impossible to defeat all the water elves.

the most important is.

As more and more water-type elves gathered, those overlord-like existences living in the deep sea gradually appeared.

A water arrow turtle that has survived for an unknown time, and a stinging jellyfish covered with unknown seaweed, and the appearance of two heavenly king-level elves further increased the pressure on Xia Yan and Du.


Some existence has been guiding these water elves to keep approaching here.

Now it is a quasi-king-level and a king-level elf.

Maybe at some point, there will be those champion-level elves who really live in the deepest part of the seabed, where even humans can't touch it for the time being.

At that time.

Xia Yan and Du Cai are really difficult to deal with.

As the fire-breathing dragon and the flaming monkey worked together to defeat the heavenly king-level platypus, and a group of elves forced the group of fire elves back, Xia Yan and Du officially took over the task of defending the huge crack here.

Although Hu Di's super power successfully blocked the backflow of sea water, the pressure Hu Di was under was also increasing with the increase of water-type elves.

Menus, Gyarados, and Spinosaurus, who were active in the sea, were gradually forced out of the crack and could no longer rush out.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands, not to mention so many elves.

Xia Yan, it won't work if we continue like this, not to mention that we won't be able to close the gap, we will also be consumed by this group of water elves. They seem to be summoned by some existence.

Du also noticed this keenly.

To say that the magma leaked out.

As a result, the powerful water elves in the deep trench of the Red Lotus Island swarmed in.

It is also impossible for so many powerful water elves to live in a trench.

Most of them came from farther places.

Although Hu Di's super power blocked both sea water and magma, and temporarily calmed the waters around Honglian Island, they couldn't leave.

Once Hu Di leaves, the situation will become the same as before.

I know. Xia Yan said with a sullen face.

His superpowers have been extended more than once, trying to find the root cause of the current situation.

But there is no result.


He also caught some clues.

The subjective consciousness of the group of water elves outside was indeed guided.

There is an existence secretly directing them to attack this crack.

‘Is it really Rogia? Not only did it not recover, it was once again affected by dark energy? To drive so many water elves? But why does it do this? '

Xia Yan couldn't help thinking.


If he and Du didn't show up, the fire elves in the magma would definitely not be able to stop this group of water elves from rushing forward.

In the end, the magma will be completely extinguished by the sea water, and a large number of fire elves living in the magma will die, and Honglian Mountain will become an extinct volcano.

Then what?

Xia Yan tried to reverse the opponent's purpose.

But halfway through the reverse push, it got stuck.

Because he couldn't find the reason why this group of water elves desperately wanted to invade the volcano.

Anyway, it is definitely not as simple as some minerals in the late magma.

But soon, Xia Yan's complexion changed again.

Trouble is coming.

What's wrong?

Du looked at Xia Yan.

To defend against attacks from both sides, Du temporarily focused on the fire elves of the magma crowd, while the water elves in the sea were handed over to Xia Yan, who has superpowers and can better sense and command.

But Du's heart sank when he heard Xia Yan's words.

If the current Xia Yan can say troublesome, I'm afraid.

see you.

A surge of sea water slapped fiercely towards Hu Di's superpower film.

The film constructed by the superpower threads bends and extends to a very exaggerated degree, as if it might break at any time, and the sea water will surge in.


But fortunately, after Hu Di let out a low drink with a serious expression, his super power erupted again, and he barely stopped him.

In the distance, a flat elf with fluttering wings, agitating the rushing water, quickly approached.

With the appearance of this elf, the surrounding water elves seemed to have regained their sanity a little, and they all gave way to a passage.

This is true even for the king-level water arrow turtle and the stinging jellyfish.

This kind of situation can only show that what is coming is.

Champion level!

A champion-level wild elf living in the vast deep sea!

Even for a place as vast as the sea, it is definitely a very rare existence.

An elf who is enough to become the overlord of a piece of sea was actually driven? !

What is the existence that guides everything behind the scenes?

After the elf approached, the expressions of Xia Yan's elves gradually became serious.

Champion elves are not terrible, but the trouble is in the water.

And there are so many powerful water elves around.

The outline gradually emerged.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and moved his lips.

Little fat fish?

The sea is too vast, and there must be champion elves that can grow wild even on land, but there are definitely some in the sea, but they are not usually encountered.

But now, Xia Yan and Du's luck came.

The giant-winged flying fish looked serious. It didn't seem to be completely affected, and became irritable like the group of water elves around it.

But it also locked the target on this crack.

Xia Yan. Du called out.

But before he finished speaking, Xia Yan interrupted him.

Take a deep breath.

Taking out the keystone, he nodded slightly to Hu Di beside him.

Wood, Mega!

His other elves are not easy to display in the water, and only Hu Di can be unaffected.

As the surging super-evolutionary energy enveloped Hu Di, Hu Di's super power soared again, and the range he could perceive expanded, making him feel something strange.

Xia Yan turned his head to Du and said:

Du, cultivate more water-type elves, our weak points are too obvious.

Whether it's him or Du, or Dawu and Sirona, the fighting power in the water is obviously insufficient, and maybe only Kona is slightly better.


Du was stunned.

I don't understand Xia Yan's meaning.

But Xia Yan had already turned his head, with his palms on Super Hudi's shoulders, all the scenes that Super Hudi could perceive at this moment appeared in his eyes.

Completed with Hu Di's super evolution.

Its super power has been greatly improved again.

Finally found the root of everything.

The reason why so many water elves rioted.

His superpower and Hu Di's superpower were fused together, and he said to Du again: I found the reason, here you can push it.

Du: ???

see you.

Xia Yan and Chao Hudi stepped out and disappeared into this space.

Only Du, who was full of question marks on his face, was left behind, as well as the surging champion-level giant-winged flying fish, and a large number of water-type and fire-type elves.

Du didn't know what to say.

I always feel that Xia Yan has dumped the blame on him.

But there is no way.

No one told Xia Yan to say that.

Du gritted his teeth and threw out several elf balls one after another, summoning all his elves.

At the same time, he shouted in a low voice.

Gyarados, Mega!

I couldn't help muttering something in my heart.

Who said I need to cultivate so many water-type elves.

The fast dragon that appeared pierced through the super power membrane and rushed into the water.

Kuailong can already be active in the water, but it can't last long.

Coupled with the Super Gyarados that has completed super evolution, it should still be able to deal with a champion-level giant winged flying fish.


Coupled with so many water elves around him, he was under a lot of pressure.

If one is not done well, it may be a fart.

Move fast, brat.

Although the mouth is cursing.

But his eyes were extremely firm.

Before Xia Yan comes back, he must protect this place!

at the same time.

With the help of Super Hu Di's teleportation, Xia Yan and it appeared in a brand new place.

Inside, not only is there no water flow, no magma, but it is also filled with a faint blue fluorescent light, illuminating this rather small space.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is still a large amount of viscous liquid with an unpleasant smell.

here it is.

Roaring into the mouth of the Whale King!

As for Xia Yan, who was holding his breath, his eyes fell on a blue elf not far in front of him.

The mood of this elf is very unstable.

finally found you.

The source of the riots of the water elves.

Prince Canghai, Manafei!

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