The low-level trainer of the elf world

Curriculum Summary + Testimonials

Digression: ask for a monthly ticket~~

The book was issued on August 4 last year, and it lasted 266 days until April 27 this year, with a total of 2.912 million words.

There are relatively few updates in two months, not including the new book issue.

In fact, it has only been seven months since it was launched.

I go.

Suddenly I feel so powerful.

cough cough.


330,000 words have been updated this month.

Today is the 27th, and there are still 3 days left.

I think this amount of updates is already very sincere.

But I think I should be able to charge again.

Who still remembers that when I first launched it, I said that I guaranteed a minimum of 6k words per day?

Closer to home.

This fifth volume is finally over.

Probably the longest volume I've written so far.

Every day, the minimum guarantee is 10,000, no, every day starts with 11,000, sometimes 12,000, or bursts to 20,000 words.

Hit a swollen face and pretend to be an eagle.

No interruption, no leave (even if you ask for leave, at least 4k updates are guaranteed).

It was tiring to be honest.

But very satisfying.

A very real reason, the more votes are counted, the more votes will be obtained.

Today is actually quite a coincidence.

It is not only the end of this volume, but also the day when this book gets a one-star glory.

As a new author.

Can get one star glory.

For me, it is indeed a very meaningful thing.

It is also a very fulfilling thing.

In the seven months since it was put on the shelves, this has been accumulated little by little.

Here, I would like to thank all allies for their strong support!

(Sneaky question, do you guys need warm beds?)

Of course, I also want to thank every small partner who subscribes.

Your subscription is the greatest support for me.

There is also a call for friends who watch pirated versions.

Although I also understand that some economic situations do not allow it.

But if you have the conditions and ability, you still hope to support it.

After all, a chapter is only two or three cents, which is not expensive.


I have never reported it, so let me report the results of this book.

(President Operations always wanted me to report it, but I repeatedly shirked it, but he insisted on it again and again)

I remember that because of my slow writing habit, the results when it was put on the shelves were not satisfactory.

The first order seems to be only 1650, and the average order on the first day is around 1350.


The high subscription of this book is 1.7k+, and the average subscription is 7k+.

They have doubled several times.

This kind of progress and improvement can not be achieved without the support and encouragement of every small partner.

after that.

I will work harder!

Explosive update, I have always been serious!

Then go back to the content.

The fifth volume, in my plan, is a very, very important volume.

I put too much emphasis on pen and ink to describe this volume.

The light and shadow I want to write is not just Arceus and its shadow at the end.

In fact, it also includes the light and shadows in the alliance, the light and shadows under organizations like the Rockets, the light and shadows of the Ethereum Foundation, and even the light (double ponytails) and shadows (Dark Warrior) among the beasts, etc.

It is a contradiction, not a concrete thing.

But well.

The idea is good.

But after all, my writing ability is limited, in fact, I am not very satisfied with the result.

You can see it together.

At least write what needs to be written.

The pits that should be dug are dug, and the soil that should be filled is filled.

As for the deeper pits, some of the pits in the previous article, that is the matter of the following article.

In terms of writing, there is more or less a little improvement, at least the vocabulary has increased a lot.

(Recently, I have been reading books to recharge my batteries, which has indeed played a big role.)

Finally look ahead.

Tell me about the next volume.

I'm still sorting out the outline of the title of the volume, so I haven't thought about it yet.

I'm almost done with the content.

When I sort out the detailed outline, I will update it if there is no accident.

It may also be two bursts.

In short.

If you have a monthly pass, just drop it, we have never let you down~~

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