The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 841 White Fang Keith (Three in One)

Cranky speaker cricket boss leader.

Has the strength of the king level.

Even for Big Needle Bee and Hu Di, they are considered good opponents.

Xia Yan also knew that Pokkisi and the others were eager to go one step further.

So he decided to take a little risk and see if the four little guys could work together to kill the speaker cricket.


Xia Yan also wanted to try Soraya's strength.

The previous elves were too weak for Sorolla, and they couldn't test Sorolla's true strength at all.

Together with Pokkisi and the others, we can also see whether Sorolla has the possibility of integrating into Xia Yan's team and system.

after all.

For a wild elf like Sorolla who already has a certain strength, the process of being subdued and integrated into the trainer's system is relatively difficult, time-consuming and laborious.

If it was an ordinary elf, Xia Yan might have given up.

But this Zoroya is different.

It itself is ready to integrate into Xia Yan's team, and is willing to make double efforts for it.

Then Xia Yan couldn't let him be disappointed and sad.

the most important is.

It's just Soraya.

You can have the strength that seems to be at the level of a heavenly king. If you evolve again, the upper limit may be very high.

No matter what the reason was, Xia Yan felt that it should be given a chance.

Of course, the main force of this battle is still the four little guys, Pokkisi, Sword Sword Monster, Latios and Fairy Ibrahimovic.

Are you all right?

Xia Yan glanced at the embarrassed girl behind her.

There was a little dirt on her face, but she still looked very delicate, with big blue eyes, a tall Qiong nose, capable short golden shoulder-length hair, and a red and white skirt, showing the girlish beauty It is playful and cute, but also retains a certain degree of flexibility.

She is Zhu Bei, the captain of the Pearl Team, and she has a high voice in Zhuqing Village.

Zhubei wiped the dirt on her face without being squeamish.

Reminded: Be careful, this is the leader, your elf is still a little bit worse.

Xia Yan smiled and nodded, without refuting, just said:

Please stop those bosses for me, and I will solve it.

Instead, he concentrated on dealing with the red-eyed speaker cricket.

Zhubei opened her mouth.

She really wanted to talk to Xia Yan about what boss leader means.

I just want Xia Yan to hold on.

When her elves break free from the siege of those bosses, the boss leader will be handed over to her.

But seeing that Xia Yan had shot without hesitation, he couldn't help stomping his feet, his mouth bulging slightly.

I feel that Xia Yan is a little arrogant.

But still try their best to intercept those more and more boss elves.

Pokkisi, air slash.

The starting hand, of course, is Pokkisi.

Cha Ke Yi!

Pokkisi hasn't been this excited for a long time.

It can clearly feel that the energy in its body is about to move, unable to hold back.

Two white circular arcs shot out with the vibration of its wings.

Speaker Cricket's eyes were red, but his fighting instinct was still there.

The cyan energy gathered on the red arm like a small scimitar, facing Pokkisi's two air cuts, he took the initiative to meet it.

Deadly needles!


The round blade formed by the condensed air broke instantly when it was hacked by the speaker cricket.

Xia Yan frowned.

He is still very familiar with Deadly Needle Sting, one of the favorite moves of the big needle bee.

Technical expert characteristics?

The characteristics of this speaker cricket can be judged by one contact.

Skilled Master: When using an attack whose power is lower than 60, the power will be increased by 50%.


Xia Yan changed his tactics instantly.

Pokkisi's eyes were black and sly.

Tie grass knots, round pupils.

Lattios's energy surged, and thick roots and vines broke through the ground, wrapping around the speaker cricket.

Fairy Ibrahimovic lay on the ground, a pair of huge pink eyes slowly opened behind it, with all kinds of grievances and weak emotions in the eyes, which made the knife in the speaker's hand slow down a bit.

However, the strength of the speaker cricket is much stronger than them.

There is a green light on the arm.

Swish, swish, swish a few slashes immediately cut off all the vines that Latios churned up.


While it was concentrating on dealing with the vines, a black shadow came quietly behind it.

Shield sword monster, shadow attack!


Just when the Shield Sword Monster was about to launch a sneak attack, Soraya at Xia Yan's feet suddenly yelled.

Hearing Soroya's words, the Shield Sword Monster froze slightly.

But the next second.

A sharp arrow covered with black awn slashed out from the shadow.

Although because of Zoroya's voice, the sword monster's movements were slightly slowed down, but the effect of the shadow sneak attack this time was a little better than Xia Yan expected.

Boom—! !

The speaker staggered.

Xia Yan looked at Soraya in surprise.

Soroya suddenly shook his head a little embarrassedly.

It has progressed to the present in a state of no evolution, and can even deal with the Ice Rock Monster King twice, and naturally has an extraordinary understanding of each move.

Shadow Sneak Attack is one of its best moves.

A simple reminder gave Strong Shield Sword Monster a new understanding of the Shadow Sneak Attack move.

Suddenly attacked from behind, the speaker cricket went into a rage.

A sharp and piercing sound came from its body, and it turned around quickly, the sharp blade drew a circular arc, and the green light was shining.


Before its attack landed on the Sword Monster's body, two pure white sharp blades suddenly fell from the air.

Air cut!

Pokkisi, with the cunning black light in his eyes slowly shrinking, gave timely support.

It seems that Pokkisi is a little excited today.

Air Slash was very lucky to trigger the additional effect, and the speaker cricket fell into a cowardly state, and his body was stiff.

And this time is naturally the best chance for the elves to erupt.


Lattios's energy agitated, his mouth opened slightly, and a bright white light beam quickly wiped across a short distance, and all of them leaned on the body of the speaker cricket.

Clean light!

A mass of scorched black emerged from the body of the speaker cricket. Lattios' luck was obviously infected by Pokkisi, which reduced the special defense of the speaker cricket.

Immediately afterwards.

A full moon shines from the top of Fairy Eevee's head, and the bright and soft halo is scattered.

The speaker cricket suffered pain from one attack after another, and finally regained his senses again.

But what greeted it was a sword monster with a strong shield spinning close at high speed!

Gyro Ball!

In terms of weight, not to mention that this speaker cricket is two or three times larger than ordinary speaker crickets, even if it is ten times larger, it is impossible to weigh as much as the existence of the sword monster with a dense body structure that is almost abnormal.

Boom—! !

So there is no doubt that the speaker cricket was blown away by the sword monster before it had time to vent its anger.

Hit the ground hard.

Take advantage of this gap.

Under Xia Yan's signal, Pokkisi started his trick again.

The vines broke through the ground again.

The four elves are not very strong for the speaker cricket.

But the difficulty of their combination far exceeded the expectations of the speakers.

All kinds of less harmful but extremely insulting moves made it fall into a disadvantage all of a sudden.

far away.

The combatants of Zhuqing Village stationed at the middle gate all stared at this scene in a daze.

They also knew that Xia Yan's four elves were not as powerful as the leader of the speaker cricket, but what did they see?

The speaker cricket, the boss leader, was suppressed.


Although they couldn't judge how much Xia Yan's command cooperated with his elf, the various feelings it gave them could be condensed into one word.


One ring adds one ring, one move stacks one move.

No move is useless, and no move is superfluous.

It seems very simple.

But if you put it in, you will find out.

This kind of situation will not happen if there is a star point deviation in any link.

Rather than saying that they are watching a battle, it is better to say that they are enjoying an art performance.



For the residents of Zhuqing Village, whose tactical conditions are very backward, the cooperation of Xia Yan and his elves is art.

Good, so strong.

Combatants with limited vocabulary could only say the word with a sigh.

Even Zhu Bei, the captain of the Pearl team who reminded Xia Yan to be careful before, opened his teeth slightly at this time, and looked at Xia Yan differently.

She had to admit that she underestimated Xia Yan a little bit.

With this ability, he might really be able to defeat the boss of this speaker cricket.

Of course, the person who pays the most attention to the battle here is actually Team Leader Xingyue who is in charge of this battle.

She hates bugs, almost the only weakness engraved in her bones.

But she is also very clear that whether or not this speaker cricket can be stopped will be the key to the outcome of this battle.

After seeing Xia Yan go to stop the speaker cricket, she was thinking.

Since Xia Yan can appease the Ice Rock Monster King, it must be no problem to stop the speaker cricket.

But seeing the elf Xia Yan summoned, he doubted his ability again.

until just now.

Seeing the perfect cooperation of Xia Yan elves, the hanging heart finally let go.

I understand what the perfect cooperation written by Bin Lian in the letter actually represents.

In addition, Xia Yan's commanding ability and adaptability demonstrated during the Battle of Zhongmen before.

There was only one thought in Xingyue's mind.

If all combatants in Zhuqing Village can learn this tactical ability from Xia Yan, then the overall combat ability of Zhuqing Village will be improved by more than one level.

at the same time.

Standing in the crowd by the wall, an old man with white beard and hair as the logistics team slowly put down the poke ball he was holding in his arms.

He grinned and nodded secretly, The little guy is amazing.

hiss--! !

The ear-piercing sound of worms rang out again.

boom--! !

The vines that were about to wrap around the speaker were split by several sharp knives again.

The tyrannical and ferocious breath is like the essence.

The speaker cricket vibrated its wings and jumped up.

Be careful! It's completely out of control!

Zhu Bei couldn't help reminding.

And the loudspeaker cricket rushing into the air, with its red eyes, has already locked on Pokkisi in the sky.

It can feel.

Among Xia Yan's elves, Pokkisi is the one who poses the greatest threat to it.

Whether it's the power of the moves or the special effects carried by the moves, they are the elves that threaten it the most.

The corners of Xia Yan's mouth raised slightly with calm eyes.


That's right, this is the real strength that a king-level elf should have.

The hearts of those who are paying attention here are tense.

Only Xia Yan seemed to have predicted this situation long ago.

None of Xia Yan's elves showed any signs of nervousness.

Especially Pokkisi who was targeted.

It even winked at the speaker cricket playfully.

The speaker cricket was stimulated by Pokkisi's provocation, its wings vibrated faster, and its mouth under the two black beards opened fiercely.

Rich bug-type energy gathers on the mouth.

Bug bites!

Seeing that he was about to hit Pokkisi, but Pokkisi remained unmoved.

Get away!

Those who were paying attention either spoke out directly, or roared inwardly.

They didn't understand why Pokkisi was motionless.

Even if the strength is not as good as the opponent, it shouldn't be difficult to dodge and delay the time.

Just like that.

Avoid the attack, and then wait for the rest of the elves to restrain, can't it be consumed slowly?

As long as it can be restrained, when the other group leaders and captains draw their hands, they will naturally be able to defeat the leader of the speaker cricket under the siege.

Was it frightened by the tyrannical breath of the speakers?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

If Xia Yan knew what they were thinking, he would definitely laugh even more happily.



That was not his character and his way of fighting, nor was it the way his elves were used to fighting.

The speaker cricket seems to attack fiercely. Once it attacks Pokkisi, even if there is attribute restraint, Pokkisi will not feel good because of the blessing of technical experts.

But they all overlooked one point.

Although this kind of enemy who attacks desperately is the most dangerous, it is also the easiest to defeat.

In Xia Yan's eyes, the current speakers are full of flaws.

Just when everyone's hearts were hanging in their throats, the playful Pokkisi's figure suddenly blurred.

The next moment is instant.

Appearing directly in front of the speaker, it was a shield sword monster holding a shield, eyes full of contempt and provocation!

King's Shield!

clang--! !

The collision of Bug Bite and King's Shield is like a speaker cricket using itself as a hammer to beat the exhausted seeds.

Bursts of sound waves shook the air.

Xia Yan felt that the impact of the cricket on the speaker probably hurt his forehead.

But the result was that the sword monster didn't move at all, and even used that rather signature move, dusting the hard shield with no trace of silk and satin, and provocatively hooked it towards the somewhat bewildered speaker. Hook.

The sound reverberated on the battlefield, and it was like beating on the hearts of everyone who was paying attention to this side.


what's the situation?

Also tactics?

this time.

It didn't wait for them to react, nor did it wait for the speaker cricket to react.

Pokkisi, who switched positions with the Shield Sword Monster, slashed two air cuts again.

With two trick blessings, plus the help of the fairy Ibrahimovic, Pokkisi's attack at this time is unbearable for the speaker cricket, not to mention that Latios has reduced its special power. case of defense.

boom! boom!

Two air cuts accurately hit the still dazed speaker cricket from behind.

Heaven's Grace was triggered again, and the speaker cricket fell into a cowardly state again.


Latios swung his wings, spit out the Dragon Wave and turned into a giant dragon, and then dived into it, swaying and rushing towards the cowardly speaker cricket.

Boom—! !

The speaker cricket, which was on a downward trend, was slammed into the sky again by Latios.

Immediately afterwards, there were two more air slashes with no misses.

While wiping the speaker cricket, he knocked it unconscious again after finally waking up.

Pokkisi itself is very lucky, but its luck belongs to the wave-to-wave kind.

Xia Yan has already reacted. Pokkisi, who is in excellent condition and excited, is in very good condition today.

Since the state is good, the controller can also serve as the main attacker.

Control and attack with one hand.

The loudspeaker cricket that was blasted into the air, this time it was greeted by a huge sword that suddenly fell from the air.

The Shield Sword Monster, which had once again transformed into a sword-wielding form, attacked without any hesitation or holding back.

The loudspeaker cricket flying to the sky was slammed down.


This time the active speaker still cannot touch the ground.

I don't know when the flame monkey that endangered the east wall of Zhuqing Village has been eliminated, and it appeared under the speaker cricket.

A fist the size of a sandbag in the flames soaring into the sky smashed it into the air again.

Cha Ke Yi~~

Pokkisi's energy surged, and the air slash that had been accumulated for a while slashed out again.

Its eyes were full of excitement.

And it didn't notice that its state, its emotions, and the energy fluctuations driven by these made its aura appear to be in a floating state.

But it didn't notice, it doesn't mean Xia Yan didn't notice.

Xia Yan was also a little surprised.

Of course, he couldn't be more familiar with this situation.

Shaking his head secretly, The little guy who likes to be lazy just needs stimulation.

After being chased by his younger brother and younger sister Latios and Fairy Ibrahimovic, Pokkisi must have felt some pressure.

Immediately, Xia Yan's tactics changed again.

After his reminder.

The rest of the elves also reacted.

So they decide.

Give the stage to Pokkiss!

Air Chop hits the speaker cricket again.

Pokkisi's figure exchanged with the Shield Sword Monster again, and continuously slashed out air slash!

next second.

Pokkisi and Latios exchanged positions after the attack was over.

Another air cut!

Poksky, who has entered a special state, does not seem to feel tired, nor does he have any worries about energy consumption.

Fairy Ibrahimovic began to concentrate on taking on the responsibility of supporting.

It is only responsible for delivering help to Pokkisi.

The flame monkey also became the helper, and it was responsible for blasting the sound box cricket that was about to fall into the sky again.

And Latios and the sword monster became the coordinates for Pokkisi to use the exchange venue.

for a while.

Those people in Zhuqing Village all opened their mouths, watching this scene in disbelief.

The leader, the loud speaker, whom they regarded as the most troublesome, turned into a ball and was constantly being hacked and hacked in the air. The point is that it has no ability to resist.

In their eyes, Pokkisi seemed to be divided into three.

Continuous output in the air tirelessly.


Among the crowd, whoever swallowed his saliva was unknown.

This sudden change from an artistic painting style to a blood abuse painting style made them a little uncomfortable.

It turns out that fighting can still be played like this?

That's right.

In their view, Pokkisi was just playing.

At this moment, there was only one thought in their minds.

Never mess with this Pokkiss!

The speaker cricket boss leader is the best example.

Cha Ke Yi! Cha Ke Yi!.

Pokkisi has not realized that it has become the fear of many combatants in Zhuqing Village, and has been labeled as absolutely not to be provoked.

It just swung the Air Slash again and again.

And every time it is swung, it feels more comfortable and clear, more and more happy and excited.

And its sound, in the ears of the speakers, becomes an absolute nightmare.

Now as soon as it hears Pokkisi's voice, its body will tremble, because an attack will fall on it in the next second.

And this attack is more painful every time.

Its majestic leader, the king-level elf, was treated as a toy by a quasi-king-level elf?

Furious emotions are not only unable to vent, but are eroded by fear and fear.

Unable to endure this humiliation any longer, he rolled his eyes and lay down completely, finally losing the ability to fight.


Pokkisi blinked his eyes, his movements slightly stagnant.

That's it?

it's over?

It's not even fun yet.

Xia Yan's attention has been on Pokkisi.

Seeing it stop, the fluctuating breath on its body did not remain stable at the peak, but tended to fall.

I understood immediately.

Isn't that enough?

Xia Yan's eyes rolled quickly.


Sorolla also understood Pokkisi's state, and quickly reminded him.

It swept across the field with its small hands.

Xia Yan understood, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

That's right, everything is missing on the battlefield, but there is no shortage of opponents.

Immediately, his superpower flashed slightly in his eyes, and he gave an order to the elves.

next second.

All the elves except Pokkisi ran in all directions.

Those team leaders and captains who were tired of dealing with the boss elves were suddenly intervened by Xia Yan's elves.

Before they could react, the figures of those elves blurred for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Pokkisi, who switched positions, waved his wings again.

boom! boom!

Accompanied by two muffled bangs, the boss elf, who was also somewhat confused, fell to the ground under Pokkisi's attack.

And Pokkisi, who had done all this, did not stagnate in the slightest.

Swap venues again.

In the blink of an eye, another boss battlefield had already appeared.

Two more air slashes, and then disappeared instantly.

for a while.

All the team leaders and captains, including Xingyue, slowly stopped their movements.

I saw a happy, excited, and tireless figure, shuttling back and forth on the battlefield, and every time it appeared, it was accompanied by two air cuts, and then appeared in another battlefield without the slightest intention of staying.

While Xingyue breathed a sigh of relief, Shi Yu's eyes showed shock.

Leader Xingyue seems to be able to end this siege alone.

Zhu Bei who didn't know when she appeared beside Xingyue couldn't restrain the surprise in her eyes, she murmured with little stars in her bright blue eyes.

More and more team leaders, deputy team leaders and captains stopped their actions.

They all silently looked at this perverted Poksky.

Although, Pokkisi defeated the leaders of the harvest because he had entangled with them in advance, and he was not in a good state.

But it's okay to beat one or two, and they will be stunned to harvest them like wheat.

Even the team leaders are like this, let alone those ordinary fighters.

They were all dumbfounded.

Xia Yan's Pokkisi once again refreshed their understanding of elves fighting.

So this is the real battle?

But Xia Yan didn't care about their reaction, and completely forgot his original intention of low profile. Pokkisi's state is the most important thing for him now.


There are indeed enough wild elves in this siege.

Give Pokkisi a big enough stage.

When the wild elves also realized that something was wrong and began to recede like a tide, Pokkisi's floating momentum finally reached its peak and gradually stabilized.

Xia Yan let out a long breath.

It's done!


Xia Yan shouted.


Pokkisi, who stopped his movements, was still immersed in the joy of bullying the weak.

After being woken up by Xia Yan, Pokkisi reacted belatedly.

I seem to have improved?


Before it could be happy about this, a sense of fatigue swept over its whole body and consciousness in an instant.

Xia Yan walked quickly and caught Pokkisi who was slowly falling from the air.

There is still a price for Pokkisi to output so recklessly.

It is estimated that a lot of materials will be consumed to restore the state.

But what Xia Yan lacks most now is supplies.

He smiled and rubbed Pokkisi's head, Take a good rest, and I will prepare something for you when you wake up.


For Pokkiss, nothing is more satisfying than a meal.

If there is, it is two meals.

In front of eating, stepping into the Heavenly King level has to be delayed a little bit.

Satisfied, Pokkisi quickly fell asleep in Xia Yan's arms.

Xia Yan took out the poke ball and took it back.

Taking a deep breath, his bright eyes surrounded the audience, and he felt refreshed.

Another main elf has stepped into the heavenly king level.

He is getting closer and closer to being the agent of the Four Heavenly Kings.

And from this day on, a new legend spread in the small celebration village.


Once an elf like Pokowski gets excited, he must never be provoked.

at the same time.

After celebrating the village, any tasks related to elves like Pokkisi will have a condition added.

If you meet an excited Pokkisi, run! Do not hesitate!

Even tasks can't be counted as failures.

And Xia Yan, who later learned about this legend, gave Pokkisi a new nickname. Bai Yajisi!


PS: I went to get vaccinated in the afternoon, so the update is a little late~~ By the way, the first group is full, and another one has been built. If you want to join the group, you can read the introduction. Those who join the group are the veterans~~

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