The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 832 Teacher and Student (Two in One)

At Liu Bo's request, Xia Yan pushed the wheelchair and led him to the side.

Go to the garden behind the Tower of Time and Space.

With the joint efforts of Dialga and Palkia, Baiyang Town has almost completely recovered.

Even the control room of the Tower of Time and Space, which was destroyed during the battle between Xia Yan and Ryuichi Hoshino, was restored by the way.

It can be seen that Dialga and Palkia are quite conscious.

When you come to the garden, under the warm sunshine, the whole garden is full of spring.

The elves living in the garden also recovered from the initial panic.

Mukle was chattering on the branches, and the big-toothed raccoon stuck its head out of the pool. With its cute eyes open, it seemed that it didn't realize what it had just experienced, and it tilted its head thinking about what to eat at night.

Under the rhythmic command of the loudspeaker cricket, the round mages in the grass clapped the gongs in their hands, and the sound of chirping and chirping added a bit of vitality to the garden.

A few three bees that fly by from time to time work hard, flying among the flowers, stopping on one of them from time to time, tasting whether the nectar can satisfy their queen's requirements, and spreading different pollen to different flowers.

Come to the shade.

The sun shines through the lush foliage.

Leave mottled light spots on the ground.

Liu Bo seemed to like this scene very much.

After entering the garden, he appeared very calm, and even his rigid expression eased a lot.

This scene was reflected in the deep eyes.

The deep pool in the calm eyes was rippling.

Xia Yan also showed a warm smile.

Only such a quiet, peaceful and beautiful elf world has its true value and significance of being protected.

Neither the old nor the young spoke.

It seems that they are immersed in this beautiful scene together, and want to blend into this harmonious world like a scroll.

The warm wind is blowing slowly.

Messed up hair.

Xia Yan took off his hat, yawned a long way, and suddenly wanted to sleep a little bit.

Summon out Little Six Tails. Uncle Liu suddenly said.

His opening also broke the silence of the two.


Xia Yan nodded.

Although I don't know what happened between Xiao Liuwei and Liu Bo.

But the little six tails definitely did a great job of making Liu Bo give up resurrecting his two Laplaces.


In the red light.

Accompanied by dots of snow-white crystals, Xiao Liuwei leaned over, propped up his forelimbs, and stretched long.

While yawning, a little white mist was released.

It took a while to realize suddenly that the current Baiyang Town does not seem to be peaceful.

His snow-white eyes rolled twice.


With a groan of pain, he clutched his chest and fell to the ground with a slap, pretending that he was seriously injured.

Seeing its cute appearance, both Xia Yan and Liu Bo smiled subconsciously.

Hearing their laughter, Xiao Liuwei's eyes quietly opened to the slits.

It was found that the surrounding environment did not seem to be damaged.

Turn your head slowly.

He saw Xia Yan and Liu Bo smiling at it from behind.

There was a little blush on the white cheeks.

But still grinning, he ran towards Xia Yan bouncingly, and fell into his arms.


He still didn't forget to wave to Uncle Liu and flick his tail as a greeting.

He turned his head and rubbed Xia Yan's arms back and forth a few times, leaving thin ice crystals, which slowly penetrated into water stains.

Seeing the little guy, Uncle Liu's expression softened a lot, and the smile on his face became more natural.

The little guy is very talented. Uncle Liu said with emotion.

Xia Yan nodded.

Little Liuwei grew up under the careful care of his mother, Bing Jiuwei. He has not encountered any hardships or injuries, and with the blessing of Kapu Momoo, his talent is not inferior to Xia Yan's other elves at all. .

He saw Uncle Liu take out a small package from his bosom.

Wisps of snow-white mist overflowed along the gaps in the package.

Seeing the package, the little guy's eyes straightened instantly.

These are some things I got during my early travels. I consumed a lot when breeding the boars, and there is a little left over, which is useless to me, so let's leave it to this little guy. Liu Bo said in a flat tone.

Listening to his tone of voice is very relaxed, Xia Yan will not foolishly think that this thing is very simple.

He even felt it.

The bag Liu Bo left behind was originally intended for the two Laplaces he resurrected.

Xiaoliuwei is now cheaper.


Xia Yan opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Liu Bo stretching out his hand.

The energy cubes you gave it are pretty good, but apart from the energy cubes, these gadgets can improve its use of ice-type energy.

Then he added, I've already given Sirona that little girl's share, so don't refuse.

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

and this.

As he spoke, Uncle Liu took out another crystal clear light blue crystal from his bosom.

Under the sunlight, it reflects colorful rays of light.

Seeing this crystal, Xia Yan's pupils shrank.

Hastily said: Teacher, this is too precious!

what is that?

Ice stone!

And it is also a top-quality ice stone!

It belongs to the kind of evolutionary stone that Xia Yan can't buy no matter how much money he has.

Even if many people get this top-quality evolutionary stone, they can't use it and won't sell it. Even if they keep it as a family heirloom, they can use it as a condition to exchange for the help of a top trainer when necessary.

At least.

If someone asks Xia Yan to do something with a top ice stone, Xia Yan will not refuse if it is not too difficult.

Uncle Liu didn't care.

The bag just now was for the little guy, and this is for you. If you call me 'teacher' anyway, it's just a greeting from the teacher.

Another meeting ceremony.

Another top evolutionary stone.

Uncle Liu is worthy of being of the same generation as Juzi.

Shot is generous.

Xia Yan showed embarrassment.

Chrysanthemum said you're just a bastard, why did you suddenly twitch? Liu Bo teased.

Uh... Xia Yan rubbed his nose, Juzi Laoyin, what does the teacher say about me?

Liu Bo shook his head, and stuffed the evolutionary stone into Xia Yan's hand.

Juzi has high expectations for you, otherwise, with her personality, she would never take the initiative to find Xuecheng, so don't let her down.

Xia Yan was silent.

Although Juzi has a weird temper, she really didn't say anything to Xia Yan.

Chrysanthemum definitely owes a lot to Xia Yan's steady growth up to now.

Otherwise, it would be very easy for Hoshino Ryuichi, a veteran king who has been rooted for decades, to deal with him openly and secretly.

Especially after Xia Yan saw Hoshino Ryuichi's true strength.

In this world, there is no veteran king who can be underestimated.

Seeing Xia Yan's silence, Uncle Liu continued:

You are not wrong in the direction of training the little guy, and the training is also very good, with your own goals. Some of my experience is not suitable for you.

After all, no matter how powerful other people's paths are, they will not be more suitable for you than your own path.

Of course, I also gave some tips to the little guy. If you don't understand anything, you can ask that little girl Sirona. She has listened to the whole process.

As for some minor ailments, this is an unavoidable thing in the process of growing up. Sometimes it is overcorrected, which affects its imagination.

Uncle Liu, who usually talked very little, talked a lot in a row.

It's all about something.

Xia Yan's expression became a little strange.

But Uncle Liu looked a little serious, Remember what I say next.

Xia Yan's spirit lifted.

My little boar can use the 'Frozen World' move, which is actually the same as Juzi's 'Ghost Corps'. It can be regarded as the result of the accumulation of our two old things for decades. It's just that I am more pursuing individual soldiers, and she is more Persistence and concentration.”

The so-called 'Frozen World' is actually a combined move of 'Frozen Beam', 'Blizzard' and 'Absolute Zero'.

Liu Bo's speech became very slow, and his voice seemed to have some kind of special attraction.

Xia Yan's breathing was slightly stagnant.

A combination of three moves?

He has tried to combine two moves into one move, and the power will be greatly improved.

But he reacted quickly.

Teacher, the little mountain pig can't learn 'absolute zero', right?


Uncle Liu was not angry when Xia Yan interrupted him.

But he quickly said: If you can't learn it, it doesn't mean you can't use it.


Xia Yan was taken aback.

To put it simply, 'absolute zero' means that elves use ice energy to minimize the temperature of condensed ice crystals, far exceeding the upper limit of the rest of the elves, resulting in the hit elves being unable to withstand the cold and instantly losing the battle ability.

Baby boars cannot learn 'absolute zero'. But what if it condenses its ice energy to a certain level, so that the ice crystals it can bring from ice moves exceed the upper limit of the elves?

Xia Yan lowered his head, thinking about Liu Bo's words.

In fact, it is easy to understand.

It's Liu Bo's little boar, the temperature of the ice-type moves used is already very low, so the effect is almost equal to absolute zero, and it doesn't matter whether it will be absolute zero at that time.

Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

Little Six-Tails will be able to 'absolute zero', so even if it can't reach the level of the little boar for the time being, as long as the 'absolute zero' is combined with other moves, the power will become very terrifying.

Uncle Liu nodded slightly in satisfaction.

The fit between 'Absolute Zero' and 'Frozen Beam' is the highest.

The combination of moves is also about the degree of fit, and it cannot be combined indiscriminately.

Otherwise, not only might the power not increase, but the power will decrease instead.


And the experience taught by Uncle Liu allowed Xia Yan to save the process of groping, and told him the best answer directly.

That's the benefit of a good and experienced teacher.

This is not a coincidence, because in my initial plan, this is the most gradual process, and I also started from Lapra.

As he spoke, Uncle Liu fell silent.

Xia Yan also slowly reacted.

Coincidentally, Laplace was also able to learn these three moves.

So Liu Bo originally designed the growth direction for his Laplace, but after his Laplace died, the little boar carried this part of his thoughts.

can imagine.

How much time, resources and cost did it take for a little boar to lower the temperature of the ice-type moves to the same temperature as absolute zero.

With so many resources, if you just change an elf to cultivate, it is estimated that it will not be weak.

So for Liu Bo's little boar, it doesn't really matter whether it evolves or not.

The temperature of its ice-type moves cannot be imitated by most ice-type elves.

Maintaining a small appearance makes it easier to get along with Uncle Liu.

After a while, Uncle Liu spoke again.

Little Boar can reach that level, luck, perseverance and resources are indispensable, among which luck is the most important, so I don't recommend you and Little Six Tails to imitate.

Xia Yan pressed his chin to express his understanding.

Without adventures, it is indeed impossible to reach that level.

Otherwise, there would not be only one Uncle Liu in this world.

Let's combine 'Absolute Zero' and 'Frozen Beam' first, and then try to add 'Blizzard'. I can give you a few suggestions, which should be helpful for you to develop combined moves.

Xia Yan and Liu Bo.

It's like a pair of real master and apprentice.

One was analyzing every detail and step of his own trick, the other was listening carefully and stroking the squinting little guy in his arms who was about to fall asleep.

The content taught by Uncle Liu is different from that when Sakagi taught Xia Yan.

The scope of Sakagi's teaching is wider and more knowledge points, almost everything is more or less involved, but every point is very useful.

But Liu Bo only talked about one thing.

He goes really deep on that, breaks down everything about that, but it boils down to just that.

And what he said today was something Xia Yan, a traveler, had never understood or been involved in.

Xia Yan knows a lot of tactics, and the flexible use of many elf moves and characteristics, which is due to the game masters in his previous life.

But what Liu Bo said really touched his blind spot of knowledge.

It's a bit like the ancient swordsmen who practiced drawing swords. They only had one move, and they only practiced one move, but they practiced this move very deeply and proficiently. They have been honing one move all their lives. When it comes to knives, it is almost unstoppable.

Liu Bo's content is very deep, which greatly makes up for Xia Yan's shortcomings of lack of knowledge, accumulation, and experience.

Then teacher, think about it in another way. Could it be that fire moves can be used in a similar way? For example.

A little surprise flashed in Liu Bo's eyes.

He is very relieved.

Xia Yanju's ability to draw inferences from one example shows that he has truly thought about the principles, rather than completely copying his own ideas and methods.

Teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish.

He is only good at ice, so he can only teach ice.

Xia Yan had to figure out the rest by himself.

While talking, Xia Yan suddenly fell silent.

Uncle Liu looked at him strangely.

Well said, why did it stop suddenly?

But Xia Yan raised his head, staring at him solemnly, his expression was indescribably deep, flickering.


Xia Yan pursed his lips.

Teacher, why do I feel that you are explaining the funeral?

Hearing this, Uncle Liu was startled.

Immediately haha laughed.

You kid, think too much? Old man, I still want to live a few more years. At least I won't leave until I see Juzi and Xuecheng get back together.

Heavenly King Liu Bo, I didn't expect you to be here, so what happened in Baiyang Town can be explained.


Ju Ye found Liu Bo and Xia Yan who were hiding in the garden, and walked over with a smile.

Ah, Kikuno.

Seeing the person coming, Uncle Liu's smile also subsided.

Juye glanced at Xia Yan who was standing next to Uncle Liu, then smiled at Uncle Liu and said, I'll push you to rest, and we, Sinnoh and Guan, will definitely express our gratitude.


Liu Bo responded lightly.

Xia Yan, I'm a little busy now, I'll send someone to look for you later, I have something to ask you. Juye said to Xia Yan again.

Xia Yan just nodded silently.

Looking at the two people who are gradually going away.

Put on a hat.

Pressed down.

The black brim of the hat blocked his sight.

Bitterness appeared on his face.

He said to himself: Teacher, others have told you about you, do you really not lie?

In fact, through guessing, he more or less understood the reason.

Nothing more than Liu Bo's relationship with Chi Ri put him in a bad situation.

As for Liu Bo's rebellion at the last moment, Chi Ri is likely to publish the content of their relationship.

Uncle Liu has resigned as the Four Heavenly Kings, but Xia Yan still learned the reason for Uncle Liu's resignation from Juzi.

Rather than saying that he was old and not strong enough, it would be better to say that it was his stubborn nature that failed in the struggle.

And this time, he will definitely be involved in unnecessary troubles again.


Still not a small disturbance.

Silently sighed, Everyone, they all want to save face.


PS: 1.1w! Ask for a monthly ticket~~

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