The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 824 It's Good to Have You (7000+)

It's really Hoshino Ryuichi!

Seeing that the black-robed man on the opposite side no longer concealed it, after taking off the wide hood on his head, he revealed that old face.

Du might find this face a little strange.

But Sirona is relatively familiar.

After all, they are the Four Heavenly Kings of their own region.

It's just that she couldn't think of it.

The four heavenly kings of the alliance.

It's actually getting mixed up with the Galaxy team.

But it was precisely because of his appearance that some previous doubts were resolved.

Team Galaxy captures the Gods of the Lake in the Sinnoh area, but it doesn't attract the attention of any alliance.

This is absolutely impossible.

Unless there is a high-level alliance covering them.

And this person must have a good status in the Sinnoh Alliance.


As the Four Heavenly Kings, Hoshino Ryuichi absolutely possessed such power.


Sirona whispered almost subconsciously.

When Du raised doubts before, she didn't pay much attention.

But when he really saw the appearance of Hoshino Ryuichi, he fell into deep doubt and confusion just like Du.

If even the Four Heavenly Kings of the Sinnoh Alliance can do such a thing, how many people in the Sinnoh Alliance can be trusted?

How many people are doing shady deeds like Ryuichi Hoshino?


Hoshino Ryuichi with neatly bristling hair was holding a cane, his face full of contempt and sarcasm.

Glanced over Sirona and Du, shook his head and said:

Still too young.


In his opinion, Du and Sirona are just too young.

The two people who grew up under the protection of the alliance and under the protection of their respective families and elders looked at the problem too simply.

As the veteran Four Heavenly Kings, he has experienced the development from the establishment of the Sinnoh Alliance to the current person who completely controls the Sinnoh area.

The blood and rain he has experienced is beyond the imagination of young people living in the sun of the league now.


Even when he reached the position of the Four Heavenly Kings, he didn't know how many lives he had buried.

There is no such thing as absolute loyalty.

Some are just interactions of interests.

He needs the title of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance for his own benefit.

And the title of Four Heavenly Kings would give him what he wanted.

It's that simple.

If you want him to give up this title.

very simple.

Just give him benefits or benefits that are more important than the Four Heavenly Kings.

Hoshino Ryuichi moved his gaze, and finally fell on Xia Yan with a serious face.

Hoshino Ryuichi was not surprised by Du and Sirona's reactions.

Only Xia Yan, who was the same age as Sirona, reacted a little too calmly.

Smile unconsciously.

Compared with them, what you have experienced is probably much more.

He made no secret of his admiration for Xia Yan.


There is no conflict between him and Xia Yan, and if there is no conflict of interest, he might appreciate Xia Yan very much.

It's no wonder that people like Juzi and Genji, who are also veteran heavenly kings, appreciate Xia Yan.

Because they can all see the shadow of themselves in Xia Yan.

The shadow of struggling to survive.


The conflict between him and Xia Yan has long been irreconcilable.

Xia Yan stared at the calm and determined Hoshino Ryuichi with a sullen face, his heart sank unconsciously.

He had already recognized the old fellow.

When they arrived at the control room of the Tower of Time and Space, Xia Yan guessed his identity when he saw his desert dragonfly and the cane in his hand.

The reason why it was not exposed.

It's because he's betting.

He was betting on Ryuichi Hoshino's cautious character, not daring to reveal his identity in front of the others.

He was betting that Hoshino Ryu was afraid to make a shot, and he didn't dare to make a full shot.

Give him time to awaken the gods of the three lakes.

As long as Xia Yan and the three of them are allowed to survive this incident, and the matter between him and the Galaxy team is revealed, many things will not stand up to investigation.

The influence of Xia Yan and the three of them now is not comparable to what they used to be.

As long as Ryuichi Hoshino did something dirty, the public opinion brought about by their words may pull this old guy down from the position of the Four Heavenly Kings.

can now.

Hoshino Ryuichi shot without hesitation.

No more scruples about identity.

It shows that he is ready to keep Xia Yan and the three of them here completely.

Afterwards, no matter whether it is pushed to the Galaxy team, or to the space-time Ssangyong, or to find other excuses, it is up to him.

Facing Xia Yan's fearless and flinching gaze.

Hoshino Ryuichi slowly narrowed his eyes.

The smile is restrained.

He said coldly: Now this old man will ask you again, did you do the death of that child in Longzaki?

The conflict between him and Xia Yan began with his grandson who died at Xia Yan's hands in a secret realm.

Facing his questioning.

Xia Yan grinned and didn't answer, but just said to himself: Let me guess what conditions the Galaxy team promised you.

Without any pause, he continued:

First of all, since Dialga, the god of time, and Palkia, the god of space, are involved, it means that the conditions for you and the Galaxy team are also on them.

It is impossible for Chiri to give you the double dragons. Palkia, the god of space, has little effect on you, so the target is probably Diyaluka, the god of time.

Red sun?!

Sirona narrowed her almond eyes.

After all, Xia Yan revealed the identity of Chiri, the leader of the Galaxy team.

It's just that this identity also exceeded her expectations.

First, the four Uranus Hoshino Ryuichi entangled with the Galaxy team.

The second is Chiri, the chairman of the Sinnoh Chamber of Commerce, a famous businessman, philanthropist, and entrepreneur, who is actually the leader of Team Galaxy!

This made the young Sirona feel that Shenao's water was too deep.

It seems that your identity is not as simple as it appears on the surface, but you know a lot of things. Hoshino Ryuichi's expression remained unchanged.

He didn't deny Xia Yan's words, which means that there is no dispute that Chiri is the leader of the Galaxy team.

The smile on Xia Yan's face was even bigger.

Another surprise from Sirona was ignored.

He also ignored the temptation in Ryuichi Hoshino's words.

Since you are the god of time, it must have something to do with time. With your character, it is impossible to take risks for a trivial grandson, so the possibility of you wanting to resurrect Hoshino Ryuzaki is ruled out.

Hoshino Ryuichi did not speak again.

But the danger in his eyes is getting stronger and stronger.

And the way of behavior that puts your interests first also excludes such unrealistic things as fulfilling your youthful dreams, retrieving your youthful elves, or your deceased lover.

Xia Yan supported the hat and pressed it down.

Let the brim of the hat cover his eyes.

Then the rest is actually easy to guess, there are only two remaining.

Hold up a finger.

Or, you found a powerful elf. But that elf is limited in lifespan, and it has reached the end of its life. You made an agreement with it to give it time. It will become your elf, and its strength can Let you go up another level.

Just finished.

Xia Yan shook his head self-consciously.

Tsk tut: Unfortunately, in my opinion, even if there is such a elf, you will not use such a precious opportunity and ability on it. After all, it is an elf that has not been tempered, how much time do you have left? Spend it on it?

The danger in Ryuichi Hoshino's eyes at this moment has become real.

If looks could kill.

Perhaps now Xia Yan has been torn to pieces by the fierceness in his eyes.

But Xia Yan, who saw the change in his expression, not only did not restrain himself, but became more and more excited as he talked.

The greater his reaction, the more correct Xia Yan's guess was.

Then Xia Yan raised his second finger.

But he quickly laughed at himself, waved his hand and put away his fingers.

Looking at Ryu Hoshino, he said word by word:

So, in fact, the deal between you and Chiri is already very clear, right? Do you want Hoshino Ryuichi, who is younger again?

For a successful man with one foot in the grave.

What they lack the most is not money, power, or beautiful women.

Of course, these things are also very important.

But compared with time, it can really be regarded as dung.


It is what he needs most and most urgently now.


Dialga, the god of time who has mastered the power of time.

Just have such ability.

And taking time as a reward is something the current Hoshino Ryuichi absolutely cannot refuse.

Hoshino Ryuichi silently watched Xia Yan set his goal.

Just like that, it was revealed little by little.

The ferocity in his eyes has completely subsided.

The deep eyes carried a strange expression.

Xia Yan shook his head, regretted and continued:

Tsk tsk, but it's a pity, I think with your talent, even if you are given another ten, twenty or even fifty years, you won't be able to go any further.

Faced with Xia Yanchi Guoguo's contempt and provocation.

Hoshino Ryuichi was not angry anymore.

His wrinkled face tightened into an ugly smile.

You really look too much like him.

He said that out of nowhere.

But Xia Yan frowned.

like who?

have no idea.

The old man has lived for so many years, and he still has some time to nourish his spirit. If you want to procrastinate, I have given you enough opportunities.

After all, there were several more elf balls in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

The whole body is tense.

He said he wasn't angry, but his gesture didn't look kind at all.

Whether Ryuzaki was killed by you or not, tell me, do you have any last words?

Hoshino Ryu opened the poke balls in his hand one by one.

He was not afraid that Xia Yan would delay time.

Because for this Galaxy team's action, he almost gambled everything and made perfect preparations.

this time.

Even when facing the challenge of Juye's position as the Four Heavenly Kings, he never took it seriously.

Now, facing Xia Yan and the other three little fellows, they didn't have the slightest intention of holding back their status as Heavenly Kings.

The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.


A hideous green monster appeared in the control room of the Tower of Time and Space.

For a moment, the sky was covered by yellow sand, instantly making everyone in the control room feel as if they were in the desert.

Dozens of sandstorms circled around, wantonly destroying everything around them, and finally gathered together slowly, centered on the ferocious terrifying giant beast, gathered together.

At this time, the destructive power of the sandstorm also reached its peak.

what is that?

In Baiyang Town, the residents who came out slowly because they felt the changes in Baiyang Town, all saw the terrifying sandstorm spreading from the top of the Tower of Time and Space at this time.

All of them held their heads high, watching this scene in shock.

The entire Tower of Time and Space was even wrapped in the sandstorm, gradually becoming hazy and unrecognizable.

This scene really seemed to be a sandstorm covering the sky and the sun, coming towards the overwhelming cover of Baiyang Town.

It even caused many people to temporarily forget the situation in Baiyang Town at this time.

The crystal-clear yellow sand seems insignificant, but when they are completely gathered together, this destructive force can definitely be ranked in the forefront among natural disasters.

Xia Yan and Du had also seen the sandstorm in Bishasban Kiras not long ago.

But even if that Bankira got the increase in dark energy, it was still worse than the sandstorm in front of him.

Beyond the Heavenly King-level Bakiras, is this the ability of an old-fashioned Heavenly King after fully displaying his power?

Xia Yan tightened his mouth and nose, even if he was covered by superpowers, these ferocious sandstorms seemed to penetrate into his seven orifices at any time.

We are our own people!


It wasn't just Xia Yan who suffered the baptism of the sandstorm, but also the members of the Galaxy team.

Even for some members of the Galaxy team with relatively ordinary strength, their elves lost their fighting ability just after being baptized by the sandstorm.

Sui Xing, the top cadre of the Galaxy team, had a sullen face.

Hoshino Ryuichi's unscrupulous, wide-ranging and indiscriminate shots caused the Galaxy team to suffer heavy losses, and she couldn't bear it either.

But there is no way.

She knew she was no match.

At most, they would protect a few cronies and step aside slowly, away from the center of the sandstorm.

Under the protection of their respective elves, Du and Sirona approached Xia Yan.

They looked rather embarrassed.

After experiencing several sandstorms, the flowing cloak on Du's back has become tattered and turned into strips of rags.

Sirona was not much better, and the large black windbreaker was torn into cloth strips by the sandstorm.

Frowning, she took off her coat, revealing the black tights underneath, wrapping her graceful curves.

Xia Yan.

The two shouted at the same time.

Xia Yan, who squinted his eyes and stared at the sandstorm, then retracted his gaze.

I didn't expect him to be so strong. Sirona's pretty face was serious.

In their view.

Hoshino Ryuichi, who was defeated by Kikuno and squeezed out of the position of the Four Heavenly Kings, and Hoshino Ryuichi, who was rushed to the door by Xia Yan's teacher Kikuko, even if he was the Four Heavenly Kings, he shouldn't be very strong.

Unexpectedly, this shot made them feel great pressure.

After all, he has been sitting in the position of the Four Heavenly Kings for so long, and he has never lost except to King Juye, Xia Yan said in a deep voice.

Although he thought that he already attached great importance to Ryuichi Hoshino.

But let's be honest.

The strength he showed was a bit beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

Any Four Heavenly Kings, any veteran trainer should not be underestimated.

I really don't know how Juzi slandered Xia Yan who was rubbing against him at the beginning.

Juzi's understatement affected Xia Yan's judgment to a certain extent.

Is this scary?

In the sandstorm, Hoshino Ryuichi's indifferent voice came.


An emerald green plant-like elf appeared in Xia Yan's sight with a hazy silhouette.

Seeing this elf, Xia Yan's eyes narrowed.

Cradle Lily? !

see you.

As a plant, the cradle lily, instead of being impacted by the sandstorm, swayed comfortably along the sandstorm.

Then countless fine roots spread out from under its feet.

The floor tiles of the Tower of Time and Space did not cause any hindrance to its roots.

These grounds drilled beneath the ground.

next second.

Xia Yan and the others felt that their throats were a little dry, as if the moisture in the air had been drained instantly.

at the same time.

Dragon King Scorpion! Dragon King Scorpion, what happened to you?!

Tank skunk!

Water, give me water!


Those of Team Galactic, and their elves, were the first to suffer.

Water diversion characteristics.

Xia Yan's dry lips moved slightly, revealing the characteristics of this cradle lily.

This cradle lily has a very high degree of mastery of the water diversion feature. What it extracts is not just the moisture in the air, but all the water sources around it that can be extracted.

Of course, it also includes the blood of those Galaxy team members and their elves.

After absorbing the water, the cradle lily looks brighter, and the red tentacles around its head are so bright red that they can squeeze out water.

The worst thing is.

Because the water was drained, the ground in the control room of the Tower of Time and Space began to desertify, turning into sand and blending into the sandstorm of Bankiras.

for a while.

Sandstorms became more ferocious and violent.


Bankiras is the absolute number one core.

And the cradle lily is the second core.

The two cores complement each other.

The power of Hoshino Ryuichi's sandstorm team has been raised by more than one level.

Hehe, you should be honored. Since this cradle lily was resurrected by me, this is the first time it has been exposed to others' sight.

Hoshino Ryuichi's proud voice came again.

The fossil resurrection instrument was first developed by the Sinnoh Alliance. As the Four Heavenly Kings, it is very easy to use it.

And his son is the head of the gymnasium in Celebration City. In Celebration City and Heijin City, it is the place where the most Sinnoh fossils are mined.

I don't know how much effort he spent to cultivate such a cradle lily with the characteristic of water diversion.

Even the backhand that had been hidden all the time was taken out.

He really has no reservations.

This is dual core.

Only two elves.

The rest of his elves were hidden in the sandstorm, and Xia Yan didn't even know if he had a third core.

All three of Xia Yan opened their dry mouths slightly, their hearts sank to the bottom of the valley.


The appearance of the Galaxy team was still within the tolerance of Xia Yan's plan, and the appearance of Hoshino Ryuichi completely tore up Xia Yan's plan.

Hoshino Ryuichi and the leader of the Galaxy team, Akahi, are two existences at the level of the Four Heavenly Kings.

This was the first time since the incident in Golden City that Xia Yan felt that things were completely out of control.

When he was in Jinhuang City, he was not strong enough.

But since then his strength has grown rapidly.

Not only did he catch up with Du, Sirona, Dawu and others who were the best among his peers, he even overtook them.

I am quite proud and complacent about establishing my own system early and building a lineup with it as the core.

Awakened superpowers and waveguide power.

Establish a friendly relationship with many mythical beasts.

Reached a sufficient tacit understanding with the leader of the Rockets, Sakagi.

Successfully killed the enemy Tom Lunchi.

One pile of one kind of thing is too smooth.

It went so smoothly that Xia Yan felt that he was not afraid of most of the world.

It made him think that he could perfectly handle the space-time double dragon incident in Baiyang Town, and even called two good friends here.

But at this moment.

A change in reality.

Just like a slap.

It slapped him hard on the face.

Then I didn't forget to add a few feet.

Woke him up completely from the swelling that he thought he was in control of everything.


Even if Uncle Liu found out and rushed over, it might be too late.

Calculate the strength of both sides.

Hoshino Ryuichi's Bankiras is a champion above the king!

That Cradle Lily wouldn't be weak either, at least it was far superior to ordinary Heavenly Kings.

Plus his other elves who haven't shown up yet.


triple core?

Even counting the top cadre of the Galaxy team, Sui Xing, who is watching covetously next to him.

Maybe the red sun is also rushing over.

And Xia Yan's side.

Even counting Darkley, who is not in an ideal state, Xia Yan's greatest reliance is Duolong Baruto, and the three of them's respective heavenly king-level elves.

The strength gap between the two sides is still very large.

the most important is.

The gap between uneven strength and a complete system.


Xia Yan's lips moved, and a hoarse voice came.

Although the sound is very soft, there are also noisy sandstorms next to it.

But because Du and Sirona were standing very close to him, they both heard it.

The two were obviously taken aback.

The disbelief in his eyes was stronger than when he saw the strength displayed by Hoshino Ryuichi just now.

They didn't expect it.

That has the current strength as an ordinary person.

That they all think that they are not rivals.

That best friend Xia Yan, who is talented in trainers, researchers, and even cultivators, actually apologized at this time?

Of course they understood what Xia Yan meant by I'm sorry.

That's guilt for pulling them into this incident.


Du punched Xia Yan on the shoulder.

That unreserved punch directly staggered him.

Seeing his angry face, he stared at Xia Yan.

Clenched fist.

You tell me again?

That posture seemed like a punk about to fight in an alley.

Even he, who is usually upright, swears, which shows how angry he is.

Sirona, who had taken off her coat and was wearing tights, also revealed her competence at this time, looking up and down Xia Yan with sullen eyes, kneading her fists, as if thinking about where to start.

Xia Yan was a little surprised by the excited reaction of the two.

But I don't know why.

He looked at the angry looks on the faces of the two of them, but he didn't mean to be angry at all.

He even felt a warm current flowing from the bottom of his heart to his limbs.

He rubbed his nose and pressed down the brim of his hat, so as not to expose his ugly side to the two of them.

I was moved.

But he tried his best to quibble.

Listen to me.

Du and Sirona hugged their hands at the same time and raised their chins.

Come on, start your show.

Du learned Xia Yan's words.

Xia Yan grinned.

The reason why I'm sorry to you is that I have kept something from you for a long time, and I am a little embarrassed.


Sirona showed him a delicate and tall chin.

Actually, besides the goblin system, I have another important discovery, but because this discovery is too shocking, I have kept it a secret until now.

A friend in need is a friend.

Du and Sirona have always regarded him as their best friend.

Even in the face of the current situation where there are almost ten deaths and no lives, there is no intention to blame him at all.

Even if Xia Yan's heart is made of iron, to be honest, he was touched.

Compare your heart with your heart.

Give your life completely to your friends, if you don't cherish such a person, you will be a failure.


A discovery that is comparable to the fairy type, or even surpasses the fairy type?

Du and Sirona looked at each other.

He also put away his joking appearance, and his expression became serious.

Xia Yan's solemnity made them realize that what he said next was very important, and might even affect the structure of the entire elf world.

The changes brought about by the goblin system are obvious to all.

It is more important than the discovery of the fairy system, so it can be seen how much impact it will have.

The two said in unison:

If you can get out alive this time, your secret is our secret!

Xia Yan waved his hand.

For the promise of the two, he naturally trusted 100%.

Absolute trust between them.

Built on the test of life and death.

Even life and death can be entrusted to each other, what else can't be believed?

Perhaps this achievement still cannot keep us alive, but it can give us a chance.

Say it.

Xia Yan spread his palms.

Two colorful bright stones lay quietly in his hands.

It seemed to contain magnificent and strange energy, which involuntarily attracted the attention of Du and Sirona.

This is.

Super evolutionary stone.

Confidence appeared on Xia Yan's face again.

With his own strength alone, he cannot compete against the opponent.

But with the addition of two friends, there is a little hope.

Super evolutionary stone?

Both said they had never heard of it.

Let me demonstrate to you.

Xia Yan didn't care either, but just said to let them be optimistic.

Say it.

Holding the keystone in his other hand, he nodded slightly to the summoned Big Needle Bee.

Sizzling beer!

The big needle bee seemed to be able to sense Xia Yan's state of mind, and nodded emphatically.

The super-evolved energy has long connected their hearts together.

I heard Xia Yan shouted in a low voice:

Big Needle Bee, Mega!

The energy of super evolution spewed out from the body of the big needle bee.

Under the widened eyes of Du and Sirona, the appearance and outline of the big needle bee changed under the rich super-evolved energy.

Evolve again!

Ferocious appearance, cold compound eyes, sharp long needles.

Super Big Needle Bee!

Looking at the super big needle bee that was completely exposed in front of the two of them.

Xia Yan suddenly felt that his hands were a little hot.

Du and Sirona's sight.

Let him feel a little scared.

The nightmare brought by Darkrai flashed in his mind.

These two guys, won't wait for themselves to lose their horses, and use super evolution to fuck themselves, right?

It took a while.

Du took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, Xia Yan, if you don't reveal this secret, I will bring it into the coffin.

Sirona looked at Xia Yan, her reaction was not as strong as Du's, but she also said word by word:

I'll listen to you.

It doesn't matter whether Xia Yan believes them or not.

What matters is that they give their commitment.

Xia Yan smiled.

Put away the somewhat unrealistic delusions of being persecuted in my heart.


Can make such three or four good friends in the elf world.

Really good.


PS: The recent plot is a bit grueling, written very slowly, with a lot of consideration, a little late, for the sake of enough weight, please ask for a monthly ticket~~

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