The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 807 Battlefield! (two in one)


Xia Yan didn't believe it.

Anyone in the Hunter's Guild can cooperate with Tom Luqi, but Q is the only one who can't.

It's not that he has such great confidence in a person, but because he judges not based on the actual situation.


The previous hunter was not lying, Xia Yan was sure of that.


There are only two possibilities.

Tom Luqi pretended to be Hunter Q, or hypnotized the group of people.

seeing is believing.

Xia Yan said something to himself.

In the darkness of night, he led the elves to the other side.

From the mouth of this group of hunters.

They are just a group of people guarding here, and there is another group of people who are not very good with them, on the other side.

Xia Yan's attack and killing them caused a lot of commotion.

At this time, the group of people is probably ready.

But that's okay.

As long as it's not Tom Luqi or other top seats, it won't be too difficult for him.

as expected.

When Xia Yan approached, the alert elves around who were already prepared sounded the alarm immediately.

next second.

Fire Beast, jet flames!

Flame Horse, jet flames!

Fire Eevee, spew flames!

Duckbill fire beast, jet flames!


Dozens of voices sounded.

Immediately afterwards, the overwhelming terrifying flames lit up the entire area.

Wherever the fire passed, countless vegetation turned into a pile of coke almost instantly.

Dozens of fire elves with different strengths are obviously not very strong in Xia Yan's view, but they can unite and convert quantity into quality.

In the firelight.

Xia Yan frowned.

With just this, Xia Yan can be sure that this group of people is definitely not comparable to the previous hunters.


For one-on-one, hunters who are used to licking blood with knife-edge, and hunters with stronger individual strength can suppress these people and fight.

But unite.

For hunters, what is unity?


The flame monkey strode forward, covered with raging flames all over its body, facing the overwhelming flames, it just punched out.

Fight fire with fire!

Boom—! !


The flames splashed everywhere, and countless sparks burst apart like fireworks.

The flame monkey's fist also stopped at this moment and was forcibly stopped.

Even though its individual strength is much stronger than that of the opposing elves, it is still only equal in the face of the combined power.

Gotha duck, water cannon!

Spina shellfish, water cannon!

Gyarados, water cannon!

Big-billed Gull, water cannon!


Following the assembled jet flames, there are dozens of condensed water jets.

In the spiral, the intersection.

In a bunch.


The sword monster with a strong shield stood horizontally, and a huge shield of the king phantom appeared in front of the flame monkey. Countless water streams hit the shield, but it did not cause much damage.

This is... Legion?

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed.


Although they are all composed of trainers, their existence and functions are completely different from the majority of trainers.

The biggest advantage of the legion is that they can command and walk in unison, unite relatively weak elves, and unleash attacks that far exceed the original strength of these elves.

Alliances have legions.

Managed by the Federation.

This is the reason why the alliance dares to delegate power to various regions, and at the same time, it is not worried about companies large and small.

Because even the German company has no legion.

The Rockets also have corps.

Xia Yan, one of the legion commanders, can be sure.

That is Ma Zhishi, the head of the gymnasium in Dead Leaf City.

He manages the electric unit of Team Rocket.

There should be other troops.

It is ruled by the top cadres and four generals.

They are Apollo, Athena, Lance and Lambda.

This is the information Xia Yan obtained from the Rockets' information. It is not clear what kind of strength and destructive power it has.

Whether the rest of the underground organizations have legions, Xia Yan doesn't know.

But the reason why the Rockets are special is that they pose the greatest threat to the league, and even the league has to compromise to a certain extent.

It is because of the existence of the Rockets Legion.

Why is Xia Yan's cheap teacher, Juzi, in a detached position in the Kanto Alliance?

Because she alone represents an army of ghosts.

Available here.

Although there were only a dozen or so of them, they cooperated tacitly, knew each other well, and the release and timing of moves were just right, which showed that they had definitely worked together for a long time, and they were qualified soldiers or even officers in a certain army.



In short, it can't be the Hunter's Guild.

The Hunter's Guild can have the most members among all underground organizations in the entire elf world.

But it is also the loosest.

If there is no external pressure, the Hunter Guild will continue to fight among itself, how can it be possible to cultivate the legion.

It's no wonder that this group of people looked down on the hunters who were slaughtered by Xia Yan at will.

One-on-one, they may be invincible.

But if there are more than a dozen people together, the hunters of the Hunter Guild probably won't be able to hurt even a hair of these people after they are all dead.

That's the power of a team.

Xia Yan suppressed all kinds of thoughts in his heart.

Get rid of them first!

It is very irrational to play head-on with the Legion.

A strong legion is strong, but its weaknesses are also obvious, and individual soldiers are not capable.


There are only a dozen people, not a legion at all.

Taking advantage of the gap between the shield and sword monster blocking the water cannon, Xia Yan's elves also acted one after another.


Xia Yan himself had already had the idea of ​​the legion.

Injecting more power into the unlimited defense system to form an infinite army, this is his plan based on Chrysanthemum.

The improvement of the elves' individual strength is one aspect, and the overall cooperation is another aspect.

A little more exaggerated.

Among trainers at the same level, the role of system and coordination is greater than individual strength.

Unless it's the kind that can explode in individual strength like Sakagi's Big Needle Bee.

And Xia Yan's unlimited defense system, and even the later unlimited army system, are very restrained by the army.

Legion strong.

But the Legion's weaknesses are also stark.

What Xia Yan's system is best at is catching weaknesses.

Use his strengths to attack his weaknesses.

Boom—! !

With the burst of fire.

The vanguard led by the flame monkey successfully tore a hole in the defense of the opponent's dozen or so elves.

Immediately afterwards, the hole grew bigger and bigger, and finally collapsed completely.

Defeating them is much more troublesome than defeating the group of hunters.

But the rewards are much greater.

Xia Yan stood in front of a corpse with a gloomy expression, playing with a poke ball that he took from the corpse.

Alliance Poké Ball!

The voice squeezed out between the teeth.

The League's Poké Ball has its own characteristics.

One of them is to install a survey device inside the poke ball, which can collect data and summarize it into the alliance's huge data network.

at the same time.

Finding the alliance's elf ball also made Xia Yan a little sure.

These dozen or so veterans are from the Alliance!

He glanced at the hunters in the Hunter's Guild and the gloomy cave under the guard of a dozen or so veterans.

There was an inexplicable halo in Xia Yan's dark eyes.

How could the alliance join forces with the Hunter Guild?


How could the alliance join forces with Thom Luqi?

No, it doesn't necessarily have to be a joint venture, maybe it's the backer that Tom Luqi has placed in the alliance.

Xia Yan's palm exerted a slight force, and the elf ball in his hand shattered under the pressure of the waveguide, and finally slid down slowly along the lines of the brown glove.

The signal is isolated here, so it is unrealistic to want to lock this person's information by investigating the alliance database.

He originally wanted to leave one or two questions just like he did with those hunters.

But alas.

They were much more decisive than Xia Yan imagined.

Knowing that Xia Yan could not be stopped, he decisively ended his life on his own.


It made Xia Yan a little creepy.

Walk out of a messy forest and step towards the cave.


A little silver-white guy flapped its wings towards him and rushed into his arms.

Little Rogia.

Gently stroking its back, the little guy narrowed his eyes.

With Xia Yan's current ability, it is very easy to find a place where Lugia can massage comfortably.

Walk slowly towards the cave.

Latios' super powers are fully activated.

Be wary of your surroundings.

In the darkness, Xia Yan's eyes flickered, thinking about the problem.

She knew I would come, but she still left two groups of people outside. What does that mean?

Wait? Or do you want to feel my bottom? Or do you want to convey some information?

I don't know, I don't know.

But it doesn't matter, the answer is all inside.

According to the description of Dull King.

This is the passage from Sanshen Island to another space, and it needs to be led by the God's Chosen One to enter.

There is nothing in the cave.

There is only one altar.

Xia Yan summoned the Big Needle Bee, put away the rest of the elves, hugged little Rogia, and walked towards the altar.

Xia Yan is already very familiar with this kind of thing that passes through space barriers.

Because of the existence of the big needle bee.

So there was really no hindrance.

Following the ripples on the altar, Xia Yan quickly disappeared into the cave.

Walking out of the passage, Xia Yan immediately threw the elf ball and summoned Hu Di.

With Big Needle Bee and Hu Di Gongwei, Xia Yan felt that his own safety was guaranteed to a certain extent.

Only then did I look around.

But soon stunned and puzzled appeared in his eyes.

Because the surrounding environment is almost exactly the same as the cave when he came in.

Even the altar is the same.

Boo woo woo?

Little Rogia also had doubts in his eyes.

walk out slowly.

Still the same forest, the same vegetation.

The difference is just.

Because of Xia Yan's raid and battle before, the surrounding area was already in a mess, but the place is still lush and green.

Mirror world?


look up.

boom--! !

A bright golden thunder thundered down.

Immediately afterwards.

Snowflakes as big as goose feathers are slowly falling.

But before it hit the ground, it was melted by the gurgling heat wave and turned into rain, pouring down.

Is this the battlefield that Dull King said? Xia Yan murmured.

God War, where are you going?

Cruel——! !

There was a loud and long cry.

I saw a frozen bird flying across the air quickly, and the blue ice crystals spit out with the movement of its mouth.

But then.

A group of fiery flames struck, facing Frozen Bird's Frozen Beam head-on, and not only did not fall into a disadvantage, but suppressed Frozen Bird.

The flames hit him.

The restraint brought about by that attribute made Frozen Bird sing endlessly.

Frozen Bird, who was already injured on his body, was even more overwhelmed after the flames passed, and fell towards the bottom.

Jie Jie has another one,

The old and hoarse voice was full of gloom, but the smile in the voice was beyond words.

next second.

A high-grade black and yellow ball draws an arc and throws it towards the freezing bird that falls from the sky.



The golden flocculent lightning was like lightning, and it covered a considerable distance in the blink of an eye.

A sharp long needle pierces out.

A well-made high-grade ball that bursts with a bang at this very moment.

Immediately afterwards, a superpower supported the frozen bird, causing it to slowly land in front of the cave, lying in front of Xia Yan.


Frozen Bird didn't completely lose consciousness. He opened his eyes and looked at the human standing in front of him, with anger in his eyes.

As if wanting to attack again.


The big needle bee that shot out came back to Xia Yan again, holding a long needle vigilantly.

Seeing the big needle bee, Frozen Bird was obviously stunned.

Xia Yan squatted down with a smile, took out a special spray for emergency treatment, and said:

Long time no see, Frozen Bird.

Frozen Bird was in a trance.

Then Xia Yan overlapped with a figure in his memory, especially the queen bee with the needle.

Although the big needle bee has also undergone a lot of changes, especially the breath.

But Frozen Bird still remembered.

This is the trainer and the big needle bee I met on Tianguan Mountain.

And this frozen bird was exactly the one that went to Tianguan Mountain after Xia Yan and Big Needle Bee were strong enough.

Sometimes, it's just such a coincidence.

Xia Yan summoned almost dolls.

The wound medicine spray has stabilized its injury, and it can be handed over to Qiqi Doll, there is no need to waste so much spray.

He is not Dawu, he can squander at will.


This incident, it is estimated that it will not be able to end soon, and it is better to save a little medicine or something.


Almost a wave of healing appeared on the doll, and soon enveloped the frozen bird.

at the same time.

A tyrannical fire-breathing dragon, full of anger, galloped towards where Xia Yan and the others were.

between wings.

The sonorous purple light covered the package, forming the appearance of a giant dragon.

Dragon's Dive!

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and wiped his waist with his palm.

In the red light, the fairy Eevee appeared.

Mist field.

Fairy Eevee understands.


The pink mist centered on the fairy Eevee and spread towards the surroundings.

The swift fire-breathing dragon rushed headlong into the mist, and at least one-third of its ferocious dragon appearance was instantly wiped away, and the movement of dragon energy also became stagnant.

The fire-breathing dragon was obviously stunned for such a situation that had never been encountered before.

But its attack did not stop there.


He sipped low, spoons were crossed, and super powers were intertwined and surging.

Several mental shocks hit the fire-breathing dragon falling from the sky.

at the same time.

The Big Needle Bee fluttered its wings and disappeared suddenly. When it reappeared, it was already beside the fire-breathing dragon.


The yawn bubble that flew out from Fairy Ibrahimovic burst, and the fire-breathing dragon's aura that had been affected by the mist field was affected again, and its eyelids kept beating.

The sharp long needle has the meaning of puncturing without hesitation, and billowing purple surrounds it.


Retreat with one hit.

With the puncture point as the center, purple lines spread.

Charizard is affected again.

The next moment.

Countless threads of superpowers wrapped around the fire-breathing dragon, pulling it down violently.

boom--! !

The ground was cracked and flying dust was raised.

Koga Ninja Frog, Water Cannon!

The Koga Ninja Frog that appeared in the red light was accurately hit by the surging water column.

Just a few moments.

The fire-breathing dragon who came alone, with the cooperation of Xia Yan and several elves, failed to stir up any disturbances.

Know that this charizard belongs to the enemy.

So Xia Yan didn't show any mercy when he started.

To kill the opponent is to strengthen oneself!

At this time.

The charizard's trainer was long overdue.

An old man with a stooped waist and white beard and hair.

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon that fell on the ground, and the frozen bird rescued by Xia Yan, his face was full of sullen anger.

But Xia Yan grinned.

It's just you, old man X.

The highest seat of the Hoenn District Hunter's Guild, Hunter X!


PS: I am asking for a monthly ticket at 1.1w~~ I feel that it is almost smooth~~

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